Over 10 years ago, the founder of Change Creator, Adam Force, started his first business on a budget. When you start your first business you usually don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on tools and contractors because there is a level of uncertainty in your mind and there should be. You always want to validate an idea on a small budget.
To operate lean you don’t just need to save money on the tools you leverage to operate your business. You need to develop some basic skills to manage and implement key processes yourself. This saves you money, time and makes you more valuable.
The items in this toolkit are all specifically selected based on tools that have been used by Adam for years with great success. Many tools have been tested and these are the one that was found to be most helpful. Of course, there are many more tools out there but we have not used them all. We are only sharing what we know and standby.
The key areas covered include:
- Video development
- Design and image creation
- Social
- Management
- Communication
- Lead generation
- Measurement
We can guarantee you will learn new solutions with this toolkit and they will empower you to operate like a pro without the high expense.