“Think of your personal brand statement as a ‘cut to the chase’ elevator speech.”
– Anonymous
Over 4.8 billion people have access to the internet.
That equals about 60.9% of the global population.
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital revolution like nothing we’ve ever seen before. From driving demand for internet access to skyrocketing global data consumption, the pandemic has served as a catalyst.
This digital revolution has resulted in an ever-increasing number of people hunting for jobs, freelance work, and high-ticket clients/customers within their niche over the internet.
But if you want to get hired, close deals, or convert high-ticket clients, you need to build a strong online presence. From your social profiles to your website, you need to not only position yourself as an industry expert but also someone who’s trustworthy, credible, and authoritative.
And that’s exactly what strong personal branding can help you with.
Want to attract real estate investors? You need to build a strong and bold personal brand.
Seeking a job? Same.
You may be extremely talented and perfectly capable of delivering high-quality service – but if your personal branding efforts don’t resonate with your offering and fail to help you build trust and confidence– your target audience will find it extremely difficult to count on you.
This means – you can be the very best in your niche yet still fail to convert clients and close deals.
I know that sucks.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it.
Numerous thought-leaders, business consultants, and influencers are hell-bent on building a strong personal brand. That’s because they don’t want to be a nameless part of a corporate brand anymore.
And my advice for you would be to do the same.
While creating your personal brand – I’ve seen most entrepreneurs, business consultants, influencers make two big mistakes without even being aware of it.
First – they don’t build a fool-proof personal branding strategy that helps them steer in the right direction and build growth systems that are focused on helping them achieve their goals.
Second – even if they do build a personal branding strategy, they don’t do it right. They fail to build a simple yet detailed statement or two that helps them showcase their expertise and USP.
This statement is nothing but a personal brand statement that’ll have a major impact on your personal branding efforts.
Some people keep it too informative and technical. On the other hand, others keep it too casual and forget to highlight the important parts.
Don’t make the same mistake they do.
To build a strong, rock-solid personal brand, you need to build a bold personal brand statement that’ll not only help you showcase your expertise but, at the same time, sum up everything about your personal brand.
Don’t worry if you’re facing a hard time summing up your personal brand statement. This blog post has been rolled out to help you understand what a personal brand statement actually is and the five best personal brand statement examples that’ll inspire you.
What’s a Personal Brand Statement?
Think of your personal brand statement as a slogan, tagline, catchphrase about you and your services.
But – it’s not just a catchphrase.
A personal brand statement is a one-or-two liner that sums up your brand. From helping you showcase what you do to your USP to who you’re trying to help, this statement will help you position yourself as an industry expert and leave a great impression.
At the same time, you need to make sure that it’s catchy – that’s the only way you will be able to make your audience remember and recognize you.
It needs to be strong.
At the same time – it needs to be informative yet short.
And most importantly, you should make sure that it’s catchy enough such that it keeps you at the top of your audience’s minds.
While building a personal brand statement, it’s critical to choose your words carefully. At the same time, you need to make sure that you arrange them in the right manner.
But in the end – this statement should be a perfect reflection of your USP, service, identity, and values.
Some tips while writing a personal brand statement:
- Be honest
- Make it memorable
- Choose an audience
- Showcase your expertise
- Highlight your USP
- Explain how you add value to your target audience’s lives
- Be concise
- Don’t make it too casual
- Don’t make it too technical
- Keep it simple and short
While I can go on and on – I want you to build a strong personal brand statement – which is why I’ve prepared a list of the five best personal brand statement examples to inspire you.
Let’s have a look.
5 Genius Personal Brand Statement Examples to Inspire You
Here’s our personal brand statement examples list:
- Aaron Orendorff
- Ann Handley
- Neil Patel
- Larry Kim
- Dave Nelson
Aaron Orendorff
“Saving the world from bad content.”
Millions of blog posts are published every single day.
The worldwide web is flooded with gazillions of content pieces.
And the bad news is – the majority of these content pieces are completely worthless and boring, and dull to read. On top of this, these content pieces don’t deliver value.
Most marketers, entrepreneurs, and businesses build content just for the sake of boosting their rankings on the SERPs. And while doing so – they produce content pieces keeping only the search engines in mind.
What they fail to focus on is the fact that their readers are humans.
Aaron Orendorff already knows this. Who’s this guy? He’s one of the high-grade content marketers on the world wide web and a regular contributor at Business Insider, Mashable, and many other major publications.
Every single one of his content pieces is highly engaging, well-researched, informative, and manages to keep his audience at the edge of their seats. Also, the content he rolls out is heavily focused on delivering actual value, unlike most content pieces published on the internet.
His personal brand statement “Saving the world from bad content” sums up his expertise. This statement is followed by a “B2B content strategy that’s built for humans, generates qualified leads, and scales over time.”
The reason why Aaron’s statement tops our “5 Genius Personal Brand Statement Examples” list is not only because it catches his audience’s attention but also sheds light on the biggest problem with content marketing. Also, he perfectly demonstrates expertise in his niche by having a perfectly aligned sub-headline in place.
Believe it or not – he has summed up his entire resume in just two statements.
And that’s a huge achievement.
Ann Handley
“Empowering ridiculously good marketing.”
And here’s the second entry in our top five personal brand statement examples list.
Those who aren’t aware who Ann Handley is – she’s a digital marketing pioneer and WSJ best-selling author. She inspires marketers to build marketing strategies that get real-world results. She’s the author of “Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content.”
Also, she has co-authored “How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business.”
She has contributed bylines and commentary to IBM’s Think Marketing, Entrepreneur Magazine, Mashable, Huffington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.
Her personal statement “Empowering Ridiculously Good Marketing” perfectly sums her achievements, expertise, and what she stands for. It’s short and on-point. Also, note that she has used the power words “ridiculously good” to generate buzz.
This statement is a perfect reflection of how good Ann is at what she does. She’s a great author and marketer – but at the same time, she knows how to build a strong personal brand.
This statement is followed by “Digital marketing pioneer, writer, speaker Ann Handley inspires marketers to create marketing magic that gets real-world results.”
This statement informs what Ann Handley does and gives her audience an idea that she helps marketers achieve what most consider to be impossible.
Neil Patel
“Do you want more traffic?”
Click here to listen to Adam’s insightful conversation with Neil Patel 🙂 Also, don’t forget to leave your valuable feedback on iTunes – that’s what keeps our founder going – your support matters.
Neil Patel is a digital marketing predator. He’s a ridiculously good marketer and helps marketers and brands level up their marketing efforts with his easy-to-consume yet informative blog posts and other content pieces.
He’s the co-founder of KISSmetrics, Hello Bar, Crazy Egg, and Neil Patel Digital agency. Every single one of these companies is focused on helping up-and-coming as well as veteran online marketers, as well as brands, level up their marketing game.
He’s really good at what he does.
And his content marketing efforts perfectly reflect this.
His personal brand statement “Do you want more traffic?” isn’t just a simple question – but it perfectly sums up what Neil Patel can help his target audience with. While his statement is simple, his years of experience, strong personal branding efforts, and reputation helps him back up his claim.
His personal brand statement sparks curiosity. Of course, brands want more traffic – this personal brand statement in the form of a question is his way of showcasing his expertise and conveying the message that he’s capable of helping brands boost their website traffic.
Larry Kim
“Be a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.”
Who’s Larry Kim? He’s the founder of WordStream – the World’s top PPC marketing software company and the CEO of MobileMonkey – a chatbot-building platform for marketing professionals and businesses. At the same time, he’s a search engine marketing expert.
Not many marketing companies are capable of delivering brilliant results. And you’ll find most of them to fail at what they do. His personal brand statement, “Be a Unicorn in a Sea of Donkeys,” helps him position himself as a unicorn in a world full of donkeys.
This statement builds a rock-solid impression and helps Larry generate massive buzz. He’s not highlighting his expertise directly via his personal brand statement. Instead, he’s using the power of words to position himself as a marketing pioneer. That’s the reason Larry’s statement made it to our top five personal brand statement examples list.
Also, he’s conveying the message that to actually stand out; you need to stop following the masses. You need to be different and special. This statement helps him not only show that he’s unique and special, but he also wants his audience to do the same.
Larry’s personal brand statement is fun and unique. At the same time, it’s catchy, and his audience is bound to remember it.
Dave Nelson
“I believe in you… Now you must believe in yourself.”
While most entrepreneurs, business consultants, marketing veterans, real estate experts, and people in other industries craft personal brand statements that help them position themselves as industry experts and share their experience and values, what you need to know is that not always does a personal brand statement need to be about you.
Yes – that’s right.
Remember – it’s your audience that will be reading this statement.
So, it makes sense that you build it for them.
Dave Nelson – a personal trainer who once struggled with obesity – he uses his personal statement “I believe in you… Now you must believe in yourself” to target his audience who lack self-esteem.
These days, people lack confidence. Obesity has a measurable and clear impact on self-esteem. If you’re overweight, the chances are that you may be feeling angry, frustrated, and upset.
At the same time, you may find it extremely hard to believe in yourself.
Dave faced the same problem once.
But – if you want to change your life – you need to believe in yourself.
That’s the only way you’ll be able to achieve what you want badly in life.
Dave’s personal brand statement makes his audience get up and take some kind of action.
He encourages his audience to believe in themselves – which makes his personal brand statement even more unique.
His statement is empowering. And it helps him connect with his audience emotionally.
And that’s what makes it so unique and catchy.
Build Your Personal Brand Statement Today!
If you already have a personal brand statement yet doesn’t make your audience take the desired action – then I hate to be the bearer of the bad news – it sucks.
Yes – I prefer being honest – that’s what helps me deliver exceptional results.
Your personal brand statement should:
- Be honest
- Be memorable
- Highlight your audience’s pain points
- Showcase your expertise
- Highlight your USP
- Simple and short
- Make your audience feel emotionally invested in you.
Inspire your personal brand statement using the five brilliant examples we’ve mentioned above.
Most entrepreneurs think of crafting a personal brand statement to be nothing but a formality. But – let me tell you this – it’s not.
This statement may be capable enough to help you close multi-million-dollar deals. Maybe – billion – who knows?
That’s the reason you need to put in your valuable time and efforts crafting a brilliant personal brand statement – for a better future ☺