Exclusive interview with Rockboost growth hacker, Daphne Tideman.
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In episode 38, we chat with Daphne Tideman, who is a growth hacker from the the Netherlands. She works with Rockboost, founded by Chris Out.
We discuss the various situations, from startup to established business, and examples for how to approach and track growth.
Growth hacking is a term coined by Sean Ellis and has made some waves through the marketing world during recent years. It’s a topic we have been interested in learning as much as possible about.
RockBoost is actually the first growth hacking agency from The Netherlands. They have successfully implemented their own proven growth hacking methodology (the 7 pillars of growth hacking) at more than 200 companies by serving as their trusted growth advisers.
Daphne has been with Rockboost since the start and has been helping them grow ever since.
“Everyone says they want to track things but they’re not always sure how to”.
Topics of discussion in this interview
- Based on her experience how does she define growth hacking?
- What and who is involved in growth hacking?
- Is this something you can do without a big budgets and teams?
- How they help startups who have limited resources.
- What do you need to know for any campaign you run?
- Examples of campaigns she’s worked on
- Is there a minimum investment to get statistically relevant results?
- What’s involved to get started with Rockboost?
- When and where you can get free support from Rockboost.
- Does she approach large businesses and small startups differently?
- Types of tools that are available for bootstrapping entrepreneurs.
- How can you track your campaigns?