Exclusive interview with impact branding expert and founder of The Brandling, Anne Miltenburg.
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Anne Miltenburg is a branding for social change expert. We have interviewed her a couple times now because we love her work and she has a lot to offer you in the area of branding. This interview is based on the third edition of her book – Brand the Change: The Branding Guide for social entrepreneurs, disruptors, not-for-profits and corporate troublemakers.
The book is a step by step guide to building your brand, plus 23 tools and exercises, 14 case studies of successful change making brands and 7 guest essays.
Today, the Brandling combines the power of tools, training and tribe to support change makers in building the brand they deserve.
The company was founded on one simple truth. Great ideas for change are evenly distributed. Knowledge and quality resources on branding are not. They asked themselves: how can a family starting a fair trade lemonade factory in Sierra Leone, get access to the same branding knowledge as a company like Coca Cola? Answering that question has taken us on a journey we would have never believed possible.
If you have not heard our first ever interview with Anne about branding you should check it out. Just click here.
Some of the questions answered in this interview…
- Why is this book important?
- Why did you create a third edition?
- Who picked up your third edition?
- Who is this for exactly? Is this information relevant for larger companies who want to reframe their strategy to have more purpose?
- How many case studies are included and why are they so important?
- What are some common challenges early stage companies face with branding?
- What are some of the biggest epiphanies you’ve had through your branding work?
Plus so much more!