5 Simple Ways to Make More Impact Locally

Businesses that have managed to find success in their local community should feel a sense of gratitude and a need to give something back as, at the end of the day, their community is the reason they’ve become as successful as they are. However, donating to local charities isn’t the only way to give back to your local community. In fact, there are many ways you can go about doing this and the best part is that there are actual practical benefits for your business if you focus on the right things. So, in order to help you out, today we are going to take a look at how your business can give back to the local community. 

1. Organize a fundraiser

Fundraisers are a great way to get the local community together in order to solve a common issue they may be facing. For example, if there’s an area of your town that’s run down and needs to be renovated or if there’s a local person who needs support you can step in and take it upon your business to be the ones to solve these issues through fundraisers. You can organize charitable events such as a sports tournament or just put together a big gathering for which you will provide the necessities such as drinks and food for people to come to and donate their money. This can be a very good way to give back to your local community as you will not only be solving a common issue or helping out a person in need but will also get everyone together and make them feel good if you are able to reach your goals.

2. Sponsor a local sports team

Local sports teams tend to be one of the main pillars of a local community as they allow for people to get behind a local symbol and connect with each other. Because of this, becoming a sponsor of a local sports team can be a great way to show your local community you want to support them through things they really care about. This can be even more efficient if the sports team has training programs for kids which you’ll be able to help with the funds it needs to operate as well as to keep the prices acceptable and get publicity in exchange for your support. 

3. Help preserve the environment

Another great way to give back to your local community is by helping it preserve its natural beauty and make a move towards environmental sustainability. In fact, around 70% of Americans think the environment is more important than economic growth which means general people would be a lot more thankful if you organize an event to clean up a local park than if you open a few extra jobs. There are many different ways you can help preserve your local environment as a business and one great example is that of the Jack Brown invest island project. Essentially, it aims to protect the paradise-like environment of an island in Indonesia through three simple steps.

The first step is a reduction in the general use of plastic which would result in a reduction of plastic waste. Secondly, it aims to increase the general awareness of local inhabitants as well as tourists have about the dangers of not preserving the environment. And finally, it believes that the education of younger generations is key as they will grow up learning the effect that waste is having on our planet and the damage that it can cause to the environment they live in, which is why they are organizing many different educational programs. Each of these three steps individually can be a great way to give back to your local community and should give you plenty of inspiration, to begin with.

4. Promote other local businesses

Finding other non-competing local businesses to partner up with is another great way to not only give back to your local community but also to help your businesses grow. By aiming to buy most of the products, services or materials you need to operate your business from other local companies, you will promote growth and increase the overall prosperity of your local community. However, it will also allow you to reach more people and thus end up being a big win for everyone involved. 

5. Encourage employee volunteerism

Finally, you also shouldn’t forget the role your employees can have in supporting the local community. There are a lot of businesses nowadays that encourage their employees to volunteer in local charities by giving them a specific amount of paid time each year to go out and volunteer. Doing this also has the added benefit of promoting a positive spirit within your businesses as it will encourage your employees to do good deeds but it can also serve as a great team-building exercise as your employees can form very strong bonds when volunteering together


When wanting to give back to your local community it’s important to remember that there are many options you can choose from but that you should also keep the capabilities of your business in mind. If there’s a way you can give back by offering the specific products or services, your business offers you should make sure to utilise them as they will have the smallest impact on your funds while at the same time helping you promote yourself. 

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