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If you’re looking for investment, what do you need to know today? We asked the managing partner of Bridge Builders Collaborative to find out from his perspective as an investor.
About Charlie:
Charlie Hartwell is the Managing Partner of Bridge Builders Collaborative, a group of highly successful investors who have been investing in start-up companies in the space of mental wellness, consciousness, and spirituality. A Harvard Business School graduate, Charlie has served and led organizations in 14 different industries, including starting a non- profit in the slums of Kenya in 1986 that has now served health care to several million patients. He also founded the first for-profit expedition company in US History to promote the Bancroft Arnesen Expedition – a historical 1,7000 mile crossing of Antarctica by two women who became the first to cross the continent on foot. Now Charlie and his company are passionate about supporting the growth of a new movement around mental fitness, heart-centered connection, consciousness evolution, and improved health care. Bridge Builders has invested in such companies as Pear Therapeutics, Insight Timer, Headspace, Happify, and others.
Learn more about Charlie and his work at >
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Transcription of Interview
(Transcribed by, there may be errors)
Adam G. Force 00:11
Hey, what’s going on everybody? Welcome back to the chase credit podcast show. This is your host, Adam force. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. Now if you missed the last episode is with Mandy Barbie. And we talked about overcoming stressors so that you can thrive in your business and your life. This is such a fun conversation, but also really impactful, great insights about mental blocks and really stepping up your game as a business owner, a CEO of your company, and taking your life really to that next level. And we all have these blocks and challenges and have to deal with stress and anxiety and things as we go through these processes. So really great conversation. So if you missed that swing by check it out. Today we’re gonna be talking with Charlie Hartwell. He is one of the managing partners over at a company called bridge builders collaborative. And basically, there are a bunch of successful investors, right and unconscious companies. He has served and led organizations in 14 different industries, including starting a nonprofit that was actually in a struggling area of Kenya, and is now serving healthcare to over several million patients. So he has a lot of interest in experience. And we wanted to talk with Charlie because he has the investor perspective. And I know a lot of you listening might be looking for investments. So we wanted to just see what he had to say about the space and what you need to be looking out for. So hang tight here, and we’re gonna get into that conversation with Charlie in just a minute. Guys, if you are, I know as you know, with this pandemic going on, there’s a lot happening. And more and more people are coming to us and looking to get into the digital space, which makes sense, right? It’s a little bit more recession proof. And so, you know, our program that we have is called the captivate method and this is one Where we’ve been supporting people this program is, it’s not just another course or anything like that this is, you know, getting on calls Live Twice a month getting real coaching one on one to support you, and get you from point A to point B as fast as possible in the digital space. It’s about creating a digital system that has the application of really powerful storytelling so you can connect with your audience, right, build trust, and really get consistent sales. That’s the idea you want to get attract the right leads and get consistency. So if this is something you need help on and you’re looking to, you know, ramp up, then this is definitely a good opportunity for you, and you can get on our waitlist right now. So you go to Change Creator calm, and you’ll see in the menu or on the homepage, a waitlist that you can join for the captivate method, and you’ll just start getting some emails. We’re going to give you some information and then you’ll get an invitation to our master class. That master class will be an opportunity For you to see how this program can really help you so that you can make an informed decision and and we hope to see you in that community. Such a great group of people. So this could really be your tribe if you’re looking to make a difference in the world, and you really want to scale your digital marketing and business really, okay. So guys, we’re not gonna, we’re not gonna hold off much longer here. We’re gonna get right into this conversation with Charlie and see what he has to say about the investor space right now. Okay, show me that heat Right so we should be rocking and rolling. I’m just gonna double check settings because I haven’t done a zoom interview in a while. Make sure we’re good. Audio Yes, video. Okay, cool. I think we’re good to go here.
Charlie Hartwell 03:53
Adam G. Force 03:55
All right, Charles. Now do you like Charlie Charles? What’s your woody
Charlie Hartwell 03:59
Charlie? Charlie, okay, sure.
Adam G. Force 04:02
All right, here we go. Three, two and one. Hey, Charlie, welcome to the Change Creator, podcast show. How’s everything going today?
Charlie Hartwell 04:09
Good Adams, good to talk to you.
Adam G. Force 04:11
Awesome. Yeah, I appreciate you being here and taking the time. Sounds like you got a lot of interesting stuff going on. And we always love to hear from the investors perspective. So, you know, I know you have some current events and shifts going on. So tell us just a little bit about what’s going on, you know, lately, like, what’s the latest? What’s the greatest and what’s happening in your world?
Charlie Hartwell 04:32
Yeah, so I’ve been working for this group called the bridge builders collaborative. It’s a group of high net worth individuals have been investing together over the last eight years in the space we used to call mine training. We, you know, we’ve invested in several things that are going to scale in that space and our partners got together a year ago and sort of said, How can we best use our capital to inspire and invest in tools For inner well being that bridges sort of the human energy to make social change possible. And we’ve shifted to kind of saying how do we invest in things that go deeper into the human experience? And you know how to create paradigm shifts.
Adam G. Force 05:18
I love that. And so, can you tell me a little bit about when you say create a paradigm shift? What does that mean to you?
Charlie Hartwell 05:28
I think a paradigm shift is about sort of changing our stories changing. It like living more authentically, it’s authentically creating shifts in society so that we get we become more focused on our mental and you know, in our inner well being as opposed to just our physical well being, which we spent a lot of time focusing on as a society. How do we create a paradigm shift to looking at Who are we? How do we live to be our authentic show that our authentic selves? How do we sort of get through and get past trauma the toll on us back from living the life that we’re meant to live?
Adam G. Force 06:16
Yeah, yeah, I like I like when you said changing our stories. You know, we all have stories and internal narratives that are built from years and years of just living life and the people were around and things we do so kind of starting to acknowledge what those stories are and seeing which ones serve you and which ones you need to unlearn and which ones need to now start learning. Right. It’s powerful stuff. So I love to hear that and I think we are in an age where authenticity is more important than ever I was, I was actually reading the latest Edelman truth barometer special report for 2019. And right now, less than 50 bucks. percent of the general population are trusting businesses. And, you know, when you hear a number like that, you just start to think, man, there’s just a lot of phony baloney out there. And people have their guards up over years of just bad marketing, right, and deception and false claims and so that authenticity is something people crave. Do you agree?
Charlie Hartwell 07:21
I agree, you know, my wife who’s a what the one that that got me into this space, you know, talks to us a lot about about human conditioning. So as we grow up in, you know, in societies, whether it be our family systems, the schools, we went to the churches we might have gone to or whatever religious institutions, we get conditioned, and a lot of times that means getting conditioned out of whom our authentic selves is. And you know, for a lot of people that I talked to, there’s kind of a journey back in their 20s or 30s, maybe their 40s of like, how do I reconnect with my authentic self and then how do I want to use my authentic gifts to Create whatever the life is that I want to create for myself, that also hopefully improves our society.
Adam G. Force 08:08
Exactly, exactly. I mean, that is why that is why Change Creator actually started because I was I was working at Web MD for 10 years as director of strategic marketing. And I had an experience where I had my own epiphany. And I started realizing that I wasn’t burnt out and from overworking or travel and long hours, it was because I was doing something that was misaligned, it was doing something that wasn’t meaningful to me. And that’s boom, it just hit me right there. And that’s when everything changed. And this whole mission started.
Charlie Hartwell 08:39
Yeah, took me a lot more suffering than it seems like it took you in order to get to that same moment,
Adam G. Force 08:46
That was a very abbreviated version. But, you know, we all have our own path, right? So we all will will find our way and hopefully, you know, like, it’s funny because when you finally get there and you’re waking up every day, and you’re actually now live Being this new trajectory of your life, you start to look back and be like, man, like, what was I thinking before I was I sleepwalking? Like where was I? You ever have that feeling?
Charlie Hartwell 09:11
Oh, yeah. No, I mean, for me, it was not waking up every morning it was just waking up as a human being and sort of saying, Wow, I was living, I was programmed to be as opposed to life I was meant to be and how do I uncover? You know, once I had that sort of wake up epiphany, it’s kind of like, how do I uncover what’s ever getting in my way from living to what, you know, my authentic self wants to live and, you know, it took some work and some years to kind of get through some of that and and there’s a lot in for me, there was a lot of letting go. People have stories, beliefs, in you know, that I needed to let go of in order to kind of live a more authentic life.
Adam G. Force 09:58
Yeah, and that’s the hard thing. I think for a lot of people, and it’s something that’s probably an ongoing life journey to be able to actually acknowledge what is serving you and what’s not, but then actually being willing to let them go, right? Whether it’s friends or certain narratives in your mind, or even, you know, just the people who are around you and you move, but you know, we always rationalize things to say, Well, I’m a little different. So for me, it’s this or for me, it’s that and we don’t want to accept things always find a way around it, to convince ourselves otherwise, you know,
Charlie Hartwell 10:34
yes, and my wife, you know, again, as I was going through this, you know, my own experience, she talks about how when we decide to make these dangers to become our authentic self, those who love us the most are the most resistance, or those who say they love us the most are the most resistant to that because they’re used to us, is you know, being in a certain box might have been created, and so is You know, you break free of that. It can be hard to kind of, to there’s an adjustment that happens, whether it’s family systems or friend communities or people, you know, can either go along with you on that ride or you need to let them go.
Adam G. Force 11:15
Yeah, yeah, makes sense. Definitely. Now, tell me a little bit about the companies. You’ve been investing in what what you’ve been looking for. And then, you know, I know you’re, you’re, you’re leading into this health space, and just where you’re going with the investments now.
Charlie Hartwell 11:33
Yeah, so over the last, you know, over the last eight years, we’ve made 12 investments. We’ve made a couple investments in the digital therapeutics space. So we were one of the first investors in a company called para therapeutics. Sort of the first FDA approved software for addiction recovery. We invested we’re an early investor in a company called headspace, which sort of helped bring Meditation to the masses. We invested in a company called Muse brain sensing headband helps people to meditate. Oh, yeah, you know, you can read your brainwaves. We have, you know, invested in a company called hapa phi, which really is it was a mental behavioral health, sort of gamified the science of mindfulness, positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy. And now, you know, is is itself becoming a digital therapeutic. So a lot of investments in kind of the space of, you know, helping to bring mindfulness into the mainstream. And, you know, with the shift that we’re now making, you know, we want to go deeper than that, and sort of deeper into some of the things you and I were talking about earlier about, you know, how do we invest in people’s social wellness and then in their, their, their relational well being Or their spiritual well being? How do we go from getting people sort of on the map, you know, to meditate to getting off the map to creating the social change that it resonates with their purpose? How do we training the mental well being
Adam G. Force 13:16
etc? Sure, yeah. And so, when when you do find, I guess I’m curious and how you guys discover companies and organizations that you’re interested in. So are they reaching out to you? Do you guys have a process for what you’re, you know, where where do you find them? And how do you discover these companies?
Charlie Hartwell 13:37
I’m just curious how that plays out. We have a really good network and and over the last eight years because of our because of the way that we invest the value that we add, and sort of our social mission combined with, you know, our desire to create abundance you know, through you know, finance And social returns. A lot of people naturally, you know, come to us. There are conferences that I attend. And you know, as well, where I find new entrepreneurs, but a lot of it just comes through sort of the reputation that we’ve developed, if people are in this space, they tend to know who we are. And, and for us, I’d say deal flow is, you know, it’s not the problem. I think I’ve probably looked at, you know, 1000 companies over the wall. And that’s kind of exciting, actually. Because, you know, before that time, there really were very few investments in the space. So the great thing is, the space is expanding. There’s a lot of entrepreneurs who have, you know, interesting ways that they want to bring these kind of solutions to the marketplace. But, but, you know, people find us through various ways
Adam G. Force 14:58
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And so I guess just to piggyback off that, when you do decide that something might be up your alley, what do you look for to say, you know, like, you know, everyone’s always wondering and they come up to our audience will come to us and ask and say, Well, what what goes in a pitch deck? Like, what what do investors look for? And I think there’s some commonality and interests for things like that of what an investor might look for. But there’s probably also differences in preference and what’s important to different investors. So I’m curious if there’s some key things off the top of your head that are important for you to see from potential company that you invest in?
Charlie Hartwell 15:41
Yeah, that’s a really good question. So the first thing, I’ll just say there’s green. The first green is kind of a social game. So I imagine if we were to invest in this company, what would be the positive impact to humanity? And, you know, if I can’t see that, if I can’t see that, that’s, there’s a really big change that can happen, then, you know, I kind of screen that out, then then we look for if there are assignable validation for the product or platform, the next you know, barely really key pieces, you know, who is the entrepreneur? And when we look at it, you know, for entrepreneurs, what we look for are people. Number one who have managed egos. Number two, who have integrated, whatever they’re trying to bring out to the world. Number three, are they good team leader, do they listen, and and, you know, do they have some experience, you know, as an entrepreneur, then you know, we kind of look for stage where we’re normally around the series A. We’ve made exceptions in the past to that, but that’s kind of that’s Kind of normally where we play. And then, you know, the last thing I look at is if we were, you know, to make this investment, Can I, can I see a return on investment for our
Adam G. Force 17:11
investors? Yeah. And are you usually looking for return on investment over long term or
Charlie Hartwell 17:18
hort term, we tend to be patient investors. And, and at the same time, if there are opportunities, you know, to get a return on investment sooner, that’s fine. But we have tended to be both patient and follow on investors. So if I look at the, you know, 12 investments that we’ve made, our partners have tended to invest, you know, in almost every round of every company, once we make an initial investment, we tend to be very committed and in it for the long you know, for the long term and if the long term turns out to be short term Guess that’s okay too. But we really want to support the entrepreneurs. And, and I think one of the other things that I look at Adam, is whether or not we can add value because we’re not in. We’re not in in these investments to just, you know, make money from them. We want we have a lot of value add that we can offer companies. And we’re, it’s, it’s, you know, it’s one of our passions to be a value added investor. So I look and say, Look, can this company utilize the value add th t we have? As another one of o
Adam G. Force 18:35
r screens? Yeah, I mean, I think you just answered a question that I had kind of percolating, which was, you know, are you a strategic partner or just a, you know, financing and investing and it sounds like you guys help out with maybe your networks and Intel intellectual property and stuff
Charlie Hartwell 18:51
like that? Yeah, I kind of look at it. We have a model that’s, you know, sort of like a four c model. You know, caches The least important thing that we’ve been to the table, we bring people in the space, we bring a tremendous, you know, amount of connections, we, you know, our partners have run some very large companies and enterprises. And so they have a lot of counsel, you know, for the entrepreneurs if the entrepreneurs needed at various times. We also bring credibility, you know, in the in the space, we’re a really well known investor, and oh, you know, that’s one of our season then at the end of the day cash is as I said, that’s, that’s the least value added thi
Adam G. Force 19:36
g we burn. Gotcha, interesting. So let’s just take a little bit into what what how we’re defining or you guys are defining living the that healthy lifestyle that you’re now trying to promote where people are, you know, meditating and doing certain things for self care living authentically. You know, I recently read something that, you know, like we all we all seem to be chasing happiness. And I read something where it said, happiness is not the primary thing that people are yearning for. It’s actually meaning. What do you think abou
Charlie Hartwell 20:16
that? I’m totally in resonance. Yeah, a lot of happiness chasing, and actually, you know, living life, like, I would say, you know, you can observe, you know, you can observe a difficult situation or with your angry or something, and you can still be in a very, you know, in a very good state, you it’s not about being happy every more moment. And I absolutely agree. When we just chase that, I don’t think I don’t think people are very fulfilled doing that, and, and I don’t get necessarily leads, it actually probably leads to more stress. I rather, I’d much rather live a life It’s authentic than a life that’s just happy. Yeah, way The more I do that the happier I am, but happiness isn’t about chasing something. It’s about a plac
Adam G. Force 21:10
of being. Yeah, yeah, I like that it’s true. You know, I one of my favorite philosophers is Alan Watts and He always talks about abbreviate this is, you know, when we play music, we’re the point is not to get to the end, right? The point is to realize that it’s not a journey. It’s it’s music so you’re there to just dance. And that’s kind of like how we look at life is like what are we racing towards? There is no end that you’re racing towards you should be enjoying the music. Yeah. Well, yeah, yeah, he’s interesting character. So you know, I you know, I Change Creator. Obviously, we are all about the social entrepreneurship approach. We don’t have a specific focus in health, but we do believe that people are going to live happier lives. When they wake up, and they are doing something that’s meaningful to them, right, and I, you know, I interviewed Nasri Sheikh and she was like she was a child slave for for many years. And I spoke to her because she started to she got out of that somehow in Nepal. And she started two businesses. And my last question, I was at a conference in Toronto, and I was interviewing her and I asked her, if there was one message you could share with the world, what would it be? And she said, to dig deep and live your truth, because that’s the biggest contribution you can make to the world. And I thought that that really resonated with me and I think that, you know, get helping people not only, you know, come to grips with, you know, who they are or, you know, become comfortable, like through a process of meditation and stuff like that, but to actually figure out how to proceed in life and because right now, like, Don’t you feel like or you probably see a lot of people where they’re kind of hooked into a pattern, and I think you said it really nicely before. way that you are programmed versus waking up and doing what you really should be doing with your life. It’s hard sometimes to to figure out how to approach that new that new lifest
Charlie Hartwell 23:10
le, right? Okay, so we’re going to change topics a little bit if it’s okay with you. So let my last name is Hartwell. And when you figure it out, that’s a very head driven exercise. For me, when you’re living in your heart, you know, then you don’t have to figure it out. You just have this knowing and the sensing and you from from where I said, you know, you can sort of if you understand who you are, and what your purpose is, and sort of what your energy is all about, then you can be in resonance and you actually don’t have to figure things out. You can sort of set you can live an intentional life, and then watch things unfold in front of you, and just enjoy the pure Folding and like, enjoy the maybe it’s not the right that the tapestry of what’s created when you set an intention, a life sort of from
Adam G. Force 24:10
the heart. I think a key word there is intention, you know, doing things in your life with intention, I guess should always be the case and is really valuable, I guess where I would struggle and we’re we see a lot of entrepreneurs who are trying to live, you know, their best life is that, well, they still have to, you know, we live in a capitalist system, which means we have to have money in order to pay for food and housing and kids to go to school and obviously, you know, things are getting more and more expensive. So, you know, they end up starting these businesses, which is like their dream and what they’re all about, but they can’t figure out how to create progress with it in this system, so they ended up going back to old patterns of jobs and stuff that they don’t like, which is that, to me is hea
Charlie Hartwell 25:02
tbreaking. Yeah, I agre
Adam G. Force 25:04
with you. So you see a lot of that. And, and I guess, so you got to find that balance a little bit. And I think there’s so many people out there too, they have this passion, and they just don’t have certain technical business sense. Just because that’s just not where their experience
Charlie Hartwell 25:19
you know. Yeah, I know, I hear that because I, you know, I speak to a lot of entrepreneurs and I, my, my, some that I speak to, like, really are like, they have great intentions. And they’re, you know, they’re real visionaries. But but but they’re not always grounded in this third dimensional reality that you’re talking about, which is which is very much about like, how does this system work? It is it is a system that you know, energy is driven a lot by by money. Distribution is about how do you get your ideas out there. Sometimes, you know, sometimes if you’re not grounded you know, and understanding that it can be even, you know, it can be challenging. I know some of the most brilliant people that have these ideas, but they can’t like bring them down here to the planet. Does
Adam G. Force 26:16
that make? Oh, yeah. Oh, no, it definitely makes sense. Or they either can’t figure out how to bring them down to earth or they’re afraid to, they’re afraid to to try because it’s so unknown. So they could have a beautiful idea. And they could have all the willpower in the world to figure it out and operate it, but they just need to understand how to make that happen. You know w
Charlie Hartwell 26:39
at I mean? If they need it, yeah, there’s a there’s a both and they’re from my perspective, they need to understand how to make it happen, and they need to understand that they’re not if you let go like you’re not in charge of how it’s going
Adam G. Force 26:53
to happen. Right, right. Yeah, I mean, I noticed that a lot of social entrepreneurs. They want to To do so much to give to the world and contribute that they actually don’t, I mean a lot of people don’t like money because they see it as you know, the root of all evil we’ve heard all those those sayings and things like that and I get that because there’s obviously some some really negative behavior that is triggered from money and stuff like that. But when they have that mindset, I noticed that specifically social entrepreneurs, they tend to almost have a fear block when it comes to actually making money so it holds back growth, no matter what their intention is. So it’s like there is like a skill set around that part of it right? So you have like living your truth doing what’s right you know, like taking care of being authentic, all those things. And then to actually understand well, business making money, like those are skills themselves, I think and really something that people will have to start to learn to kind of, you know, turn their life and work into like one harmonous thing.
Charlie Hartwell 27:57
Yes, and or to find a team Were those where they can be the visionary self or whatever their self is. But yeah. And collaborating with other people that have the gifts that they don’t have and yeah, hundred percent that when you find a team where somebody says, You know, I know this, but I don’t know that and I trust so and so, you know, wit
Adam G. Force 28:20
the money Oh, I’m not great at that, but I trust this person. I think when you you know, find those kind of teams that are, you know, that are in resonance with a mission but all understand and appreciate each other’s gifts and skills. Those are stronger teams. I love that. I think the key thing right there you said is that they’re in resonance with the mission you find people that have the passion that you have, and you know, maybe they have a skill set around the finances or the marketing or whatever it might be. As long as you have validated your your business and product then you get those guys on board and having them Mission aligned is realy the key.
Charlie Hartwell 29:02
Yeah. And maybe, you know, can I maybe provide an example of one of our companies
Adam G. Force 29:07
Of course. Yeah, yeah , dive in
Charlie Hartwell 29:09
So so a couple years ago, we invested in a company called insight timer. Insight timer is company based in Sydney, which probably is the largest library of sort of meditation or conscious, you know, audio in the world. They have 5000 teachers globally the teach, you know, that have meditations or music or talks. And there’s, you know, 12 million people on the platform. And when we invested, you know, yeah, I look at the return, but I look at the abundance that’s created, we invested when they had a community of probably, maybe, you know, 6 million people, and they wanted to take a free community and begin to create more abundance recharging subscription, It’s still free for anybody that wants it around the world, there are 30,000 free meditations. But at the same time for people that want, they can buy individual courses, or they can buy a subscription as you know, sort of special features. And as I look at that, from an energetic exchange, and from a place of abundance, when you provide all of that you have the abundance of the free for those who want to be free, you have the abundance of, you know, 5000 teachers who are getting paid 50% of what comes into the platform. When people do pay, and, you know, look at the abundance for you know, as they’re able to charge, you know, actual money for value, then they can hire people, and at the end of the day, then investors do better so everyone wins in an energetic exchange. And, And to me, that’s a really cool model of Yeah, money’s involved, but money is actually just about creating abundance.
Adam G. Force 30:59
Yeah, that sounds Amazing. It’s and it says, you know, these meditation apps seem to do really well. It sounds like they have a pretty big base.
Charlie Hartwell 31:08
Yeah, they have a big base. And what I like about you know about it is they have that big base and they’ve never spent any money on marketing because it’s all sort of organic versus You know, a lot of the other meditation apps are really all about marketing and acquisition and, you know, paid and this is just about natural growth of a community. That kind of all wants to grow together.
Adam G. Force 31:29
6 million people organically? 12 million. Yeah. Get out of here. So how are people finding out about them?
Charlie Hartwell 31:40
Well, they have 5000 teachers on the platform. I mean, through word of mouth through teachers recommending it through I mean, basically, that’s it. It’s been it’s been word of mouth because and, you know, people like the experience so much They can find the teachers that they want that resonate with them or the music that they want that it’s just very natural. It’s very natural, and people recommend it to ot
Adam G. Force 32:13
er people. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Wow. That’s amazing. That’s a big base for for organic for sure. So and what was the name of that program? Inside timer and say timer, we’ll check it out. So anybody listening, you guys can check that out. I’m a big fan of meditation. I’ve been doing that for years. And I just find a ton of value in the process. You know, I like to run exercise, you know, shower in the morning and then meditate and it really just kind of sets you up for the day to be very focused an
Charlie Hartwell 32:43
creative. That’s g
Adam G. Force 32:46
eat. Yeah. Well, listen, we’re going to wrap up here in a minute and I want to give you a chance to let people know where they can learn more about, you know, you and connect and what you have going on and check
Charlie Hartwell 32:57
hings out. Yeah, I mean, so our website is brittle. builders collaborative or BBC, or sorry, bb You know, I’m on LinkedIn and Twitter under Charlie Hartwell, my wife and I have a business that I do this work from a business called the shifted Institute, which is about igniting consciousness inspiring him at potential and creating a paradigm shift. And that’s it shifted
Adam G. Force 33:26
All right, guys, I’m just taking notes there, Charlie. Awesome. We’ll try I really appreciate your time and walking us through some of your thoughts around the investments and where you’re taking everything and enjoyed the conversation just around you know, living an authentic life and living your truth
Charlie Hartwell 33:43
Right. Yeah, Adam, really fun to hear a little bit about your story. And I appreciate that you’re having these conversations. I’m I appreciate that. More people are interested in them and I thank you for your time today.
Adam G. Force 34:00
That’s all for this episode. Your next step is to join the Change Creator revolution by downloading our interactive digital magazine app for premium content, exclusive interviews, and more ways to stay on top of your game available now on iTunes and Google Play or visit Change Creator mag Comm. We’ll see you next time where money and meaning intersect right here at the Change Creat