Hopefully you know by now that video is a part of the online marketing future. That’s where people spend their time and that’s where big online brands are leaning into. Any technology trend or new development such as Facebook Live and Facebook Watch will be favored by Facebook. They will give you more reach if you use those tools because it’s their next big thing.
Consider this, by 2019 it is expected that Facebook will be 90% video! Think about your own behavior. Do you stop to watch videos that have text subtitles mostly or do you open articles?
Experts like Neil Patel test strategies all the time and he’s got some great tips to share that will help you make your videos have a better chance of going viral. They do weekly marketing videos jammed with great advice. This stood out because video is such an integral part of the online marketing future.
I realize that video is not everyone’s sweet spot but sometimes you have to find ways to break into new areas you might not be comfortable with. And you will suck for a while…but that’s part of the process. We all start that way.
So what do you need to know?
1 – Never share a Youtube video on Facebook
Something Facebook thrives on is their engagement rates and they are always looking for ways to get people to spend more and more time on Facebook. Any link out of Facebook is not favored by them.
This means you need to upload the video to Youtube and Facebook natively.
Neil has found they will likely get 20-50 times more views by doing this than if you used the Youtube link.
2 – A Video Length of 5-10 Minutes Seems to Work Best
This is one of the more interesting tips in this video.
We have all probably heard that shorter videos are better because people don’t stay and watch. We all now have short attention span, right?
Well, that’s not the case here.
Again, the goal is to get people engaged and videos between 5-10 minutes work best on Facebook.
But it’s important that your creative is good and you target the right people. If your video is relevant to a certain region of the the country or world, target them specifically.
3 – Make Sure You Have captions or subtitles included in the video
As I mentioned earlier, you most likely stop regularly to watch a video but don’t always click it to hear the sound. You just read the text on screen, right? If it gets really interesting you might pop it open.
This is critical to hooking people who are just curious and getting them to engage. If you don’t have the text on screen they may not even give you a shot.
Neil found that videos get 30-35% more views and engagement when they included the text on screen. Makes perfect sense, right!
4 – Presentation Matters
You might think they’re talking about the quality of the video. Honestly, I personally had a nice DSLR (Cannon) but for the sake of simplicity I moved over to using an iPhone because the the quality is great. Keep it simple. You don’t need $10k of studio gear. iPhone and Lapel mic does the trick.
But they aren’t talking about quality, they’re talking about how you present yourself.
Russell Brunson calls it the “attractive character.” Present yourself with enthusiasm, emotion, show passion for what you do, be authentic. These are traits of great leaders and entertainers.
If you’re boring then anyone who sees you will be bored. Nobody is a master of this art right away. It takes practice.
Hopefully at least one of these quick hit tips are helpful. Pass on the knowledge to someone who you think might benefit from these tips!
If you want more from Neil Patel check out our exclusive interview here >> “Turn Ice Cold Prospects into Smoking Hot Traffic: Interview with Neil Patel”