Unlocking Ecommerce Secrets to Higher Conversion Rates

In today’s digital era, ecommerce has become the lifeline for businesses worldwide. As consumers increasingly embrace online shopping, ecommerce brands face fierce competition and the need to optimize their websites for higher conversion rates. In this article, we delve into the marketing strategies employed by popular ecommerce brands, uncovering the secrets behind their success and exploring how they optimize their websites to maximize conversions.

  1. Customer-Centric Approach

Leading ecommerce brands understand the importance of putting the customer at the center of their marketing strategies. They invest in understanding their target audience, conducting thorough market research, and collecting customer feedback. By analyzing customer preferences, needs, and pain points, they tailor their marketing messages, website design, and user experience to align with their customers’ expectations.

  1. Seamless User Experience

Optimizing the website for a seamless user experience is crucial for higher conversion rates. Ecommerce giants like Amazon and Shopify have mastered the art of simplifying the shopping journey. They ensure that their websites are intuitive, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Streamlined product search, categorized navigation menus, and well-designed product pages contribute to a frictionless shopping experience.

  1. Persuasive Product Presentation

Successful ecommerce brands understand the power of persuasive product presentation. They invest in high-quality product images, interactive videos, and detailed descriptions. By showcasing products from different angles, enabling zoom functionality, and providing accurate specifications, they empower customers to make informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, they leverage social proof by including customer reviews and ratings, building trust and credibility.

  1. Personalization and Recommendation Engines

Customization and personalization are key to enhancing the customer experience and boosting conversions. Top ecommerce brands utilize advanced recommendation engines that analyze customer behavior, purchase history, and preferences to offer personalized product suggestions. By showing related products or items frequently bought together, they enhance cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

  1. Social Media Marketing and Influencer Collaborations

To reach a wider audience and drive traffic to their websites, ecommerce brands leverage the power of social media marketing. They create compelling content, run targeted ads, and engage with their followers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Many ecommerce brands also collaborate with influencers who have a substantial following in their target market, amplifying their reach and building trust among potential customers.

  1. Email Marketing and Retargeting

Email marketing remains a potent tool for ecommerce brands. They build a strong subscriber base by offering incentives like exclusive discounts, early access to sales, or informative newsletters. By sending personalized emails tailored to customers’ interests and behaviors, ecommerce brands nurture relationships and encourage repeat purchases. Additionally, retargeting campaigns use tracking pixels to display relevant ads to users who have shown interest in specific products, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  1. Streamlined Checkout Process

A clunky checkout process will lead to abandoned carts and of course, lost sales. Top ecommerce brands optimize their checkout pages to be simple, secure, and efficient. Trust is a huge factor today and shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

They offer guest checkout options, allow customers to save payment details for future use, and provide multiple payment gateways. 

Furthermore, they display trust badges, SSL certificates, and transparent refund and shipping policies to instill confidence and reduce cart abandonment rates.

  1. A/B Testing and Data Analytics

Successful ecommerce brands continuously experiment and optimize their marketing strategies. A/B testing enables them to compare different variations of their website, landing pages, or marketing campaigns to determine the most effective approach. By analyzing data from web analytics tools, heatmaps, and conversion rate optimization (CRO) platforms, they gain valuable insights into user behavior, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions to improve conversions.


The world of ecommerce is highly competitive, and achieving higher conversion rates requires a comprehensive marketing strategy

6 Top-Notch Ecommerce Strategies and Development Techniques

“If you’re competitor focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.”—Jeff Bezos

The steady increase of ecommerce sales over the past two decades turned into a dramatic upwards spike between 2020 and 2021.

It’s no secret that Covid-19 triggered a major turning point in the ecommerce universe. Businesses are now scrambling to keep up with both the consumer demand and the competition of others within the industry.
There has never been a more critical moment for anyone working in ecommerce to dive deep into upcoming trends.

Now is the time to implement updated marketing and development techniques in every ecommerce business—big or small.

In this article, we are going to look at six points of interest around eCommerce strategies for optimization that will help put your brand at the forefront of the online shopping industry.

6 eCommerce Strategies

  • Site Optimization
  • Social Media and Content
  • Augmented Reality and Filters
  • SEO and Blogs
  • Data Analytics
  • Alternative Payment Methods

The sales peaks ecommerce hit over the last year were beyond what anyone could have foreseen. But now that we know what we’re up against, we can prepare with the right ecommerce strategies to get ahead of the game.

Site Optimization

It’s 2021, and ecommerce websites are seeing more traffic than ever before. Yours needs to stand out like a peacock amongst pigeons, and function like a well-oiled machine.

Using tools like Google Analytics to track which parts of your site are seeing the most clicks and which ones are becoming redundant affords you a wealth of insight. You can easily pinpoint where to make adjustments that best suit the typical trajectory of your online customers.

Ensure that your product pages are easy to navigate, that calls to action are clear, and that all your content is easy to read. Your contact options must also be immediately obvious, and customers shouldn’t have to hunt about to get in touch.

If you have a support chatbot, the pop-up shouldn’t become annoying and must be easy to close.

Mobile optimization is also important, and your site must function flawlessly across all devices.

Accessibility is part of optimization too. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide excellent insight into how you can make your site as accessible as possible to the largest number of people.

If you can budget for it, hiring a UX or UI developer to identify and correct site issues can make all the difference in a competition where your customer’s attention is the prize.

Social Media and Content

Fresh content is what your customers want and what all of your competitors are providing.

The internet offers consumers a never-ending menu of content to choose from. If you want to uphold your reputation in the ecommerce world, your content needs to be piping hot and regularly served.

It is no longer enough to simply upload one 500-word blog a week and post on Instagram every two days. Your ecommerce site and social media platforms need a comprehensive and detailed marketing strategy that is thoroughly researched for the most effective results.

Creating a content calendar that outlines the type of content you’re creating, where you’ll post it, and when is crucial to success. You can plan when you’ll post blogs, social media updates, giveaways, promotions and any other content that is engaging and drives interest.

Decide which platforms you want to focus on and keep them up to date at all times. If you cannot curate content for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Twitter, pick the channels that are most popular with your audience. A great social media presence on two or three channels is far better than a weak presence across several different channels.

Always respond to questions, comments and queries as quickly as possible, and never ignore negative feedback. Engaging with customers is key, and social media provides the ideal platform for this.

Augmented Reality and Filters

This may seem far-fetched, but it’s one of the ecommerce trends expected to gain the most traction over the next decade (and beyond).

Augmented reality (AR) is the use of digitally created objects or information superimposed onto real-life scenes. Filters fit into the AR category, as does the mobile app game Pokémon GO.
AR features are becoming increasingly popular as big names like Kylie’s Cosmetics by Kylie Jenner and the iconic denim brand Levi’s use it to let customers virtually “try on” different products or outfits through use of a filter.

If you can add an AR feature to your site, that’s a huge bonus. However, if this is out of reach for now, consider using Snapchat to promote your brand. There are plenty of AR filters that can make marketing material fun, and you can engage with customers on a new platform too.

SEO and Blogs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the bread and butter of the current online marketing world.

Blogs featuring trustworthy backlinks and fresh content that is relevant to your brand should be a significant part of your ecommerce marketing strategy.

Blogs increase your site’s domain authority and can boost SEO rankings dramatically over the course of a full year. Quality content gives both existing and potential customers the opportunity to discover your brand online via organic trafficking.

Guest blogs written by external figures or brands can also be a low-cost way of effectively attracting business.

Make your blog interesting, informative, and exciting, and update it regularly. You don’t have to rigidly stick to topics that relate to your brand, you can get creative too. For example, if you sell office furniture, you can tie in content that relates to the importance of taking holidays, or tips for desk-bound workers who need a little extra exercise. Including good quality photographs and video content will boost engagement, and in turn, boost your SEO rankings too.

Data Analytics

Most of the strategies on this list are only possible through the efficient tracking of data analytics.

Data is said to be the new oil, and it’s easy to see why. It’s never been simpler to track trends, understand customer behavior and see where you’re on the right track or going wrong.
Data analytics provide a visual representation that immediately pinpoints problem areas and highlights positive performance.

There are hundreds of paid and free high-quality software tools available online. These tools can provide you with the necessary insight into your customer’s preferences, aversions, and general behavior.

Once you have this information, you can then apply it to your marketing and development strategies in a way that best meets your customer’s needs. This results in higher sales and online traffic.

Without data analytics, your brand is blind to what customers really want. You will needlessly miss out on many opportunities to make pivotal changes that drive profits.

Alternative Payment Methods

All over the world, cryptocurrency platforms like Bitcoin and Ethereum are becoming valid payment options. Many users prefer these payment options over card payments, and research tells us this is only going to become more normalized in the future.

PayPal (the world’s leading financial platform) recently announced that they would be adding in a virtual coin wallet option for those who want to send or receive cryptocurrency across countries.

Millions of consumers are buying cryptocurrency not only for the purpose of investment but also as a simple way to transfer money when making online purchases.

By working cryptocurrency payment methods into your new ecommerce marketing and development strategies, you can stay ahead of the game. This may require the adoption of accounting software that accommodates cryptocurrency, but the results will pay off. You’ll ensure a solid position in the future of the online shopping industry.

Of course, cryptocurrency isn’t the only alternative payment method that’s growing in popularity. Digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are gaining traction and QR codes are also becoming commonplace.

The more ways you offer your customers to pay safely and securely online, the easier they’ll find buying from you.

Prepare for the Era of M-Commerce

The term “M-commerce” refers to mobile app-based ecommerce.

The presence of mobile sites is not new by any means, but it is on the rise. Make it a priority to put mobile-centered strategies into place if you want to be a part of the upcoming m-commerce era.

Studies claim that m-commerce will cover as much as 54% of all online sales over the course of 2021.

The global m-commerce sales sat at $1.4 trillion in 2017, and by the end of 2022, that figure is estimated to reach a staggering $5.4 trillion.

More than 50% of all online traffic happens on mobile devices, and studies claim this percentage will only grow over time.

The rise of m-commerce was always inevitable. But the Covid-19 pandemic has wildly accelerated its course and brought the future much closer than we originally anticipated.

M-commerce is about to take center stage in the highly profitable online shopping industry, and the success of every ecommerce site or platform is going to come much faster if designed for easy and accessible mobile app usage.

Start Moving Forward Now

The trick with ecommerce is to always stay ahead of the curve. This is a challenge, but it’s one you need to meet to achieve success.

The best time to start implementing new strategies and development techniques?

Right now.

Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin: What You Need to Win in the Retail Space

Listen to our exclusive interview with Jennifer Kayla Ruscin:

Subscribe to this show on Spotify  |  iTunes  |  Stitcher  |  Soundcloud

What does it take to get your product in a store like Walmart? We spoke to expert, Jennifer Kaylo Ruscin to find out the secrets to winning in retail today.

More About Jennifer:

She has dedicated the last 17 years to serving shoppers in the retail space, both brick and mortar and online, bringing to market innovative products and brands.

In serving her clients, she has sat at the table with hundred-million dollar CEO’s, helping them to create multi-million dollar brands in retailers.

And in creating her own million dollar company she has learned how to attract a perfectly aligned client, and create both the business and personal life you dream about.

Learn more about Jennifer and her work at > Jenniferkayloruscin.com

We also recommend:

Transcription of Interview

(Transcribed by Otter.ai, there may be errors)

Adam G. Force 00:03

Welcome to the Change Creator podcast where entrepreneurs come to learn how to live their truth, get rich and make a massive difference in the world. I’m your host Adam forest co founder, Change Creator and co creator of the captivate method. Each week we talk to experts about leadership, digital marketing and sales strategies that you can implement in your business and life to go big. Visit us at Change Creator comm forward slash go big to grab awesome resources that will help drive your business forward. Hey, what’s up, buddy? Welcome back to the chase credit podcast. This is your host that unforced Hope you guys are doing amazing today, we have a really great conversation that we actually recorded a while ago with Jennifer Ruskin. And we never put it live because it snuck away from us. And it’s kind of like that thing that went between the cushions of the couch and you just kind of lost track of it. So we are excited that we found this and we have it ready for you to check out Jennifer is a rock star, somebody that was in our mastermind summit that we met back in California in 2020, before the whole COVID thing really struck. And so I was excited to have this conversation. She’s been in business for like 20 years, serving people in the retail space. So both brick and mortar and online. So she helps people bring innovative products to market. And she’s worked with, you know, $100 million brands and retailers that she has supported and consulted for so she has a ton of expertise. And you don’t want to miss this out especially if you’re in the retail space. Now if you missed the last episode was with Parker Stevenson from evolved finance, we talked about what you need to know about your numbers, when you should start thinking about it, how to get organized, how to maximize your profits, all that good stuff. That’s not a conversation you want to miss. So make sure you go back and check that out. Last but not least, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, we have a strong presence there. And that’s kind of where we do all our, our sharing. And we have our Facebook group via Change Creator, we get a little bit deeper into some of the insights around branding, storytelling and all that fun stuff. Alright guys, without further ado, let’s dive into this conversation with Jennifer. Okay, show me the heat. Hey, Jennifer, welcome to the Change Creator podcast show how you doing today?

Jennifer Kaylo 02:27

I’m awesome. Thank you for having me.

Adam G. Force 02:29

Yeah, well, thanks for being here. And I appreciate you taking the time. You know, um, you know, ecommerce is not our space here at Change Creator. So I love to tap into other people’s expertise and just learn a little bit more about you know, like, you have incredible program helping people get into Walmart and stores like that, which could be game changers for people, right? So tell me a little bit about your background, and just kind of how you got to this position of like, why you’re doing what you’re doing. And you know, a little bit what’s going on in your world today.

Jennifer Kaylo 02:58

Awesome. Thank you. Okay, so my background is really it’s brick and mortar, and it’s mass retail. So I started at Walmart, home office, I don’t know how many people actually start at Walmart home office, working for the largest company in the entire world. But it was me, that’s what I did. It was back in 2005. And I was in my mid 20s. And I fell in love with retail. Like, it was so amazing to watch, the buyer that I worked for have the power to choose what ended up on the actual retail shelves that other humans went and purchased, it was the coolest thing. And at one point, I got to even develop a totally organic all natural hair dryer that failed miserably once it hit stores. But it was so cool to get to be a part of that process. And I think, you know, I think that your audience is really full of small business owners and entrepreneurial spirits. And hey, maybe they’ve tried to make a hairdryer and maybe they’ve tried to make barbecue sauce or something and you finally get it out into the world. And sometimes you have to tweak it a little bit, right once it finally gets out. So after spending seven years at Walmart, I realized, I think that there might be more than just these little cubicle walls that surround me I’d had my first child, my second child, I finished my MBA, and I looked up like bright and shiny eyed and I thought I’m gonna go get on LinkedIn. Okay, it’s time to like get a LinkedIn profile and see what else is on the other side of my cubicle walls. And within Walmart, this is like a really dirty bad thing to do. Like you don’t go work for the dark side is what they call it, which is like the supplier world. But that’s what I did. So I left and I started working for nature’s path organic food, and fell in love with the food business. I grocery is so much fun. And it’s always innovative and to see what food trends are cool this year, but like not cool the next year and what’s coming next is so much fun. And I think as we’re all preparing for Expo West, in just a couple weeks, we’re all like anticipating what’s going to be the next food trend. So I did that for about a year and a half and then I got really bored like Adam, I was like okay, I’ve had my MBA, I’m super smart, I’m used to working the job of five different people at Walmart. And all I do is yoga all day, like I have nothing to do working for natures path, I’m so bored. And so I thought, I’m just going to open up my own brokerage firm, then I can sell like bicycles and tents and food if I want to. And so that’s what I’ve done for the last five years, almost six. I’m in my sixth year now. And so I help companies sell into Walmart, in stores and into Amazon.

Adam G. Force 05:27

Interesting. That’s pretty cool. Yeah. And, and so I guess what are some of the commonalities of like getting into a place like Amazon versus Walmart, I guess some of the differences and commonalities?

Jennifer Kaylo 05:41

Well, you know, I kind of looking, I kind of look at it as a stepping stone or like as a launchpad. So for me, Amazon can be multiple things for you, it can be the one destination that you sell your product based business in. And you can literally grow a million dollar plus account just being on Amazon. The amazing thing about Amazon, there’s no buyers, there’s nobody to tell you. No, there’s no slotting fees, there’s like there’s so many amazing positives to Amazon, one negative, well, there’s a lot of negatives, but the first one that pops out to me is you don’t own your customer, you don’t own the customer, you don’t own the customer experience. There’s third parties everywhere, right? So it’s kind of like the Wild West, and you never know how your product is going to end up in the hands of shoppers and consumers and people that can write you a bad review. So there are definitely some ways that you can control that shopping experience for your shopper and for your brand. And that’s where I think people like me come into place to help educate you and teach you or even manage your account. I manage 20 different Amazon client accounts at this point. And I only keep 20 on my roster, but we help them get those third party wild west guys off. So I love Amazon so much. There’s so much waste so many ways to make money on Amazon. But then there’s other people in another boat where they’re like, Hmm, I really want to be in brick and mortar, or I want to expand my brick and mortar distribution. So they might be in smaller stores like a bylo or a shop ride or something like that. Yeah. And they want to be in target. They want to be in Walmart, they want to be in larger grocery stores and chains in mass retail. Costco, you get the idea. Oh, yeah. And so in those instances, I like to use Amazon as a launch pad to get into brick and mortar.

Adam G. Force 07:27

Gotcha. Gotcha.

Jennifer Kaylo 07:29

Yeah. Do you want to know how to do that?

Adam G. Force 07:31

Yeah, I’m gonna let you keep on going until us yeah.

Jennifer Kaylo 07:34

So the ways to do that are you have to get your products on page one for your category. Again, there’s definitely a way in the system to do that. But you want to get your products on page one. So for example, like I’m looking at my desk right now, and I have Lacroix sitting on my desk. I if I am Lacroix I want to be on page one, so that the other retailer start to see me they know who I am, they might decide that they want Lacroix in their own stores. Because I’ve done all the heavy lifting. And shoppers are now looking for me. They’re looking for me in Walmart, they’re looking for me and target. And so you kind of have you have a much more weight as a brand. When you can say, look, there are millions of customers that are buying from me off of Amazon every single year. Why would you not put this on your shelf? I at least deserve a buyer meeting.

Adam G. Force 08:21

Yeah. And so is it difficult? Like I mean, obviously, it’s difficult, but like, what are some of the criteria like is it super saturated? Like I just give a quick example, like I was reading about this guy, Mike pero for because you mentioned Costco, it made me think of him and he’s like head of merchandising over there. And he said that, you know, they get saturated, let’s say you have a laundry detergent that’s good for the environment or something and you want to get on the shelf at Costco, well, they have 100, laundry detergents pitching for that shelf space, right. And he’s like, you know, everyone, you can compete on price, you compete on different features, whatever it might be. And in the end, he’s like, I have to make decisions about who gets on the shelf in Costco, and it comes down to who I liked the most and who I trust the most.

Jennifer Kaylo 09:08

Uuuh. Know, like and trust. Those are three really important terms, three important factors to be as a brand. A I think club business is very different than even brick and mortar business, and especially in mass and that club only has four slots for detergent. That’s it, and it’s gonna be the four top brands, they may have one position where they’re willing to try something like new and upcoming and hot and whatever, right. For Sam’s Club, they’ve almost done like the opposite. And I know that kirklands is super strong and Costco and they do have a really great house brand. But Sam’s Club is now like we only want to be private label. So they swung in like the totally opposite pendulum, which is really frustrating as a brand. Because you may have had distribution and now you don’t. And now you’re scratching your head like what where the hell do I sell if I can’t sell online, or I can’t sell in a big brick and mortar and there’s a bunch of different ways, I think to protect yourself as a brand, where you can’t put all your eggs in one basket anymore. You can’t just be on Amazon because Amazon might shut you off. Right?

Adam G. Force 10:10

And so what is it? What is a company like? So we talked about like Costco, which is like these, you know, club brands, and then we have like a Walmart. So, what’s different? Like, what is Walmart looking for? I mean, you talk about getting that presence on page one and all that kind of stuff, because you’re stirring the demand. Okay, the demands there. So give people what they want. What What is like the criteria from Walmart, and how competitive is it really to get on the shelf in comparison to the Costco’s of the world and stuff?

Jennifer Kaylo 10:39

That’s a great question, I would say a little less competitive, but only because Walmart has way more shelf space and way more options. And they may have one facing as opposed to an entire pallet in a cost. Or you only have four options. I think what we’re seeing in terms of private label in Costco in Sam’s Club in all these other guys, it’s the same thing is happening within Walmart, it is becoming so difficult to get items into Walmart. So you really, really do have to be best to the best. So even if you are on page one, and you may be our position one, position two, or even position five on Amazon, even that is a challenge. Now I will say you can use Amazon to get a buyer meeting, you can use Amazon to continue to get some space in brick and mortar. But even just a few years ago, where I’d almost guaranteed you a spot on a retail shelf, just because you were positioned one or two and Amazon, I would say even even now in what 2020 it’s becoming increasingly difficult now I don’t know if we’re gonna see a trend in retail away from private label, like the pendulum has swung so far into private label right now, that unless you’re a mass CPG brand, you’re really not going to be on shelf, right? Unless you are so incredibly trendy. Like I’m thinking bulletproof, like bulletproof coffee, right? If you walked in Walmart today, and you’re over in that OTC area, you’re gonna see a big feature like an endcap, full of bullet bulletproof coffee. And it’s all fixtured. And it’s beautiful, and it’s branded. But they’re not necessarily sitting in the middle of an aisle. Right, right. Because even them even they haven’t earned a spot permanently in the fixture there. They’re testing it, they’re trying it. So there are some additional options to within brick and mortar. And I would assume Walmart is very similar to the other ones that you can at least get a feature in or get a test in, because you have shown up and done your work on Amazon.

Adam G. Force 12:38

Okay. Yeah, I mean, that makes sense. It’s kind of like, cuz you mentioned earlier, it’s like a stepping stone in some of these strategies, just to, I guess, kind of keep increasing your distribution. And it makes me think to like, I guess, targets gonna be similar, right? It’s a big store, they expanded quite a bit with the number of stores, more shelf space, all that good stuff. And like I was in there with my wife, you know, we stopped in there every so often. And I would look at some of the men’s clothing and I saw, like, you know, the socks, t shirts, underwear, all that stuff, they have everything. And I saw this brand Goodfellas. And it was just like one small section. And the next thing you know, I see another section, another section. And then they redesigned the store just last week, and they have all this other product lines like men’s like you know, stuff for your beard and your hair and everything else. And I’m like, all of a sudden, over the past like three to four months, this brand has started as like a spotlight like test and it’s just started taking over Target like how Yeah, how does that happen? Did I lose you?

Jennifer Kaylo 13:42

Nope, sorry. I’m right here. How does that happen? I think Target for one is very, very open to trying new things, right? So they’re willing to like go all in on the Goodfellow line and bring it in like the beard oil and bringing in the cap and bringing in the belt and all of that stuff and putting it all in one space, which is so cool. But as you as you just mentioned, though, they started small, right, like and that’s their own private label brand. So they test it.

Adam G. Force 14:10

Was it is it I didn’t even know it was there own private label. I told Luanne, my wife, I was like, I bet you this is their own brand. That that’s why it’s getting so much attention here too. Yes, it is. And target is another good example of private label ownership. And I actually did another podcast just on this exact topic. As women we want to go and buy Archer farms because it’s so trendy because target knows what we want as women. Like if you go into target and you go into the coffee section, you’re going to find like delightful caramel macchiato with a splash of mint like something that’s really decadent and really interesting. That’s not on shelf in any other retailer. But target knows what women want. Right? So the cool thing is they’re figuring out what men want now to do right with this Goodfellow brand and it’s like Men want these really trendy sunglasses that are so cool and different that they can’t find anywhere else. Or this like super amazing moisturizing, good smelling shave gel. Right? That you don’t find at Walmart. Yeah, no, it’s true. It’s true. And, you know, it’s interesting, because if you’re doing your homework, you look around at these things, and you look at what’s being featured and grows, you could start seeing what’s starting to expand in the store. And then obviously, you know, that’s what’s selling. So you can look at that and say, okay, there’s the trend, like, that’s, that’s what’s working today. That’s what people want, right?

Jennifer Kaylo 15:33

Yeah. And the cool thing about private label for a retailer is they can move so much faster, because they have direct relationships with that manufacturer, versus having to go through a third party, which are what most brands do today, right? We go and we source it from China. And we’re the middleman between the retailer and the manufacturer. But when it’s private label, they have the direct line to the manufacturer to go, Hey, this blouse in this particular color blue with these particular buttons are selling like crazy. Can you quadruple our order and get it to us in like two weeks, right? Yeah. And then they can even airfreight it over it’s just it’s totally changed the game.

Adam G. Force 16:11

Now, have you seen Oh, sorry. Go ahead.

Jennifer Kaylo 16:13

No, I was just thinking I’m like, but has the customer or have we decided that brands aren’t important anymore? And that’s what I think we’ve yet to figure out.

Adam G. Force 16:22

Yeah, that’s an interesting concept. I mean, in my mind, I think that it depends, like I see it depends on products. But like, just for example, I just did a video the other day about this, because it’s fresh in my mind. But I there, the Edelman report came out in 2019. And they do a trust barometer. And so what they found is that less than 50% of the general population trust brands, and then when they’re buying products, one of the top ranking factors they consider when buying a product is brand trust. So when you start thinking about does the brand matter? I don’t know. Like if it’s something like buying toothpaste, maybe maybe not. But I think that brand trust does play a role. And if you’re Apple or Google, you’ve already taken the time and the effort and spent the money to build brand trust. But when you have your brand in the first couple years, you’re gonna have to earn that trust, because people are putting red flags up, right? They want to know like, are you doing something that is going to pollute our oceans? And are you? Are you fair trade? Or are you paying people poorly? Like, what is your circumstance? And I think you’re seeing more of that from people today.

Jennifer Kaylo 17:28

Mm hmm. And then does it matter even by age range? Is it the boomers care so much about the give back? Or is that a millennial or Gen Z thing? Right, exactly. I don’t know if you’ve known noticed this or not that PBS is doing. They’ve just produced something about Amazon. It’s all about Jeff Bezos, my husband and I were watching it the other night. And you hear Jeff Bezos say, we are creating a brand that people love. And he said this like 20-30 years ago, and everybody looked at him like what are you talking about? And you think about the brands that you love, like you and I are about the same age. And I would say like I love Tesla. I can’t wait to own a Tesla. I love Amazon. I want to deliver what I want.

Adam G. Force 18:10

Why do you love Tesla?

Jennifer Kaylo 18:10

Why do I love Tesla, I love the way that it looks. I love the way that it feels sexy. I love the way that it’s good for the environment. I love the idea of never having to put gas in my car ever again. I love Elon Musk because he’s a little quirky, but he is so futuristic and brilliant. And I want a piece of that.

Adam G. Force 18:28

And that’s that, I feel the same way. And like he said we’re around the same age and like what Elon musk stands for. And I like what he’s doing because it’s it’s sustainable. It’s big thinking and I feel like he’s doing he’s always pushing to do what’s in our best interest not only for us now but for future generations, you know.

Jennifer Kaylo 18:49

Yep, absolutely. And through this PBS special Bezos is actually saying the same thing. Like there’s this video with him as a kid giving a speech about the future and about you know, traveling to space and colonizing…

Adam G. Force 19:04


Jennifer Kaylo 19:06

Colonizing. And it’s so cool like is then they do a slash forward and it’s like his spaceship taking off like him and Matt and Ilan I think are so similar in terms of being like so much farther beyond any of us and so much smarter than they you know, ever get. Like none of us are anywhere near as smart and intelligent as they are and it’s so cool to watch them create these companies that explode but also have the love trust factor, right?

Adam G. Force 19:32

Yeah, they did a really good job with that. And you’re right see, they’re out there telling these stories. They’re out there sharing their like, what they stand for what they believe in and all of a sudden the brand is driven by that stuff and it does connect with people. And and I think you made a great point about age bracket because it the younger the kids get, the more they’re looking for the organic, sustainable fair trade like you know, the plastic pollution things obviously become huge. So You know, we want to see brands, like seventh generation on the shelf at Target and Walmart, right? Because they have good ethos. So yeah, it’s really great. And I’m hoping that as people are listening here today, you know, they have these e commerce products that they can get excited about. And I want them to work with people like you to get them on the shelf, if they’re making a difference, you know?

Jennifer Kaylo 20:20

Yes, yeah, for sure. And cool. The coolest thing is, and back to like back to take us back from Jeff Bezos in space to Walmart. Yeah, I’m gonna ground us back in Walmart again. And I don’t know how many of your listeners actually shop at Walmart. I know, like, just depending on what state you’re in, and even what city some of them are dirty and gross. And some of them are amazing and spectacular, like the ones in Bentonville, Arkansas, where I live. But almost every single category now has an organic option. And last week, I bought like $200 worth of groceries and cleaning supplies, everything was organic. And I thought if I was at Whole Foods, I guarantee my basket would be 400 $500. Yeah, yeah. And I’m so grateful that Walmart has like taken the positioning of, we’re gonna find out how to help you save more and live better, even with organics, and even in specialty foods. And, and these really amazing brands are starting to show up on shelves.

Adam G. Force 21:15

Yeah, no that’s good to hear. Because, you know, they produce so much and there’s if they have a stronger stance on those things, it would help pull in brands and make them successful, they can really be a big factor in solving some big issues like that. Right. So it’s always easy to promote the cheapest thing, but that’s not there’s actually other costs aside from money than then when you have like dirty products, you know what I mean?

Jennifer Kaylo 21:41


Adam G. Force 21:42

Yeah. And that’s one thing I loved about Costco, too, is, you know, they, he has quite a story. It’s all about trying to do what aligns to certain values and stuff. And there’s a lot of good options in there. So anybody listening, I don’t know. But like, we find a lot of stuff. We’re vegetarian, my wife and I, and we find all kinds of good, organic, healthy, like they really do push the envelope and try to bring in products like that also. So yeah, it’s interesting to see how things are evolving. And I’m curious if you’ve noticed with, you know, startups and stuff, I’m one thing I’ve always shied away from e commerce, why I always shied away from e commerce and products and stuff is it feels kind of like, wow, I have to like figure out one a product, like the development, the testing, and then I got to have inventory and I gotta have fulfillment. And it’s, it’s a pretty like expensive cycle. It feels like a lot of overhead expense wise. And I’m curious how you have noticed, maybe some of the entrepreneurs like is it? Like you can’t do drop shipping, right? If you want to get in a store? Like how does that? Do you have any insight around that how that works

Jennifer Kaylo 22:44

It is. I just wrote an article just last week, or even earlier this week, I can’t even remember, a few days ago that was about that. Like, if you don’t have capital, and you can’t do it well, don’t do it at all, please don’t, it will only cost you money and energy and frustration. And so of course, there’s amazing groups that do help you get investors and help you with preliminary funding and all of that kind of stuff. And so if you’re listening, and you don’t have that, go seek that out, either ask me or ask Adam or find somebody because it is so expensive to do business with brick and mortar. It’s even very expensive to do business with Amazon. I mean, I would say it’s the cheapest, fastest, quickest way to make money. But to really do it right and to really grow the brand. And for me, I only work with clients that have the potential to make a million plus dollars in revenue per year. So I wouldn’t take a barbecue sauce. You know what I mean? I know what it takes. There are certain categories that just currently today, if it’s a really easy, cheap commodity in a brick and mortar store, people are probably going to stop off at the dollar store and grab it on. Yeah, but there’s so many categories, especially in food that are growing, triple, quadruple digit, it’s incredible how fast they’re growing. So your question, I guess is particularly just around brick and mortar, and yeah,

Adam G. Force 24:06

I think you’ve answered it . It’s expensive.

Jennifer Kaylo 24:09

It’s expensive. Yeah, if you’re selling directly to Walmart stores, you have to get set up with EDI, you have to have million dollars plus just in liability insurance, you have to have a system in a warehouse. And I mean, like it’s very expensive. If you were to ship with Amazon, you could sell, you could you could just set it up in Seller Central and have Amazon be responsible for the shipping and the distributing and the logistics and the customer service and all of that which is amazing. And you bet you basically consign your inventory to Amazon and every two weeks they cut you a check. It’s beautiful.

Adam G. Force 24:39

So you could drop ship through Amazon but you obviously can’t do that with like Walmart and stuff. So the brick and mortar is more Walmart and if you didn’t want to have inventory and fulfillment, responsibility responsibilities, Amazon can handle that for you.

Jennifer Kaylo 24:52

Totally, yes.

Adam G. Force 24:54

Okay. Yeah, that’s pretty cool. And have you noticed certain types of products you mentioned food space is growing rapidly. Like, is there like men’s nutrition? Women’s, you know, health care products? Like, have you noticed anything else that’s been pretty popular?

Jennifer Kaylo 25:11

I’ve noticed that everything is growing at least 20, 30, 40% year over year, just in general, food is exploding. There’s some categories that are tougher. So you mentioned men’s nutrition, I have a kid’s vegan, organic gummy vitamin that is so expensive these days to advertise it, again, unless you have major capital, it is almost it’s almost impossible to grow. Because keyword bidding on keywords are three to $5 per click, right? So unless you have 5000 to $10,000 a month marketing budget that you’re willing to not make any ROI office for at least six months. Yeah, don’t play in those overly saturated categories. Again, foods doing great, ready to eat great, dry grocery, anything in the direct grocery space. Think also outside of food, anything that’s expensive. And light is where you find the most profit. That’s a great tip.

Adam G. Force 26:09

Expensive and light. I like that. Yeah, I’ve heard people talk about that. With e commerce they keep you want simple products that are not really expensive to produce, but they have like a lot of value behind them and stuff. And yes, that’s smart.

Jennifer Kaylo 26:24

And conveyable like don’t think kayak. If it’s not conveyable it’s really difficult and really expensive for Amazon to move that around the country for you.

Adam G. Force 26:33

Yeah, I mean, a three or $4 just to get a click. That’s, that’s, that’s expensive. You definitely need an investor on that. Yep. Damn, all right, interesting. Well, cuz I’m like, I’m like, I shaved my head, I went… As soon as I saw I started losing hair. I was like, I’m just doing the the shave. And that’s it, taking the hair off. And I got into like some of the men’s products, like, you know, stuff to take care of your skin or your beard and stuff like that. And I was always like, man, it would be really cool. There’s some things missing in the market that I look for that I don’t really find. And I would be like, man, I would love to get into that space. And I know it can do well, but it would take a ton of marketing power, a ton of like, you know, money just to get the brand set up. And I always shy away from it. We’re not there.

Jennifer Kaylo 27:20

Yeah, it’s really expensive. So one thing that I’ve noticed, and I’ve been managing clients now for almost six years, as I mentioned, in theirs, there was a point last year where I was like, This is exhausting, it would be so much easier if I just created my own products. But when you start to look at what that costs, and the time and the energy, it’s really a full time job, at least in my opinion, to figure out really what’s the best item and then find the manufacturer and then have them create a prototype and then have them send it from overseas, and then you look at it and then you approve it, or you send your changes and then and then you have to order it and then you have to pay for it. And you have to not get scammed while you pay for it. So like a quick side note, use Alibaba because there’s insurance and I had a friend lose like $40,000, because he got scammed through some other thing. It was not Alibaba, and he was like, I’ll never not go through there again. So if you are interested in that, I love Jungle Scout, and they just rolled out a brand new tool that you can subscribe to that will tell you by item on Amazon, exactly who their manufacturer is over in China or whatever country it is. And they’ll tell you, you know, hey, here’s how to get ahold of them. And here’s how, you know if you want to go create your own thing. And one thing I would caution you to is, you don’t want to be first to market unless you have a million dollars sitting in a bank to go spend to launch the product, right, you want to find whitespace in the market. So use tools like Jungle Scout use tools like merchant words. And I’ve got an online course as well as when I managed my one on one clients where I teach you and I use these tools, and I show you how to use them. And that’s what you want to do. So you want to find something where there’s high search ability, so people are looking for it. But then there’s a low amount of actual sales and a low amount of actual products that show up for the search results. That gives you the whitespace. And that’s where you know shoppers are looking for it. They can’t find it on Amazon, or they can’t you know, are they and this is these are particularly you know, Amazon programs because that’s what I deal with all day. But they’re great tools to use and then go Okay, we need to go develop something like a great example. I have a real example for you. And it’s with trash cans. So I had a potential client, I didn’t end up working with them. So I feel comfortable sharing this story. But they came to me and they were like, Hey, we sell these boxes that are for recyclable things that your normal recycler doesn’t take. So it’s like batteries or whatever, those kind of things, one off things. And so you go on Amazon or you go to them directly and you get this box sent to your home, you put the weird thing in it and then you send it back to them and then they recycle it. So these are people that like really love the planet and really, really, really want to pay extra to go send their stuff back And apparently there’s a huge market for it because they’re making millions of dollars a year doing this. So I started to research on Amazon and I used the tools, I got to Jungle Scout, I use merchant words, I’m looking at shopper search, I’m looking at what’s coming up. And there’s nothing like that in the market. But there’s a huge whitespace for recyclable trash cans, and recyclable bags that go in trash cans, and three and four sorting trash cans. So if anyone’s listening, and you want to go find an item, that there’s white space for everyone, I gave you like a whole category. And what’s interesting in that space is no one’s really winning in this space. There’s no one or two brands that are the top brands in that space. So you could easily go dominate, and then come back in with your kind of like one off brown boxes that you mail out for the weird things that you need to recycle, right? And then then you have like validity, and customers are like, Oh, yeah, I know that brand. Because it’s sitting in my kitchen. It’s the trash can in the kitchen. Oh, yeah. Those are the bags that we use for the bathroom. Yeah, bathrooms, right? Yeah. So you get the idea.

Adam G. Force 31:02

Yeah, no, I love it. Okay, so listen, we’re I mean, that’s all super, very helpful. A lot of good tips, guys. So hope you’re taking notes and listening closely. If you’re looking to get in the e commerce space and get heavy on products get out there, Jennifer will be a great person to work with. And we’ll give a shout out in just a minute to where you can connect with her and see what she has going on and how she can help you. I also don’t want to scare you from creating your own product. It is it’s been done over and over again. Look at the Jake or x of the world that we’ve interviewed. He has his own products that are doing incredible things for the world. Look at Crystal Earle. She came out of Dominica, and she’s helping people over there. And it’s amazing, Jennifer, she basically was taking these tires that were filling up landfills causing all kinds of disease and infestations and all these problems with the community. And she decided she would make shoes that would use the tires, rubber for the soles of the shoes. And she had them like put together she started selling them on her own and the brand started catching and she did a lot of like roadshows going a little like tradeshow conferences and stuff. And now they have clothing and all kinds of other stuff. So they expanded. So there are grassroots efforts for small ecommerce companies like that, that do a build up. And then as those brands catch fire, you’d be ready to get out maybe in bigger stores and stuff like that. So it depends on your process and your strategy. Right. So you just gotta like, figure out the game plan. I guess.

Jennifer Kaylo 32:24

I love that you said that. Because that’s a huge caveat. Here I am. My background is mass retail. And I think in mass and how fast you can scale. Adam, you’re totally right. There’s two different ways to grow. One is organically, it’s profitably, it’s slow and steady wins the race, which is exactly what you’re talking about. The other is how fast can we scale. And a lot of times scale to sell, which may be a very small portion of who your listeners are. But I just wanted to give you my perspective from a mass retail specialist.

Adam G. Force 32:54

I mean, it’s important because even if you are small and you start organically, you could start selling locally at little like, you know, farmers markets for all I care. But I have another friend who started making her own food like cookies, and they were gluten free and a certain type of thing going on there. She went to farmers markets for like a year. Next thing you know, she’s in Whole Foods, right? So it’s like, oh, cool. This is what happens. And like, yeah, you know, so I think it’s a multi stage strategy, you just have to think, how do I start proving this? How do I do that little, you know, very cheap, like product test and get it out there. See if people like it. And if it starts catching you just slowly build on it, slowly grow it and then you’re ready to get into the marketplace, like Target potentially, or whole foods or whatever. So it’s just a matter of strategy. And I think you’re a mass you get into the mass markets. But there is a very important place for that. So Timing is everything, right? Absolutely. So let’s give a shout out. Because we’re running out of time here. I want to give an actually on behind here. So let’s give a shout out. How can people find you? You know, so if they’re ready to really scale up on Amazon and Walmart, where do they find you so they can learn more about how to connect?

Jennifer Kaylo 34:01

Yeah, and I’m sure that Adam will put this link in the show notes. My website is Jenniferkayloruscin.com And you just click on work with me. And there’s multiple different ways one leads to courses. So if you’re interested in Amazon, I have something called the a game A stands for Amazon. And then if you have interest in Walmart, I have one called the path to Walmart. So either one of those will teach you from step one all the way till the end. It’s a DIY method of how to sell and both of those retailers super valuable guys. So

Adam G. Force 34:33

Super valuable guys. So check that out. If you’re in the ecommerce space, it might be perfect timing for you. Jennifer, thank you so much for your time today. Appreciate it.

Jennifer Kaylo 34:41

You’re welcome. Thank you so much for having me.

Adam G. Force 34:42

You got it. I’ll talk to you later. Thanks for tuning into the Change Creator podcast visit us at Change creator.com forward slash go big to get access to free downloads and other great resources that will drive your business forward.

Stephen Carl: Supersize Your Digital E-commerce Conversions & Impact

Listen to our exclusive interview with Stephen Carl:

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How can cause marketing build following, increase conversion rates, and increase customer loyalty? Stephen Carl is the founder of Needle Movement which is focused on conscious e-commerce, and translating digital trends in to real growth.

Before Needle Movement, Stephen began his digital career at an Amazon-funded startup in 1998, so he’s got five years on people who call themselves the “original gangsters.” At Needle Movement, Stephen advises retail brands on how to achieve sustainable digital growth and profitability. He’s a pro at translating digital trends into online revenue generation and the proof is in the Needle Movement success stories.

Learn more about Stephen and his work at > https://www.needlemovement.com

We also recommend:

Transcription of Interview

(Transcribed by Otter.ai, there may be errors)

Adam G. Force 00:11

Hey, what’s up and welcome back to the Change Creator podcast show. This is your host Adam force. And I’m excited today we’re gonna be talking with Steven Karl. And Stephen is the founder of a company called the needle movement, which is a digital strategy company focused on conscious e commerce. He started his company his career actually, early on as an employee at an Amazon funded startup in 1998. And ever since then, he’s been chasing online conversions. Right so his past digital marketing experiences cover a wide wide range of categories, nonprofits, luxury, fashion, home horticulture, and they all have a common thread and that common thread is translating early Digital Trends into revenue growth, which we all need if we want to scale impact. We’ve got to scale our revenues right. So With the needle move, and Stephen decided that, you know, it was really who he was to try to take part in the greater good. So that’s an important part of why he’s doing what he’s doing. There’s this emerging wave of retail brands that are making a real difference to sustainability, social impact and things like that. And so he’s helping mission driven brands navigate the wild wild west of the digital marketing world, and helping them you know, steer towards the, the big wins, and and away from all the expensive mistakes, right? We all want to avoid those mistakes as much as we can. But we make them most times anyway, because we have learned from our own mistakes. We’ve all been there. So this is gonna be a really great conversation. I think we get a lot out of it. So I’m excited to talk with Steven. And just in case you missed last week’s episode, you don’t want to miss this. This was with Brian Robinson and he is a sales Maestro. We call them the selling Jedi Master and you know, he can help wrap your head around some really good insights around Selling because this is a craft and a skill that we all need to have as entrepreneurs. So don’t miss out on that discussion with Brian Robertson That was last week’s episode. And don’t forget to stop by Facebook Follow us get involved engage, we have a lot of good content flowing through there. And from there, you can also get involved with our group. So if you are a business owner or getting started, at least you have a business idea, you can apply for our group. And the group is the profitable digital impact entrepreneur. We’d love to see over there. So check that out. And we have some more intimate insights and conversation going on over there. And guys on Change Creator calm, we have just published a ton of fresh content that you could check out. And we do have that free report on the homepage, three proven skills that every entrepreneur must have to grow their impact business. And these are tried and true. Whether you’re talking to Russell Brunson, Seth Godin, these are all people we interviewed, but also So coming from our own experience of what how we’ve executed things and the primary areas that you really want to put your attention, okay? So this is essentially what we’re trying to accomplish with this free report is to give you guidance, so you’re not spending time doing all the wrong things that don’t matter, right? Because time and money go quick. And while you can make more money, you can’t get more time back. So we want to help you become more efficient, and use your time wisely. And so that’s what these three skills are all about. We want to just detail them and give some real context and insight around it. So check that out, and I think you’ll find it really useful. All right, I think that’s it for now. So we’re gonna dive into this conversation with Steven. Okay, show me the heat. Hey, Steven, welcome to the Change Creator podcast show how you doing today, man?

Stephen Carl 03:48

Doing great. Thanks for having me on. Really appreciate it.

Adam G. Force 03:51

Yeah, awesome. Well, I’m excited because ecommerce is definitely a space we want to talk more about. And why don’t you just do me a favor Just tell me like what do you have going on today? Before I get into your background? I like to see what what’s the latest and greatest?

Stephen Carl 04:08

Let’s see. For my day, what’s happening is I’m, I’m just helping some of my clients with anything from. I have a website redesign that’s in the works and has been on the pipeline for a couple of months. Yeah, so we’re just going through our corrections and making sure that’s good. And then I have a, I have a client who’s doing who makes kaftan dresses and part of the proceeds go back to scholarships, you know, for for students. So we’re working on an Instagram ad campaign for for her company. So a little healthy mixture between digital marketing and e commerce.

Adam G. Force 04:55

Yeah, yeah. Okay. And so that’s your focus these days with clients.

Stephen Carl 05:01

Correct. I have 21 years of experience in ice in digital, most of it in e commerce, a little bit of it and not for profit as well. And these days, I’m trying to bring that e commerce knowledge into the social good space.

Adam G. Force 05:18

Yeah, I love it. So what kind of things and now it’s been 21 years. What kind of trends have you been, I guess, learning and seeing happening over this time up to up till today?

Stephen Carl 05:31

Well, it feels like 100 years with all the time and all the cycles. And yeah, you know, but I think that there are cycles to innovation. And a big part of it is, I mean, it sounds cliche, but you just embrace change and disruption. And you figure out how to learn things faster. You know, so you, you know, you try to open up your learning sources. You know, and have your, you know, have your ear to the ground in various places. And that’s how you that’s one way you can become more savvy on, you know, some of the trends that are happening. I mean, do you want it? So I mean, specifically in e commerce? Yeah. Let’s see the trends. I can go into some of the channels a little bit.

Adam G. Force 06:22

Yeah, I’m just curious, anything top of mind that’s kind of like standing out for you like, yeah, this is interesting, just things you’ve noticed, that are just changing. You know, we, the digital world is just changing so fast. And it’s, it’s, it’s reshaping our behaviors and how we think about, you know, connecting with our audience and all that kind of stuff. So I’m curious and just have you seen any of these shifts, you know, and if anything stands out to you?

Stephen Carl 06:48

Okay, I’ll take the path of, I think the conscious. I know, there’s like two different paths. And it’s a great question. There’s two different ways to answer it. I I think the conscious consumer is emergent. No, I see this. You know, in last fall one bellwether moment was the Nike Kaepernick ad. Right? Right. And it and it was big because brands used to never get involved in social or they used to always want to stay back and have a neutral standpoint not to piss off consumers and Nike, they, you know, they pretty much made a calculated decision that they had to stand up for something. You know, so that’s why they took on this, you know, so that was a moment that it, you know, woke up a lot of marketers, but there is a segment of the audience now that, you know, people vote with their wallets. Yeah. You know, people are being encouraged to like, you know, we, I think social media has helped. Conscious companies are, you know, helped environmental sustainable ability a lot because it spreads messages so quickly, so look At the stop doing plastic straws. Yeah, yeah, you know how quickly that stuff is spreading? And a lot of like, you know, with millennials, there was this recent survey that said, I think it was like two thirds of millennials. Consider a company social responsibility when making a purchase. Yep. Yep. You know, and part of that is that, you know, the right now there’s 100 different places you can buy a product. So the consumer really controls it. Yeah.

Adam G. Force 08:31

Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. And, and I, one of the things we’ve noticed, and maybe this is continuing to shift, and we hope it is, is that, you know, people get excited about the data, which all these surveys, you know, Gallup Nielsen, whoever, you know, they share this data. And they’re saying, Yeah, people want to spend their money on things that are sustainable, they’re, they’re more conscious and you know, blah, blah, blah, and they’re willing to spend more for those things. And I don’t always see. And I’ve spoken to a number of people who’ve worked with like upworthy, and all these other platforms, Huffington Post impact department of their, their platform, and they’re like, Yeah, but we haven’t seen the actual, like tangible results, like we see that people like to say that. But are you actually doing it? Does the real purchasing data show that? And I think when push comes to shove, we’re not quite there yet. So it’s a little bit deceptive in some cases. And I’m wondering if you’ve noticed that at all, like, it’s a nice thing that’s happening, but it’s not quite there yet as the real data.

Stephen Carl 09:37

Right. Yeah, I think there is, you know, talking the talk and walking the walk and examining, yeah, companies are doing the same thing where, you know, people are putting out sustainability projections for 10 years from now on what their you know, what their company will do. We are seeing I’m optimistic because we are seeing some success stories. Yeah, and we We are seeing more alternatives emerge, you know, and, you know, in this space, you know, so you know, so you do have these success stories and sustainability. And I think it just, you know, and that’s why I think it’s a consumer driven movement that, you know, the more mindful people are with what they buy, you know, or deciding, do I really need this, the more they’re going to change the companies because the companies are issuing these statements because they have to now they’re, you know, you know, but I, you know, I agree with your point. I don’t think the conscious commerce segment I don’t have a I mean, I would say it’s maybe 10% now of the market. Okay. Yeah.

Adam G. Force 10:41

Fair. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. And, and I think too, it’s like, as we we’ve interviewed and worked with a number of you know, social impact ecommerce brands. And, you know, when we dig into it, what we find is, the better they are at communicating What like, their story is like, what makes them different, you know, like, why they’re doing this. And so, you know, all of a sudden, you know, I talked to someone like crystal arrow, brave souls, and she’s like, yeah, people come up to us and they’re like, I love that I’m so proud to own this product because I know like, what it means I know the story behind it. And so as more companies just get into this values driven business model, it’s like people don’t have to be conscious consumers, they just these are just the way businesses are operated. And I see more connections with these brands through that power of telling their story and it differentiates their brand too.

Stephen Carl 11:40

Right It’s a it’s it’s a marketing strategy. So instead of having to you know, spend your money on the perfect pictures and sneaky copywriting you know, that gets that gets into people’s heads a lot. You know, you’re just you know, by helping others you’re getting there, but something I wanted to say about that is, to your point before is that a company, just having those values is not going to succeed by itself. It’s going to take something else. Yes. And another thing that, you know, ties it in, you know, like all birds is a good example of that, because they didn’t just say we’re making sneakers that are we have a goal of being carbon neutral. Yeah, they really played into the story of New Zealand wool, and comfort that these were the most comfortable thing. So with, I think, with branding, a lot of it is just about setting up those differentiators. Yep. Yeah, that like every product has, you know, should have, you know, let’s just say five things that sets it apart and your your values message. Let’s just say that covers a couple of bullet points. Right, right. You know, there there should be other aspects of it, too.

Adam G. Force 12:58

I totally agree. I think I think people get hung up, like, Oh, I have a social impact brand. That means I’m gonna get all these sales now. And that’s not the case and you know, you’re in for a surprise and we’ve seen it happen so many times. So I think that’s a super important point that you make is that there there is more to it, you still know you still need to have a really good quality product and you got to tell that product story. But I think you also need to know how to sell you no matter how good your company is. If you don’t know how to sell you’re gonna get stuck.

Stephen Carl 13:30

Yep. Yeah, and there’s, you know, I think with with e commerce, I mean, the the channels that I’m seeing people selling on a lot, his email is still going strong. Yes. You know, and just building up your email list and sending out to people. If they like your message, they will. You know, everyone, every few years people talk about emails death, but it’s still going really well. I think Instagram and social media is also it can be pretty good for Discovery, but there are, let’s see, I’m a little mixed on it because it’s, it is expensive to run the you know, it’s, it’s expensive to run programs, and to get results, because the way you’re going to succeed on Instagram is by doing a lot of testing of your message and your audiences and getting to a point where your cost per acquisition is lower. Yeah, yeah, you know, you know, but to do that, you’re not just going to have one ad and it’s going to work perfectly and it’s probably going to be testing five different ads, a few different audiences to see what you know, who’s really hitting on that message? Yeah, yeah. You know, and then SMS is something that’s starting to emerge now and it’s it’s pretty cheap, actually, you know, just marketing through text messages, but you can’t it’s a little more spammy. I think, you know, senses Yeah, I think when people, but if people like your brand’s you can send them stuff, but just, you know, just think about the type of message you would want to receive from a company when you send it out to someone else.

Adam G. Force 15:13

Yeah. And you know, we’ve thought about that ourselves for a certain, you know, projects or campaigns and you know, email is intimate enough, like you’re getting permission and trust enough to get in the inbox. And who knows, they might give you a junk email, but not if they really want what you’re, what you’re offering. And then you think about the text messaging, and we’ve always been a little bit reserved, I’ve literally had conversations with some of those providers that do that stuff. And I think it’s, it’s super powerful and interesting. So if you send the right stuff and you’re not too aggressive, or like overwhelming, that’s even more intimate than the email, but I think there’s definitely a growing place for that. So you have seen it actually, it sounds like in the e commerce world.

Stephen Carl 15:55

Yes, I’m seeing if there’s um, yeah, there’s a big email provider called cleveo. There’s a lot of work in Shopify. So one, one signal is that clay vo just launched SMS this month. Yeah. You know, but there’s other other providers as well. But that just shows it’s getting in the space.

Adam G. Force 16:13

Yeah, yeah, it’s important. We’re big fans of the email channel, just because it’s a great way to continue a conversation with people. And there’s just such value there, you can really optimize the value of a lead over time. From that, and we’ve always as far as like, Instagram and stuff. I agree with you. I always, I don’t know, just it’s just me personally, I see so many people, like, you know, killing it on Instagram. And I’ve tried like, you know, our team has tried like campaigns and done different things. And I don’t know, I’ve always we’ve struggled with Instagram.

Stephen Carl 16:47

You’re not the only one.

Adam G. Force 16:49

You know, and I think I’ve seen other brands where they got in at a certain time they were able to get those influencers to do these shout outs for them at a very, very low price and they had incredible Double like return on those like getting 500 to 1000 people a pop for like, you know a couple bucks. Once we I did a whole we did like this whole campaign once where we got like 10 influencers on board and we like calculated the numbers and crunch them of what the expectation might be like forecasts are our return on this. And it just wasn’t even in the ballpark. Like I was like, well, this is dead. So that was really disheartening.

Stephen Carl 17:24

Yes, you definitely you definitely need to have a CFO mentality when you work on Instagram. Yes, because Yeah, because if the numbers don’t make sense, then you can put your focus on another place but email is is a much more profitable time to start out definitely big time

Adam G. Force 17:41

but well that’s the thing you’re not you’re not as platform dependent, you may have your email client but that certainly isn’t going to change much like a Facebook platform or an Instagram platform whereas you know anything goes wrong or what have you. You do something and they like close down your account or for you know, who knows, like you you’re out you’re in trouble you know,

Stephen Carl 17:59

and with email You write you control the name, where Instagram like a lot of times with organic reach, like Facebook pulled this actually where you have an account and people are signing up but maybe only less than 20% of people are actually seeing the message because Facebook decided to change the algorithm. So right you’re, you have more control with email definitely over that customer. Yeah, yeah, you know, and I think with text actually the one thing I was going to say is, um, phone numbers are also becoming important now with text messaging, that email, the email address is still a great thing to have and get. But companies are starting to think about hey, I should you know if I have that person’s phone number, that I can use it for SMS and other things. Yeah.

Adam G. Force 18:48

You know what number I give people? 55555555?

Stephen Carl 18:53


Adam G. Force 18:55

Cuz I don’t want to give my phone number. I’m like hell no, I don’t want to do that. Yep. You know, I was reading some data the other day for some stuff we were doing and I have to forgive me I forget the source but I was looking at the difference today between desktop and mobile. And while there’s so there’s a the the mobile side is dominating traffic. I’ve noticed that for things like e commerce, the time spent on a session on average is far higher on desktop and so are the sales that come through for e commerce is much higher on desktop as well. So you know, you talked about Instagram, which is obviously mostly mobile only. I’m seeing more financial return in through the desktop space versus the mobile space but higher traffic on mobile, you know, but even with this the little the lesser traffic on desktop, the sales are far higher.

Stephen Carl 19:48

I agree with you on Yeah, definitely. Yeah, you definitely. Yeah, we more people are purchasing on their desktops. No, no question about it.

Adam G. Force 19:58

Yeah. I wonder why I wonder why that is. Do you have any thoughts on what might be, you know, kind of making that happen?

Stephen Carl 20:05

It’s, I think, in the West, we’re just more desktop centric in other parts of the world, like in China, and people buy everything on their phones. So there’s just something about people want to wait until they get back to their regular big computer or their laptop. And just and I think there is a research phase, so maybe, you know, maybe as like 5g is coming, and I don’t even know what the heck that means. But it means faster connections for mobile, I believe, among bugs. Some of it is the speed of the mobile experience to shut Yeah, yeah. You know, but I think that’s, you know, so it’s still so at the moment. The I definitely desktop is where I’m, you know, to look at things I think for mobile websites. If your conversion rate is really bad on mobile. Just take a look at it and browse through it and See if there’s I think a lot of times just comparing yourself to other companies or companies where you dig their experience, do you think they have a good website? You know, it can give you a lot of ideas on how to make simple improvements like one time. Like recently, I was looking at a client who had a poor mobile, like just their mobile conversion numbers aren’t good. And I was just looking at their navigation and the type was really small. So I’m like, Hey, why don’t we just make it bigger? Because I can’t read this. Good idea that could help. Yeah, yeah. Or the text. Sometimes if it’s like really small on the screen, no one’s people are more like a mobile. Also, people are more image centric. They’re not going to read the text. Yeah

Adam G. Force 21:43

I can. I can. That makes sense to me. You know, I’m not a big like shopper and I just went to this brand. It’s like a men’s clothing brand called chubbies. It’s like shorts and tank tops like summery stuff, and they have a really good experience. I went ahead and bought Right there on my on my phone, but nine times out of 10. I do get the feeling too if I’m not sure about a brand or I don’t know the brand yet. I will want to be on my desktop to like, do a little research, like you said, I want to read about like, Who is this? and not do they have a good product? What do people think? And I don’t really want to do all that shuffling around when I’m on my phone.

Stephen Carl 22:20


Adam G. Force 22:21

Yeah, so I think it makes sense. Yeah, so I’m curious then just maybe some of the stuff that right now if you were you said you were working with some clients and things like that, what are some of the strategies, I guess that you are now putting in place to help optimize the experience, you know, let’s say now you’re building these sites and you got to focus on homepage and key pages that really are the trust builders and conversion builders and stuff like that. Any insights on just ways to think about these things and you know, because I know ecommerce is different than a coaching session. Or someone who has courses and things like that?

Stephen Carl 23:04

Let’s see. Yeah, trust is is very important. And let’s see. So in that there’s, there’s things that are trust building and trust seals. So let’s see. So let’s go into how you can increase trust in your company. Because even if you’re a one person operation, like I like to think of it as the Wizard of Oz effect, where, you know, behind the curtain is a short video is a short man. But he seemed larger than life to everybody else. So you just want you want to make your company look big and established. So trust signals would be I think any, any good media, or publications that have written about you a lot of people put that on the homepage.

Adam G. Force 23:48

Yeah. Little social proof kind of thing.

Stephen Carl 23:51

Yes. So right. So that idea of social proof whether it’s, you know, you know, a large media outlet online Also customer testimonials. Where you Yeah, yeah, getting a lot of those. And you just you just have to ask for them from happy customers.

Adam G. Force 24:11

Yeah, and most times Yeah,

Stephen Carl 24:13

they don’t people don’t fill it out on the product page.

Adam G. Force 24:15

No. And everyone’s like, they don’t they think I don’t have any and I will be like, Well how many people did you ask for them? Like literally like, like knock on their door in the sense of digitally and be like, Hey, I was wondering, blah, blah, blah and just really go after it, you know?

Stephen Carl 24:30

And you can also do a customer survey. Yeah. Where you ask for review. So there’s there you know, there’s a few or if you’re on customer service, you know, so there’s a few tactics to get, you know, to get good reviews, but then going into the trust seals that with conversions. You know, people are gonna decide to buy or not buy the product, like the product page is very important. So you have those seals of like if you have a free shipping policy, right, put it on that page. If you’re something that happens with impact, you know, you can have a couple of seals that tell people on that page the you know, the the programs that you have, but when you put those at a spot to put them is right under the Add to Cart button. Yeah. So that right in that headspace where people are making that buy decision, you’re reinforcing that message.

Adam G. Force 25:25

Right, right. And I think you know, going back to the email thing, it’s so important because not everybody, especially if you’re a younger brand, like they’re not, they may not be ready to just buy something right away, but they might be interested. So you know, you want to be able to keep talking to them about it. So those little perks like you know, maybe your first first time buying something, you get free shipping or a certain percent off. So you’re not giving a how to guide like other businesses might, but you can give incentives right so it sounds like those incentives are a good way to just keep people on board.

Stephen Carl 25:57

Yeah, exactly. It just gives it gives people incentive to try out the product and to learn more. And that’s what gets you through the first purchase. And then, you know, I think especially when you have an impact business, you have so many stories to tell people that will convince them you know to buy again, but that is one of the biggest issues in e commerce is the one time buyer problem. Yeah. How do you get that recurring? Yeah, where people are wanting done. So like, once you’re celebrating, once you’re doing that jig for that first order that you got, you got to start thinking about the second order and email is an excellent way through post purchase emails to Yeah, to you know, to tell people more about the product they’re getting and what’s and the team behind it as well.

Adam G. Force 26:42

And all that stuff, you know, people like I find that they’re in these spaces, and they feel like oh, well, no one wants that. They just want to know the what’s on sale. What’s the discount? And I’m like, in my mind, no, no, that’s not true. I’m like people will be interested in what you stand for, why you’re doing what you’re doing all these things and the more that They that you’ve that you resonate with those people, they become advocates. Now they’re really standing behind you and really like what you do, right?

Stephen Carl 27:08

Yeah, I would say with discount shoppers it’s a different type of shopper. And it’s not yeah they’re not. I think when you’re starting out that’s not the best place to go because you want people to buy because they believe in what you’re what you’re doing not that they’re getting 20% off that or 30% off that because that they’re never going to change that they’re always going to expect they’re buying because of the the high of the discount, not because of the value that you’re providing as a brand.

Adam G. Force 27:38

That’s that’s a good point. I like that but and you know, people are so desperate to get the sale that one time sale that they do these discounts when they’re already devaluing the product. And you know, what you want to do, like you said is attract the people that are interested in supporting and getting on board with what you do not just getting that one time sale.

Stephen Carl 27:57

Right. I think the consumer base is all very tribal. Like there’s some people that are huge discount shoppers. And there’s some people that are conscious consumers. And then there’s a lot of people that are in the midst. I think there’s a lot of people that are curious about impact businesses, right? They’ve heard all the big stories. And they in their hearts, you know, like we were saying talk the talk, walk the walk, they want to support it more than they’re giving it a look, but they aren’t there yet. But they’re close. Yeah,

Adam G. Force 28:25

yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah, no, this is all we’re super on the same page with these things. And I think it’s, um, this is a helpful conversation for people to hear, especially with the e commerce world because I see most of the time I go to their websites, and they could be a young brand. You’re not a Nike, you know, like nobody knows who you are like, you know, a Nike, right? So you can’t really mimic a Nike when you’re when you’re a startup brand in the first few years. And so like you go to their website, and you’ll see, you know, they just have their products on the homepage or shopping here and, you know, in my mind, I’m like, that’s that’s an interesting way to start that conversation with somebody. And I’m wondering how that works. Because comparatively, I think to your point, attracting the people and telling them a little bit more about what you’re about and getting them like, they’re in that mindset. I’m wondering how that would play out for them comparatively?

Stephen Carl 29:21

Well, it’s, you know, I think there is that apples to oranges comparison, like where, you know, people used to say, Oh, I want to be the Amazon of this. And now it’s like, I want to be the knight I want to be I want to be just like this company that has 1000 people working for them already. Like, you’re not

Adam G. Force 29:37

You’re not there.

Stephen Carl 29:39

You’re not there. But I think with impact businesses, they definitely have the potential to build followings easier, that there are built in communities. You know, you say you’re helping other people. There’s an immediate draw that will you know, so I think kind of like I think with young businesses What can make them successful is their ability to attract a community. It’s a community of consumers. Even on the business networking side, it’s a community of peers and advisors that are going to help them make better decisions. Yeah, yeah, you know, but I think they’re you know, in there is a way to you know, to get your and that community could be in your social following it could be in your the size of your email list. And just like the best way to sell something is for someone else to do that selling for you. You know, so it’s so it’s like finding lining by that Well, let’s see. So with all if if somebody says, Hey, you got a I found a great pair of kicks, you got it. You got to try these Oh,

Adam G. Force 30:47

word of mouth marketing. Like someone loves what you do. So they tell someone else.

Stephen Carl 30:51

Right? Yeah. Okay. Or did you? Gotcha. Yeah.

Adam G. Force 30:54

Yeah. No, that makes sense. And I agree. So like if you if you’re doing something good They give your product a whirl, that word of mouth marketing is is super powerful.

Stephen Carl 31:05

Yeah, so how you cultivate that to with like, you know, kind of, you know how you can use influencers or brand ambassadors, you know, to to get more people on the ground talking about the product. Yeah,

Adam G. Force 31:21

yeah. Yeah, I can see that. That makes sense. And that might, yeah, there’s creative things you can do with stuff like that for sure. So you could set up your home base, you know, your, your, you know, your website and stuff. And if you can get that to convert, because here’s the thing people I’ve noticed, they will, they will slap something up for a website and they kind of set it and forget it sometimes like, okay, it’s up now. And, you know, they go out there and they spend all this money on tactical stuff, even influencers, whatever the advertising channel might be, but their home base is not set up to convert well, so like they’re just not getting sales no matter what they do, because they just haven’t done it right on the website.

Stephen Carl 32:03

Yeah, I think with the right with the website, okay, so I mean a way you can another way to improve your website. I mean, you honestly assess it just look at your conversion rate, of course. Yeah. Yeah. So like, if your conversion rate is under, I think if it’s under 2%. You know, that’s, that’s telling you that there’s there’s a lot of room to approve.

Adam G. Force 32:25

What would you say an average, you know, product conversion rate, we’re talking not high high end products of like $1,000. But, you know, your average 20 to $50.

Stephen Carl 32:36

what’s the what’s the Convert the average conversion rate,

Adam G. Force 32:38

what would you say is a good conversion rate?

Stephen Carl 32:42

I think if you can get over like two and a half percent, that would be a good conversion rate. Okay. And I think under like, you know, two isn’t terrible, I think I think it’s more like when I when I start seeing it more in the ones that’s, you know, that’s more of a red flag, but for the website, mean there’s a couple of there’s a couple of tips one let’s see. Hire a copywriter. You know, it’s not you know and i and i say this actually I have I have a copywriter helping me out and it’s taught me in my on my side of the business how valuable it is. And it’s humbling because I was an English major in university yeah so you you know something Of course I can write all this stuff but but um copywriters helped me with persuasiveness to make it compelling. Yeah. And to get it you have to like so for a website to be successful. You have to read the consumers mind a little bit and you have to understand the objections they have in their head. Absolutely. Yeah. So, so he do that and then, you know, a copywriter or, you know, a lot of times people will use Like their early customer feedback or like their their best customers and what their best customers say, yeah, that will become some of the copy because it answers the the reasons why people aren’t buying. So, you know, there’s that, you know, I think there’s also a there are templates in e commerce that make it a little bit more affordable. Like, especially in Shopify, where it’s for, say 150 to $350 you’re getting a pre configured website that looks very professional, instead of having to spend thousands on your own to you know, to build with a developer

Adam G. Force 34:37

Yeah, now that’s there’s it’s getting easier and easier the barrier to access is lower for these types of things now, and yeah, I think the copywriter is is a powerful tool. I think you as a founder need to know you know, what, you got to be close to the sales process, like you got to know the objections, you got to know the stories, you know, or your business is grounded. And then you can give that information to a copywriter to actually whip it up in a in a sexy way.

Stephen Carl 35:06

And what’s cool about it is that you can always change stuff on a website, it just takes it doesn’t take that much time. If I think the, if you just look at it honestly and say, I’m disappointed in my performance, then in a couple months, you could have a different website with different results, or you can just modify things, just trying to figure out what’s going, you know, what’s off there. You know, so there’s, you know, so you look at your Google Analytics, there’s even screen recording tools like hot jar mesh like or ladies that it’s, it’s not expensive, but it’s just just to get an idea of what the heck is going on with the website because sometimes you only see it’s one is a sale zero is not a sale, but you’re not seeing how they’re navigating through the website.

Adam G. Force 35:57

More Yeah, and those things might be My co founder, Amy and I are like, man, we watch those recordings like this is better than Netflix. I mean, it’s so fun. And because you know, you hear, you know, historically years ago, I read a lot of UX books and stuff about user experience. And they’re like, you really want to see how people are navigating your stuff. So like, you could go literally stand over their shoulder and watch what they do on the computer and stuff. And you don’t need that anymore. Like you can you can have things like hot jar and it’s so powerful to see like, where do they pause like, where are they actually reading or going back to where are they quit? It’s just the information that comes out of that is really valuable.

Stephen Carl 36:39

Yeah, and it’s affordable too. So it’s, it’s something like

Adam G. Force 36:42

2000 views or recordings is free. I mean, it ever as you get bigger, you’ll start paying. But yeah, for a lot of these startups, you guys, you just all you got to do is sign up.

Stephen Carl 36:51

But I guess if you’re like when you’re hearing crickets when it’s a little too quiet with the sales, yeah. You just, you know, you just got to dig a little you know, dig into What the possible causes is, and I think half of the battle is just openly looking at it, and seeing what you’re, you know, what can be improved.

Adam G. Force 37:08

And that’s what it is. And I think a lot of people don’t realize when they get into the entrepreneurship space and they’re struggling, it’s like these things do take some time. Like, it just doesn’t happen for everybody. Like, you know, it’s not like in a year you’re going to be making, I mean, not not that no one ever has, but it’s unlikely you’ll be making a million dollars a year. So it’s like, these things take time. And you have to have a little patience to iterate and and be diligent with a discipline to actually look at your numbers and see where the gaps are and start optimizing next thing, you know, a year goes by and you have this totally different, you know, experience on your platform because you’ve been iterating. And it’s actually now getting results, you know,

Stephen Carl 37:46

yeah, they say like, if you’re, if your business improves 10% every month, the calculation is that your business would be over 300% better than at the start. So it is that you’re right on it that month to month. Yeah, you know, iterative improvement just getting a little better at everything consistently.

Adam G. Force 38:04

Exactly. And, and you’ll feel good about those little wins. If you just pay attention to it and you do it, then each month you’ll be like, all right, like it’s something to feel good about, you know, and you’ll see it just kind of grow and grow. So awesome. Steven, tell me just a little as we wrap up here. So what what kind of clients do you work with? Mostly right now?

Stephen Carl 38:23

Let’s see, I have some experience in in fashion. So I end up, you know, given that working with fashion businesses, but a lot of I mean, the businesses also tend to be on the Shopify platform. Yeah. as well. Okay. Okay,

Adam G. Force 38:38

cool. And why don’t you give yourself a shout out where people can maybe find you and learn a little bit more.

Stephen Carl 38:44

Great. Let’s see, you can so you can reach me at I’ll just give you an email address to make it simple Hello at needle movement, calm, and I personally look at all of those emails. And I also offer Free strategy calls for podcast listeners. It’s always fun to hear the, you know, the challenges and you know, and positives that that businesses are going through every day.

Adam G. Force 39:11

Sure, sure. Cool. All right. Well, listen, Stephen, I appreciate the conversation and your time today.

Stephen Carl 39:17

Thanks so much for having me

Adam G. Force 39:18

this episode. Your next step is to join the Change Creator revolution by downloading our interactive digital magazine app for premium content, exclusive interviews, and more ways to stay on top of your game available now on iTunes and Google Play or visit Change Creator mag Comm. We’ll see you next time where money and meaning intersect right here at the Change Creator podcast.

11 of the Best Salesforce Commerce Cloud Apps to Run Your Business Effectively [2021 Update]

Salesforce is a powerful platform. Used by over 150,000 people, it is known as one of the best CRM (customer relations management) platforms out there. It’s a great tool that can help you to run your business more effectively – but it can be customized further using their App Marketplace.

The question is – which apps are the best? With over 3,000 apps to choose from, it’s hard to know where to begin. In our guide on the best Salesforce commerce cloud apps, we’ll take you through the top ones out there.

We’ll look at a variety of apps in different categories – event management, accounting, analytics, marketing automation, and more – looking at the main features they have to offer. We’ll also take a look at customer reviews, giving you an overview of what real users think, and we’ll give you the average star rating out of 5 for each app.

Plus, we’ll tell you which tiers work for each app – as not all apps are compatible with every tier.

We’ve tried to pick an app from a broad range of categories, so you can find something to suit your business.

Let’s start off with marketing!

Best for Marketing – Lead Scoring

For a free app, this one packs a punch. Lead Scoring gives your customers a score based on rules that you can set yourself (for example, making a purchase). The higher the score, the more likely the customer is to make a new purchase – meaning you can specifically target those customers in your marketing strategy.

It’s a simple app to install and run, and it doesn’t take long to set up the rules. If you’ve never encountered lead scoring before, this app provides a good way to try it.

Main Features

  • Capture leads based on a variety of criteria
  • Highly customizable
  • Easy to install

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users enjoyed how easy it was to install the app, and how many features it offered for free. They also report that the app is very customizable, allowing you to set your own criteria for lead scoring. This may put some people off if you’ve never attempted lead scoring before, but it may be just right for you if you want to have full control of the process.

It has an average rating of 5 stars.


Lead Scoring is a free app – you can find out more here.

Best Page Builder – Shogun

Shogun will give you the power to create beautiful pages for your eCommerce store. Whether you need to make landing pages, blog posts, or product pages, the easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor will enable you to do so.

What’s great about Shogun is that it’s a very visual platform, simple to learn and easy to use. Just drag and drop the page elements where you want them – and then customize it to your hearts’ content. If you want to make page building simple, this is a great app to go for.

Plus, it comes with extra features, including A/B testing for your pages, and analytics (depending on which price plan you choose).

Main Features

  • Create great-looking pages, using templates or from scratch
  • Simple drag-and-drop page editor
  • A/B testing
  • Analytics suite

What Do Users Think?

As Shogun doesn’t appear on the App Exchange, we weren’t able to get user reviews. However, you can find our review of Shogun for Shopify here (it works in the same way once you’ve got the integration up and running).


There are different price plans for Shogun, depending on which features you want. To find out more, visit Shogun’s website.

Best for Events Management – Cvent Events App

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

If you need to sell tickets to an event online, this app is a must-have. It streamlines a lot of the processes that come with event management, saving you time and effort – and it’s particularly well-suited to businesses with larger teams. You can allow your teams to invite and register customers to events and track how well your events have performed.

The great thing about this app is that you can follow your contact’s journey with your business – at past events for example. This can give your sales team an idea of which future events they can market to specific customers. From your point of view, you can track and manage the performance of your sales team easily.

The data from your events is displayed clearly – making it much easier to report the results of an event to your wider team.

Main Features

  • Streamline the processes that come with running events
  • Clear reporting shows you the success of each event
  • Sales team can individually track and pursue potential customers

Available For

  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users really enjoy how much this app streamlines their work processes, eliminating some of the time-consuming manual tasks (like manual invitee list uploads).

It has an average rating of 5 stars.


Starts at $2,450 per company per year – click here to find out more.

Best for Analytics – Conga Grid

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

With a huge amount of 5-star reviews, Conga Grid is the ultimate analytics solution. It will organise data in a way that makes it simple to understand. It allows you to manage information, simplifying it so you have the most accurate data available. Using their grid system, you can create a customized display that will show your data in one screen – this saves you time and allows you to see how well certain products or pages are performing, so you can make adjustments if necessary.

You can also use Quick Start Grids if you want to get up and running right away.

Main Features

  • Create your own personalized grid to organise data
  • Keep data organised and clear
  • Quick Start Grids allow you to get going straight away
  • Clear display allows you to see and understand your sales data in one glance

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users find Conga to be intuitive and simple to use, with little training needed to get up to speed with it. They also found Conga’s customer service to be brilliant, with dedicated account managers available if needed. They enjoyed how easy it is to import data in one click, saving a lot of time and effort.

It has an average rating of 5 stars.


Conga starts at $18 per month for 10 users (this is the minimum user amount). They offer discounts for non-profits. Find out more here.

Best for Accounting – FinancialForce

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Keeping on top of your accounts can be complicated and time-consuming, so when you’re looking for an app, you want one that is going to simplify the process as much as possible, saving you a lot of headaches. Financial Force is a great one, as it has tons of features and helps to break things down in a simple, easy-to-understand way.

With a modern, clean interface, Financial Force allows you to automate the billing and collections process, saving you time. It gives you comprehensive financial reporting, with very readable information that is updated in real time. It also allows you to streamline some of the more boring processes, like recurring journal entries and reversing of entries. You can also monitor cashflow, even across multiple bank accounts – which is a vital tool.

You can even get access to trend forecasting, and it’s easy to access data wherever you are, even on mobile.

Main Features

  • Streamlines tedious processes, making bookkeeping much easier
  • Gives you comprehensive financial reporting
  • Automates billing and collections process
  • Trend forecasting
  • Easy to access live information at any time

Available For

  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users found the app to be user-friendly and intuitive. They found the reporting to be very powerful, too. Some users found it slowed things down a little, as the app installs a lot of objects, tabs, and pages, so that’s something be aware of. However, most reviews are positive.

It has an average rating of 4.6 stars.


Pricing starts at $420 per company per month. Click here to find out more.

Best for Marketing Automation – ActiveCampaign

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When it comes to marketing automation, ActiveCampaign are well-known, and their app for Salesforce is brilliant. You can create personalized email marketing campaigns using information you already have in your Salesforce accounts. You can manage leads and contacts easily, allowing you to specifically target certain customers with marketing campaigns that are just right for them.

It’s packed with features, including marketing automation, email marketing, site messaging, online chat, segmentation, and conditional content – meaning you can create highly personalized, customisable campaigns.

Whether you want to send follow-up emails, target leads with specific campaigns, or just observe how your leads are interacting with your email campaigns, ActiveCampaign covers it all.

Main Features

  • Marketing automation which allows you to create highly personalized campaigns
  • Email marketing, site messaging, and online chat
  • Lead management allows you to segment and organise your contacts
  • Set unique goals for each customer
  • Start a campaign to win back previous customers

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Essentials

What Do Users Think?

Users think that the app takes a little time to learn – so if you don’t want a learning curve, it might not be for you. However, most users report great results, meeting or exceeding all expectations when it comes to creating marketing campaigns.

It has an average rating of 4.4 stars.


ActiveCampaign starts at $9 per company per month, with discounts available for non-profits. Find out more here.

Best for Shipping – FedEx Shipping App

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If you want to manage your shipping seamlessly, FedEx is a great choice. You can mail and ship products to any lead, contact, or account. The app automatically calculates FedEx shipping rates, too – meaning it can quickly print shipping and return labels, saving you time and effort.

It also allows you to keep in touch with your customers using the ‘Chatter’ service, giving them real time tracking updates.

Main Features

  • Send mail or ship packages to any Lead, Contact, or Account
  • Automatically calculates FedEx rates
  • Generate and print labels automatically
  • Track shipments using Chatter service

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Force.com
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users enjoy how easy this is to use, especially as you never have to leave the Salesforce cloud to do it – saving you from having to learn to use multiple platforms. They found the automation of otherwise time-consuming tasks to be extremely useful, which is great.

It has an average rating of 4.9 stars.


The price starts at $208.75 per month, with discounts available for non-profits. You can find out more here.

Best for Customer Feedback – Formstack

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Sometimes, you need to capture data from your customers. Whether you want feedback on a certain event, campaign, or sale, or you need to collect data for an order form, Formstack has you covered with it’s easy to use form builder.

You can create a variety of forms, including customer feedback, event registration, waivers and disclaimers, job applications, order forms, and more. You can even create a contact form so your customers can contact you directly. The form builder itself is intuitive and simple to use, and best of all, it’s safe – it’s HIPAA, PIPEDA and GDPR compliant, meaning you can trust that your customer’s data will be kept securely.

Main Features

  • Create any kind of form using an easy, intuitive form builder
  • Form builder is HIPAA, PIPEDA and GDPR compliant
  • Forms are responsive and mobile-friendly
  • You can send forms to customers via email
  • Includes a free 14-day trial

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Force.com
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users think that the form builder itself works really well, and they like how customizable it is even if you have no technical experience. They also praised the customer support, saying they were responsive and helpful.

It has an average rating of 4.8 stars.


FormStack starts at $79 per month with discounts available for nonprofits. You can find out more here.

Best for Staff Training – Trail Tracker

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If you run a bigger business and you manage a sales team, motivating your team to learn a new platform can be difficult. Trail Tracker is designed to train your staff to learn how to use Salesforce in a fun, engaging way. Your employees can collect badges as they learn new skills.

It’s also very easy to keep on top of how your employees are doing. It automatically syncs on a daily basis, and it gives you all the customer data you need, including most active users, most popular badges, and records of activity for each user.

It’s a fun app – and if you want to encourage your staff to learn new skills and reach their goals, this is a good way to do it.

Main Features

  • Fun platform encourages staff to reach their goals to earn badges
  • Data syncs every day, so you can track the performance of each staff member
  • An easy, fun way to motivate staff to learn new skills

Available For

  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Force.com
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users find Trail Tracker to be an excellent way to motivate staff. Many found that a sense of friendly competition pushed their staff to work harder – which is a great result. A few people had some issues with installation but found the customer service team to be very responsive.

It has an average rating of 3.2 stars.


Trail Tracker is free to use. You can find out more here.

Best for Email Marketing – iContact

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If you want to send mass emails as part of a campaign, but you don’t want to leave the Salesforce platform, this could be the app for you. You can send an unlimited amount of emails per day, choosing from over 600 responsive email design templates – and you can personalize them using Salesforce custom fields.

You can track how interested your contacts are in your email campaigns, so you can then target them with specific emails that will interest them.

The best part is that you don’t have to learn a new platform – it’s all in one place, so as long as you’re already familiar with Salesforce, you’ll be good to go.

It’s also the 2 x winner of the Best Mass Email App by App Exchange in the Customer Choice Awards – so you know they’re a popular choice with Salesforce users.

Main Features

  • 600+ email templates to choose from
  • Send an unlimited amount of emails each day
  • Track how contacts interact with your emails, so you can target them based on their interests
  • Functions within Salesforce platform

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users praised the simplicity of this app, and they like that they don’t have to leave Salesforce to use it. They found the interface to be user-friendly and modern, and felt the customer support was excellent.

It has an average rating of 4.6 stars.


iContact starts at $99 per company per month, with discounts available for non-profits. You can find out more here.

Best for Translation – Lingotek Translation

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We’ve got one more free app to round things off. If you want to translate information into different languages, you’ll need an app to help you out – and Lingotek is a brilliant one. Not only does it allow you to translate knowledge base articles and content, it also allows you to translate leads – allowing your sales team to get the right information on each lead in their native language. This helps to improve communication overall, which is great if you have staff in different locations.

All that, for free – and you don’t need to know any coding languages or have strong technical skills.

Main Features

  • Translate pages quickly and easily
  • Translate knowledge base articles to help users
  • Translate lead information for your sales team
  • No coding required

Available For

  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Force.com
  • Developer
  • Performance

What Do Users Think?

Users liked how simple this app is to use, and how effectively it was able to translate information for different staff members. They found it saved time and allowed their team to work more efficiently.

It has an average rating of 5.0 stars.


Lingotek is a free app. You can find out more by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any burning questions about Salesforce Commerce Cloud apps? We might have the answer here.

Where Can I Find the App store?

You can find the Salesforce AppExchange by clicking here.

How Much Do Apps Cost?

It depends. Many of them are free (you can filter them to show the free ones if you like). Others can cost hundreds of dollars per month depending on how they work and what they have to offer.

What Apps Do I Really Need?

This depends on the focus of your business and what you want to achieve. If you want to improve your marketing in your eCommerce business, for example, focusing on email marketing apps and marketing automation apps can really help. If you want to run events, you’ll obviously need a good events management app. You can get apps to help with accounting, form creation, shipping … There’s a lot of choice out there.

One thing you may want to consider getting is a good analytics app. A good app (like the one we looked at earlier, CongaGrid) will be able to break down information in a way that is easy to understand. The more data you have about your business – sales, customer information, clickthrough rates, cart abandonment rates, and so on – the more power you have to make practical changes to bring in more sales. We’d definitely recommend finding a decent analytics app for that reason.

How Do I Install a New App?

On the app’s page, click ‘get it now’ and go through the checkout process. You will see a button named ‘install’. Salesforce will then talk you through the steps required to complete the installation process.

How Can I Delete an App on Salesforce?

Head to ‘Setup’, then use the QuickFind box to search for ‘Apps’. Click ‘App Manager’, and from there you can view and delete the apps you don’t want.

What’s the Main Feature I Should Look for in a New App?

Time saving – a lot of time saving!

When you’re running a business, small, repetitive tasks can become a headache really quickly. Many tasks on Salesforce can be automated – from printing postage slips to inputting data to translating pages – and the more time you can save, the easier your life becomes. You can then put your focus into things you’d rather be doing, like building meaningful relationships with your customers or clients, or upskilling staff members.

Every app in this article will save you time in some capacity – and that’s one of the most important things you can look for in a new app.

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud Platform?

Salesforce also has a marketing cloud platform where you can find apps to help you communicate with your customers, create marketing campaigns, generate customer engagement, and analyze data.


Salesforce Commerce Cloud, formerly Demandware, is a great tool for an ecommerce site, but sometimes the AppExchange can be pretty overwhelming.

We hope this guide has helped you to figure out which apps you need the most on Salesforce for your digital commerce. With so many attractive apps out there, it’s tempting to dive right in and download as many as you can – but by being strategic, you can maximize your Salesforce experience, streamlining a lot of processes, like marketing, inventory management, and shipping, that would have otherwise taken up a lot of time and energy.

Pagefly vs Shogun App – Which is the Best Shopify App for Your Business? [2021 Update]

If you run a Shopify store, you may be a little frustrated at the lack of templates, and you may wish that you could have better-looking landing pages for your business. In that case, you might be looking at Shopify Apps. Designed to extend your Shopify experience, third-party apps can allow you to design the page you’ve been looking for.

In this PageFly vs Shogun app comparison, we’ll be looking at two similar apps for Shopify. Both allow you to create multiple pages for your website, using a simple drag-and-drop builder. However, there are some differences between the two. We’ll take a look at each platform in detail before directly comparing them to see which one is better for your eCommerce business.

Let’s start with the main differences between the two.

The Main Differences Between PageFly vs Shogun

The main differences between PageFly vs Shogun are:

  • Shogun has a great design and templates, whereas Pagefly is easy to use.
  • Shogun has built-in analytics and split testing, whereas with PageFly you have to integrate with third-party analytics
  • Shogun is more expensive, whereas Pagefly even offers a free plan

What is PageFly?

PageFly is an app built for Shopify that allows you to build landing pages, product pages, blogs, and FAQs. Using a simple drag-and-drop page builder, you can build great pages for your Shopify products, creating a better shopping experience for your customers.

The Main Features of PageFly

In a nutshell, here are the main features you can expect from the PageFly app:

  • Simple to use drag-and-drop page builder which allows you to make pages
  • 50+ templates and 40+ page elements to choose from
  • Save features you have designed to use on other pages

Page Builder

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PageFly allows you to choose from the following:

  • Regular page
  • Home Page
  • Collection Page
  • Product Page
  • Password Page
  • Blog Post

The only one we could test in our free trial was a regular page, but the page builder itself seems to work similarly for each type of page.

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There are over 50 templates to choose from – you can choose to filter them by industry or by page type. You can also quickly view how each template looks on widescreen, desktop, tablet, or mobile device. The templates are attractive and look easy to navigate.

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Once you’ve chosen a template, the page builder will load up. You can build your page using the options on the left.


Elements are the building blocks of each page. You can play around with the layout here, adding ‘blocks’ in which you can place content.

You can set preferences for each section on the page, including setting ID and class, visibility on different devices, and set a click action (for example, you can send a customer to a certain link if they click on the section).

You can also add headings, paragraphs, buttons, icons, and QR codes. You do this simply by dragging the item you want onto the page. You can then play around with the settings to make it look exactly the way you want it to.

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There are other things you can add too, including:

  • Media, like SoundCloud clips, YouTube videos, and other videos and images
  • Social media, like Instagram, Facebook Like, Facebook Page, and Twitter
  • Advanced features, like a countdown timer, MailChimp Form, tabs, tables, accordions, slideshows, lists, dividers, Google Maps, and custom HTML.


The Shopify section allows you to add products directly from your Shopify account. You can choose from the following:

  • Product List
  • Product Details
  • Product Image
  • Product Title
  • Product Vendor
  • Product Price
  • Product Compare at Price
  • Product Variant
  • Product Quantity
  • Product Add to Cart
  • Product Description
  • Product View Details

However, a lot of them are limited to Pro mode, so you need to consider this when deciding which price plan to choose.

Being able to add these elements is really useful, and it’s easy to adjust these if needed.

Third Party Elements

PageFly integrates with other apps, which you can use when you’re building a page. You can add Judge.me Product Reviews, Ali Reviews Product Reviews, and Loox Photo Reviews. 

Premade Sections

You can also add premade sections. These are only available on the Pro plan and are easy to drag and drop into your page. It’s great to have these premade sections available, especially if you want to build a page from scratch.

You can choose to see how your page will look on different types of devices whenever you want to, and it’s easy to switch between them as you edit the page.

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You can see your page outline and bring up a custom code editor – so if you know coding, you can get stuck in here.

You can also build a page from scratch, in which case, the page editor looks like this:

On the Premium plan, you can create sections and save them. So, if you create a design element that you really like, you can save it and use it on other pages. This is really useful if you have multiple pages you want to create that look similar.

The page builder is pretty simple to use, although it doesn’t look as pleasing to the eye as it could do.


PageFly allows you to improve your SEO in the following ways:

  • Page URL
  • Meta Description
  • Page Title

This is really simple to do as you set up each page, and PageFly reminds you of this when you create a new page.


PageFly doesn’t have its own analytics – you have to integrate with Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel instead. PageFly gives you a tutorial to walk you through this process step-by-step.


PageFly has a great, easy to navigate knowledge base. 

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It has a wide range of tutorials, articles and videos. It also has a great ‘Best Practice’ section which will teach you how to make the most of the platform.

If you need support, you can ask a question using a ticket system, or you can join the Facebook community if you want to seek support from other users.


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PageFly has three pricing plans to choose from:


Free is – as the name suggests – free! It offers the following:

  • 15+ templates
  • Basic page elements
  • 1 saved section
  • 3 page limit
  • New regular page
  • Page outline

The Free plan would really suit someone who only wants to create, say, a landing page and an about me page. However, many of the better page elements are missing from the Free plan, which is something to keep in mind.


Pro is $9.95 per month (or $8.25 per month if you choose to pay for a year in one go). It offers:

  • Everything in the ‘Free’ plan
  • 40+ templates
  • Advanced page elements
  • 5 saved sections
  • No page limit
  • Product page add-on
  • New Home page
  • Autosave


Premium is $29.95 per month (or $24.96 per month if you choose to pay for a year in one go). It offers:

  • Everything in the ‘Pro’ plan
  • 20 saved sections
  • Collection page add-on
  • New Coming Soon page
  • New blog post
  • Import/export page
  • Slideshow element
  • Version history

You can find out more about PageFly’s pricing plans here.


So, what are the pros of PageFly?

  • Price plans – the prices are very reasonable, and the addition of a free plan is a great bonus.
  • Simple to use – the platform is pretty easy to use
  • Good knowledge base – the knowledge base is extensive and useful


There are a few downsides, however:

  • Design of platform – the platform isn’t as pleasing to the eye as it could be
  • No analytics – there aren’t any analytics built into PageFly, which would have been useful

What is Shogun?

Shogun is a page builder for Shopify (and is available for BigCommerce and Magento too). It allows you to build beautiful landing pages for your Shopify store, including standard pages, blog posts, product pages, and collections.

The Main Features of Shogun

Here’s what you can expect from Shogun:

  • User-friendly drag-and-drop editor
  • Range of beautiful templates to choose from
  • Easy to install split-testing
  • Analytics to measure how well your pages are doing
  • Page scheduler which allows you to choose when to publish each page

Page Builder

With Shogun page builder, you can create four types of pages: standard pages, blog posts, product pages, and collections.

There are many great templates to choose from – they look professional, well-designed, and easy to navigate. You can also choose from a series of ‘blank’ templates, too:

This is great if you want the basic building blocks of a page without the images or text that accompany the other templates.

You can preview your chosen template and see how it looks on different devices. Once you’ve settled on a template, you can choose your basic settings, like the page name and URL.

The page editor itself is incredibly user-friendly, and it looks great. The bar along the top allows you to quickly switch between device types – you can view (and edit) how your page will look on widescreen, desktop, tablet, and mobile device. The menu on the right allows you to drag and drop the elements you want to include onto your page.


The ‘structure’ section allows you to build the basic layout of your page. You can make:

  • Sections
  • Columns
  • Sliders
  • Tables
  • Tabs
  • Accordions

Once you’ve chosen the structural element that you want, you can drag it onto the page wherever you want it.

Once the structure is in place, you can start to add content.


Adding content is as simple as clicking and dragging it into the block you want. You can choose from the following:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Headings
  • Text
  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Countdowns
  • Separators
  • Forms
  • Maps
  • HTML

If, for example, you’re uploading an image, you can drag and drop the ‘image’ icon, then upload the image you want to use. You can also choose an image from other places, like Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, and Evernote.

It’s so easy to use, and very intuitive – it all runs very smoothly.


The Shopify section allows you to add content from your Shopify store. For example, you might want to create a product page that includes a specific product image, reviews, and price. You can drag and drop these wherever you want on the page. This way, you can create a beautiful, eye-catching page that will be attractive and easy to navigate for your customers.


This allows you to add social media buttons to your page. The great thing about this is that you can change the size, color, and positioning of the buttons, making them match your page exactly.

Structural Blocks

Structural blocks allow you to add whole blocks of content to your page in a specific style, using their premade templates.

This is particularly helpful if you’re starting from scratch and you’re not sure how you want your page to look – you can simply assemble these blocks together to create a great-looking page.


You can also schedule your page – this is great if you want a product to launch on a certain date. You can also ‘unpublish’ the page, which is good if you have a sale on for a certain amount of time.

Blank Pages

If you’d rather forego the templates and build your page from scratch, you can choose to start with a blank page.

Split Testing

One excellent feature of Shogun is split testing. Say you have two slightly different ideas for a page, and you would like to know which one performs better. Shogun can run a split test for you, calculating which one is the most likely to win, and automatically choosing that one for you (if you wish). This is easily set up during the page editing process.

You can choose from three objectives – clickthrough, sales, or add to cart. If you want to see which page will cause the most customers to press ‘add to cart’, for example, you can click that, and then easily switch between the two pages to make changes to them:

You can tell which page you’re currently editing by the colored border that will surround it. This will help you to differentiate between the two.

The ‘Versions’ tool allows you to see all previous versions of that page, switching between them if you want to. Once the split test is finished, you can choose to view the results or have Shogun choose the winner for you. 

If you’re running a split test on a page, that page will have the status ‘currently running test’, so you’ll know that a test is ongoing.

The only downside to this tool is that it’s only available on the most expensive price plan – so keep that in mind if you’re on a tight budget.


What about SEO? Shogun has a few features that will allow you to optimize your SEO for the best results:

  • You can set page title and meta description easily when you make a page
  • You can easily add alt-tags to your images
  • Your images will be compressed, making the load time faster
  • Shogun uses semantic HTML, resulting in SEO-friendly pages


Shogun has its own reporting system, which is great.

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You can choose to view each page and how it is performing on different types of devices. You can check the following:

  • Sales Conversion
  • Add to Cart
  • Total Sessions
  • Bounce Rate
  • Top Clickthrough Destinations
  • Top Outside Referrers

You can directly compare one page to another, too. (The graph will show a different colored line to represent the page you’re comparing it to). This is really easy to use, and a great way of visualizing how well your pages are performing, without needing to use another analytics platform.

You can also see the results of your split tests here.

The downside is that the analytics are only available on the medium-priced plan.

Extra Features

Shogun offers a few more features, too. These include:


Syncing allows you to copy content between your stores. For example, you could copy across whole pages, blog posts, snippets of pages, custom elements, and data collections. If you have two or more stores on a paid plan that share the same verified email address, you’ll automatically be good to go with syncing.

Advanced Settings

If you want to customize your Shogun pages even more, you have the option of doing so. You can create custom elements using Liquid, CSS, and JavaScript – this is great if you’ve envisioned an element that Shogun hasn’t created yet. You can also:

  • Use MailChimp forms
  • Add custom fonts
  • Make an anchor, which will point users to a certain point in a page
  • Embed third-party forms


When it comes to support, Shogun has a pretty detailed knowledge base:

It includes guides on how to get started, tutorials, videos, and FAQs.

You can also view FAQs at any time on the main navigation area. You can leave a message to have a Shogun representative get back to you – they aim to reply within 24 hours. If you have the Measure or Optimize plan, you can use a live chat feature to speak to an advisor if you need support right there and then.


There are three pricing plans to choose from:


Build costs $39 per month and includes the following:

  • Drag and drop page builder
  • All page types
  • 30 + page templates
  • Design by screen size
  • SEO controls
  • Email support
  • 2 user seats


Measure costs $99 per month and includes the following:

  • Everything in the ‘Build’ plan
  • Analytics Suite
  • Multi Site CMS/page syncing
  • Content scheduling
  • Dev tools
  • Email and live chat support
  • 4 user seats


Optimize costs $149 per month and includes the following:

  • Everything in the ‘Measure’ plan
  • AB testing
  • 6 user seats

They also offer a free 10-day trial: click here to find out more.


Here are the pros of Shogun:

  • Whole platform looks great and is very user-friendly
  • Templates look professional and beautiful
  • The drag-and-drop editor is very easy to use
  • The analytics are very informative
  • Split testing is a great extra feature


  • Split testing is only available on the most expensive plan
  • There aren’t many integrations yet

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a landing page on Shopify?

The short answer is yes, but there are different ways to do it. The easy way is using a page builder that includes a drag and drop feature. After your landing page is built, you can easily add it to your store. If you want to know more check out our guide on How to Create a Landing Page On Shopify No Coding

How do you use PageFly?

As a Shopify builder page with a drag and drop system, PageFly is very easy and friendly to use. You can go through the whole process following just 5 easy steps: 1. Install PageFly page builder, 2. Create a new page (regular pages, home pages, product pages, collection pages, etc), 3. Configure the features, 4. Use the elements and, the last step, is to publish your page!

Is Shopify a website builder?

Yes, but Shopify is mainly focused on eCommerce websites which means that their tools and updates are focused on creating a more accessible online store for users. If you have other needs such as marketing or further site customization than you might be in need of another app integration.

PageFly or Shogun: Which One is Best?

To decide which is the best, we’ll take a look at both platforms in a few different categories, starting with the page builder itself.

Page Builder

Both apps offer a great drag-and-drop page builder. You can easily see what your page will look like on different types of devices, and both have a great selection of pre-made templates to choose from. Both apps make it simple to add products from your Shopify stores.

However, in terms of ease of use and user-friendliness, we’ll have to pick Shogun as our winner in this category. It looks nicer, and is a little more intuitive than PageFly’s page builder.


PageFly doesn’t have much to offer in terms of extra features, whereas Shogun offers split testing, which is obviously a huge advantage (with the caveat of this feature only being available on the most expensive plan). We’ll have to pick Shogun as the winner here.


The obvious winner here is Shogun, as PageFly do not offer their own analytics. Shogun’s analytics suite is great – really simple to use, giving you a great visualization of your page’s performance.


Both Shogun and PageFly have a pretty good system when it comes to support – we’ll call this one a draw.


This is a tricky one. Shogun has more features than PageFly, which may justify the expense for you. However, the big drawback is that they don’t offer a free plan. PageFly, on the other hand, offers a very basic package for free, which may be enough for people who just want to create one or two landing pages for their Shopify store. For that reason, we’ll choose PageFly as our winner in this category.

Conclusion: Which is the Winner?

Both platforms are great if you want to build landing pages. 

PageFly is simple to use, and the templates look good. It could be a good option for you if you just want to build a single landing page, given the free plan.

However, in terms of user-friendliness, design, and content, we’ll have to go with Shogun as our winner. The whole platform is easy to navigate, and the extra features make it a really great app. It could elevate your online store to the next level – and there’s not much of a learning curve at all. If you can spring for the split testing, it may be worth giving it a shot – you might find it makes a big difference in the long run to your overall sales. Plus, the ability to further customize your pages with advanced settings is really useful, and the analytics suite is great and easy to understand.

If you want to create beautiful pages for your Shopify store, Shogun might just be your best bet.

Further recommendations:

How to Create Product Pages in Magento (Beautiful Pages That Sell)

Product pages are the unspoken heroes of e-commerce. They serve as the stage where the most crucial purchase decision takes place on your online store.

A visitor could decide to either abandon their cart or check out because of the influence of your Magento website product page. Unfortunately, many business owners are caught in the race for web traffic and forget to optimize these very crucial pages.

Magento has also not been easy to configure in the past forcing website owners to hire expensive Magento developers to do the job. The platform does require knowledge of coding to set it. Fortunately, Magento 2.3 has an easy to use Page Builder for easy page creation. There are also excellent extensions out there that make product page design easy.

The platform is a gem for B2B businesses that require robust, configurable, and customizable e-commerce solutions. It is especially beneficial for retailers with extensive product catalogs. It provides customizable features such as quick ordering portals and merchandising and onsite marketing. It also utilizes layered attributes and navigation that make fantastic product attributes and type definitions.

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Why you need optimized Magento product pages

If a website visitor gets to your product pages, then they are interested in what you have to offer. They might have come across your store via an ad, social media campaign, or through search. Your efficient site navigation then takes them to your product pages. They are now just a clock away from making a purchase.

If your pages are not optimized, your visitor will most possibly click away or abandon the cart. Unoptimized product pages are the bane of many an e-commerce store. If you want better sales results than your ordinary e-commerce shop owner, below are some tactics that you can use to create and optimize your Magento webpage.

Parts of a Magento product page

First, you need to understand what the components of a product page are. Every product page should have;

Branding on every product page

Your visitors might bypass your homepage and miss your logo. To ensure that you are easily recognizable, place your branding elements on your interior pages as well.

A product at the center of the page’s attention

Do not place it as an afterthought.

Fantastic copy

Ensure that your text flows with other elements of your product page to give everything a harmonious feel.


This is a crucial element of your pages, and you can use it to create harmony amongst all items. Let your design be user-friendly and functional.


Tips on how to optimize your product pages

Clarify your product page’s call to actions (CTAs)

Do not place your buy button out of sight. Your visitors should not have to look for it. Make your buy button colorful, bold, and big. Ensure that it is the only text on your page that has a background or fill color.

If you have other CTAs on your page, place them away from your buy button. Let them not steal the thunder from your moneymaker. As for the button’s text, let it be as simple as possible.

Use high quality and creative images

An e-commerce store is very dependent on images. Nevertheless, not all photos are created equal. Do not take your product pictures using your Smartphone. You need professional photography to impress your visitors. So, pay a little more for professional photo shoots or take a photography class and buy proper photography equipment.

Have good shots at all angles and put them in the context of use where possible. Pair your product image with its accessory image. Data shows that well-placed accessories can increase your conversions by 271%

Use social proof

Data shows that a consumer is more likely to purchase a product or service from your e-commerce store if other consumers recommend it. Consequently, 84% of all online buyers trust online reviews as much as they believe word of mouth recommendations from their friends.

You, therefore, need to encourage reviews on your website or blog by making follow-ups for reviews after purchase are made. Do not place long review sentences on your product page. Instead, place minute information such as several reviews and ratings above the fold, then place the reviews further down the page.


Did you know that 90% of all online buyers say that videos assist them when they are making their final purchase decisions? A video can display your product much better than multiple images can.

This is why 70% of all marketers agree that a video converts buyers better than other types of content if your products require more explanation that text or images can use a “how-to” video instead.

5-Killer-Examples-of-How-to-Write-Product-Descriptions_2.jpgCreate killer product descriptions

If you can infuse your product descriptions with imagination and emotions, you will attract more buyers. The description should be short and direct so as not to bore your buyers. Ensure that the language that you use on your descriptions fits your target audience.

Put trust signals on the pages

Trust signals are features that help increase your shopper’s comfort and trust when they are making their purchase decisions. Place yourself in your shopper’s shoes and understand their worry when checking out your product pages. It could be the cost or duration of shipping.

Ensure that you have links next to your call to action that address these questions. Enable wish lists for those visitors that are not ready to purchase immediately so that you can eliminate every obstacle to sales.

At times, simple additions such as live support option for buyers can give your buyers the privacy and comfort they need to contact you easily and fast with their product questions.

Make your Magento product pages printer friendly

Some of your customers might need to print a product page to show it to another possible buyer or to buy it later on larger screen sizes. You, therefore, do not want to constrain their access to information. Enable printing of pages to ensure that anyone can have the information on the go.

Perform A/B tests

It is impossible to tell how optimized your e-commerce pages are if you do not try various layout, copy, design, image, CTA, or video approaches. A/B testing is an ongoing process, so you will never be done with it because you will need to keep up with Magento e-commerce development requirements.

How to create product pages in Magento 2

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Magento has various product type fields with different configurations and properties. You can, therefore, use this platform to sell all types of goods and services. Want to know how to create a product page via Magento admin? Here is the process;

  1. If you already have a Magento installation, go to your Magento backend and access the admin section. To enter your first product, go to the Catalog tab then click Products.
  2. On Products, click the Add Product tab to access its drop-down menu. Click the option of Simple Product to access the page’s general configurations tab. To configure your product, enable it, which should give you access to configurations such as;
    • The stock keeping unit or SKU. The platform recognizes that a product should have a stock keeping unit or individual number, so it will assign one to your product. You can, however, edit it if necessary.
    • Product name
    • A drop-down custom attribute set menu
    • A product taxation tab for your product’s tax class
    • A price tab where you can set simple prices or access advanced settings for complex pricing requirements such as group prices suggested manufacturer price or special prices
    • The dimension of a product and its weight
    • The quantity in stock, which can be edited in advanced inventory
    • Visibility attributes
    • Product category
    • Country of manufacture
  3. Once you have chosen and edit the attributes of the products from their drop-down menus, click Save to continue.
  4. Below these attributes, you will find the Content tab. Here you can add product descriptions. This tab also has the store view’s Short Description.
  5. Add other content on the Images and Videos tab to attract your customers.
  6. Take the next step to improve the rankings of your product page. On the Search Engine Optimization tab, set up your product’s Meta Description, URL key, Meta Keywords, and Meta Title.
  7. Once that is done, you can now move to the target-marketing tab under Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells. Here add product settings that target your e-commerce store’s customers.
  8. Under Customizable Options, add any other configurations on offer to increase conversions.
  9. If you have any other websites connected to your Magento admin panel, use the Product in Websites tab to assign them your product.
  10. After the configurations, now move to the Design tab of the product page. Under design, you can select the layout and its type of block product display
  11. Once you are all set in design, go to Gift options and enable it if you wish to
  12. Save the changes.

Brilliant! Your product is ready to sell on your e-commerce platform.

Other product creation options in Magento

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In Magento 2, you can also create products with different configurations beyond the simple product option. These include;

The Configurable Product tab that ensures that each product has a set of configurable SKUs that can be tracked in the inventory. You can access this tab from the Add Product menu then follow the same process that configures simple products.

In the Configurations section, you will find the Create Configurations tab with options such as Select Attributes, Attribute Values, Bulk Images, and Price and Summary. Set these options as desired, then click Generate Products.

There is also a Grouped Product option in Magento 2. You can use it to sell thematically related goods that can be purchased together. This is especially important for products that sold with their accessories. Simply select Catalog, Products then choose the Grouped Product option.

Add product’s general attributes then save. Scroll down and choose the Add Products button, choose the products that you would like to group then click Add Selected Products. In the next menu, indicate factors such as quantity, then activate the grouped products and save.

Other product page options include virtual, bundle, and downloadable product page creation, all under the Add Product drop-down menu.

Creating product pages using Magento 2 extensions

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You can also use a Magento extension such as the Shogun’s drag and drop editor to build your product pages. Shogun Page Builder works with Magento 2 and is a more cost-effective product page building option for Magento developers. You can use it to create fantastic product pages, with zero code use.

To use Shogun Page Builder, install it on your latest version of Magento. How do you do that?

  1. Access your Magento admin page, and then go to the System, then the Web Setup Wizard.
  2. Select your site’s Extension Manager and Sign In. Input the Shogun page builder’s Private Access Key and Public Access Key and submit it.
  3. Navigate to the Extensions Ready to Install tab and choose the Shogun Page Builder extension. Click install.
  4. After the installation, perform a Readiness Check to verify compatibility, then a store backup.
  5. After the backup, go to Setup, System Configuration, and then click Reset. Flush the cache too at Cache Management.
  6. Go to the Shogun extension via your Admin bar, Stores, Configurations, and Settings.
  7. Use your extension to create custom product pages or design new layouts using its intuitive visual builder.

Benefits of Shogun Page Builder

  • Unlike the Magento 2 Page builder, this extension has an A/B testing feature to increase conversions. The app also has robust page analytics and reporting features.
  • You do not need to learn Magento code to design beautiful product pages on it. This app is straightforward and easy to use.
  • It creates mobile-responsive pages that can be previewed on your editor
  • It has a wide range of customizable product page styling options and drag and drop elements as well.
  • You can use the Shogun Page Builder to publish content across multiple stores.


What is the Magento page builder?

The Magento Page Builder is a visual drag and drop content creator inbuilt into the Magento Commerce 2 platform. It has features such as live preview, creation of new content pages, and form editors.

Can I edit my page’s product details with the Magento 2 Page Builder?

Yes, you can. Go to Content > Pages then select your product page. Choose Edit Page, perform your changes, then click Save. Go to Store View, located at the top left corner, and ensure that you have the right Store View selected.
Afterward, flush your Magento store’s cache to ensure that the changes are displayed on your front end. Simply go to System, then Cache Management, and select Flush. Refresh your site.

How can I display my featured products on my Magento store’s homepage?

Go to Content > Page. Select your page and then Edit. Go to the Catalog Products list to choose your Category. Choose the Insert button and Save.

How can I display “New Products” on my Magento 2 home page?

Access your store’s admin panel, and then go to Product > Inventory, and then Catalog. Click on your new product to edit it then choose the Set Product as New From feature. Tap the calendar; select the product’s display period. Click Save.


Create optimized product pages to ensure high conversion on your Magento website. Do not lose any of your customers to poorly thought out product pages.

You can use the Magento product page builder, third party extensions such as Shogun Page Builder, or hire a Magento developer to design your product pages. However, ensure that your pages follow the guidelines that we have listed above for increased sales.

Further read:

How to Build a Blog in Magento (Even if You’re a Beginner)

Magento is a powerful and flexible ecommerce platform loved by many startups and large businesses alike.

On it, you will find a wide range of payment portals, such as Checkout by Amazon, PayPal, or Google. It also very mobile-friendly, critical success features for any Magento ecommerce website. Data shows that almost half of all online shoppers use mobile phones for purchases.

The Magento platform has a wide variety of SEO tools to ensure that your online store ranks high on search engines. What most business owners love about the platform is that it makes it very easy for them to manage their online shops because it is very expandable.

You can, therefore, use it to oversee thousands of product sales without much hassle. Unlike many other ecommerce platforms, Magento is highly customizable, making it easy for you to add useful ecommerce functions such as blogging features.

Why your ecommerce platform needs a blog

In the past, many online shops overlooked the importance of blogs and only focused on their product pages.

With time, the truth has dawned on many such retailers. You might have the best product or services online but have very few customers. Blogs are one method that can enhance the performance of your online store.

Blogging can create an effective content marketing strategy for your Magento ecommerce website. This mode of online marketing has become so vital for business success that 91% of all B2B online marketers use it to attract customers. More data shows that 60% of their counterparts in B2C marketing are ardent content marketers.

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Benefits of a Magento blog extension

If your blog content delivers the answers to these questions, without forcefully marketing your products, you will build confidence and trust with your blog’s visitors. These visitors will eventually purchase from you.

  • Blogs can bring in more traffic to your ecommerce store. Data shows that an online shop with a blog gets 434% more of their pages indexed by Google than those that do not have a blog. An increase in crawled and indexed pages will bring you more organic traffic.
  • Blogs have become vital in the customer’s purchase making process such that 46% of customers in a UK consumer study, said that they visit blogs as part of their product or service investigation. The information in your blog can inspire your visitors to reach for the e-wallets.
  • An excellent blog’s return on investment can last for years, driving continuous traffic to your Magento site, nurturing profitable leads to your site passively.

How to install Magento blogs

Unfortunately, this robust ecommerce platform does not have its native blog functionality. Nevertheless, worries not; there are ways that you can implement blog features on your Magento ecommerce website. There are two main ways of integrating a blog to your Magento installation.

One is via the use of a custom Magento module or extension. The other option is via Magento to WordPress integration. Both options are not difficult to implement, as shown below.

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Installing a Magento blog extension

The Magento marketplace has a wide range of blog extensions that you can use to add blog features to your online store. They provide attractive and unique blog design and marketing features that may not be as rich as those of a WordPress blog may, but very useful nonetheless.

When you have integrated these extensions through your Magento admin, the blog feature will appear on your dashboard for you to manage it.

Below is a simple process for installing a Magento blog extension.

  • Log in into your Magento backend as an admin and activate Cron to run every minute. On the sidebar, access the Web Setup Wizard by clicking on System then Tools.
  • On the Web Setup Wizard, choose the Extension Manager and Sign In. You will need to input and submit the extension’s Private Access Key and Public Access Key as received from the Magento marketplace.
  • Go to Extensions Ready to Install tab and choose the latest version of the Magento blog extension that you would like to install. Click Install then perform a Readiness Check to verify compatibility.
  • Do not forget to Create a Backup of your store, which will automatically be in Maintenance Mode till the backup is done.
  • Once the backup is done, your store will go offline to prevent any shopping disruptions as you add the new module. Click Install, and when it is complete, go back to the Setup Tool, then System Configuration. Click the Reset tab at the upper right corner.
  • Flush Caches at Cache Management. You can access this via System > Tools.
  • Go back to your Admin sidebar and access Configuration via Stores, then Settings. You will find your extension in the left-hand side panel. Follow any other instructions from the module’s developers to wind the process up.

When the extension is fully installed, you will see the Blog tab on the Magento admin’s top menu.

Best Magento blog extensions


Mirasvit Blog MX

Mirasvit is a free and powerful Magento blog solution that you can use to build a blog in your online store. It has beneficial blog features such as;

  • URLs and SEO friendly posts
  • Posts preview before a blog goes live
  • RSS feeds
  • Multiple level categories
  • Tag Cloud and Tags
  • Disqus comments
  • Pin posting features at the top of the page
  • Featured pictures for blog posts

Mirasvit Blog MX is fully responsive and easy to use due to its intuitive WYSIWYG editor. Through this custom Magento module, you will build enjoyable and easy to use blogs that avail customized content viewing such as latest entries, featured posts, or content categories.

It has an All Posts grid that allows you to edit blog characteristics such as status, header, author, Meta description, and Meta title. Through its WYSIWYG editor, you can edit the blog code to add your custom HTML code, images, or video rolls. This extension has a 90-day free support period, comprehensive documentation, and is open source to ensure that its users can customize it to fit their blogging demands.

Shogun Page Builder

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Shogun Page Builder is one of the most popular ecommerce page builders out there. It is made to enhance your page’s conversion rates and create an enjoyable shopping experience for your online store customers.

This extension has a wide range of customizable drag and drop elements that enable the building of pages such as landing pages, blogs, or product pages.

You do not need to learn Magento coding practices to use Shogun. The module has an easy to use user interface that creates mobile-responsive pages. You can use the module to build new blog layouts or use it pre-designed templates to ease your work.

Some of its fantastic blog features include;

  • Robust statistics that you can use to gauge the number of blog visitors, bounce rates, and other useful metrics.
  • On Shogun, you can design page variants with minimal differences such as the positioning of elements of colors then perform A/B tests. These tests will identify the pages or content that your visitors love best as a guide for your content creation strategy.
  • You can use the Shogun Page Builder to launch your blog’s SEO audit to ensure that it is well optimized for search engines
  • You can also use the extension to perform programmed posting so that you do not have to update your blog pages when there is too much web traffic.

WordPress Magento blog integration


WordPress is one of the most popular blog content management systems in the world. The CMS powers over 60 million of all the 500 million blogs that exist worldwide. Its influence, however, is more considerable because it runs 60.2% of the world’s content market.

The CMS has a wide variety of blogging plugins, themes, sliders, galleries, and widgets to give you complete freedom in blog customization and creativity. WordPress has a low learning curve with a very easy to use user interface.

If you choose to create a WordPress blog to supplement the blogging needs of your Magento store, you will face the problem of maintaining two separate websites. You will, therefore, pay more for additional modules and have the inconvenience of hopping from one platform’s backend to the other.

You can, however, use Magento plugins that integrate WordPress to your Magento installation. Extensions such as the free FishPig module will allow you to use one single theme or dual themes on both CMSs. It also has useful modules such as a single sign-on module or one that groups both your blog’s and store search results.

Alternatively, you can use WordPress as a standalone blog for your Magento store. A WordPress blog on a separate domain can be linked to your Magento shop via a WordPress blog link. Consequently, you will have blog links on your header or footer. You can also integrate the website and blog via the cart to the blog module.

There are, however, many disadvantages to this practice. First, your visitors will not access your cart on the header while scrolling the blog. They will always have to click back to the Magento to make a purchase.

This can force some of your visitors out of the sales funnel. There are also other disadvantages for users, such as dual sign-ups to both websites and lesser search capabilities. This option will also deny your Magento store, the SEO benefits of an excellent blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I customize my blog’s layout in Magento 2?

Go to System > Configuration > Layout. Edit your design or content features then click Save. Go to System > Cache Management. Select Flush and refresh your site.

How can I create blog categories on my Magento site?

Access your admin panel then navigate to Content > Blog > Categories. Add a new Category using the available button, then click Enable Category.

How can I add my blog’s link to my Magento store’s top navigation menu?

Go to your Magento store’s backend, then select Stores > Configuration > Blog. Choose the Category Top Navigation tab, then navigate to the Display Blog Link. Indicate your blog link in the Link Text tab, and then select the Include Blog Categories field to enable blog categories.


The benefits of a Magento blog extension or a WordPress blog are endless for your online store. Choose the method that will help you to post better content consistently to increase traffic to your ecommerce store. Study the practices of blog building to ensure that your business is reaping all the benefits of content marketing.

Related Posts:

How to Create Landing Pages in Magento (2021 Update)

Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms for growth-oriented retailers, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Magento works for all store sizes, be they small business startups, large existing organizations, or e-commerce shops migrating into its ecosystem for its many benefits. It is undeniable, however, that Magento has a steeper learning curve than you would find in other platforms such as Shopify.

In the past, it was challenging to make sense of Magento without the help of a Magento developer. Luckily for you, with the platform’s many readymade themes and extensions, you can have a Magento store up and running much faster. The platform has a large community rallying around it, so it is quite easy to have just about any e-commerce feature you would like on your Magento store. One of those must-have features are landing pages.


What is a landing page?

A landing page is designed with a specific advertising or marketing purpose. These pages give the visitor the information that they need fast. It should also provide details on how to contact the visitor. A good landing page encourages action that will improve conversions. Home pages, product pages, and their categories cannot be substitutes for landing pages.

These pages work independently, stand-alone, and have their unique elements. The importance of landing pages has come to the forefront in the new customer satisfaction oriented retail culture. They offer the customer customized and targeted products in contrast to most other web pages that have diverse options for different customers.

Landing pages are therefore used to counter the “paradox of choice.” This is a phenomenon that makes it difficult for people to make a choice when the options presented to them are too diverse.

Main differences between Homepages and Landing pages

The Main Differences between Homepages and Landing Pages are:

  • Homepages have a multitude of links placed on their content, footers, and navigation menu, whereas Landing Pages have minimal connections to increase conversion rates.
  • Homepages are a hub that enables users to navigate to the broadest parts of your website and rarely focus on calls to action (CTAs), whereas Landing Pages are made to convey a specific CTA.
  • Homepages receive visitors at the top of the sales funnel; they are undecided about their choices, whereas Landing Pages receive visitors that are more likely to move deeper into your sales funnel since they are sure about what they want.

5 reasons why you need a landing page

  1. They’re great for conversions: You direct your leads to a page with a single focus where they can only take a specific desired action. If you’re able to convince them with high-quality landing page copy, you can get many subscribers.
  2. Landing pages support ads: Once you have an ad out there, it’s easier to convert leads through a landing page dedicated to giving more information on what the ad was all about.
  3. You get to distinguish your services: If your site has a ton of products and services, it may easily confuse your target audience. Landing pages will be only about that one thing that your prospect is looking for.
  4. They’re perfect for testing: You can easily conduct different types of tests on a well-crafted landing page.
  5. Excellent user experience: Since it’s a dedicated page that has one specific call to action, your reader is not confused or distracted by any other page elements.

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Different types of landing pages

Your Magento website can have two main types of landing pages

  1. Lead generation or lead capture pages that are data collection tools. They will collect information on your engaged customers, so they have a lead capture form. Here your customers are subtly asked to input their phone numbers, email addresses, names, job titles, or age range. This information can help you to tailor customized offers, ads, and email marketing campaigns.
  2. Click through pages with CTA buttons that guide your visitors to a page where they can complete the desired action. You will find this type of landing page more on a Magento e-commerce site or any other site with a sales bent.

How to use the Magento 2 page builder

Magento 2.3 has a robust page builder that you can use to create and edit your Magento e-commerce store dynamic blocks, blocks, and CMS pages. The tool has a visual drag and drop builder as well as some beneficial content management features.

It will make it easy for you to create and configure the design and layout of your categories and product pages as well as any dynamic elements you might want to add to them. You need Magento Commerce 2.3.1 to access this useful feature. If you have not upgraded your Magento Commerce version, now would be a good time to do so.

Unfortunately, the other Magento variants, Open Source 2.3.1does not have this feature. If you are using open-source Magento, you will need to install third-party page builder extensions. They work perfectly, too, and will display your page’s front-end interface inside your website’s backend, making it very easy for you to drag and drop elements as desired.

Inside the Magento Page Builder

The Page Builder offers a clear field to give ample space to drag and drop your page elements as you deem fit. It has several tool sets on your left t hand side, which include;

  • Layout sets that place rows and columns on your pages. It can also build tabs.
  • Elements set that adds buttons, headings, and text
  • Media set that will add maps, videos or pictures onto your page
  • Content set that adds dynamic or static content blocks

Landing page design on Magento page builder

The Page Builder makes it especially easy for you to create a fantastic landing page from the admin panel. You do not need to procure expensive Magento developer services for regular landing pages creation. To create a landing page using this useful tool, simply follow the instructions below;

  1. Log into your Magento admin, then go to the Content tab, choose Elements, then Pages. Press the Add New Page link, and name your page. Enable it to make it active.
  2. To view more design options, expand the Content tab then add the landing page’s heading into its field. Drag and drop all the landing page elements you would prefer on the clear canvas, via the Media, Elements, Layout, and Content toolsets. To edit your chosen components, expand the little gear sign to access their settings.
  3. When the landing page is set, you now need to work on SEO for Magento landing pages. Move to the Search Engine Optimization tab and infill the Meta Title, URL Key, Meta Description, and Meta Keywords fields.
  4. Now, your page is almost ready to go live on your Magento shop, but you need to define its view on the Websites tab. In the Hierarchy section, specify the ranking of your landing page.
  5. If you have any new landing page templates or themes that you would like to set up, do so in the Design tab and input the Layout Update XML. Save the page, and you are ready to start marketing with your new landing page.

Third-party Magento 2 landing page templates

If you are using Magento Open Source, or are unsure of your Magento web design expertise, you can download a third-party landing page template for use. Below are two of the best models available for Magento landing pages.

Shogun Page Builder

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The Shogun Page Builder App is perfect for extra Magento Page Builder customizations. You can use it to control the features of your content, elements, and page layout. With the Shogun page builder, you do not need to edit any Magento code. Simply use its intuitive drag and drop builder, which integrates perfectly with Magento 2 to create a stellar landing page in minutes.

Start by installing the Shogun extension into your Magento shop through the admin panel. Create your new page or use its pre-made templates. From the Shogun editor, access a variety of creatively designed email capture forms, sliders, countdown times, social icons, and other useful elements that will make your page as effective as possible.

Users love this extension all over the world because it does build not only great SEO landing pages but also has analytics reporting features to help you gauge your landing page’s performance. It also allows the running of A/B tests to assist in page optimization.

The Shogun landing page builder has a variety of SEO tools that include a responsive design, automatic image compression, and easy editing of image ALT, Meta titles, and Meta descriptions. It is used by thousands of businesses around the world, including MVMT Watches, K-Swiss, Chubbies, and Leesa Mattresses

MageWorx Landing Pages

MageWorx is perfect for the fast creation of SEO friendly and customizable landing pages for your Magento e-commerce shop. This Magento extension will help you to add copy, images, videos, and content blocks at the top or bottom of your landing pages.

You can also use the extension to specify page metadata and URLs for all your website’s Store Views. MageWorx is compatible with the Magento 2 and integrates with the platform’s SEO extension to create user and search engine friendly landing pages.

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6 Benefits of good landing pages

They will give your website an SEO boost

While landing pages are meant for conversions, functional landing page design calls for SEO optimized landing pages. If your Magento landing page is SEO optimized, it will rank higher in Google. This page will, therefore, attract more visitors to your website. An SEO friendly landing page will not only enhance your visitor’s user experience but will also make your website rank higher on Google since the search engine favors organic content.

They increase conversion rates

Since landing pages are optimized for conversions, they make the purchase process easier for visitors, increasing your sales. They also increase the engagement rates for advertising campaigns because they are tailored to address your buyer’s needs.

They will enhance your online credibility

Since a landing page is designed for a specific task and has a clear course of action, your visitors will recognize that you do understand what it is that they need. They also will see that beyond you understanding their problems, you have even thought about the best way to fix them. Besides, you can use testimonials on them as social proof.

They will increase brand awareness

Some of the most crucial elements of a landing page, such as its feel, style, copy, and content, are creatively crafted to ensure maximum effectiveness. As a result, landing pages are lovely and can go a long way in increasing your brand’s recognition amongst customers.

The strong brand identity of landing pages can make you memorable to users meaning that they will visit your Magento website more often or recommend you to other users.

They attract new website users

Landing pages will attract new visitors to your website from search engines and social networks. They can, however, do much more by collecting demographic data via capture or contact forms. Your marketing team can access this information, segment it, and use it to target these new leads.

They provide fantastic analytics data

Your Magento shop can use your landing pages to track and analyze the actual and wholesome data that they are capable of collecting. You can, for instance, collect data that informs you about the success of your marketing strategy. Use the information gleaned from these pages to optimize and improve your e-commerce marketing strategy.

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Elements of an effective Magento landing page

Having an attractive landing page templates is one thing while having an effective lead page is quite another. There is no manual out there that can detail the creation of a high converting landing page. Why? Every e-commerce platform has a unique selling point.

Nevertheless, there are some core elements or building blocks that can guide you in crafting the perfect Magento marketplace landing page.

Main headline

A lot of thought should go into your landing page’s headline. Perhaps you have not heard about it, but there is a 15-second span that dictates whether a visitor will stick on and read more from your webpage, or leave in a huff. Online visitors generally stay on one webpage for less than 15 seconds.

If your landing page has not caught their attention within that time, you will lose them to your competitor. To reduce your Magento website’s bounce rates, you need to ensure that your visitors find what it is that they are looking for in a glance.

A fantastic page header should, therefore, capture the attention, interest of a user and should be easy to comprehend. Your visitor should understand what it is that you are selling in a single phrase. A good headline should not have more than 20 words, and the shorter and sweeter, the better.

Supporting headers

A good headline might capture the attention of its audience, but it needs a persuasive subheading to engage them. The subtitle should be under the main header and should be more detailed than its predecessor should.

The basic rule of thumb with your subheadings also is the shorter, the better. There are Magento templates that break these rules by flipping the subheads with the headline. They, of course, will give the main heading a differentiating attribute such as large fonts or central positioning.

Reinforcing statements

These are optional, but you can use them to strengthen your unique product or service-selling proposition. They will give your visitors additional chances to convert. There should, therefore, offer any other information amiss from the main headers and inject a level of urgency of the call to action in place.

The hero image or video

In the war between text and images, images win out most of the time. Why? The human brain loves pictures. Did you know that the brain can process an entire image in less than 13 seconds? It loves this information mode so much that people will only remember 10% of what they read three days later.

They will, however, recall 65% of what they saw after three days. Your landing page users will be influenced faster and more effectively by the images on the page. For this reason, use high quality, relevant and large images to make the best impression.

A unique selling proposition (USP)

What is it that sets your service or product apart from your competitors? You should, at a glance, ensure that your visitors understand what it is that makes the offer on your Magento landing page unique. Let your explanation be benefit-oriented and transparent. This unique selling proposition will satiate the curiosity raised by your compelling headlines.

The explanation can target human psychology by working on the avoidance of pain or the pursuance of pleasure. Humans subconsciously seek to alleviate or to avoid loss or pain, and every product or service is meant to meet this purpose. You should, for instance, mention that your visitor would lose something of value if they resist your offer.

The theory of loss aversion supports this selling point meaning that your visitor will be willing to pay to avoid loss. You can also use genuine pain references as testimonials to prove your offering’s ability to alleviate this discomfort. You can moreover pursue pleasure in your explanation by showing how your product induces pleasure or how it could meet an emotional need.


Social proof

To increase your Magento e-commerce store’s conversion rates, use social proof to influence your buyer’s decision positively. You can use case studies, logos of your buyer’s businesses, reviews from major e-commerce platforms, video testimonials, or interviews, and genuine quotes from your clients.

Contact details

To strengthen trust, place multiple contact points on your landing page or contact form to reassure your buyers that you are a legitimate trader.

A promise

People love to feel reassured, so use this attribute on your landing page to improve conversion rates. Coin a pledge that works for service or product and position it close to your CTA.

A call to action

The call to action feature is the most critical part of landing page design. Every other element on your page is there to ensure that your buyers pay attention to your CTA. Some of the best practices of CTA design include a large CTA with persuasive, explosive, and exciting compelling copy.

Online buyers are also very used to CTA buttons so, use them too. Use a color that contrasts your webpage’s background color to attract the eye.

Negative space

Your landing page should not be cluttered to ensure that your page elements and their relationship to each other are evident. Leave a significant amount of negative space to guide your visitors to your call to action. Exclude additional navigation or exit link that might cause your users to abandon the landing page.

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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How can I edit a landing page on Magento?

Go to Content, Pages then select your landing page. Choose Edit Page, perform your changes, then choose Save. Go to Store View, located at the top left corner, and ensure that you have the right Store View selected.
Afterward, flush your Magento store’s cache to ensure that the changes are displayed on your frontend. Simply go to System, then Cache Management, select Flush. Refresh your site.

How can I display items from different product categories on my landing page?

Yes, assign your landing page’s preferred store view from the General settings tab.
Access the Conditions tab, and select your preferred product categories or subcategories that you would like on your landing pages.

Can I have different landing pages for each of my store views?

Yes, assign your landing page’s preferred store view from the General settings tab.

Can I import landing pages into my Magento site?

The Magento Page Builder has very flexible design settings and allows you to export or import landing pages via CSV. Simply go to navigate to the Admin Panel, System, and then Configuration. Access the Landing Pages tab and shift your site’s configuration scope to the website. This action should enable the import feature. Move to the Content tab, then navigate to Pages and select Import to upload your preferred landing page.


This tutorial on how to create landing pages in Magento is crucial to your e-commerce marketing strategy. Use it to build phenomenal Magento e-commerce landing pages and watch your business scale to new heights. Use the Magento Page Builder feature or the third party extensions featured, and landing pages creation will be a breeze for you.

Further read:

GemPages vs Shogun – Which is the Best Shopify Page Builder for Your Store?

One area that some people feel Shopify lacks is the page customization – luckily, there are many great apps out there that allow you to fully customize each page in your Shopify store, or even create brand-new pages from scratch. In our GemPages vs Shogun comparison, we’ll be looking at two of the most popular page building apps for Shopify.

On the surface of it, both apps are similar – they both have beautiful templates and an intuitive, user-friendly drag-and-drop editor. How can you tell which one is the best? We’ll be directly comparing the two, so you can see how they stack up against each other.

Main Differences Between GemPages vs Shogun

The main differences between GemPages and Shogun are:

  • Shogun has extra features like split testing and analytics, whereas GemPages does not have any extra features
  • Shogun has an in-depth knowledge base, whereas GemPages knowledge base is missing some information
  • Shogun only has two price plans which could be a bit expensive for some smaller businesses, whereas GemPages has three price plans and a slightly lower price point

What is GemPages?

GemPages has an intuitive drag-and-drop page editor, and enables you to make landing pages, home pages, product pages, collection pages, and blog posts. It also offers a range of stylish templates to choose from and has some built-in SEO tools.

The Main Features of GemPages

Here are the main features of GemPages:

  • Drag-and-drop editor allows you to build a variety of pages
  • Syncing with Facebook Pixel and Google Shopping catalog
  • Built in SEO tools makes it simple to improve your SEO as you create new pages
  • Fast loading times for your pages
  • Keep the pages you’ve created even if you uninstall GemPages
  • Great range of templates


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Making your way around GemPages is pretty simple. You can see an overview of your pages on the home page, and the toolbar along the left is simple to use. There’s also a chatbot in the corner if you need help on a particular subject.

The whole interface is nicely designed and feels intuitive.

Page Editor

You can create a variety of pages with GemPages. Clicking on ‘Create New Pages’ will bring up a variety of subpage templates for you to choose from, including About pages, Product pages, and more:

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The templates look very clean and professional. According to the GemPages website, they are based on designs by successful eCommerce businesses, and are designed to give you more sales – user reviews do seem to suggest that their product pages perform well.

Once you’ve chosen one, you’ll be asked to give it a name, and then you’ll be taken to the page editor:

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You can then edit each section to suit you. Here, we’re editing a promotional page – this brings up a list of each product you have on sale, including how long the sale is going to last for. It’s really simple to play around with the layout – simply grab the element that you want from the toolbar along the left, and then drop it onto the page.

There are a variety of page elements to choose from:

  • Basic page elements – including rows, headings, text blocks, images, icons, buttons, and separators
  • Custom Liquid code elements
  • Banners – including parallax and hero banners
  • Stacks – including tabs, carousels, carousels, and accordions
  • Icon Lists
  • Integrations – including Google Maps, Instagram, and MailChimp elements
  • Videos – including popup videos, YouTube videos, and Vimeo videos
  • Booster elements – including social media share buttons, countdown timers, and counters
  • Form Fields – including text fields, email fields, check boxes, and submit buttons
  • Articles – including excerpts, title, and content
  • Collections – including collection banner, title, description, and toolbar

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting page elements to choose from. You can also search for a page element using the search bar at the top of the bar on the left-hand side.

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There are also the Product page elements, which relate directly to the products you want to sell on your Shopify store. These include:

  • Product
  • Product List
  • Related Products
  • Title
  • Description
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Image
  • Image List
  • Variants
  • Swatches
  • Cart Button
  • View More
  • Stock Counter
  • Meta

Once you’ve chosen an element to drag and drop into your page, you can edit it, again using the bar along the left-hand side:

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There’s a good amount of customization here. For example, you can pick which effect you would like your product images to have (‘zoom’ or ‘hover’), change the image size and alignment, and more. It’s great to have so many options for your product pages, especially when compared to the product pages that Shopify automatically creates for you.

You can also create a blog for your online store:

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This works in the exact same way as the other pages – just drag and drop the elements you want onto the page.

You can also create a new home page for your store. Again, this works in the exact same way as the other pages – you can either choose from a template or create one from scratch. You can then click which page you would like to make your default home page:

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Simply click ‘make default’ to switch your homepage to the version you like the best.


When it comes to SEO, there are a few things you can take advantage of here. When you click ‘Publish’, you’ll be given a few options:

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You can set a custom URL and meta description here. You can also enable Lazy Loading. This is a technique that loads images as you scroll down the page, instead of during the first page load – this speeds up loading times significantly, which can help to improve your SEO, as loading time can impact your page ranking on Google.


GemPages does not offer any extra analytics – so if you want deeper analytics for your pages, you’ll need to install another app.


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There are three price plans available for GemPages:

Starter – $15 per month

This includes the page builder, landing pages, home pages, SEO tools, mobile editing, and fast CDN loading. It also includes email support.

Professional – $29 per month

This gives you everything in the Starter plan, plus some extras, including product pages, collection pages, blog posts, and premium templates. You’ll also get Speed PLUS+ (for fast loading times), sales-booster elements, and priority support.

Advanced – $59 per month

This includes everything in the previous two plans, plus 3 store installations. It also enables you to copy pages between GemPages accounts, and you get VIP support, too.

GemPages offers a free 10-day trial. Click here to find out more.


GemPages offers the following integrations:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Ads
  • MailChimp
  • Klaviyo
  • Oberlo
  • Reviews Importer Apps

Support/Knowledge Base

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We found the knowledge base to be a little sparse – there are some useful video tutorials, but we tried a few search terms that didn’t bring up any results. (For example, we tried to look up how GemPages can help with SEO – typing ‘SEO’ didn’t return any results. It would be useful to have a guideline about how to optimize your pages effectively using GemPages).

If you need extra support, you can leave a message for a representative to contact you using the chatbot in the lower right-hand corner.

The Pros of GemPages

  • Well-designed templates: the dynamic templates, based on successful eCommerce stores, are a great way to potentially increase sales of your products
  • Drag-and-drop editor: the editor is straightforward to use, and it contains a ton of great elements. There is a high amount of customization too.
  • Interface: the interface of the platform itself is easy to navigate.

The Cons of GemPages

  • Pricing: although the plans are reasonably priced, it seems a shame to lock away product pages in the ‘professional’ price plan
  • Knowledge Base: We wanted to find out more about some of the features GemPages has to offer, but a search of the knowledge base didn’t bring up the results we were looking for.
  • Lack of Features: There is a lack of extra features here, like page analytics.

What is Shogun?

Shogun is a page building app for Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce. It allows you to build landing pages, product pages, home pages, and more – and it also offers some extra features, too.

The Main Features of Shogun

  • Drag-and-drop page editor allows you to build a variety of pages
  • Range of professional and stylish templates to choose from
  • Analytics Suite allows you to closely track the performance of your pages
  • Split testing enables you to test two pages to see how they perform against each other


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Shogun’s interface looks very clean and minimal – it’s easy to find your way around using the icons along the left-hand side. The homepage gives you an overview of the pages you have already created.

Page Editor

You can create a variety of page types in Shogun.

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You can either start with a blank page or pick a template. The templates look very attractive, and there’s a wide variety of them, so you should be able to find one to suit your business.

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The page editor itself, like GemPages, works in a drag-and-drop style. Just click the element you want (these are displayed on the right-hand side), then drag and drop them onto the page.

It’s all very user-friendly and simple to understand, with clear iconography.

There’s a huge amount of page elements to choose from. Firstly, you have structural elements – these give your page a basic ‘shape’, and include sections, columns, slides, tables, tabs, and accordions. Playing around with these will enable you to build your page exactly the way you want it.

Then you have a few different types of page elements to choose from.


These will make up the basic content of your page. You can choose to include the following:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Headings
  • Text
  • Icons
  • Buttons
  • Separators
  • Countdowns
  • Maps
  • Forms
  • Custom HTML


This allows you to add social sharing buttons. You can also add an Instagram widget to your page.


Shopify blocks allow you to add content from your Shopify store. These include:

  • Product Box
  • Collection
  • Product Title
  • Product Image
  • Product Image Gallery
  • Product Price
  • Product Variant
  • Product Quantity
  • Product Add to Cart
  • Product Reviews

You also have ‘Structural Blocks’. These are blocks of pre-arranged content that you can customize – for example, you can add a heading and a button in one block.

Each element can be customized simply by clicking on them. For example, editing a background image looks like this:

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You can adjust the positioning of the image, the dimensions, the overlay settings, and more.


Like GemPages, there are a few built-in options here to help improve your SEO. You can set a custom page title and meta description for each page, and you can add alt-tags to each of your images. Like GemPages, Shogun improves the loading time for your pages – it does this by compressing images, and by using semantic HTML.


One huge advantage of Shogun is the Analytics Suite. You can check the analytics for each individual page:

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You can check the analytics for one page, or even compare two pages at the same time.

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You can check analytics for all devices or narrow it down to different device types (for example, you might want to check how a page performs on mobile devices).

You can look at the following:

  • Sales Conversion – the total amount of placed orders from add to carts on the page
  • Add to Cart – the percentage of users who added the product to the cart from anywhere on the page
  • Total Sessions – total number of visitors to the page
  • Bounce Rate – the percentage of users who leave the page with no further activity
  • Top Clickthrough Destinations – where users are going from the page
  • Top Outside Referrers – how users are getting to the page

This is a huge bonus, as the analytics are clear and easy to understand, and it saves you having to add another app – everything is in one place.

Split Testing

Shogun also offer split testing on the higher price plan. A/B tests are proven to be effective at improving the performance of pages – it allows you to create two slightly different versions of the same page, and then run tests to see which page performs better (for example, which page ends in more sales). This is straightforward to set up.

In the page editor, you can easily swap between ‘Original’ and ‘Variant A’ using the different coloured tabs along the top of the page. This allows you to make small edits to each one, so you can track which one your customers like the most. You can choose an objective – Clickthrough, Sales, or Add to Cart – and choose when you want the test to start and finish.

If you have a test running, you will be able to see this clearly on the home page, as it will have the status ‘Currently Running Test’. Once the test has finished, you can view the results for yourself, or just have Shogun pick the winner for you.

Unfortunately, this is only available on the most expensive price plan. If you’re a smaller business and you’re on a tight budget, this might be out of reach for you. If you can afford it, however, it could be a great way to ensure your pages are reaching their optimal performance.


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There are two price plans to choose from:

Build – $39 per month

This includes the page builder, all page types, page templates, SEO controls, design by screen size, email support, and 2 user seats.

Optimize – $199 per month

This includes everything in the ‘Build’ plan, plus multi-site content syncing, AB testing, analytics, dev tools, content scheduling, premium support, and 6 user seats.

Shogun offer a free 10-day trial – click here to find out more.


Shogun offers integration with Google Analytics, Adobe Typekit, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.

Support/Knowledge Base

Like GemPages, Shogun has a knowledge base that you can search through. It includes tutorials and videos to help you to make the most of the platform. We were able to find everything we were looking for, too, which was great.

You can also click the ‘Need Help?’ button in the lower right-hand corner when you’re using Shogun, which is helpful. This brings up the FAQ section and gives you an email address to contact Shogun if you need extra support.

The Pros of Shogun

  • Interface: the Shogun interface is very clean and minimal, and it’s easy to navigate
  • Page Editor: the page editor is user-friendly and offers a variety of page elements
  • Extra Features: if you’re willing to pay for them, split testing and analytics are useful features that could make a tangible difference to your sales

The Cons of Shogun

  • Pricing: it’s more expensive than some of the other page builders out there, plus the ‘Optimize’ plan may be out of reach of some smaller businesses
  • Feature Lock: split testing and analytics are locked behind the higher price plan, which is a shame

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions about Shogun or Gempages, we might have the answer:

Can I design my own custom elements to use in Shogun?

Yes, using the custom HTML element, you can create your own page elements from scratch.

Is there a Shogun app?

Not at the time of writing, no.

Can I switch price plans at any time with Shogun?

Yes, you can do this by going to ‘settings’ on the left-hand side of the Shogun app. Bear in mind that if you downgrade to a lower price plan, you’ll lose some of the features – see the Pricing section earlier in this article to check which features are available on each plan.

What happens to my pages if I uninstall Shogun?

You can keep your pages even if you uninstall Shogun – you can sign up again at any time to edit them.

Is there a Gempages app?

No, not at the time of writing.

Can I switch price plan at any time with Gempages?

Yes – just go to ‘account settings’ on the left-hand side of the screen to change your plan. Bear in mind if you drop down plans, you may lose some features (see the ‘pricing’ section above to see which features belong to which price plan!).

Can I edit CSS in GemPages?

Yes – each element has a CSS code editor and Script code editor.

Is there a limit to how many pages you can create?

No – you can create an unlimited number of pages.

GemPages vs Shogun – Which One is the Best?

Now that we’ve seen each platform in detail, let’s directly compare each feature to see how they stack up against each other. Starting with the most obvious:

Page Editor

This is a very difficult one to call. Both platforms are very similar, with the same drag-and-drop functionality. Both offer a wide variety of page elements to choose from, and both are pretty user-friendly. We’re going to have to call this one a draw.


Both have a wide variety of beautiful, professional-looking templates. We’re going to call this a draw too.

Overall Design/Ease of Use

Both platforms are straightforward to use. However, the design of Shogun is a little cleaner and easier to navigate than GemPages, so we’ll give this one to Shogun.


Another draw here – both offer similar features, including custom URLs, page names, and meta descriptions. Both platforms try to improve page loading speed, too.

Extra Features

Shogun is the obvious winner here – although they’re locked behind the higher price plan, having analytics and split-testing available is such a great way to improve the performance of your pages. It could make a difference to your sales, and it means you don’t have to have multiple apps doing different jobs in Shopify.


GemPages is the winner here. Although Shogun does have some great features, the jump between ‘Build’ and ‘Optimize’ is huge, making it out of reach for some smaller business owners.

Knowledge Base and Support

Shogun had more to offer in their knowledge base, with every search term we tried returning useful results – so it’s the clear choice here.

Conclusion: Our Decision

This is a pretty close call! Ultimately, if you want to create beautiful pages for your Shopify store, either app is going to work well. Both have an easy to use editor, both give you tons of page elements to work with, both have well-designed templates – and both open up a lot more customization than Shopify alone has to offer.

However, if you do have the money to invest in your business, we would recommend Shogun. Although the split testing and analytics are on the pricey side, they are valuable tools that will enable you to optimize the performance of your pages – which could lead to more sales in the long run. Plus, although GemPages has some great features and is very simple to use, Shogun felt a little smoother and more user-friendly – so it’s our overall winner today.

Further read:

Shogun Review – Is This the Best App for My Shopify Store? [2021 Update]

If you’re a Shopify user, you may be considering investing in some apps. Shopify apps can help you to create the online store you’ve been dreaming of. The question is, how do you know if an app is worth using?

In our Shogun app review, we’ll be taking a look at this particular app in-depth, testing out the page builder and other features to see if it will really make a difference to your Shopify experience. We’ll also look at the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Ready to start? Let’s see what Shogun actually is, and how it works.

What is Shogun?

Shopify is an excellent tool when it comes to selling your products online – used by over 1,000,000 active users, it’s one of the most popular eCommerce platforms out there. However, when it comes to customization, it has its limits. If you love Shopify, but you want a personalized website that is totally suited for your ecommerce store – that’s where Shogun comes in.

Shogun is an app that allows you to create attractive, custom-built pages in Shopify. You can use it with any Shopify theme, and it’s built to be simple and easy-to-use. The pages are designed to be mobile-friendly, and you can preview how your page will look whenever you like.

Shogun also works with BigCommerce and Magneto, so if you’re on either of those platforms, you’ll be able to use it too. However, for the purposes of this article, we’ll only be looking at the Shopify integration.

What are the Main Features of Shogun?

Here are the main features Shogun has to offer:

  • Easy to use drag-and-drop editor
  • Beautiful templates
  • Detailed analytics to measure how your pages are performing
  • Split-testing to optimize your pages
  • Choose when to publish your pages with page scheduler
  • Sync products between multiple stores
  • SEO controls to maximise visibility

The Dashboard

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Once you’ve logged into Shogun, it looks like this. Straight away you can see a list of pages, which you can organize by type: standard page, blog post, product, or collection. You can also view them by their status (‘Outdated’, for example, shows you pages that haven’t been updated for a long time, and ‘Draft’ will bring up pages you haven’t published yet). 

The navigation along the left side will allow you to flick between sections easily.

Page Builder

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If you decide to build a new page, you’re presented with four choices: standard page, blog post, product page, or collection.

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There are many beautiful templates to choose from – no matter what kind of product you’re selling, you should be able to find a template that suits you.

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As you can see, they look professional and easy to navigate, with a mixture of page types including product pages and landing pages. Shogun also offers basic templates that don’t include images or text yet:

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If you like the look of a template, you can click ‘preview’ to see how it looks.

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Once you’ve chosen a template, you can change a few basic settings, like the page title and URL.

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Once you’ve done that, it will begin to create the page for you. (This can take a few moments!)

Straight away, you can see the page editor looks really user-friendly, with a very simple layout – most of the action will occur on the right-hand side of the page, and there’s a bar at the top which will allow you to switch between desktop view, mobile view, or tablet view. You can view your page while you work, which makes the editing process very quick and efficient.


The ‘Structure’ section will allow you to change the basic layout of your page. 

You can easily add sections, columns, sliders, tables, tabs, and accordions by clicking and dragging them onto the page:

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Say you want to insert a slider into your page. You can drag it and drop it where you’d like it to go:

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Then you can scroll down to ‘Content’ to choose what you’d like the slider to feature.


Once you’ve set the building blocks for your page, you can then fill it with content. You can include:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Headings
  • Text
  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Countdowns
  • Separators
  • Forms
  • Maps
  • HTML

Going back to our slider – if you want to choose an image to feature on the slider, you can drag the ‘image’ icon to the slider, drop it there, and then pick which image you want to upload:

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You can also edit the image position and size.

Adding more content is very similar – just drag it where you want it to go, and start editing! You can add icons straight from Shogun, searching through their icon files to find the one you want. Buttons and templates are also quick and easy to add. Adding text will bring up a basic text editor:

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It’s easy to add content to your page, and it’s great to be able to immediately see how it looks.


You can also add a variety of things related to your Shopify store (like individual products, prices, and variations). This is great if, for example, you’re talking about a product and you want to quickly add some reviews to your page. You can set how many reviews you want to feature and set a character limit for each review.

This easy integration makes it so simple to create beautiful pages based around one product. For example, if you were selling an eBook or a PDF, you could create a page with product reviews, images, price, and text, arranged in the exact way that you want it, and can make it super easy for your potential customers to add the product to their basket and follow you on social media. Being able to drag and drop these elements makes it really easy to create an eye-catching, attention-grabbing page: the whole page builder works really well.


You can very quickly and easily add social media buttons to your page. You can choose which platform you want to link to and set the size and color of the button to fit the rest of your page.

Structural Blocks

Structural blocks allow you to add chunks of content to your page.

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In this example, we’ve added a background image, a button, and a heading – each element is fully customizable.

Page Settings and Scheduling

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You can easily change your page settings. You can also schedule your page – this is great if you’re not quite ready to launch a product or you want to build some hype first before the page goes live. You can even choose to ‘unpublish’ a page at a certain time – for example, once an event is over.

Starting from a Blank Page

If you’d prefer, you can ignore the templates and start from scratch. The page builder will look like this:

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The process is exactly the same, but you’ll be building the entire page from scratch instead of replacing or customizing elements that are already there.

Page Optimization

Let’s take a look at how Split Testing works.

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Once you’ve clicked on ‘Start Test’, it will give you a choice of objectives: clickthrough, sales, or add to cart. Let’s say you want to test clickthrough rates.

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You can easily set your destination page. You’ll then return to your page builder as normal, but with a new area:

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You can then change Variant A, making it slightly different from the original page. This allows you to test which page performs the best. This is incredibly simple to set up, and you can switch between them easily (a colored border around the edge of the page builder will indicate which version of the page you are currently working on).

Shogun will either pick the variant that they feel has the best chance of winning, or they’ll stop the split test after a specified amount of time. When you return to your dashboard, the page will have the status ‘currently running test’. When you click on the page, you can choose to stop the test, or view the results (but more on that in the Analytics section later).

You can view previous versions of pages using the ‘Versions’ tool, allowing you to see all the versions you have created and switch between them if you want.

The only downside to split testing is that it’s only available on the most expensive plan – so you need to be willing to pay more to use it.


Shogun pages are built to be SEO optimized:

  • They use semantic HTML – this ensures that pages are SEO friendly
  • You can set your page title and meta description inside Shogun
  • You can add alt-tags to your images
  • They serve compressed images, making the load time faster


This is a feature that will only appeal to users in a specific situation, but if it does apply to you, it could be incredibly useful. Sync allows you to copy content between your stores, including pages, blog posts, snippets, product pages, custom elements, and data collections.

Syncing will be automatically setup between stores if both your stores are on a paid plan that has the Sync feature, and if you are using the same verified email for both the accounts. You can choose which pages, products, blog posts and snippets that you want to copy from one account to the other.


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Shogun offers detailed reporting for each page that you create. Firstly, it will let you know if it can run an AB test on this particular page, which is handy.

You can choose to view all traffic from every device, or just one (for example – you can test how well a particular page has done on mobile devices). 

You can view the following:

  • Sales Conversion – total amount of $ made from ‘add to cart’ on the page
  • Add to Cart – percentage of users who added this product to their cart anywhere on the page
  • Total Sessions – total amount of users visiting the page
  • Bounce Rate – the percentage of users who leave the page with no further activity
  • Top Clickthrough Destinations – where users go after leaving the page
  • Top Outside Referrers – where users are coming from

You can choose to compare one page to another (graphs will show two different colored lines to represent each page). This gives you a great, instant visual idea of how your pages are performing in comparison to one another.

You can also view your split test results here: you can view the amount of users that took part in the test, how long the test ran, Shogun’s confidence in the winning variant, and which one is the winner.

The Analytics Suite is not available on the cheapest plan, however.


What happens if you need help with Shogun?

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The Knowledge Base is pretty good, with tutorials, videos, articles and FAQs. These cover almost everything you need to know to use Shogun – we referred to it multiple times during this review, and the search function worked really well, pulling up multiple articles relating to each query.

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In Shogun itself, you can pull up the FAQ at any time. You can also press the ‘contact us’ button to leave a message for their support team – they claim to reply within 24 hours. If you have the Measure or Optimize plan, then you can also use the live chat feature to get instant support if you need it.

Advanced Customization

There’s still a lot more you can do with Shogun. You can customize your pages far more than you could when just using Shopify. For example, you can:

  • Add your own fonts
  • Remove space at the top of pages
  • Use MailChimp forms on Shogun pages
  • Change the colour of bullet points
  • Make an anchor to jump users to a certain point on a page
  • Embed third-party forms

You can also create Custom Elements, using Liquid, CSS, and JavaScript – so if you know how to code and you’ve got an idea for an element that Shogun doesn’t offer, you can go in and create it yourself.


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If you want to go ahead with Shogun, you’ll need to choose a monthly plan. 


Build costs $39 per month and includes the following:

  • Drag and drop page builder
  • All page types
  • 30 + page templates
  • Design by screen size
  • SEO controls
  • Email support
  • 2 user seats


Measure costs $99 per month and includes the following:

  • Everything in the ‘Build’ plan
  • Analytics Suite
  • Multi Site CMS/page syncing
  • Content scheduling
  • Dev tools
  • Email and live chat support
  • 4 user seats


Optimize costs $149 per month and includes the following:

  • Everything in the ‘Measure’ plan
  • AB testing
  • 6 user seats

They also offer a free 10-day trial so you can test it before you commit to a plan: click here to find out more.

There’s a pretty big jump from Measure to Optimize – essentially, you’re paying $50 for split testing and two extra user seats. If you’re a small business, the cost of this may put you off. However, split testing is a very neat feature, so you may decide it’s worth the cost.

The Pros of Shogun

So, what are the upsides to Shogun?

Page Builder/Templates

Firstly, the page builder itself is easy and fun to use. Being able to drag and drop elements wherever you like, create the content that you want, and easily add features like social media buttons and forms makes it so easy to create the page you have envisioned. It works incredibly well as a tool for Shopify – being able to simply drop in products, reviews, and an ‘add to cart’ button is really useful.

The pre-built templates are beautiful, too, and it’s easy to customize them.


The analytics are great (if you’re on the right plan!). The reporting is detailed but easy to understand, and it’s useful to be able to compare one page to another.

Split Testing

AB testing is so easy to set up using Shogun. You can adjust the page however you want before starting the test, and you can easily view the results when you want to. Plus, having the option of Shogun choosing and implementing the probable winner is a great time-saver, especially if you’re split testing a lot of pages at the same time.

The Cons of Shogun

There’s a couple of downsides to Shogun, however.


If you want all the features Shogun has to offer, you’re looking at paying $149 per month. That’s not cheap, especially for smaller businesses that are just starting out. It’s a shame that some of the best features, like the split testing, is restricted to the most expensive plan.

However, if you just want access to the page builder and the templates, the cheapest plan is pretty reasonable. If you haven’t set up a store yet, you’ll need to consider the cost of Shogun and the cost of Shopify before you decide if it’s right for you.


There aren’t many integrations available at present, which is a shame – it would be great to have more integrations with different email marketing platforms, for example. However, on the app store, the customer support suggested that there are more integrations coming in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shogun

Still have questions? We might have the answer.

Can I translate my Shogun page into different languages?

Yes. Using a separate translation app, Weglot, you can easily translate your page content.

If I want to uninstall Shogun, will I get to keep my pages?

Yes – your pages will still work. However, if you want to edit them using the Shogun editor, you’ll have to reinstall it.

I’ve already got pages in Shopify that I like – can I still use them?

Yes – you can import and edit pages from Shopify into Shogun.

Can I save my page as a template?

Yes. If you’ve created a page that you love, you can save it as a template to use in the future. You can do this by choosing ‘save template’ and giving it a name.

Is it easy to cancel my Shogun subscription?

Yes – you can cancel at any time. You do this by uninstalling Shogun through your Shopify app dashboard. 

Can I upgrade my Shogun plan?

Yes – this is really simple. Just go to ‘settings’ and then ‘billing’, and then you can change your plan to one that suits you better.


Would I recommend Shogun? Absolutely.

There are a lot of great things about Shopify, but many people want more from their pages. They don’t necessarily want basic pages – they want pages that will draw in new customers, pages that are responsive and easy to navigate. Many users also want to be able to customize their pages to their exact requirements – and Shogun gives you just that. The platform itself is user-friendly, attractive, and simple to navigate. It’s also great for those who know coding and want to create custom content.

Yes, it’s a bit of a shame that the analytics and split testing are not available on the cheapest plan. They are, however, brilliant features that work well, and could make a huge difference to your business.

So, is it the best app for Shopify? That is hard to tell, however, if you want to make the most out of Shopify, then you should definitely consider investing in Shogun.

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ThriveCart Review 2021: Will This Shopping Cart Tool Work for You?

Have you ever given much thought to your shopping cart platform? 

The truth is most of us rarely stop to think about it.  We integrate a PayPal “Buy Now” button, cross our fingers, and hope it all works out! 

But did you know that your shopping cart integration can drastically impact your business in terms of profits, consumer retargeting and customer experience?

In this write-up, I’m going to review ThriveCart; one of the most popular shopping cart platforms. You’ll get to see how it compares to other options and how it affects your business. 

This won’t be your run-of-the-mill review though, I’ll let you have a personal experience by taking you through the process of creating the product and checkout page, so you can get a “firsthand” encounter with it! 

ThriveCart in a Nutshell 

ThriveCart is a tool that helps you to promote, and receive payments for digital products, physical products, subscriptions, and services. 

But it does a lot more than just receiving payments. 

It’s a brilliant software for designing checkout pages that have high click-to-sales conversions and can dramatically boost your sales with down-sells,  up-sells, and bumps (we’ll see more on this in a bit!) 

One of ThriveCart’s biggest strengths is how clever the team has been in ensuring that the tool integrates with many payment processors, webinar platforms, email marketing software, and any tool that you’ll probably be using with your store. 

Regardless of whether you promote your products on social media or via emails, ThriveCart links to the most used apps, providers and software in those sectors. 

5 ThriveCart Features That Impact Your Business 

Wondering how ThriveCart could impact to your bottom line? 

Here are 5 ways the tool affects your profits and conversions. 

1. One-Click Upsells and Bump Offers 

This feature separates ThriveCart from most of its alternatives as not all shopping carts offer the ability to include bump offers on your checkout page. 

Here’s how it works: 

When a user is on your checkout page and wants to complete the purchase, they’ll see a small box that offers them the option to upgrade their purchase, with just one click. 

This simple addition is proven to boost sales, and it takes just 30 seconds to set it up on the checkout page! 

Another amazing feature of ThriveCart like the bump offers is the ability to include upsells to your sales funnel. When customers go to buy a product, you can automatically direct them to a page that offers an upgrade of that product.  


2. Retargeting Customers with Abandoned Carts 

Isn’t it annoying when people come to your website, stock up their cart, and then disappear before sealing up the order? 

ThriveCart provides a feature that enables you to retarget these people by adding them to your email autoresponder. This means they’ll get an automated email from you in a few minutes after cart abandonment. 

The beauty of this is that you can “juice up” the deal and offer free shipping, discounts or just remind them of the abandoned cart. 

3.  Product Affiliate Program 

This one’s my favorite! ThriveCart makes it so easy to set up an affiliate program for your products with just a few clicks. 

And a great thing about this feature is that you can put up unique affiliate arrangements for each product. So the commission rates for each product will differ. 

It even allows you to put up “affiliate guidelines” and automatically adjust commission rates for underperforming affiliates. The whole process is automated, so you may not need to be fully involved in managing the affiliate program. 

4. A/B Testing 

Sometimes simple tweaks like adding testimonials, changing page texts or design elements on your checkout page can increase sales. 

ThriveCart allows you to see the effects of these changes with the “A/B test” feature. You can set up a split-test of two versions of the checkout page and as soon as one has better conversion rates, ThriveCart automatically picks the winner and uses it for all checkouts. 

5.  Countdown Timers 

Introducing scarcity and urgency to your sales process is an excellent way to increase conversions. Most times, consumers need that extra nudge to make a purchase. 

The brand Experian proved this as they experienced a 16% boost in their transaction rates by simply adding urgency to their promotional emails. 

ThriveCart makes it easy to create urgency with the countdown timer. When creating your cart, you can include a timer and as soon as the timer expires, the offer becomes unavailable.  

It also lets you redirect customers to another page or notify them on when the offer will run again. 

ThriveCart Walkthrough 

I promised you a walk through at the start of the post, so here it is! 

This is how to create a checkout page with ThriveCart. I included screenshots so you can get a feel of the experience! 

1. Sign in 

After signing in, you’ll be redirected to your dashboard that shows you a summary of your daily revenue

Here’s how it looks: 

2. Add a Product

To add a new product, scroll to the top of the dashboard and click on this icon: 


Next, click the create product button: 

Once you’ve done this, a pop up will come up requesting your product type. You have the option of adding a physical product or digital product. 

Choose the relevant option and click on create a new product: 

The next page you’ll see will show you 4 tabs: Product, Fulfilment, Checkout, and Behavior. 

Click the product tab and several sub-tabs will show up: Pricing, Processors, Bump and Affiliates.  

Each of these sub-tabs are vital to properly identifying your products, let’s see them one by one. The sub-tabs allow you to add or edit your product name, label, status, pricing and checkout page URL.  

Let’s see more on each of the options. 


The pricing tab is where you can add your product price. It also lets you add varying pricing options, like if you want your customers to have the option of paying monthly or yearly. With pricing, you can also set automatic tax calculation and create personalized payment invoices as well. 


Remember the bump offer feature I talked about at the start of the article? This is where you can set it up, just simply check it and input your offer details. 

Payment Processors

With this sub-tab, you can choose the processor you want to use.  Click set up processors and pick your choice. 

Affiliate Program

To enable the affiliate program feature, tap on the affiliates sub-tab, input details like commission rates and save. 

3. Put up Fulfillment Preferences

The fulfillment tab is where you can add what will happen immediately a customer purchases your products. There’s just one sub-tab under it tagged “After Purchase”. Click on it and input what you want to happen after a purchase. 

4. Create the Checkout Page 

There are 4 sub-tabs under the checkout tab; Template, Success page, Tracking and Customize. 


The template tab, allows you to pick from 4 different templates: 

  • A tall 

  • One-step Checkout 

  • Embeddable Checkout 

  • Popup Checkout 


This is where you can personalize the template you chose and you’ll have a lot of customization options! Some of them include adding testimonials, including a guarantee seal and adding a thumbnail image of your product. 

Success Page 

The success page allows you to personalize what buyers will see after making a purchase. You can add a simple thank you message or video. 


If you’ve got a tracking service you love, you can set it up in this tab. 

5. Create Behavior Actions 

The 5th tab permits you to initiate actions based on visitor behavior. For instance, you can include a buyer in your CRM or automate follow-up emails for customers with abandoned carts. 

Here are some of the trigger actions ThriveCart offers: 

  • Expired Credit Card 

  • Declined payment 

  • Product purchase 

  • Due Payment 

Once you’re done tap save and you’re good to go! 

ThriveCart vs Alternatives 

There are so many shopping cart tools and making the right choice can be a bit confusing so ill point out what makes ThriveCart unique. 

1. More Integrations 

All shopping cart platforms integrate with other tools but ThriveCart offers more options. For instance, ThriveCart integrates with Zapier, which means you can add in almost any tool! 

2. Automatic Tax Collection 

ThriveCart allows you automatically collect sales tax. This is dependent on the customer’s location. Although other cart platforms offer this, they usually do so with third-party tools, which incur an extra cost on monthly payments.

3. Automation 

This is one of ThriveCarts major advantages over its competitors. Few shopping carts offer its kind of automation. A great example is the automatic email autoresponder series addition of customers after a purchase, or retargeting emails to people with abandoned carts. 

These amazing automations set it apart. 

ThriveCart Alternatives 


Related image

SamCart is one of the most popular ThriveCart alternatives and rightly so. It offers similar basic features such as different payment plans, 1-click upsells, checkout template pages, 1-click bump offers, etc. 

However, SamCart’s affiliate program offers different features and pricing. For instance, ThriveCart’s affiliate program provides affiliate tracking IDs but with the SamCart affiliate platform, your affiliates would be unable to track their best traffic sources. 

There is also an increase in price on your SamCart monthly payment if you decide to use the affiliate program.  


Image result for CLICKFUNNEL vs thrivecart

ClickFunnels offers certain features you can find in ThriveCart like 1-click upsells, bump offers and down sells. It also allows you to customize your shopping cart with a drag and drop builder. 

Just like SamCart a major difference between ThriveCart and ClickFunnels is the affiliate platform. To run the affiliate program you’ll need to upgrade in your monthly payment. 



Zaxxa is a great shopping cart with a lot to offer like detailed analytics and tracking and unique customization options that impact on user experience but when compared to ThriveCart it has some major limitations. 

If you are new to the eCommerce world, you may find it a bit difficult to use. Zaxxa also does not support physical products and has less integration options than ThriveCart.  

Common Questions and Answers

Here are some common questions about ThriveCart and I’ve got the answers right here for you! 

Is ThriveCart Worth it? 

Absolutely! For a tool with such amazing features, multiple integrations, and a one-time payment option, it’s worth every dime. 

With that said, ThriveCart isn’t a magic bullet, if your products aren’t what your customers are looking for, it may not help as much. But, if you’ve got the right products for your audience, ThriveCart is designed to help boost your sales. 

Who Is ThriveCart For? 

With so many developers getting in on the “sales funnel” and “shopping cart” game, the options you’ve got are staggering. 

But if you are looking for a professional type shopping cart capable of handling six-figure transactions yearly without a recurring fee and you want to be able to create bump offers, upsell funnels, down-sell funnels and a lot more then ThriveCart is for you. 

What Does ThriveCart Integrate With? 

Just as with most shopping cart platforms ThriveCart integrates with multiple payment processors, email marketing software, and membership software, however, it isn’t limited in integrations like other tools of its kind. 

ThriveCart offers integration with Zapier, which means you can integrate with just about any tool that comes to mind. Here is an excellent resource on ThriveCart integrations. 

Does ThriveCart integrate with WordPress? 

Yes, ThriveCart works excellently with WordPress. You can integrate it in two ways. The first involves creating a ThriveCart order for the page and then hosting it via the ThriveCart server. 

After doing that you can simply link to the page from your website just like you’d do for any other link. When someone clicks the link (most likely on your sales page), they’ll be redirected to your shopping cart. 

The second option and the most popular is to copy the embed code from ThriveCart after creating a shopping cart and then paste it into your WordPress HTML editor. Your shopping cart will then show up on your website page where it was inserted.

Does ThriveCart Integrate with Woocommerce? 

ThriveCart and WooCommerce are two very different types of checkout platforms. WooCommerce is an eCommerce “add-to-cart” system, whilst ThriveCart is a conversion-focused funnel based checkout. Whilst they both process your customer’s orders, they’re both very different types of platforms.

As such, there isn’t a logical ‘integration’ as ThriveCart wouldn’t act a replacement for your WooCommerce checkout because the tool does not support and is not designed for adding items to a cart. ThriveCart is designed for selling a specific product or offer, then using bumps and upsells to maximize the revenue from the customer.

With that said, you can use WooCommerce to ‘host’ your products and the style of your site, the buttons in WooCommerce under each product would link directly to the checkout (you’d set your product to be a 3rd party/affiliate link, then use the cart URL from ThriveCart there).

Finally: Is ThriveCart for You?

Overall, ThriveCart is a powerful tool that will help you boost sales and offer stellar user experience. It offers features beyond the regular shopping cart and lets you integrate with just about any other software. 

If you have questions or comments about your experiences with ThriveCart feel free to comment below! 

Clickfunnels vs Shopify: Which Tool Works Best for Your Business in 2021?

So, you’ve finally decided to start an online business.

You’re going to sell an awesome product, or thousands of awesome products on the internet.

But you don’t know where you’re going to sell them.

That’s why I compare two powerhouse tools — Clickfunnels vs Shopify.

Which one will work best for your business?

If you’ve been searching online how to start an online store, you might have heard two services i.e. Shopify and Clickfunnels come up quite a bit.

And frankly, with all the dropshipping and ecommerce guides out there, it can get quite confusing to decide which ecommerce platform is the best place for you to sell your products.

In this article, we’ll explain to you exactly ecommerce platform you should run your online business on.

But here’s the thing:

None of these tools are perfect by themselves. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the platform you choose to run your business on depends on what kind of business you’re starting and what kind of products you’re going to sell.

Main Differences Between Clickfunnels vs Shopify

The main differences between Clickfunnels vs Shopify are:

  • Clickfunnels has two plan options with a basic plan that is more expensive, whereas Shopify has three option plans.
  • Clickfunnels doesn’t have a mobile app, whereas Shopify does have an app that is available on Android and iPhone. 
  • Clickfunnels offers several features including ready-made sales funnels, whereas Shopify does a better job at helping you manage your inventory and customers. 

Now, let’s start with an overview of both these awesome services:

Shopify: The Ultimate Online Store Builder

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If you’re thinking of creating a fully fledged online store with lots of products, Shopify is a great choice.

You’ll get lots of themes to build your website, an inventory management system to manage your physical products, payments integration and exclusive shipping rates from DHL, UPS and USPS.

Basically, you’ll get all the tools you need to set up and run your new online store without having to write a single line of code. Plus the Shopify developer community is awesome – meaning you’ll find solutions to any technical or non-technical issues you run into almost immediately with a few quick Google searches.

And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also get access to a budding App Store full of plugins and integrations you can add to further enhance the functionality of your Shopify website.

Clickfunnels: The All-In-One Sales Funnel Software

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If you’ve never marketed or sold a product in your life, then Clickfunnels is the software we recommend you use to sell your first product.


Because Clickfunnels comes with pre-built, scientifically proven to convert sales funnels. There are sales funnels especially made to sell products, memberships, courses, ebooks, webinars and even your services.

And not only can you create an online store to sell your products and services, you can also use Clickfunnels to build your email list and run automated email marketing campaigns.

Granted, the stores you create with Clickfunnels aren’t going to be as feature rich as the ones in Shopify, but it’s more than enough to get you started. And with Clickfunnels, you won’t need to pay for another marketing software ever again.

Clickfunnels Vs Shopify: Features Comparison

From the above overview, you might have gotten the impression that both these tools are for two dramatically different audiences. And if you have, you’re right.

Shopify Feature Rundown

Shopify is made for expert entrepreneurs who know how to integrate different marketing software with their stores, have advanced knowledge how to create funnels and turn visitors into customers and only need a robust tool to create and manage their online store.

That being said, here are the nine best features of Shopify:

Online Store Builder: Shopify has an excellent collection of themes (free and paid) you can use to build your online store. The drag-and-drop website builder lets you customize every element of the theme. You can add your own text, color, and images to make your website truly your own. And if you’re tech savvy, you can add your own custom CSS and HTML code as well. In addition, you can also create blog posts with Shopify’s content management system. And every single website is mobile responsive so your customers can shop on your website even when they are on the go.

Inventory Management System: In Shopify, you can easily keep track of current and new inventory. Add new products, create different variants of it and post a few good-looking images of them and finally assign the number of items you have in store. Then Shopify will automatically track how many items you’ve sold so you know at once when to order more. Plus, you can also choose to sell (or not sell) a product even when it’s out of inventory and being restocked.


Analytics Dashboard: Shopify provides beautiful graphs of data that matter to you. You can see your traffic, orders, and sales at a glance. In addition, you can see where your customers are coming from, what they do and how much time they spend on your store thanks to Google Analytics integration. Plus, you can see the performance of each individual product i.e what’s selling and what’s not – and use this information to order new inventory accordingly.

Customer Management System: Shopify lets you see the shopping behavior and info of customers who’ve purchased from your store. Plus, you can create membership sites to encourage repeat purchase and send these customers marketing emails (or give them the option to purchase as a guest). You can also organize customers in groups based on their country, product purchases and money spent. In addition, you can set up refunds for customers as well.

Sales Channels: You can use Shopify to set up stores inside social media networks like Facebook and Pinterest, Amazon, Ebay, your existing website and even your brick and mortar stores. This means customers can browse and purchases products right inside these websites and apps as well without leaving them.

App Store: The Shopify app store is full of amazing plugins and integrations you can use to enhance the functionality of your shopify website. You can use the many apps available to create landing pages, opt-in forms, get additional analytics, run email marketing campaigns and more.

Payment Integration: With Shopify, you can accept payments from Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express, plus from 50+ online payment gateways like Paypal and 2Checkout. In addition, Shopify will handle city and state taxes of your country for you and gives the ability to offer customers free shipping.

Shipping and Delivery: Shopify has partnered will three major couriers i.e. DHL, USPS, and UPS to offer low shipping rates to your customers. Plus, because of their partnership with Oberlo, you can buy, ship and sell products to your customers without stocking inventory yourself.

Mobile App: The Shopify mobile app is available both on Android and iPhone. You can use it to track your sales and orders, manage your inventory and email / call your customers on the go.

Clickfunnels Feature Rundown

Clickfunnels, on the other hand, is made for beginners and non-experts who want to start an online business, and need a simple and powerful tool that helps them set up not just a store, but their whole marketing funnel as well.

That’s why Clickfunnels offers extremely robust tools like these:

Ready-made Sales Funnels: With Clickfunnels, you get ‘funnels’ i.e full sets of web pages that guide your customers toward a checkout page – ready made for you. You’ll get funnels to sell every kind of product imaginable. There are funnels for physical products, digital products, courses, ebooks, memberships, subscriptions, webinars and more. In addition, there are templates for sales pages, opt-in pages, thank you pages and checkout pages as well. All you have to do is add in your own copy and images and your sales funnel will be ready.

Website Building Tool: You don’t have to use the sales funnel templates. You can build your sales funnel from scratch with the website building tool. You can add text, images, checkout carts, payment integration, an opt-in form and anything else you need to build any kind of web page for your sales funnel.

Payment Integrations: With Clickfunnels, you can add payment integration to your sales pages and collect payments at once. Clickfunnels integrates with Paypal, Stripe and other payment processors.

Affiliate Marketing System: This is a cool feature not many offers. Clickfunnels lets you create your own affiliate programs for products and services. This means you can give a link to other people to sell your product. And whenever someone sells your product for you, you can give them a commission. This way, you can create your own personal team of salespeople who will help you increase your sales.

CRM System: Clickfunnels has a cool CRM system that lets you see in detail information about your customers. You can see where your customers are from, their email and social profiles, what they’ve bought from you etc. You can also group different customers based on their location, the products they’ve purchased, the money they spent etc. and put them in different email marketing campaigns.

Email Marketing Tool: You can create your whole email marketing campaign with Clickfunnels. You can write beautiful emails, arrange them in a series and automate the process so that anyone who opts in to receive your emails get them automatically. You can also send email campaigns to different segmented email lists.

Action Funnels: The action funnel is the Clickfunnels automation tool. Using this, you can combine your funnels with your email campaigns to create the ultimate automated marketing machine. You can set up which ‘list’ a user should be added in after they opt-in (or opt-out) to your funnel and what emails they receive. You can also set up actions based on different triggers. For example, if someone purchases your product, you can auto add them to a new email list and put them inside a new campaign.

ClickFunnels vs Shopify: Pros and Cons

Based on the features, here are the top three pros and cons of Shopify and Clickfunnels.

Shopify Pros

  • Shopify is the best platform to create and sell hundreds of products thanks to its inventory management system.
  • You get super low shipping rates from delivery partners such as DHL, USPS and UPS.
  • You get a mobile app to run your online store on the go.

Shopify Cons

  • Shopify only provides a platform to sell your products. You have to learn how to market your website to get sales.
  • You’ll have to integrate with other services for email marketing, building landing pages, creating affiliate programs etc which adds in cost.
  • You’ll need a lot of time to set up your store, create funnels and will need technical marketing knowledge to do it right.

Clickfunnels Pros

  • You don’t need to have any marketing knowledge to sell products. You’ll get prebuilt funnels tested for max conversions.
  • You get a CRM system, email marketing tool and automation tool within Clickfunnels. No need to pay for another service.
  • Building a funnel and selling your product takes only a few hours, not a few weeks.

Clickfunnels Cons

  • The subscription is more expensive.
  • Isn’t ideal for selling hundreds of products and running a full online store.
  • No mobile app for on the go usage

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you dropship with Clickfunnels?

Yes! With Clickfunnels you can create landing pages for your dropshipping business and integrate with third-party shipping applications.

Is Shopify safe and legit?

Also phrased as, “Can I trust Shopify?”. The answer? Yes, you can! This is a renown company with great customer service. If you have any questions about how Shopify works and its features, check out our complete Shopify review!

Can you really make money with Shopify?

Of course, but it’s important to have a great marketing strategy. Also, consider integrating Shopify with marketplaces such as Etsy or Amazon to be able to reach a larger market.


Shopify is a good choice if you’re a marketing pro and want to go full-time running and managing your online store. Its product management and delivery features are unmatched. But you need to know how to set up different integrations for building landing pages, running email campaigns and automating your online business.

That’s why Clickfunnels is the better choice if you’re just starting out selling products. You won’t need a lot of marketing experience to build your funnels and you’ll get all the services you need to run your online business – including hosting to get you started.

If you are going to choose, Shopify – you might want to invest in landing page editor app right from the start, such as Shogun. 

You can learn more about Shogun in our full Shogun review.

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Magento Review – Is This Powerful eCommerce Platform Right for You?

Magento was launched in 2008 and is used by big brands across the globe. In our Magento review, we’ll consider if it is the right choice for your business.

If you run an eCommerce business and you’re thinking of switching to a new platform, you may have considered Magento. It has a lot of great features, including powerful marketing and shopping cart tools, and in-depth inventory management which will save you time on repetitive tasks. However, it’s not that well suited for beginners, as it has quite a steep learning curve – but it does offer a free community edition, so you might be tempted to give it a shot.

In our review, we’ll have a look at the key features of Magento, before looking at the platform in detail. We’ll look at pricing and pros and cons, before giving our opinion on who Magento is best suited for – so you can decide whether it’s right for you.

Key Features of Magento

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  • Two versions available – Community Edition (free to download) and Enterprise Edition
  • Secure cart with automatic tax and sales calculations
  • In-depth inventory management, including management of stock in various locations
  • Order management and customer account management
  • Secure cart with multiple payment options, including Google Checkout, debit or credit card, and PayPal
  • Integration with Google Analytics
  • Customizable storefront using free or paid themes
  • Built-in blogging platform
  • Built-in search engine optimization
  • Powerful marketing tools
  • Hundreds of extensions available

Ease of Use

Magento is not a beginner-friendly platform.

If you’re a newbie looking to enter the world of eCommerce for the first time, with no technical experience and no money to hire a developer – Magento is not going to be the best choice for you. It has a steep learning curve, so if you’re looking for an eCommerce platform that will allow you to get going quickly and easily, you’re better off looking at another service like Shopify.

If you are a developer, or you have one on your team, you should find navigating Magento quite simple. The interface is pretty easy to use once you’re up and running, but as we said, it won’t be suitable for total beginners. Set up can take quite a bit of time, however, and installing extensions can sometimes be a laborious process depending on the extension itself.

Inventory and Order Management

Magento has a range of inventory management tools – it’s a real strength of this platform.

Uploading products is a simple process – it’s very quick to upload photos, videos, and descriptions of products. You can offer virtual or downloadable/digital products. You can also allow personalization of products (like monogramming).

It’s simple to keep your inventory organised, even if your stock is stored in different locations. Magento also helps to speed up certain processes when it comes to managing stock – for example, you can mass-assign a value to multiple products, create product templates to quickly upload new items, and automatically assign products to certain categories. You can also choose to automatically resize images and batch-import and export catalog information at set times. These processes, although seemingly small, can drastically reduce the amount of time you may otherwise spend doing repetitive tasks.

If you do want more control, though, the admin area has a lot to offer. You can moderate reviews and product tags manually, create or edit orders, and even assign customer service reps to create customer accounts or place orders manually if necessary.

The admin area allows you to control multiple websites and one stores from one account, but you can also create multiple user accounts with permissions depending on the roles of your team members. You can also review all users’ admin activities, if you like.


Magneto has a blank base theme, or a free theme called Luma. These can be customized using a drag-and-drop editor – this does make things easier if you don’t have any experience coding. You can buy themes from the official Magento extension store or go for a theme from a third-party website (these vary a lot in price – from $80 right through to $500, as you can see in the example above). Theme Forest has a lot of great Magento themes:

A person posing for the camera

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For $83 at the time of writing, this is a pretty dynamic theme from Theme Forest. So, if you’re willing to shop around, you can find one to suit your business.

There are a lot of options within Magento, if you can learn how to use the platform. You can create and edit content blocks, combine text with videos and images, blend content (like a blog post) and commerce by adding products to content pages, organize content with menus and page hierarchy, and use stock photos from Adobe Stock.

There are many companies using Magento to create attractive websites. This example from Graze (a snack company based in the UK) shows how your website could look:

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You may want to consider a page builder extension, however – these can offer a bit more flexibility than Magento on its own can give and make page building and content creation really simple.

Magento also has a built-in blogging platform – this is great for creating ongoing content to keep potential customers coming back again and again.

You can show multiple images for each product page and allow customers to zoom in on product images. You can include color and fabric swatches, too. Products can be viewed individually or grouped together – for example, you can set related products, up-sells, or cross-sells, so that customers can see recommended products. You can add social media sharing buttons to each product, and customers can set up a wishlist or even a gift registry. There are a lot of features here to utilize.

Shopping Cart

Magento offers a secure shopping cart with a ton of features. We could talk about them all day, so here’s a quick list of the features included:

  • Customers can pay using credit or debit card, authorize.net, PayPal, BACS, or payment on collection
  • Can include mini cart on store pages
  • Tax and shipping estimates are estimated in shopping cart
  • Order summary includes product images during checkout
  • Instant Purchase option allows your customers to checkout time, thus boosting conversion rates
  • Customers can create accounts, wish lists, and save shopping carts for later
  • Gift wrapping and gift messages can be included

There is a lot here to unpack, but essentially, Magento offers a ton of features to make the shopping experience as simple as possible for your customers – a quick and easy checkout process will improve conversion rates, so this is important. Plus, having customer accounts means that they’re more likely to come back again – especially if you draw them in with vouchers or coupons.

Marketing/SEO Tools

Magento’s stores are mobile optimized, so they should perform well on different devices. SEO is taken care of, with Magento automatically generating sitemaps for Google, and creating search-engine friendly URLs without you having to lift a finger.

When it comes to marketing, there’s quite a lot to offer without having to rely on extensions. Integration with Amazon means you can sync your inventory easily, opening up more options for customers. Google Smart Shopping campaigns and Google Ads are integrated, meaning you can manage ads easily. Plus, the upsells and cross-sells that we mentioned earlier, along with promotions, sales, and coupons, adds up to a lot of options when it comes to inviting customers to make a purchase.

You can set up special flash sale pages, for a limited time – or you can set up private sales for select customers. This is a great way to reward customer loyalty, by offering exclusive products or discounts.


There are a lot of extensions available for Magento – at the time of writing, almost 6,000 of them. They’re organised into the following categories:

  • Customer support
  • Marketing
  • Payment and security
  • Accounting and finance
  • Site optimization
  • Shipping and fulfilment

With the right extensions, you can really enhance your experience using Magento – and they will allow you to manage everything in one place.


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Magento has an easy to use dashboard, which will allow you to see at a quick glance the key information that you need, including best-selling products, total sales, website traffic, and more. The integration with Google Analytics allows you to create visually appealing in-depth reports – therefore giving you access to easy-to-understand data. You do have to sync up Google Analytics before you can get going.


Magento does have a steep learning curve, but their Knowledge Base is packed with documentation to help. Like the rest of the platform, this can appear (at least initially) quite overwhelming – they don’t have an easy to access section for beginners, for example. If you need support, they have a helpline and an online chat function. Plus, they have a busy chat forum if you want to connect with other users.

Thankfully, as we’ve mentioned already, there are plenty of free resources on other websites that you can use to get going with Magento.


Magento has two basic plans.

Community Edition/Magento Open Source

This is a free-to-download version of Magento. Anyone can go online and get the software – completely free.

This does require technical knowledge. You have to upload it to your own server, which obviously requires a bit of previous experience (or you can follow a tutorial online to help – YouTube is a good place to look for a visual guide on how to do it). If you have experience or you can afford to hire a developer – this is a great choice. However, for most small businesses or eCommerce stores run by individuals, it’s a mammoth task to get going, and therefore may be out of reach.

Although the software itself is free, there are costs involved – including hosting, your own domain, and possibly paying for themes and extensions. This can vary, so we can’t give you an approximate cost.

Enterprise Edition/Magento Commerce

This is a package individually designed for bigger companies. This can be very expensive – we’re talking potentially thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars per year. You have to call and request a quote from Magento, and they will come up with a package for you based on the scale of your business and which features you require.

Obviously, this will be way out of the price range of many smaller companies. But some big brands – including Ford, Coca Cola, Olympus, and Christian Louboutin – use Magento with great success.

You can request a free demo of Magento – click here to find out more.

The Pros of Magento

  • Free edition available – perfect for developers
  • Used by big brands across the globe
  • Inventory management is excellent
  • Comes with a variety of marketing tools
  • Themes can be customized
  • SEO is automatically taken care of
  • Range of extensions to choose from

The Cons of Magento

  • Free edition requires you to host it on your own server
  • Steep learning curve – not suitable for beginners
  • Can take some time to get going
  • Some extensions and themes are expensive
  • Knowledge Base isn’t that suited for beginners – you may need to look further afield for tutorials and support

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve still got questions regarding Magento, we may have the answer for you.

What’s the difference between Magento 1 and Magento 2?

Magento 2 has improved loading times, a better dashboard, and more SEO tools including meta tags – so a lot of improvements.

How can I learn how to use Magento?

The knowledge base does have documentation, but if you want a complete beginners guide, YouTube is a good source for beginner tutorials. There are also some great blogs out there with free tutorials.

Are Magento extensions expensive?

They can be – they range in price from being totally free, all the way up to $500. Some of them work on a monthly subscription basis rather than a one-off cost.

How long does it take to install a Magento extension?

Depending on the extension and your level of experience, it can take up to three hours to download and install a new extension.

Are there email marketing extensions available?

Yes! There are many integrations available with popular email marketing platforms, including MailChimp and Drip.

Does Magento offer marketing tips?

Yes – if you sign up to their emails, you can receive free marketing tips.

Does Magento have a mobile app?

No, Magento doesn’t have an official mobile app, although there are third-party apps available.

Does Magento sync up with eBay?

Yes – it syncs with eBay and Amazon, allowing you to sell products in multiple places at once.

Conclusion – is Magento Worth Using?

Magento is a powerful eCommerce platform.

It has a range of admin tools. From detailed inventory management, to built-in marketing and shopping cart tools, to powerful reporting using Google Analytics, there is a lot to like about Magento. Several processes are made simple – being able to perform certain actions in batches and having SEO tools built-in, for example.

You may have a lot of ‘threads’ in your business – for example, if you’re selling on multiple platforms and you keep stock in different places – and Magento ties everything together, allowing you to manage everything in one place. It’s designed with larger companies in mind, with the ability to create admin accounts and monitor user activity.

It’s also very customizable. Using extensions and the built-in drag-and-drop tools, you’ll have the ability to build a dynamic, fast-loading store with Magento. If you go for a page building extension, you’ll have even more options available to you when it comes to store design and content.

The downside is – unless you’ve got experience as a developer, or you’re in the position to hire a developer, it won’t be suitable for you. (Unless you want to learn an entirely new skill, which is always a good thing, but can be very time-consuming.) Beginners to eCommerce will find Magento overwhelming, and there are other platforms out there that allow you to get up and running really quickly, with plenty of useful features.

When it comes down to it, we think that Magento is an excellent platform – if you’re a larger, established business with specific knowledge and expertise. If you’re a bigger brand, then you’ll have access to the Enterprise Edition/Magento Commerce, which could be the perfect solution – at a high price tag, of course.

So, whether you should go for it depends on your situation. If you’ve got a developer on board who can dedicate a lot of time to get your store up and running, then yes – absolutely go for it, and enjoy Magento’s powerful tools and features (and the fact that the software itself is free). If you’re a beginner, we’d suggest looking elsewhere.

How to Create a Landing Page On Shopify No Coding [2021 Update]

Looking for solutions to create the best Shopify landing page on the world’s best e-commerce website platform? Great! I’m here to help! I also recommend 6 powerful landing page apps that can help you get started immediately (no coding required!). 

Creating a Shopify landing page is a smart sales funnel move that can increase your online store sales fast. Landing pages are gradually taking over the role of the traditional website or e-commerce homepage. More online visitors now arrive on a dedicated landing page than on a homepage. 

The top purpose of a landing page is to encourage a target audience to take a specific action. It provides a specific product’s purchase details and removes buying distractions. That means it can help reduce cart abandonment and increase your conversion rate. 

As the most popular e-commerce website builder right now, knowing how to create Shopify landing pages for your e-commerce business is critical.

How do you create custom Shopify landing pages?

How do you create a beautiful custom Shopify landing page that’ll boost your online store conversion rate?

If you are like most people, coding may not be your best skill. Not even with Shopify’s e-commerce store Liquid programming language. 

So for your conversion optimization plan, you can use good Shopify landing page templates or create from scratch. Later we’ll talk about some great tools to help make this process easy, such as Shogun.

Shopify Landing Page vs Product Detail Page

If you use a product detail page (PDP) as a landing page, you are not alone.

A 2018 Monetate study found nearly 1 in 4 potential customers landed on a PDP online. The study involved about 2 billion global online shopping sessions.

Here’s what Monetate found about product pages vs other landing pages in 2018:

  • As far as conversion rate goes, visitors that landed on a different landing page converted at nearly 2X (2.9%) those that landed on a PDP (1.5%) 
  • Landing pages also generate 2X more revenue per session that product pages (3.43% vs 1.72%)
  • Visitors on other landing pages also view 42% more pages than those that land on PDPs (12.5 pages/session vs 8.8 pages/session) 

One more thing:

Visitors than land on a landing page other than the product detail page are less likely to bounce. That means fewer cart abandonment and more e-commerce sales for you. 

  • Search-referred visitors bounced 20% on a different landing page compared to a whopping 52% on a PDP 
  • Visitors landing from social media marketing campaigns are 29% more likely to bounce when they find a product detail page compared to finding a different one.

So, if you are considering starting a paid traffic ad campaign on Facebook. You know the smart, profitable thing to do. Create a dedicated landing page on Shopify. 

Don’t waste those hard-won clicks and ad dollars on a regular product page.

3 Easy Ways to Create an Amazing Shopify Landing Page

In this post, we are going to show you three ways to do it fast and easy, so you can get to the most important part—selling your stuff on Shopify.

1 – How to Create Shopify Landing Pages Using Collections

Perhaps the easiest way to build a landing page for your Shopify is to use the Collections feature on Shopify’s platform. You can do that by visiting the Collection page when logged on to your Shopify admin area.

What are Shopify Collections?

Here’s a quick video by Shopify explaining what product collections are on Shopify:

Collections empower you to create product groups that make it easier for your customers to discover your stuff by category. 

For example: 

You can group things like women clothes and women jewelry together. That means if your online store is targeting women when they land from your ad campaign, they can find all these items that go well together on one page.

Doing that is a conversion optimization best practice. You’d be making it super easy for potential customers to find what they want, closely related items such as accessories, and even empower them to explore more purchase items.  

You can also create a custom product category on Shopify such as “Gifts for Under $50”, which may even be easier than creating a Shopify page

In fact, Collections can help you upsell your customers on products related to what they initially came in to purchase—which is a technique Amazon successfully implements likes this:


You can also batch related items together…

Using Shopify Collections to show frequently bought together items such as on Amazon can boost your conversion rate.

So how do you get started with Shopify Collections?

How to Create Shopify Landing Pages Using Product Collections (Step-by-Step Guide)

Whichever Shopify theme you choose, they all support Collections. 

Something to note before the step-by-step guide:

You’ll choose between creating a manual or automated Shopify collection.

A manual collection is ideal if you have inconsistent flash sales, a few products, or a specialist collection. It involves curating your items personally. You get to choose the items to add to a collection individually.  

For that last reason, it can be too much work if you have multiple products and a constantly changing inventory to update.

That’s where automated collections come in.

With Shopify’s automated collections, you get to set a condition or a set of conditions an item must meet to be automatically added to a collection. Once you select the conditions, up to 60 items will be added. 

In the future, items will just need to match the conditions you set for them to be automatically added to your collection, which is massively time-saving as well as ideal for multiple products and rotating inventories.

So how do you actually create a Shopify Collection?

  1. On Menu, click on Products
  2. Select Collections
  3. Choose between adding products automatically or manually 
  4. Choose and fill in your page’s title and URL. Match it to your ad copy for SEO, boosting instant recognition, and boosting conversion 

There you go.

#Pro Tip: If you want to target pop-ups, web notifications, widgets, and dynamic text to a particular campaign, do make a note of tracking parameters you use for paid ad campaigns.

The good news is all products in the Shopify product collection you create will display together. 

The not so good news is using collections can limit how much you can customize your Shopify landing page design and the elements you can use.

Elements such as e-commerce product images, for example, are super crucial to increasing your conversion rate—the more high-quality images you use, the better. People want to know exactly what they are buying by seeing it first. 

So consider using a top Shopify add-on such as Pixc to make your product images pop if you feel this method limits you.

Feel like turning product collections into Shopify landing pages is a bit bland or limiting? 

Consider using a Shopify landing page app. There are several options in the market today such as Shogun

2. How to Create Landing Pages for Shopify: Using these 6 Best Shopify Landing Page Apps

New to ecommerce website templates? Or, you just don’t have time or money to hire a Shopify expert to create a custom Shopify landing page with Liquid? 

Choose the best Shopify landing page template builder. 

You can create landing pages for Shopify stores with dedicated third-party templates like Shogun. These are landing page management tools that integrate directly with the ecommerce website platform. 

Note that the apps usually have their own file structures for JavaScript, images, CSS, and so on. So, you’ll want to look around to choose the best setup for your needs.

The best landing page builders for Shopify feature powerful tools such as drag-n-drop functionality, video support, MailChimp compatibility (great for building your ecommerce email list), and use mobile-friendly design.

Here are some of the best Shopify landing page apps to help you create converting e-commerce landing pages hassle-free:

  1. Shogun Landing Page Builder for Shopify

Here’s a simple yet easily the most comprehensive ecommerce landing page app to build, measure, and optimize your Shopify pages. No coding required.

First, Shogun is renowned for its exemplary customer service. 

That feels like knowledgeable customer service, doesn’t it?

And then there’s the Shogun Visual Editor PLUS supporting analytics. 

Shogun Page Builder

Shogun Analytics

Expect an easy-to-use, drag-n-drop landing page builder. You can use it to design coming soon, FAQ, and donations pages as well as contact us forms.

The builder works with any Shopify theme. 

You can also import existing pages to edit them in the Shogun editor.

Over 30 landing page templates await, including on the base plan (Build). You can even use the theme editor to customize thank you, collections, and terms & conditions pages, as well as click funnels and to add custom fields. 

For SEO optimization, Shogun is mobile responsive and will let you edit meta titles and descriptions to match your keyword strategy like Yoast.

To boost your landing page speed, it comes with an image compressor tool. Plus, you can resize images to offer excellent fits that grab attention.         

Have multiple accounts? Shogun allows users to duplicate store elements across multiple accounts. 

The Shopify page builder is especially big on conversion optimization tools. They include:

  • Personalized recommendations
  • Free shipping bars
  • Frequently bought together
  • Countdown timer
  • Add to cart button
  • Size charts and product image slides
  • Product video catalog  

It also packs over 20 elements. Take the Section elements, for example. Use it to structure any landing page with vertical segments in any format you prefer—media, content, you name it. From testimonials/reviews to benefits content to hero image, you’ll be able to visually segment information as you like. 

Shogun also supports most social media platform integrations and offers a 10-day free trial. You can even schedule when new landing pages get to publish. 

Shogun offers a lot and if you’re ready to step up your game more they offer functions like A/B testing for your Shopify landing pages, or the ability to collaborate with a team of 6 or more, for example, but you’d need to upgrade to the $149/month Optimize plan. 

Shogun A/B Testing

Want to see Shogun Landing Page Builder for Shopify in action?

Here’s a handy video:

Check out more about Shogun:


GemPages is an affordable, feature-rich, and drag-and-drop landing page builder for Shopify stores. No coding experience required here, either.

Right off the bat, you’ll have a selection of over 50 landing page templates to choose from. More choice can mean you have more design freedom to make your online store truly yours. 

Like Shogun, GemPages is also mobile responsive and adapts your online store to your potential customers’ screen sizes. 

That way, your customers won’t miss all the important conversion optimization tools such as the buy now button. 

And yes, GemPages’ Shopify elements include the crucial add to cart, quantity, image, price, countdown, and related product buttons.

Expect to sync Google Shopping catalog and Facebook Pixel, keep pages even after you uninstall GemPages, and use with any Shopify theme. 

It does support MailChimp, Klaviyo, Reviews Importer App, Google  Analytics, and Facebook Ad.

See GemPages in action before taking up their 10-day free trial:


This Shopify app looks to outdo GemPages and could be your preferred Shogun alternative for building top-notch Shopify landing pages. 

PageFly allows you to use a drag-and-drop landing page builder to create and customize elements of your landing page no matter your niche and viewing devices. 

You’ll get at least 30 design elements you can use to customize your landing page—and go on to personalize other Shopify pages such as the homepage and thank you pages, if you wish.  

However, you might find your most preferred template is locked to the PageFly PRO version which you get 14 days to try out before you need to purchase the full version to continue enjoying the full-featured app version.  

They take care of CSS and JavaScript stuff if you do not wish to ache your brains out with programming technicalities. And their customer support is easily one of the best around. 

If you are a customization junkie, PageFly could be for you.

  1. Zipify Pages

Zipify may not be the most affordable of the Shopify landing page builder bunch but it packs a bag of features to back up their pricing. They bring what they have learned from their own successful online store for other Shopify merchants to use. 

Some of the best Zipify features you will discover include how well it integrates with the Shopify platform, Zipify’s custom Google Analytics dash, and Facebook pixel. 

That means you can easily link your leads to your sales messages from many sources including from email clicks and see how many are landing and converting, so you can take the right steps to further boost conversions. 

You can also integrate it with one of the seven most powerful CRM and/or market automation software: Ontraport, ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft, GetResponse, Klaviyo, MailChimp, and Aweber. You will not need any subdomains or plugins to set up your landing page.

That combination makes Zipify a solid mobile-responsive, templates-loaded, drag-and-drop landing page builder for ecommerce on the Shopify apps marketplace. You can see if it works for you by grabbing the 14-day trial they offer to test it.   

  1. Hypervisual

Aptly named, Hypervisual is big on making beautiful pages that make your landing page stand out. For example, you can implement different design elements for each page or product you have. 

You can even remove your Shopify theme’s header and footer to make fullscreen landing pages to reduce distractions for your visitors—a definite plus in landing page conversion best practices.

To help you add Shopify leads to your email list, Hypervisual integrates with MailChimp and Klaviyo, which is not as resourceful as Zipify but helps.   

Like other Shopify landing page builders, you’ll get a responsive design for all device users, Google Analytics and Facebook pixel integrations, and SEO optimization for SERPs visibility.

Also great is their pricing model. After their 14-day trial expires, you have three Hypervisual pricing options to choose from as shown here:   

That’s interesting, and you can actually scale up or down depending on your needs. 

  1. LeadSlide

LeadSlide is also geared towards helping with your marketing automation campaign with the lowest plan support up to 10,000 emails.

Like Zipify, you’ll get ecommerce-optimized features such as fully customizable video and product landing pages, Klaviyo and MailChimp integrations, Giveaways and discounts functions, and a wholly editable countdown timer to ramp up conversions.  

If you want to track important analytics such as abandoned carts, repeat customers and run holiday promotions landing pages, LeadSlide will help you with that as well. 

Like the others here, LeadSlide also integrates with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, WordPress, Google Analytics and LinkedIn. You also get a Soundest integration here.

You’ll get a cool 30 days to try out their app before deciding whether to buy their full version or not. And they also include phone support on top of email support if you need their help.  

#Landed Shopify app by Lucid used to be a great landing page builder that integrated seamlessly with Shopify. But it is no longer available on the Shopify marketplace for some reason.  

3. How to Create Landing Pages on Shopify on Third-Party Websites and Tools

There are other routes to take to create the perfect landing page for your Shopify website

For instance, Leighton Taylor does a great job of explaining how to set up a landing page for your Shopify site using MailChimp to collect email addresses of your leads and customers. 

Here’s a link to the 17-minute-long video. A handy walkthrough. 

Considering many people do not buy from you the very first time they land on your product page, the video tutorial is great for helping you set up a Shopify landing page to kickstart your purchase funnel.    

 You can also use Shopify’s Buy Button feature to easily embed a buy link, shopping cart or collections or a product directly into a third-party website you are using. You will be able to use any tool and create any landing page you want while seamlessly managing your inventory and purchasing funnel directly through Shopify. 

The ecommerce store builder offers instructions on how to set this up on WordPress, Squarespace, Tumblr, and Wix.   

Still, you can use a third-party landing page builder that integrates with Shopify such as Leadpages or Unbounce. 

Let’s take Leadpages, for example:

You can choose from a selection of three Leadpages templates that are optimized for Shopify—works with Shopify carts and Buy Button

  • Shopify One-Item Landing Page
  • Shopify Multi-Item Landing Page
  • Shopify Thank You Page

All three are drag-and-drop landing page builders, so you’ll likely have an easy time setting them up. They explain it all here.

Tips to Increase Your Shopify Landing Page Conversion Rate?

Whichever way you choose to create a landing page on Shopify, here are conversion tips to help you make more ecommerce sales. 

  • Make your landing page design cues appear consistent with your ads or other traffic sources, so potential customers know it’s you
  • Moreover, ensure your Shopify landing page colors, tone, images, video content, and copy mirror your overall branding. That way, potential customers can recognize and trust the page immediately 
  • Build even more trust by adding customer reviews, partner logos, and security badges. Testimonials provide the proof of value and perception of reduced risk a potential customer needs to complete the purchase—not increase your cart abandonment rate
  • If you can create video testimonials, even better. Motion pictures not only grab and retain attention on the page but also connect with customers that can relate to the customer’s story emotionally
  • To further reduce cart abandonment, use Free Delivery, Free Returns, Moneyback Guarantees, and guarantee bars close to the buy button
  • Use Meta Titles that clearly and concisely state the value you are offering right away
  • Use only high-quality images and videos in addition to brief text. Avoid fluff, including unnecessary call-to-action buttons and marketing content at this point

Remember to make the landing pages as attractive as possible, with vibrant colors and high-quality images. Blurry images and dull branding reduce customer trust and increase bounce rates. 

If you want some inspiration to create a highly-converting Shopify landing page for your e-commerce store, check out some of the best landing page examples

Feel free to use the modern landing page designs to inspires yours for 2020. 

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make a landing page on Shopify?

Yes, you can make a landing page directly on Shopify, but keep in mind there are limitations to what you can do and if you have more than one store or want to scale your online store to a new market, you’ll want to invest in a landing page app or builders, such as Shogun, or Pagefly.

What is a Shopify landing page?

Shopify landing pages are key to the success of your store, they spark interest, let you build know, like, and trust factor and can give you a lot of data on your customers. While most people might come to you to buy your product, the data says that most people will not buy. That’s why having a compelling landing page with a ‘hook’ and your story (with key visuals) is so important to have.

How do I change my landing page on Shopify?

Here are the steps to creating or changing a page on Shopify (from help section of Shopify):

From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.
Click Add page. You will be taken to a new webpage editor.
In the webpage editor, enter a Title and Content in the text boxes provided.

Be descriptive and clear when choosing your webpage title. The webpage title is displayed in the tab or title bar of browsers. It is also used as the title in search engine results. Learn more about website SEO.

In the Visibility field, you can choose whether you want your webpage to be published or not. By default, your new webpage will be visible when you click Save. Select the Hidden option if you want your new webpage to be hidden from your online store, or click Set a specific publish date to control when your webpage is published:

Click Save.
Optional: To make a published webpage appear in your online store navigation, add a link to it in a navigation menu.

Of course, if you use a landing page builder app, such as Shogun, switching out landing pages is much easier and you have a range of templates to choose from that Shopify does not have.

Conclusion: What’s the Best Way to Create a Stunning Landing Page for Shopify?

A highly targeted landing page for your Shopify store will help you increase sales and reduce churn. And there are more ways than one to create beautiful, conversion-focused Shopify landing pages right now with premium tools such as Shogun or Pagefly.

You can choose the best method among the three discussed here for your Shopify needs and convenience to boost sales: using the Shopify Collection page, turning to easy-to-use Shopify landing page apps, and using third-party tools that integrate well with Shopify’s Buy Button and Cart features.

From there, you can decide whether using a Shopify designer and Liquid to create custom landing pages on Shopify stores is worth the HTML code it is written on. Or you are just fine using ready-to-use Shopify page builders without learning to code.

Over to you.  

Do you have another way to create a landing page on Shopify you’d love to share?

Let us know in the comments section.

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Magento vs Shopify: Which eCommerce Platform is Right for You?

If you want to set up an eCommerce business, you need to choose a good platform – our Magento vs Shopify comparison will show you the features of two of the most popular ones out there.

A decent eCommerce platform does more than host a storefront. It gives you an array of marketing tools that will make the customer experience as smooth as possible (which will encourage them to come back again and again). It will also help you to clearly and simply upload products and run your business, with clear analytics and support if needed.

Magento and Shopify are two well-loved eCommerce platforms. In this article, we’ll show you the main differences between the two platforms, before going into each one in detail. Then we’ll compare them directly to see which one comes out on top.

Main Differences between Magento vs Shopify

In a nutshell, here are the main differences between Magento vs Shopify:

  • Magento offers a free plan in the form of their community edition, whereas Shopify doesn’t
  • Magento requires more technical experience, whereas Shopify doesn’t
  • Magento offers a personalized service on their Enterprise edition, whereas Shopify doesn’t
  • Magento offers a free demo, whereas Shopify offers a full 90-day trial
  • Magento’s themes are mostly paid, whereas Shopify has more of a range of free themes


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Magento was launched in 2008. They have over 250,000 users worldwide, so it’s a popular platform, used by big businesses worldwide.

Let’s check out the main features of Magento:

  • Inventory management, with multiple images for products and user reviews
  • Batch import products
  • Automatic tax calculations
  • Integration with Google analytics
  • Create customer accounts
  • Order management
  • Secure cart with the option to pay by credit card, PayPal, authorize.net, Google Checkout, and more
  • SEO tools with Google SiteMap support
  • Blogging platform
  • Marketing tools including discounts and coupons
  • Customizable storefront with premade layouts
  • Two versions of Magento available – Community Edition, which is free to download (to install on your own server) or a hosted service called Enterprise Edition

Product Management

Magento allows users to manage inventory even in multiple locations. You can assign products to multiple sources and track inventory at each individual location – great for larger businesses that may have stock in different places.

You can also have full control over your orders – you can view, edit, fulfil, and create new orders in the admin area. They enable you to offer great customer service, too, by allowing representatives to create orders and customer accounts, to update individual customer’s carts, and update wish lists.

They also offer some advanced indexing methods, which will allow you to update your catalog quickly and easily.

Although the initial setup (if you’re going for the community version of Magento) is a little tricky, once you’ve got it up and running, entering product information is pretty intuitive.


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Magento comes with a blank base theme, or a free theme from the store (Luma). If you want more choice, they have some for sale on their own Marketplace, or you can buy them from separate websites.

Magento does offer a ton of flexibility. If you have the skills, you can build a theme from scratch. You can also customize your storefront to your heart’s content, but it’s not as straightforward as Shopify. (Again, page-builder extensions are a good call here, as they allow you to build your pages in a much simpler way).

They offer some powerful tools for merchandising. You can organize product category pages, either using their drag-and-drop interface, or by setting rules that sort products into a certain order (for example, you could have them ordered by best seller, or newest products).

You have lots of options when it comes to presenting product pages to customers – you can zoom in on product images, display product videos, show color swatches, show multiple products, and more.

Shopping Cart

Magento offers a secure shopping cart with a ton of extra features. Customers can see tax and shipping estimates automatically, and they are automatically recognized when they enter their email address – making their shopping experience super convenient. Customers can create wish lists and save their shopping cart for later.

Like the rest of the platform, there’s a lot to offer here, but it takes a little time to learn Magento’s full potential.

Marketing/SEO Tools

As you might expect, there’s tons to offer here, too. You can encourage customers to shop again by offering reward points for certain actions (like leaving reviews, for instance). You can enable gift registries and allow customers to purchase gift cards (both physical and virtual). You can even set up private sale sites or flash sale sites – a great way to reward loyal customers.

It automatically generates a sitemap for Google, creates search-engine-friendly URLs, and allows you to take control of URLs using rewrites – so they’ve thought about SEO too, with Magento 2 improving their SEO tools.


Magento has an intuitive interface, with a dashboard that allows you to quickly see data, including total sales, best-selling products, and more. It syncs with Google Analytics, giving you a wide range of data to work with. This includes insights on website traffic and visitor data. It does involve setting up a Google Analytics account and syncing it, but there are tutorials online that go through this step-by-step.


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Magento has a huge amount of extensions available on their Marketplace. Some are free and some are paid, and there’s plenty to choose from, including:

  • Customer Support
  • Payment and Security
  • Marketing
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Shipping and Fulfilment
  • Site Optimization

Well-chosen extensions can make your life a lot easier when it comes to using Magento – check out our guide to some of the best ones here for some ideas.


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There’s a steep learning curve when it comes to using Magento, but they do offer a lot of support and guidance – but it can feel a bit overwhelming for beginners, as the user guides are quite technical.

It has a variety of tech resources, how-to guides, and troubleshooting solutions. There’s also a forum of users.

You can call their helpline if you need further support or start an online chat.


Magento has two basic plans, as we mentioned earlier:

Community Edition

This is completely free and allows you access to tons of interesting and useful features. You will have to download and install Magento on your own server – this is a bit tricky and has several steps to follow (but there are plenty of online tutorials to walk you through it. The process is a lot easier if you have a person on your team that has some technical experience).

The real cost lies in buying themes and extensions, which vary in price.

Enterprise Edition

This is a hosted service, set up by Magento themselves. It’s expensive – they don’t advertise the price as you have to get a quote depending on the size of your company and what you want to achieve.

Frequently Asked Questions about Magento

Is Magento good for dropshippers?

It can be using the right extension – there are several Magento extensions aimed at dropshippers.

How many sites use Magento?

Magento has over 250,000 users – including Coca Cola and Ford, and many other big businesses.

How can I learn how Magento works?

There are many free resources out there to help you learn how to use Magento’s community edition – YouTube has tons of video tutorials. They do require a bit of time and patience though!

What’s the difference between Magento 1 and 2?

Essentially, Magento 2 offers a much faster experience, improving load times for both you and your customers. Magento 2 has an improved dashboard and user interface and meta tags for better SEO.

We Think Magento is Suited for …

Larger businesses who require a customized, and perhaps more complex, eCommerce solution, or those with a lot of technical experience already.

You can request a demo for Magento here.


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Shopify was launched in 2004. It’s one of the biggest eCommerce platforms out there – coming in at over 1.2 million users, many people are using it to build and run eCommerce stores.

Here’s a quick look at the main features of Shopify:

  • 70+ storefront themes
  • Mobile-commerce ready
  • Full blogging platform
  • Customize stores with logos and branding
  • Cloud-based website builder
  • Secure shopping cart
  • Take payments from most credit cards, PayPal, and Stripe
  • Create customer profiles and customer accounts
  • Manage inventory
  • Manage order fulfillment
  • Offer refunds
  • Compatible with drop shipping
  • Send customizable emails to customers
  • In-built marketing and SEO tools
  • Detailed analytics dashboard

Product Management

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The product management system is well-organized on Shopify. Adding a product is straightforward – you can easily add a title, description, images, videos, set product availability, set the pricing, add an SKU, and assign tags to each product.

Shopify doesn’t set a limit on products, so you can have as many as you want. Plus, you can add SEO product tags at this stage, which is useful.

You can also organize products into collections. This allows your customers to search for items by category, and will appear on your website as a gallery of products – this is a great way to encourage customers to browse, and depending on the theme you choose, it showcases your products beautifully.


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There are a handful of free templates for your storefront – they’re all customizable to a certain extent, and they’re well-designed.

There’s also a collection of paid themes. These vary in price but tend to be around the $160-$180 mark.

You can play around with each page on your website – you can add images with text, text columns, collections, testimonials, and galleries. You can also edit the theme settings, including altering the color scheme and typography. It’s not as highly customizable as other platforms, but there’s a decent amount to work with, and if you want, there are a range of page building apps for Shopify (like Shogun) that can help.

Shopping Cart

Shopify has a secure shopping cart, with a free 256-bit SSL certificate (the same level of security used by banks). Customers can pay using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. It also partners with over 100 payment gateways, including Bitcoin and PayPal.

Shopify automatically calculates shipping rates from some shipping carriers – notably UPS, USPS, and FedEx. It also deals with tax automatically, saving users time and effort.

Users on all price plans have access to abandoned cart recovery – customers who abandon their cart will be automatically sent an email reminder to complete the purchase.

Marketing/SEO Tools

Shopify offer some SEO tools. You can easily customize H1, title, and meta tags, for example.

You can also encourage customers to make a purchase by offering discounts and gift cards.

In terms of advertising, there are a few options: social media integration is included, so you can run ads on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, and you will receive a $100 credit for Google Adwords if you spend $25.

Facebook integration allows you to sell products directly on Facebook, too, so users won’t have to leave the platform to make a purchase.


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Shopify offers a decent amount of data to work with, including an overview of sales, orders and traffic.

You can create product reports, which allow you to analyse the growth of your store. These reports can be exported to send to other team members. Shopify offers integration with Google Analytics, too.


Shopify has a huge Appstore, which is a great bonus. The categories include:

  • Store design
  • Sales and conversion
  • Marketing
  • Orders and shipping
  • Inventory management
  • Customer support
  • Reporting
  • Finding products
  • Productivity
  • Finances
  • Places to sell
  • Trust and security

App prices vary, but there’s a good number of free apps and integrations to enjoy.


Shopify’s Help Centre is a good resource, with articles and videos on how to make the most of the platform – they’ve created some very detailed guides, with specific guidance for dropshippers. They also offer online chat, email, phone, and Twitter support.


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There are three price plans:

Basic Shopify – $29 per month

This allows you two staff accounts and a good range of basic features.

Shopify – $79 per month

This gives you access to 5 staff accounts, and most of Shopify’s features.

Advanced Shopify – $299 per month

If you want to scale up your business, this plan allows you to have 15 staff accounts, and all the features Shopify has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Shopify

Which languages does Shopify support?

The customer-facing parts of your store can be in any language that the theme supports. The admin area is available in over twenty languages: English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish.

How do I get a domain name on Shopify?

You can buy one through Shopify or use one from a third-party provider.

Do I have to ship the items myself?

No, you don’t have to – you can use a third-party fulfilment service.

Do I need a lot of technical knowledge to use Shopify?

No. It’s pretty user-friendly in its interface, plus extensions can help make it easier.

We Think Shopify is Suited for …

Small-to-medium sized businesses who want a simple platform that can be used even by beginners. It’s also great for dropshippers.

You can try a free 90-day trial of Shopify by clicking here.

Magento vs Shopify – Which is Better?

This is a really difficult one to call as the platforms are actually very different.

Product Management

Both platforms offer great product management and make it simple to upload products. Magento has a few more features in terms of catalogue organisation, so we think it wins this category.


The possibilities of both platforms are endless when it comes to store themes and content, but we have chosen Shopify, because it’s a much easier platform to learn, and it has a range of free themes.

Shopping Cart

We’ll call this one a draw – both offer a secure shopping cart with tons of features.

Marketing/SEO Tools

We’ll give this one to Shopify, too, as it’s easier to access and use marketing features like abandoned cart recovery, and creating ads is really simple. They both have a lot to offer in terms of marketing, however.


Again, Shopify has to win this one, purely because it’s a lot easier to access analytics straight away.


Both have a huge amount to offer here, but we’ll give this one to Magento – the catalog of extensions is huge, and they make a big difference to your user experience.


Shopify wins this one again – the tutorials are in-depth and very useful. They both offer a lot in terms of support though, which is great.

In Conclusion …

Which platform is the best depends on your individual requirements.

Magento is a very powerful platform. The option to use it for free is generous and allows developers to create customized eCommerce stores with a wide array of features. The built-in tools are excellent, including the marketing and product catalog tools. It’s used and enjoyed by some very big companies, which is a great endorsement. If you’re a larger business and you have tech support, it could be the best choice. (If you have a big budget, their Enterprise edition is fantastic, too.)

However, it does have a learning curve. It’s not particularly suited for beginners – even navigating their features can be difficult if you’re not technically-minded – and it requires a bit of setup to use the Community version. If you want something that’s simple to use right from the start, it’s not going to be the choice for you.

Shopify, meanwhile, is better suited for small-to-medium businesses, dropshippers, and beginners. The process of setting up a Shopify store is simple – it just takes a few moments to get going. Plus, you have 90 days to test out the platform fully before committing to a plan, which is generous. With extensions and paid themes, you can create a store that looks and runs exactly the way you want it to, even if you don’t have a lot of experience.

For that reason, we’ve chosen Shopify as our winner today – but they’re both excellent platforms for eCommerce depending on your needs.

WooCommerce vs Magento – Which eCommerce Platform is Better?

Our WooCommerce vs Magento comparison will show you the similarities and differences between these two popular eCommerce platforms, so if you’re trying to decide between them, we may be able to help.

What you look for in an eCommerce platform depends upon the scale of your business, the features you want, and the technical support you require. On the face of it, WooCommerce and Magento are similar: both are technically free to use, both allow you to create an online store, both have a range of extensions available. However, they’re quite different in terms of features and learning curves.

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the main differences between the two platforms, and then focus on each one in turn, looking at their features in-depth. Then we’ll compare them at the end in each category, to see which one is best.

The Main Differences between WooCommerce vs Magento

Here are the main differences between the WooCommerce and Magento:

  • WooCommerce is built for WordPress, whereas Magento isn’t
  • WooCommerce is fairly simple to use for beginners, whereas Magento requires more work
  • WooCommerce requires extensions for marketing tools, whereas Magento has some built-in
  • WooCommerce has an easy-to-understand knowledge base, whereas Magento is a bit more difficult
  • WooCommerce has a mobile app, whereas Magento doesn’t
  • WooCommerce has basic inventory management, whereas Magento is more powerful

WooCommerce – In Depth

WooCommerce is an eCommerce platform designed for WordPress. It was launched in 2011 and is very popular among WordPress users.

Let’s take a look at the main features of WooCommerce:

  • Secure cart with a variety of payment methods (including PayPal and Stripe)
  • Uses custom theme for WordPress (Storefront) designed to create an easy-to-navigate store
  • Tax automatically calculated
  • Easy stock management
  • Includes mobile app for on-the-go store management
  • Many extensions available

Inventory Management

Uploading a product to WooCommerce is a simple process – it feels a little like creating a blog post. You can add text, images, and adjust the formatting. It’s very simple to add the price, manage stock levels, and add shipping information.

Products are sorted into categories, like Simple (single products that are shipped), Grouped (products that are related to each other), Virtual, Downloadable, External (listed on your website but sold somewhere else), Variable (products with variations, and Subscriptions. This distinction helps to keep products organised.

You can organise products further by placing them into categories. You can also add upsells or cross-sells easily, which is useful – with an upsell, your customer will see ‘You may also like …’ with a range of items underneath the product they’re interested in, whereas a cross-sell will allow you to link products that specifically go together (like items that are part of a set).

Order management is also made simple. You can see a list of all orders, clicking on each one to see order information or to complete an action. Orders are color coded so you can check their status quickly.


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Installing Storefront to your WordPress account allows you access to a variety of paid or free themes. The free themes are not particularly exciting, but they are clear and easy to navigate. There is a wide range of paid themes which are well-designed. This is a live demo of one of the paid themes available:

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WooCommerce pages are built using blocks, which can then be edited (you can change the images, titles, and content). It’s very customizable, but you do need to have a bit of technical knowledge if you want to do anything other than basic customizing.

Shopping Cart

WooCommerce offers a safe, secure shopping cart with a variety of payment methods, including:

  • Debit and credit cards
  • payPal
  • Check Payments
  • BACS
  • Stripe
  • Cash on Delivery
  • Klarna
  • PayPal Pro

One great feature of WooCommerce is how easy it is to offer different types of payments, like subscriptions.

Marketing/SEO Tools

WooCommerce does not have much in terms of SEO and marketing tools straight away. Instead, you have to rely on the huge amount of plugins available for WordPress. This is great as it allows you to customize your user experience depending on your own needs, but it can potentially push the costs up. There are a lot of marketing tools available, including:

  • Marketing automation
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Coupons and discounts
  • Marketing analysis


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WooCommerce offers good reporting – you can see orders, customers, stock, and taxes at a quick glance. You can also view your best-selling products, total number of coupons used, and stock levels quickly and easily. It’s not the most in-depth reporting out there, but it gives you enough information to get going. Plus, there are plugins that can offer more detailed reporting.


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If you want to customize your WooCommerce experience, extensions are the way to go. There are a variety to choose from, including extensions developed by WooCommerce, as well as third-party extensions. The categories include:

  • Product Type
  • Store Management
  • Marketing
  • Payments
  • Enhancements
  • Shipping
  • Subscriptions

You can also view all the free extensions together, which is helpful. They offer integration with some social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

We also need to mention the mobile app here. Having a mobile app is useful, and the WooCommerce app allows you to check orders and track your store’s performance on the go – the app itself is free, but obviously requires a WooCommerce account to use it.


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WooCommerce has a very clear, easy-to-navigate knowledge base, full of tutorials, how-to guides, and tips. They also have a support request form, and a busy user forum if you need extra help.


WooCommerce is free to use. On the surface of it, this is obviously a big bonus. But you do have to pay to have a WordPress account (including a domain), plus you’ll probably want to splash out on a Storefront theme, as well as a few extensions to give you access to extra marketing platforms.

This makes it tricky to compare to other platforms – it’s hard to estimate the cost, because it will depend on your individual requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a WordPress plugin and a WooCommerce extension?

Plugins can be used by anyone with a WordPress account. Extensions require a base plugin in order to work. WooCommerce extensions have been designed for eCommerce businesses, making it easier and simpler to find the features they need quickly.

Is there a limit to how many products I can upload to WooCommerce?

No – there’s no limit to the number of products you can upload.

Does WooCommerce charge fees per transaction?

No – there is no fee per transaction on WooCommerce.

Can I trial a WooCommerce extension?

No – they don’t offer free trials for extensions or plugins.

We Think WooCommerce is Suited For …

eCommerce businesses who like the functionality of WordPress, and those who want to be able to customize their user experience using plugins and extensions.

You can find out more about WooCommerce here.


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Magento was launched in 2008. It’s a powerful platform, used by big companies like Coca Cola and Ford. It has a lot of features, including:

  • Two main versions – Community Edition (free to download) and Enterprise Edition
  • Powerful inventory management
  • Automatic tax and sales calculation
  • Order management
  • Secure cart with multiple payment options including Google Checkout, debit or credit card, PayPal, and authorize.net
  • SEO tools using Google Analytics
  • Customizable storefront
  • Built-in blogging platform

Inventory Management

One strength of Magento is the inventory management tools. It offers advanced indexing methods, including mass import of products. You can manage inventory even if it is stored in different locations.

You also have a lot of control over orders – the admin area allows you to edit or even create new orders. You can assign representatives to create customer accounts and place orders manually, which is good for customer service.


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Magento has a blank base theme, or a theme from the store (called Luma). There are more choices available, either through their Marketplace, or from a third-party website. These vary in price from around $80 right through to $500.

If you have a bit of technical knowledge, you can build a theme from scratch. If that goes beyond your skill set, you could go for a page-builder extension instead, which will open up much more customization without requiring any coding skills.

You can organise products into category pages, allowing your customers to browse similar products. This is done using a drag-and-drop interface. Customers can see color swatches, zoom in on product images, and watch product videos.

Shopping Cart

Magento’s shopping cart is secure. It comes with a range of extra features – like automatic tax and shipping calculations for customers, wish lists, and the ability to save shopping carts to checkout later.

Payment options include:

  • Credit or debit card
  • PayPal
  • BACS
  • Cash on delivery
  • Authorize.net

Marketing/SEO Tools

Magento has a range of powerful tools for marketing. You can offer customers reward points for leaving reviews or creating accounts. Customers can create gift registries, and they can buy gift cards. You can set up separate sites for flash sales, or even private sales for select customers.

There’s also a range of options to improve SEO. Magento automatically generates a sitemap for Google and creates URLs that are search-engine friendly.


Magento’s dashboard allows you to see data at a quick glance, including best-selling products and total sales. It uses Google Analytics, giving you access to in-depth reporting, which is great. You can track website traffic, access visitor data, and more. However, it does require a bit of work to sync up with Google Analytics.


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Magento’s Extension Marketplace has a wide variety of extensions, in the following categories:

  • Customer support
  • Marketing
  • Payment and security
  • Accounting and finance
  • Site optimization
  • Shipping and fulfilment

There are a lot of extensions to choose from – in the above screenshot you can see there are nearly 800 marketing extensions alone.


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Magento has a pretty steep learning curve if you’re new. The Knowledge Base has a lot of documentation, but it can be overwhelming if you’ve had no previous experience. If you need further assistance, they have a helpline or online chat function.


Magneto has two plans.

Community Edition

The community edition is free to download, but you must upload it onto your own server. This involves several steps (there are tutorials online to walk you through this process). If you go for the Community Edition, you have to be prepared to put a bit of effort into installing it. However, this combined with extensions will allow you to build a great eCommerce store.

Enterprise Edition

If you want Magento to host your store, you’ll have to pay for the Enterprise edition. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you how much this is, because potential users must get a quote from Magento depending on the size of the business and the features they want.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Magento extensions cost?

They range from being free, all the way up to $500.

Is it worth choosing Magento 2 over Magento 1?

In our opinion, yes. Magento 2 is a lot faster and adds more SEO features including meta tags. It’s also a bit easier to navigate using the dashboard.

Where is the best place to learn how Magento works?

Magento’s knowledge base has a lot of information, but if you’re a complete beginner, we’d recommend following a tutorial on YouTube.

How long does it take to install a Magento extension?

It can take around 3 hours to download and install a new Magento extension.

We Think Magento is Suited For …

Larger businesses, or businesses wanting a personalized eCommerce solution with more complex features.

You can try a demo for Magento here.

WooCommerce vs Magento – Which is Better?

We’ll take a look at each category to see how they stack up against each other.

Inventory Management

Magento has this one – advanced inventory management makes it simple to manage a lot of stock, even if it’s in different locations.


They’re about even, we think – with the right themes and extensions, you can create beautiful storefronts on both platforms.

Shopping Cart

Magento wins this one, as they offer a lot of payment options, with built-in tools to make the customer’s shopping experience as quick and smooth as possible.

Marketing/SEO Tools

Magento wins this one again, as it has some tools built into the platform. While WooCommerce has a lot of great marketing tools, you’ll have to download extensions to get to them.


Both platforms offer a decent analytics dashboard, however, it’s easier to use the analytics provided by WooCommerce.


Again, they’re both about the same here – there are so many extensions available for both platforms, which is great.


We’ll give this one to WooCommerce, as their knowledge base is a bit easier to navigate.

Our Verdict: WooCommerce vs Magento

So which platform is best?

We don’t think there is a clear winner here. WooCommerce is more suited for beginners. It has enough features for any sized business, especially with the use of extensions. It’s simple to use, with lots of support for beginners, and the free themes, although basic, can be customized further using extensions. The mobile app is great too. Ultimately, WooCommerce may be the better choice if you’re looking to start an eCommerce business from scratch with no prior experience. It’s also great if you have some experience with blogging, as the WordPress platform is built for that.

However, Magento is the more powerful of the two. If you have in-house tech support or a team member who specialises in web development, you may find that it’s the better choice for your business. Although it takes a bit of effort to learn, the possibilities with Magento are endless. It has the advantage of having built in shopping cart and marketing tools, and the range of extensions available make the user experience highly customizable. Extensions can make the experience easier (especially when it comes to page building, for example), but you still need that initial setup before you can begin installing extensions (and extensions can take a long time to install, too). Of course, if you have the budget for it, you can go for the Enterprise Edition – but this is prohibitively expensive for most people.

The long and the short of it? If you want something that is user-friendly, go for WooCommerce. If you’re willing to go through more of a learning curve in order to access powerful features, pick Magento.

3 of Best Magento Page Builders: Create Stunning Pages for Your Store

Want to build a great looking page for your eCommerce store? Our guide to the best Magento page builders can help.

Having a visually appealing website can make a big difference to your conversion rates. A great-looking page not only showcases your products, it also encourages customers to stay for longer – and can drive your visitors along the path you want them to take.

You might think that creating pages is complicated, or that you need to know HTML or CSS to do it. Thankfully, there are Magento extensions out there that turn what could be a headache into an easy, smooth process – with no coding knowledge whatsoever.

Today, we’ll be looking at three page builders for Magento, looking at their features, user reviews, and pricing, to help find the right 3rd party extension for you.

First, let’s take a quick look at some of the features you should look for when choosing a page builder.

What to Look for in a Page Builder

There are a few things to keep an eye out for:

The Page Builder

How does the page builder work? A drag-and-drop builder is best for those with no coding knowledge – it’s such a simple way to build a page. What content can you create using their page builder? Can you add images and videos easily? How easy is it to add product information?


If you don’t want to build a page from scratch, check that your chosen Magento extension has premade templates that you like the look of.


Building pages can take a long time. You want to try and find an extension that is easy to navigate and intuitive to use, to save frustration and headaches.


It’s important that your pages are optimized for SEO. How can the extension you’re looking that support you in this? Do they offer built-in SEO tools? Do their pages have fast loading times?

Extra Features

Some extensions have extra features, like scheduled posting or integration with other platforms. The more features you have, the higher the cost tends to be, however.

Real-Life Examples

Finally, you might want to see if a page builder is any good, check out some websites that have been built using that platform (you can usually find links to examples on the extensions’ own website). If you like what you see, you will probably be able to create something similar using that extension for your own pages.

3 Best Page Builders – an Overview

Name of Feature DragDropr Shogun Page Builder by Magezon
Page Editor Drag and Drop Drag and Drop Drag and Drop
Pre-made templates No Yes Yes
SEO tools No Yes Yes
Custom page elements Yes Yes Yes
Fast page loading Yes Yes Yes
Extra features None Split testing, page scheduling, analytics suite Built-in color palettes



Logo gallery with over 900 logos

Pricing From $14.90 per month for single use, up to $198 for multiple clients From $49 per month $199 one-time payment, plus optional $79/$129 service agreement for extra support

DragDropr Visual Page Builder

DragDropr is a great example of how an extension can help you to build a page, even without any coding or technical knowledge. It has a drag-and-drop interface, so all you have to do is point and click – it’s super easy to use.

It has a bunch of great features that will make your website both attractive and easy to use. The ‘add to cart button’ widget is really useful, plus you can add new products simply by dragging and dropping it onto the page. It has over 200 content blocks to choose from, so you should be able to create the page you have envisioned.

You can even enable or disable product elements including images, names, and descriptions – all within the DragDropr interface.

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You can create Magento landing pages, articles, and blog pages.

Antoher great feature is the ability to save your content as a HTML file. This allows you to edit your page at a HTML level if you’re that way inclined, and you can also import a new theme with just one click.

Plus, the page you are editing shows changes to your page in real time – so you’ll be able to see exactly what your page looks like as you go.

In terms of mobile and tablet devices, DragDropr generates content that automatically adjusts to the screen size of the person browsing. You can also check to see what it looks like on different devices, to make sure it looks great on every screen size.

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You can create great looking pages with DragDropr – however, it doesn’t seem to have pre-made templates to choose from. If you’re happy to work with the layout your current Magento template provides, this might not be a problem, but it’s something to be aware of.

One of the aims of DragDropr is to be ‘efficient’ – which it certainly is. If you’re looking for a drag-and-drop editor and nothing else, it could be a really great choice for you. However, it does lack some features that other page editors have, like analytics, for example. It also doesn’t give you much guidance in terms of making the most of your pages, so if you want to find out how to improve your SEO or conversion rates, it’s not going to walk you through it.

However, that being said, it comes at a low price point – so if you’re on a tight budget, and you’re willing to forgo some of the extra features another page builder might offer, it could be a decent option for you.

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There isn’t a huge amount of information on the DragDropr Magento FAQ page, which is a shame. This could be a great resource on how to use the platform to your advantage if it had more articles and guides. However, the DragDropr staff are knowledgable and users say they are extremely helpful (but more on that in a moment).

Main Features

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor
  • Over 200 content blocks to choose from, including videos, text, images, buttons, and dynamic content
  • Easily add products from your Magento store
  • Enable and disable product elements
  • Create an ecommerce website that looks good on every device
  • Live preview allows you to see how it looks as you go along

User Reviews

Users enjoy how easy the DragDropr interface is to use, even for those who have never built a website before. They also report that the team offer great support for when things do go wrong. They even reported that the team were able to provide them with CSS that allowed them to add drop-down content to their page, which is helpful.

It has an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.


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The extension itself is free to download in the Magento extension store. However, you need to have a DragDropr account to use it. There are three price plans:

  • Single Account – $14.90 per month paid annually

This is great for users who only have one online store.

  • Agency – $118 per month paid annually

This is a good plan for those who have clients they want to build websites for – it allows for up to 30 clients.

  • White Label – $198 per month paid annually

This is for bigger brands and gives you up to 50 clients and unlimited custom domains.

You can find DragDropr on the Magento extension store here

Frequently Asked Questions

Is DragDropr compatible with Magento 2.3?

According to their page on the Magento extension store, it is not currently compatible with 2.3 – but they’re working on it.

Can I add custom fonts to my pages?

You can – this involves tweaking the CSS a little, but they have a tutorial on their knowledge base.

Will my pages load quickly?

According to DragDropr, pages should load quickly as they use pure HTML code.

What happens if DragDropr goes down – will my content still be live?

Yes – your content will still be live as it is saved in your own Magento system.


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Shogun is another great example of an extension that can help you to build websites with no technical knowledge – again, with a simple to use drag-and-drop page editor, you can simply choose from a range of page elements, drop them onto the page, and then fill them with the content you require.

Shogun is a very visually pleasing platform, which is helpful if you’re spending hours at a time working on your website. You can add a range of content to your pages, including:

  • Text blocks
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Headings
  • Buttons
  • Sliders
  • Social media buttons

It also has a range of content options for your Magento products. You can add a buy now button, product description, product images and videos, and more. All of this can be dragged and dropped where you would like it to go. This makes it really easy to build product pages that look exactly the wat you want them to.

You can also create custom HTML elements, if you have the skills to do so. At any time, you can view how your page will look on different devices, and the templates are responsive, meaning they work well on any device.

The pre-made templates are great – there’s quite a lot of them to choose from, and they all look stylish and easy to navigate. If you don’t want to use a template, you can create a page from scratch, building the basic shape using page elements and then adding content afterwards.

But what makes Shogun stand out is the extra features. As well as offering SEO tools like the ability to edit meta titles and descriptions for each page, and lazy loading/image compression for faster loading times, it also has more tools to help you to make the most of your pages.

You can schedule page uploads as part of a marketing campaign, allowing you to measure their performance using the Analytics Suite. This will give you detailed analytics in a range of categories including clickthrough rates, bounce rates, and abandoned cart rates. You can even compare two pages to see which one is performing better in any of the given categories. This is a great feature – the more knowledge you have about how a page is doing, the better chance you have of creating pages that work really well.

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It also has A/B testing. This is a great way to optimize your pages to reach their full potential – simply create two different versions of the same page, and Shogun will run the test, automatically choosing a winner after a certain period of time has passed (or you can choose to review the results yourself). Creating two versions of the same page is very simple.

All in all, it’s an excellent platform with plenty of extra features to use.

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However, like DragDropr, the FAQ page is quite sparse – it would be good to see more tutorials and videos, although the main Shogun FAQ does have a bit more to offer in that respect.

Main Features

  • Drag-and-drop editor allows you to add blocks of content
  • Stylish premade templates
  • Page scheduling
  • Analytics Suite
  • Split Testing
  • Built-in SEO tools

User Reviews

There weren’t any reviews to look at on the Magento extension marketplace. However, looking at other reviews online, users seem to enjoy using the Shogun interface, finding it very user-friendly and intuitive. They also found the support to be good, with Shogun representatives quick to respond to queries.


The Shogun app is free on the Magento marketplace, but you will need a subscription to Shogun. Prices start at $49 per month, but the price does rise if you want some of the extra features, like AB testing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save a page as a template if I want to use it again?

Yes – you can easily save a page you like as a template using Shogun.

What is a page status?

The page status is a quick way to show you what each page is doing. ‘Published’ means the page is live, ‘Draft’ means you haven’t published it yet, and ‘Outdated’ means you have made edits that haven’t been published to the page yet. If a page says ‘running test’ it means you are currently running an A/B test on it.

Can I add my own page elements to Shogun?

Yes, you can add custom elements and HTML elements using Shogun.

Page Builder by Magezon

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If you want to create great-looking pages, Page Builder by Magezon could work really well for you. Again, no coding skills are required – just time and creativity. There are more than 50 elements available in this drag-and-drop editor, all of which can be customized to create the exact look you want. It works well with all common Magento themes including Porto and Ultimo.

However, there’s one thing to note right at the start – there are actually two page building extensions by Magezon. One is the Single Product Page builder. This allows you to change the structure of a product page for your Magento store – it does not allow you to add content. It works in a different way than the Magezon Page Builder extension, even though they look similar – just something to keep an eye on when you’re browsing the extension marketplace.

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When it comes to elements, you have a lot of choice, including text blocks, images, videos, product sliders, and buttons – all of which can be tweaked. You can set borders, padding, margins, and background colors – plus, it comes with color palettes, which help you to stick to the theme of your website. It also comes with access to a library of over 900 icons – so you should be able to find icons that match your theme perfectly.

Like the other platforms, at any time, you can view and edit how your page will look on different types of devices. The templates are responsive and load quickly on any device.

If you like, you can choose from a range of beautiful templates – or you can create one from scratch. You can even save pages as templates – meaning you can use them again and again.

The pages are SEO friendly, too – fast loading speeds are emphasised here, and it states that every line of code created is SEO optimized – this means you don’t have to worry too much about SEO to start with.

It’s a really intuitive interface, simple to use – but it also allows you a great deal of control and customization, including being able to use your own custom CSS. The pages you can create have the potential to look stunning:

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As with any platform, it does take some time to learn, but the interface is pretty easy to use.

It’s compatible with some useful plugins – including some email marketing services like MailChimp, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and more.

In terms of features, it’s kind of in the middle of DragDropr and Shogun. It doesn’t have the excellent split testing or analytics offered by Shogun, but it does have more features than DragDropr provides. The standout points for us are the SEO optimization and emphasis on fast loading speeds.

It also has the advantage of having great user guidance. There is a user guide that covers every (and we mean every) detail of the platform – but if the idea of reading through it doesn’t thrill you, they also have a YouTube channel offering video tutorials.

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Ideally, we’d like to see more guides about how to create high-converting pages, but still, it’s a useful feature.

Main Features

  • Drag and drop editor allows you to choose from over 50 elements
  • Beautiful templates
  • Built-in SEO optimization
  • Integration with other plugins
  • Creates fast, responsive pages
  • Useful knowledge base

User Reviews

User reviews are great, with users happily reporting that the platform is very simple to use, and that they were able to create amazing pages with it. They also said that the customer support is great, and that the support combined with the ease of the drag-and-drop editor means that even with little-to-know website building experience, you can still build a great page.

It has an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars.


Page Builder by Magezon costs $199 (this is a one-off payment). You can choose to add a service agreement, however, which gives you extra support – you can get six months for $79 or twelve months for $129.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a free trial of Page Builder by Magezon?

Not at this time, no – they do offer free demos, however, which you can find out more about here.

Do I get free updates?

Yes, you won’t have to pay to get updates.

Should I buy it from Magezon’s website or the Magento extension marketplace?

You can buy it from either place.

Does Magento work with WordPress?

Yes, there are plugins that you can use to integrate Magento with WordPress. You can even integrate your Magento theme and your WordPress theme, and create an easy blog-to-cart experience.

In Conclusion – Which is the Best Page Builder for Magento?

All three options are great. However, you do get what you pay for. Although DragDropr is a great budget option, it does lack some of the features that Shogun and Magezon have to offer. It is brilliant for businesses with a small budget, however.

Magezon represents a good middle-ground. You can create amazing looking pages with Magezon, and it has the advantage of a one-off payment – although if you don’t have $200 to pay upfront, it may put you off.

Shogun is our top choice for a few reasons. Although the price can add up if you want the extra features, they are appealing. Split testing and access to detailed analytics can have a real impact on your business if used wisely. Plus, it’s easy to use, the templates are beautiful, and the built-in SEO tools can make a big difference to the visibility of your pages. Although it does cost more than DragDropr, we think the tools it provides makes it worth the investment.

Further read:

Best Shopify Stores in 2021: Best Sites to Learn from and Start Selling More Now

Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These are the ingredients the following online stores choose to create some of the best Shopify stores. There’s no shortage of top ecommerce website examples and strategies to attract, engage, and convert online buyers from what we saw scouring through hundreds of Shopify sites for this guide.

Now, consider this: The Shopify ecommerce platform now runs 800,000+ ecommerce stores worldwide, powers 430,000+ websites, and is the third-largest ecommerce platform on the planet.

It is clear why you need to create a unique ecommerce store to attract and keep interested customers and wade out the competition in 2020 (and beyond).

Like a high-converting physical store, you’ll want to create online experiences that highlight your brand personality and make your online store memorable. The reward: Buyers can find you by name again and again.

The best converting Shopify stores of 2020 will almost certainly take up the largest piece of the retail sales cake.

And that cake is predicted to grow to about $3.9 trillion in 2020 and 17% of all U.S. retail sales by 2022.

That’s one cake party you don’t want to miss.

Also, keep in mind that more and more customers are willing and able to buy stuff from overseas. So, you can target those markets as well instead of worrying-sick that your local market share could be charmed off your Shopify cart and checkout page.

From stunning UX design to on-point copy to bold branding to seizing storytelling, these Shopify online stores will inspire your new store or next ecommerce website redesign.

And that can mean attracting and keeping a community of loyal buyers that rally even more highly qualified prospects with sweet referrals to you.

Sounds like something you’d rather do right now?

Here are the best Shopify store examples to inspire action, creative success, and the competitive gene in you.

  1. Not Pot

When you know your target audience may have some reservations about trying new hemp gummies, what do you do?

Joke about it and assure them it is not what it looks like. That’s what.

Tell them you sell lab-tested CBD gummies, the kind they can enjoy stress-free, knowing they’d pass any drug test after chewing a boatload of those.

Go as far as naming yourself accordingly. And adopt an unmistakable slogan.

Then design your vegan CBD gummies to look like harmless polar bears, complete with strawberry and apple pectin in them.

And square it all off by revealing why CBD gummies are everything they’ve been missing in their life.

It is no wonder Not Pot is a top Shopify store to take cues from.

2. So Worth Loving

What better way to instantly connect emotionally with visitors than to instill that sense right from the homepage?

But it can feel like So Worth Loving is trying too hard to some. So, the big “sincerely” in the middle works well to assure the visitor that they mean it.

It’s a simple, every-day design that feels like a personal friend recommending the best rather than a profit-churning machine out to get your cash.

To top it all off, each product has its own short story followed by a clear call-to-action. And look at how they capture emails:

So worth loving!

3. Beardbrand

Grooming facial hair can be a pain.

Beardbrand knows so and chooses to offer value upfront.

By offering a quiz to find out the best beard style for their visitors, right on the homepage, Beardbrand smoothly grooms the visitor to the recommended style and products with a clear call-to-action button to view beard products.

And then tons of beard grooming wisdom:

The navigation buttons drop down to reveal neat categories and insights on kits, tools, and products.

You get the vibe they know their stuff, and that’s the kind of place to buy.

4. Haus

Home goods seller, haus, blends clear navigation tabs with a clean, modern look to match the contemporary look and feel of their products.

Shoppers can go straight to a category, such as brand, from the menu on the left, and even search a favorite product from there — no complicated paths to nurturing visitors here.

It helps that the furniture and accessories show out in big, beautiful photography—some in their ideal setting.

5. Kylie Cosmetics

Super-influencer, Kylie Jenner, knows her strongest suit, her lips.

Kylie makes it vivid how good the eye, face, and lip colors would look and feel by displaying stunning pictures of herself wearing the different colors available. Just hover on a product, and it flips to reveal Kylie wearing it.

The gorgeous colors, easy-to-browse, and candy-like illustrations make it all the easier to buy and keep coming back to check what’s new.

And which fan won’t want to email with Kylie Jenner?

6. Studio Proper

There’s a quote on their site by one Mark Parker; “Everything starts with design.” That is exactly what Steve Jobs would say.

And boy, doesn’t it fit for a store that’s designed with simplicity and elegance cues from Apple’s store and website. So, when Apple die-hards get here, the store feels extremely familiar.

They feel at home.

From the sleek, aluminum-finish iPad mounts to the iPhone cases to its wireless charging hubs, they all look Apple-ish.

Add to that Studio Proper’s 12-month warranty, free delivery, ability to “pre-order”, and clean layout and it’s hard not to convert.

7. Ksubi

Apparel store, Ksubi, keeps it minimal and clean. No endless categories to distract visitors. Just a clear call to click on either Shop Mens or Shop Womens.

Instead of displaying a grid of apparel photos, the store uses high-quality photos of models donning Ksubi’s collection, making you imagine how the outfit would look on you, too. That’s a good start.

At the very top of the homepage, Ksubi declares they do offer free global shipping—so anyone anywhere can buy on Ksubi. A huge market right there.

8. Tluxe

Unlike Ksubi, Tluxe adds a lead generation twist by offering a bunch of benefits right when visitors land on the homepage:

  • Clean, easy-to-navigate store
  • Free shipping on international orders over $300
  • 20% off your first order over $200
  • And they give the impression you’ll get all that plus timely updates on new arrivals when you submit your email address

Now that’s how you build an email list to nurture casual browsers into repeat customers.

9. Quad Lock

It doesn’t take four seconds before you know what the store is all about. There’s a GIF video background to demonstrate how to fix their smartphone mounting gear to your cash dash, motorbike, bike, and limbs.

Immediately after, Quad Lock manages to sneak in some high-quality use-case photos right above the fold so visitors know exactly what to do next before they can even scroll down.

Scroll down once, and the store convinces you they know their stuff with social—the top publications they’ve featured in, including Engadget, Mashable, The New York Times, and Forbes.

That’s when FOMO strikes hard if you don’t hit that “Get 10% off” tab.

10. Chaos

Chaos manages the chaos many stores find themselves in when they attempt to use splashes of color and big, bold fonts while exuding unmistakable individuality—all on one page.

It’s playful, unique, and creative, which rhymes perfectly with its personalized accessories theme.

Talking of playful…

11. The Candi Factory

The Candy Factory homepage lets you know they don’t take themselves too seriously as they sell custom leggings and underwear.

Well, and perhaps their patriotism to Canada, which we think is a nod to selling high-quality products.

The store is clean and exudes a fun aura to boost.

Every click leads visitors deeper and deeper into the sales funnel. It’s tough to recover and bounce away after a few.

12. Tessemae’s All Natural

Tessemae’s All Natural is top Shopify store for 2020 for a bunch of delightful reasons:

  • Stunning food photos that’ll make anyone drool—and reach for the Buy Now button
  • Offers value upfront by providing weekly, monthly, and keto meal plans
  • 15% off for joining the Tessemae’s email list
  • Featured recipes mean fans keep coming back for more—and buy recommended products while at it
  • The five slides plus the vivid drop-down menu tabs make it easy to navigate the store from the homepage
  • Maintains a variety of products that feel exciting instead of overwhelming
  • Tessemae’s All Natural publishes fan photos, which helps make the community feel recognized and develop loyalty

We love the entire structure, color scheme, and fan engagement going on here. Definitely one of the best food stores on the Shopify app.

13. Biko

Biko takes the noble cause route right on the front page by letting visitors know 20% of each pair sold is donated to fight breast cancer through RETHINK.

It feels like joining a movement against a life-threatening, common enemy of Biko’s target audience; women.

And right below the fold, Biko lets visitors know it’s not all gloom and doom by showcasing “Trending Now” jewelry they can spoil themselves to right away.

To boost engagement, Biko suggests featuring customers who tag them on Instagram.

Then it lets you know how chic you’d also look in your new pair by displaying quality photos of models sporting the goods. You just have to click “Shop Now”.

14. Hiut Denim Co.

The store’s homepage doesn’t feel even a bit salesy. Rather, it gives off a classic, print magazine vibe.

Close shots display the brand’s denim in three different use scenarios, so you know they are made to complement your preferred life and style.

Scroll under the fold to meet this:

“Denim Fit for A Duchess”.

The bold statement subsides to reveal a 4-minute video, showing you how Hiut Denim Co. turns materials into denim masterpieces.

Click the “shop” buttons on the menu bar, and you are off to catch lots of photos with models stunting different styles.

That helps show how a pair would fit, so buyers that are uncomfortable with making returns are more likely to shun their inhibitions and click “Buy Now”.

15. WP+Standard

Why make noise when you can make a statement, huh?

The WP Standard landing page exudes dignity and sophistication, wrapped up in a clean, minimalist, and succinct charm.

Buttons are limited to just five with lots of free space all over to ensure the main focus is on clicking that centered “Shop Now” button.

The brand engages fans and secret admirers alike by integrating their Instagram feed at the bottom.

16. Hardgraft

The personality-filled statement declares Hardgraft is the place to be for contemporary, luxurious accessories that don’t go over-the-top.

And no matter where you are, the brand says you’ll receive your order as if it came from the town down the road.

The colors marry the down to Earth mantra. Products are displayed right on the homepage so you can get to what you want in a click or two.

Hover your mouse on an item, and more details will show out.

Simple does it on this top fashion Shopify store in 2020.

Yet, a clever mind knew how to ask you to sign up to their mailing list while assuring everyone Hardgraft doesn’t do spam.

17. Happiness Abscissa

Ha gives visitors the sense they are on a cheerful page that’s easily contagious.

Happy Abscissa doesn’t play it safe with straight lines and conventional image placement on the front page. And still, it works to jolt curiosity among visitors.

There are no more than four clickable buttons to distract, with lots of white space. This is one minimalist approach to conveying a cheery vibe. It works to make Ha one of the best Shopify stores for perfume lovers.

18. Tattly Temporary Tattoos

Permanent tattoos are forever. Fun, except you don’t get to see how a tattoo will look on a real person in advance.

Tattly’s approach to tattooing gets some crucial conversion killers right:

  • Click on a product to see how it looks on a real person before risking the purchase
  • Video tutorials show you how to apply the tattoo on yourself like a pro even if you are a complete beginner
  • Temp tattoos mean you can Themefy an event or party and still get rid of the “ink” look hassle-free (especially convenient for kids)
  • Email signup form encourages repeat purchases with a “20% off next purchase” promise

Just click the drop-down icon next to the Shop tab and access everything right from the homepage.

19. Frank Body

Frank Body wins a podium finish in the best cosmetics Shopify store contest for its delightful, personal, and “for ordinary-people” vibe.

It is written in first-person, building rapport between the brand and potential customers.

The beautiful pink color scheme, cute packaging, and tongue-in-cheek marketing convey a charming feminine feel that’s sure to keep the target audience looking in all the right places.

There’s more:

  • Beautiful photos of next-door women happy to use Frank Body coffee scrubs encourage the hesitant browser
  • A loyalty program to encourage repeat customers
  • A limited-time “Win-a-Bedroom” contest to boost conversion goals

No doubting that Frank Body goes all the way!

20. Chubbies

Chubbies lets you know what they are about in an 8-word statement on top of a pile of colorful, reversible fleece jackets.

And you’ll know the trunks and bathing suits they sell are meant for men because they say so right above the fold—and in their interesting mantra below the fold:

It also manages to keep the menu lean enough not to overwhelm, considering the boatload of products they have on there.

Last but not least, Chubbies manages to charm with high-quality photos of their shorts and outerwear, which flip into pics of models wearing them when you hover on each.

21. Revival

Instead of a typical hero shot, Revival Rugs shows you a video background, taking you on a Moroccan journey to reveal the dedicated process each rug has to pass through to get to your doorstep.

Each piece is hand-crafted.

Revival is also so confident you’ll love their rugs that it supports free returns—the 700+ positive customer reviews notwithstanding.

Visitors just need to hover on the drop-down navigational buttons to see everything and get to what they want in a click or two.

We also love how Revival demonstrates rug sizes and how it’ll look in a room with illustrations and real photos, so buyers have fewer objections to converting.

22. Destination Towels

What happens when a professional photographer decides to help people take their destinations to their favorite destinations?

Destination Towels happens.

Choose among 61 destinations and have your favorites infused into your custom, sand-repellant, quick-drying beach towel.

Each piece has its destination’s unique coordinates printed on it.

Plus, the towel ships internationally, complete with a lightweight backpack to carry it with you wherever you go.

To emphasize the personalized experience, Anthony Glick, the Shopify owner and photographer, replies to queries himself.

Now that’s how to do personal touch in 2020.

23. Veestro

This health-conscious meal subscription service uses stunning organic food photography and visual language to get you hungry.

“Imagine devouring delicious, healthy meals daily without as much as lifting a pot”.

That’s a yummy proposal a whole lot of people are ready to make happen in real life. And especially so when the meals are chef-prepped, restaurant-quality, and come in at under $10 a pack.

Veestro then goes ahead to offer a selection of three meal plans, in case you are not sure what to pick right away.

Or, in case you are the adventurous type, want to try something different for a change.

24. Boon Supply

Boon Supply has a fresh take on fundraising.

Instead of laying out your palm for donations, the brand takes on a sustainable ecommerce approach to giving or raising funds for a worthy cause. That’s up to 40% off all merch purchases sent to your choicest course.

The CTA on the homepage makes it crisp clear where you are, what the brand does, and why it does it.

They explain how the process works right below the fold, followed by acres of white and pink space. Not sure whether that’s intentional or if it’s because there isn’t much else to show out.

But the store looks and feels and clean, easy-to-navigate, and to take the right action—whether you are a fundraiser or shopping to help.

25. Twelve Saturdays

Twelve Saturdays is a clothing Shopify store that dresses college football fans for the big days.

Instead of sporting the ole shirts and all, the brand’s copywriters cheerfully encourage fans to spot custom apparel to support their favorite teams in style.

It also employs a gray background, which they overlay with gorgeous, colored photos of models in their products. The result is a simple yet beautiful play on texture.

Shots of cheery young fellows in pairs, supposedly headed to a game, soothe the message in with precision.

And to find out the size of a cloth item, zoom in and out, as well as see back-shots of the same, just hover your mouse on a model’s picture, and the site will do its thing.

Fast. Fluid. Easy.

26. Pipcorn

Pipcorn recently rebranded.

So, their current USP reassures loyal and potential customers who’ve heard about them that they are the same crunchy, munchy snacks store they love and trust.

It adds high-res photos of their different flavors, happy people enjoying Pipcorn, and social proof about how five celebrities swear by Pipcorn snacks.

You’d think the product is not made out of normal corn.

Well, it’s actually non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, and whole-grain popcorn. Only Pipcorn chose to prioritize how it tastes, a conversion prompt that works for them.

27. Cuppow

Fresh and clean like the food they carry, canning jar brand, Cuppow, goes all out to redefine the meaning of full-package.

That, while striking a clean and minimalist store, so buyers only see what matters: the sustainable canning jars.

You can turn the glass travel mug into a lunch box, clean it up, and refill with fresh juice on the go.

When you receive your order, you’ll get a brochure letting you know just how important your purchase was in the fight against environmental destruction.

That and more makes Cuppow canning jars undeniably memorable and rallies environmental conservation buffs onto the repeat customers log.

28. Litter

Litter knows a photo speaks a thousand words. So, they’ve dedicated the entire homepage to close-up shots of models wearing the store’s custom accessories.

It gets other things right, too:

  • Just three menu items guide potential customers to the right pages to boost chances of a conversion
  • Lots and lots of stunning photos of models sporting the jewelry so you can see yourself wearing the goodies as well
  • Hover on a model’s photo to see the name and price of the worn accessory. Click for more details and to purchase.
  • Gift cards and exclusive deals for subscribed fans

29. Sugarfina

Sugarfina comes through as playful, thoughtful, and sweet—just like you’d imagine a candy store to be. And all without overdoing it given their serve an adults’ market, too.

It also uses thematic selling, including offering a special discount, free shipping, and special flavors for your theme if you order by their recommended time.


The store also earns points for engaging potential buyers by offering the option to create a custom candy box and see how it’ll look when it ships and the option to visit their physical store for that Chocolate Factory feel.

30. Henkaa

If you sell convertible dresses online, Henkaa is a top fashion store on Shopify to learn the tricks of the trade from.

Here are some things that work in its favor:

  • Gallery of elegant model shoots bring out the best in the dresses and make it easy to see how a dress style, color, and accessories can fit you too
  • A “Mystery Bag” tab nurtures curiosity among first-time and repeat visitors
  • The shop gifts “Under $100” CTA can help boost multiple item purchases
  • Elegant store design blends perfectly with the content

Henkaa is determined to grow an engaged community of loyal customers, too. The “Try It On” menu button lets visitors find a local store to try the dresses on.

Potential customers can even find events they can attend that are ideal for the Henkaa brand of sophisticated dresses.

Henkaa also goes full-throttle on content marketing, updating its blog with posts their target audience loves, such as the Henkaa 2020 Wedding Trend Report.

That’s going the extra mile right there.

31. BioLite

At first glance, BioLite does three things right:

  • The USP, “Try A Campfire Without the Smoke”, is spot-on—for people who prefer a more modern campfire solution than the classic wood, smoke, and ash experience.
  • Highlights the BioLite Mission, complete with photos of power projects they run in sub-Saharan Africa. A worthy course.
  • All products are accessible from the drop-down menu
  • BioLite manages to include its “Shop…” CTA buttons above the store’s fold. So, visitors don’t have to scroll down, unsure where to click to buy an item they love.

Well, maybe that’s four things that BioLite gets right.

32. Socco Designs

Witty copy. That readily available reviews tab inspires trust. And the powerful call-to-action in the form of the help popup on the bottom-right corner pulls visitors in with a 10% off promo code for new customers.

The site’s colors look and feel soothing and exotic, a smart design that blends beautifully with its products.

Also, you’ve got to love the crisp photos of the leather products; it makes them look so real that you can see yourself having one, a powerful buying motivator.

33. Spacing

The minimalist space above the fold says all you need to know about Spacing.

It chooses clarity over everything; to make a statement by stating the basics.

We love the drop-down style navigational buttons. Just hit the icon and choose which category you want to shop.

Or, if you prefer to shop at the physical store, scroll down. There’s a map you can use to find your way to the nearest Spacing store. Open and close times are displayed on the right.

Notice how Spacing uses the store’s header to announce new products as they come out. You can grab that idea and implement it on your Shopify store by updating your community about new arrivals, what’s restocked, and so on.

34. Nectar Bath Treats

This creative brand makes bathroom products that it packages to look and feel like sweet treats.

From almond oil bath bombs to milkshake bath soak to cupcake soaps, everything looks yummy except that it is supposed to go into the bathtub—not in a mouth.

It doesn’t help that the bath treats come in edibles form and flavors, too. So, you can grab a Donut soap or Herbal Bath Tea. Macaron soap, anyone?

There’s more:

  • Products are hand-made with plant-based ingredients
  • All bath treats are sulfate-free and paraben-free
  • Stunning visuals that’ll make any grown human drool

The brand’s Instagram feed, which you can view at the bottom of the page, rivals that of the best cupcakes store on Shopify.

From the store colors to product packaging, Nectar Bath Treats is a wonder of the Shopify stores world.

What’s not to like!

35. Wine Wholesales

It is not hard to see why Wine Wholesales has won a bunch of awards in its category.

It does manage to get a couple of things right and offer an immersive wine buying experience.

Those include:

  • The wine-red color scheme adds to the immersive feel of the store
  • A beautiful background showcasing stacks of classic wooden crates decorated with respected names from the 19th century
  • Responsive menu tabs that help visitors get what they want in a click
  • Despite stocking over 1,500 wine selections, complete with quality photos, the store loads fast, which ensures potential customers have fluid experiences and reduce instances of cart abandonment
  • Latest Products section highlights the newest selection for experimenters
  • Best Sellers of 2019, Wines Under $30, Trending Now, and Most Popular Searches sections let fans keep up with the latest and greatest in the wine industry right from the homepage.

Wine Wholesales does offer free shipping on purchases over $600, which you can pay for securely on the site.

36. BlackHairandSkinCare.com

The organic haircare store may not seem to have the slickest Shopify store design on this guide.

But what it doesn’t make in site design it more than compensates with conversion-focused widgets and a good understanding of its target customers.

It is a simple store with easy-to-figure-out navigation cues.

Three organic haircare products prominently show out at the center of attention.

It might not immediately seem like it but, that’s not a static hero shot. You can slide to the left to view before and after photos of customers who have used the product to regrow and rejuvenate their hair and scalp.

Another genius touch is the nudging progress bar that popups at the bottom of the screen to encourage you to “Spend $99 to get free shipping”. Neat.

37. Triangl

Swimwear store, Triangl, does a bunch of things right:

  • A slideshow of vibrant photos right on the homepage grabs and keeps browsers’ attention
  • Using crisp, real-world photos makes it natural to see yourself enjoying their swimwear with friends
  • Adding social media handles of their models adds a personal touch that feels authentic and easy to attain—by buying their products
  • Handy size guide helps visitors get just what they want for their ideal look

The clean interface and close-ups help direct attention where it matters most: the swimwear.

38.The Home Shoppe

The Home Shoppe treats you to indoor and outdoor home furniture and accessories with eye-candy-good photography. It’s hard not to envision the furniture in your own pad or yard vividly.

The “Month’s Specials” and “New Arrivals” tabs help keep customers coming back to find the latest and trendiest. Add to that the uncluttered navigational tabs—for a store with loads of items—and it clear why it’s a top Shopify store to learn from.

39.Norwegian Rain

This fashion brand makes it on this guide for its stunning visuals combined with fast-loading speed, and the promise of top-quality cloth items for the rainy day. Literally.

Like other neat online stores featured here, Norwegian Rain presents an uncluttered homepage with just five navigational tabs.

Its aesthetics and copy appeal to the sophisticated customer, which is what it intends to do. You can tell this is a place to meet high-end tailoring. And the full, pixel-perfect sloths and waterproof shoes’ photos don’t disappoint.

The models range in age, to illustrate Norwegian Rain’s target customers as well, which helps demystify who the brand is looking to serve.

40. Act and Acre

The haircare Shopify store sets itself apart in several ways we couldn’t miss for the world:

  • The header lets every visitor know there’s free consulting, free returns, and free shipping to take advantage of.
  • Instead of adding a typical USP, the brand showcases positive mentions in big, respected publications such as Vogue to instantly build credibility
  • It centers “Our Method” so you can click through to find out what’s so special about their hair care and scalp health products
  • Each content page ends with a selection of items you can click on to buy, increasing the store’s chances of making a sale without being intrusive

Interested store visitors can click the “Press” tab to learn what’s new and why it matters.

It may also be a good thing that the site doesn’t stock a ton of products. The products’ page looks neat and loads fast, which is great for a page with high-quality photos.

So, what goes into building the best Shopify stores in 2020?

Secrets of the Best Shopify Stores for 2020

Now, you’ve probably noticed how all the top sellers on this inspiring guide have unique ways to attract, engage, enchant, and convert their browsers.

Different target audience tastes and needs mean diverse ways to build your online store with Shopify.

Yet, four factors are consistently based on the top Shopify sites samples featured here:

Shopify store design

 Think simple to bold to outrageous ecommerce store designs and elements to having just a few, fast-loading pages to make the buying process less arduous.

Also remember to apply classic and latest online sales tactics such as countdown timers, retargeting, niche-branding, and discount coupons.

Shopify ecommerce Strategy

Some took the influencer route, engaging their active and loyal fans on social media to buy direct from their branded Shopify store.

Others used captivating storytelling to counter the rising cost of ecommerce ads, create relatable brands, and attract customers organically.

Some of the bestselling Shopify stores rally their visitors towards a noble course, such as feeding a hungry child for every item you purchase. Who says charitable can’t make bank?

Copy and Content

You do not want to be forgotten. The best climax witty copy and funny demeanor to build a relatable, memorable, and attention-keeping brand personality.

Yet, others are always updating their inventory with custom, hand-made items, so customers are always visiting to see what’s new.

Lots of white spaces. Less text and more stunning and relevant images. Decluttered product pages.

Best Shopify Store Structure

The pros make navigating their online store so easy that knowing the next step to take and purchase a favorite item is a no-brainer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Shopify stores successful?

Yes, as seen in the list above, many Shopify stores are successful! Just to give you an idea, last Shopify Black Friday (2019) weekend Shopify merchants sold $2.9 billion in worldwide sales. Also, Shopify provides you the opportunity to access over 1 billion people that buy from Shopify stores. However, you might want to consider using a Shopify page builder so that your store stands out.

What can I sell on Shopify?

You can sell almost everything on Shopify, from pets products, digital products, shoes, services, classes, event tickets, etc. There are many options for you to start your own business but remember finding the right product is only the beginning. After that, you have to find the right tools and figure out how to market to be successful. Take a look at our guide on the Essential Shopify Apps and Integrations for Your Ecommerce Shop!

Which is better: Amazon or Shopify?

Most customers agree that Shopify is one step ahead of Amazon. The main reason is because on Shopify you can create a unique brand/product identity, whereas with Amazon you have tons of competitors (including Amazon). However, be aware that with Shopify you are fully responsible for promoting and building your brand/products.

How to Find the Most Visited Shopify Stores in 2020

We promised to pump the competitive gene at the start of this guide, and we plan on keeping that word so you can create one of the most successful Shopify stores

Here’s a nifty little secret to finding the top Shopify stores to give you ideas for your own store in under 3 minutes:

To create a stunning Shopify store, you can use top page builders such as Shogun – this will make the design work easy for you, even if you’re a beginner.

Now, over to you.

Which top Shopify store examples appeal to you the most? And when are you going to take action and make your ecommerce platform shine and convert better?

Further read:

10 of The Best Magento Extensions to Boost Sales

If you run an eCommerce business using Magento, you’ve probably seen the huge amount of extensions available to you. With thousands to choose from, it’s easy to think you need all of them – and looking at the Marketplace can be pretty overwhelming.

In our guide to the best Magento extensions, we’ll show you some of the best extensions you can get, covering some important areas that need attention – like language translation, fraud prevention, delivery management, page design, payment, and advertising. Each extension has features that may improve your Magento experience for you and your customers – hopefully landing you more sales!

For each extension, we’ll show you their main features. We’ll also give you the price of each one, as we know that buying extensions for Magento can quickly add up.

Let’s take a look at some of the best extensions out there.

Best for Translation – Language Translator

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If you want to increase your sales, you could consider a language translator. Language Translator uses Google Translate, making your store more accessible to a wider range of customers. With over 100 languages, the great thing about this extension is that it can translate products, CMS page data, static blocks, and product reviews using the Mass Translation feature.

Although it’s on the higher side when it comes to pricing, if you think you can make more sales by offering translation into different languages, it’s definitely worth the investment – especially if you own a bigger store and you want to make more sales worldwide.

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Main Features

  • Backend admin control – you can decide which parts of your store you want to translate
  • Translate product information like name and description, meta details, page title and content, and reviews
  • Search string – you can search for a specific string and translate it to any language you wish
  • Mass translate – you can choose to translate everything into your preferred language in a few clicks


To use this extension, you will require a Google API Key, so you’ll need to bear that in mind when working out the cost. At the time of writing, the price of a basic translation API is around $20 per million characters.

The extension itself costs $149. You can also choose to have a 6-month service agreement at $59 and an installation service at $39, but these are optional.

To find out more about Language Translator, click here.

Best for SEO – MageWorx SEO Suite Ultimate

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We all know the importance of a good SEO strategy, and you can find extensions for Magento that make managing SEO a lot easier. SEO Suite Ultimate will give you a range of tools, including tools for optimizing categories, product reviews and navigation pages, tools to help you avoid duplicate content issues, and tools to help you improve internal and external cross-linking. It can also help you to create redirects for deleted products.

One of the best things about this extension is that it allows you to create SEO templates for various categories (for example, products), which helps you to streamline your work processes, saving you time.

You also get comprehensive reports, so you can see the difference your SEO strategy is making in a very real, easy-to-understand way. SEO Suite Ultimate has a lot of features to offer – it’s well worth checking out if you don’t know where to start with SEO, or you just help to manage your efforts more effectively.

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Main Features

  • Advanced SEO Templates – cut down on time spent on manually managing meta data – instead, create SEO templates that automate the process, saving you tons of time. You can create templates for products, categories, and pages
  • Optimize SEO for Product Reviews – create custom URLs for product reviews and set canonical tags
  • Improve Layered Navigation – using dynamic titles and meta descriptions
  • Set Indexation for Search Engines – control this on the backend using Robots.txt editor
  • Improve Cross-Links – set up a well thought-out internal linking structure
  • SEO Redirects – redirect customers to desired pages when they encounter deleted products
  • SEO Reports – receive detailed reports so you know if your SEO strategy is working


SEO Suite Ultimate costs $249, with an optional installation service at $49. To find out more, click here.

Best for Page Creation – Shogun

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If you want to easily create and manage the look and feel of your Magento storefront, Shogun is a great extension (they also offer apps for Shopify and BigCommerce, too). Using a drag-and-drop editor, you can create beautiful landing pages, blog posts, product pages, and ‘about’ pages.

It’s a really intuitive platform, and it gives you full creative control of how your store will appear to customers without the hassle of coding. It also allows you to create an easy, memorable shopping experience for your customers.

It has slick, professional pre-designed templates to choose from, or you can build your own pages from scratch simply by dragging and dropping the elements you want to include on each page. The page builder is really easy to use, so you don’t have to worry about a big learning curve when it comes to learning a new platform.

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It also has some great extra features, including the Analytics Suite, which allows you to directly compare your pages to see how well they are performing. It also has split testing, which will help you to optimize your pages to their fullest potential – you can easily create two slightly different versions of the same page to test how they perform against each other.

Main Features

  • Easy to use drag-and-drop page builder
  • Beautiful pre-made templates
  • Analytics Suite gives you detailed information about clickthrough rates, add-to-cart rates, and more, and even allows you to compare one page against another
  • A/B testing allows you to publish two slightly different versions of the same page to see which one performs the best


To get Shogun, you’ll need to subscribe. Prices start from $49 per month, but you have to pay more to unlock some of the features like split testing. To find out more, click here.

Best for Managing Deliveries – FedEx Shipping Manager

If you use FedEx, the FedEx Shipping Manager is the obvious solution to your shipping problems. You can create and print FedEx shipping and return labels, either automatically, in bulk, or manually. The system then inserts tracking numbers into shopping information, and sends it to the customer by email so they can track their delivery (saving you a lot of time and effort).

One great thing about this extension is the ability to automatically calculate packages based on the product dimensions – again, saving you time and effort. You also have the option to manage international options and print International Paperless invoices.

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If you want to keep on top of your shipping and manage everything in one place, automating some of the more annoying and time-consuming tasks that come with running an online store, this extension is a good choice for you. It may not be the most exciting extension out there – but it has the potential to make your life much easier!

Main Features

  • Create and print shipping and returns labels automatically, manually, or in bulk
  • Send tracking numbers to your customers so they can track their deliveries
  • Manage international shipment including taxes and invoices
  • Automatically calculate packages based on product dimensions


FedEx Shipping Manager costs $199 with an optional $150 installation service. You will need a FedEx account and have FedEx credentials in order to use it. To find out more, click here.

Best for Custom Product Creation – AppJetty Product Designer Tool

There are a lot of product designing extensions out there for Magento, but we think this is one of the best. If you have a printer you would like to use to create customized products, this could be a great business idea that your customers will love. This clever tool allows your customers to create their own products, including mugs, t-shirts, pen drives, stationery, skins for gadgets like mobile phones, and more.

The Product Designer Tool will give your customers an array of high-quality clipart images to choose from, as well as text editing, backgrounds, images and templates. (Some product designing extensions look a little basic or dated – that’s not the case with Product Designer).

This means they can create the exact product they desire, including customizing each element, through your own store. Once a customer has completed their design, the tool will present you with a high-quality, ready-to-print file, exactly the way the customer would like it.

Main Features

  • Designer tool gives your customers access to high-quality clipart, text, images (including the option to upload their own images), backgrounds, and more
  • Items can be printed onto mugs, t-shirts, phone cases, and more
  • Customers can save and re-use their designs
  • Dynamic pricing allows you to set the pricing of different elements, so the price can be calculated for your customers in real-time
  • Creates a high-quality file ready for printing


This extension costs $1,499. It’s a pricey one, but if you want to run a customizable product business, it’s definitely one of the best ones out there. Click here to find out more.

Best for Social Media Marketing – Instagram Integration

Instagram has over 1 billion users, making it an incredibly important platform when it comes to social media marketing. This extension helps you to make the most of your Instagram account in a unique and useful way.

You can create dynamic galleries for your pages, featuring pictures from your Instagram feed, which will not only create a beautiful display of products, but will also help your customers to easily identify them – hopefully making the shopping process much more simple for them.

You can include call-to-action buttons whilst hovering (for example, a ‘shop now’ button). Using a ‘pinning’ system, if you have a picture that includes more than one item for sale, you can drag and drop call to action buttons to show your customers which item is which. You can do this for up to 5 products in a single Instagram post.

You can also show your customers more details, including links to product pages, likes, comments, and social sharing buttons – this can all be fully customized.

Once you post a picture to Instagram, the extension collects the information of the photo and displays it in your store – saving you the legwork of uploading photos multiple times.

The extension also includes reporting, so you can see how customers are interacting with your Instagram posts.


  • Create beautiful, eye-catching photo galleries using images automatically pulled from your Instagram account
  • Add details to each picture, including product links, descriptions, social sharing buttons, and more
  • Reporting allows you to see which of your Instagram posts are performing the best


You’ll need an Instagram account to use this extension (free at the time of writing). The extension itself costs $149. Click here to find out more.

Best for Advertising – AdRoll

AdRoll is an advertising platform used by businesses to create advertising campaigns. With the Magento extension, you can easily create high-performing ad campaigns for your store. Once you install the extension, your store will be tagged with the AdRoll pixel – this allows you to collect site visitors to serve ads to. A product feed is automatically generated, too – this allows you to run dynamic product ads to catch your customer’s attention.

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You can also segment your audience, which allows you to specifically target certain types of customers with ads based on how those customers interact with your store. It tracks customer purchases, too, enabling ROI tracking across your campaigns. You have to set up an AdRoll account to get started, and there’s a bit of a learning curve if you’ve never created an advertising campaign before, but you could see a big difference in visits to your store (and hopefully sales!) if you try it out.


  • Create dynamic ad campaigns for products in your Magento store
  • Segment customers so you can target them with specific campaigns
  • Track customer purchases


Signing up for an AdRoll account is free, and installing the extension is free. However, you have to pay for each ad campaign, which can vary depending on which type you choose. You can set a budget for each day for each campaign – for example, if you want to launch an introduction campaign on social media, they suggest a budget of $55 a day.

Essentially, you can spend as much as you want to. To find out more, click here.

Best for Payments – Stripe Extension

If you want to offer more payment options for your customers, Stripe integration is key. Stripe is a global payment gateway, allowing you to accept payments from customers using their debit and credit cards, Apple Pay, Android Pay, and more.

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There are a lot of advantages to using Stripe. It improves abandoned cart rates, as customers will be able to use their preferred payment method. It enhances conversion rates, as it allows customers to stay on the page to checkout rather than go to a separate page. It also allows you to personalize payment methods, including setting up a Credit Card Vault function – this saves customer card information for future purchases, hopefully encouraging them to return again in the future. Although you have to pay a small transaction fee, it’s worth having Stripe to make the shopping experience easier for your customers.


  • Integrate Stripe payments with your Magento store
  • Improves card abandonment rates
  • Allows your customers to save credit card details for future purchases


You’ll need to set up a Stripe account to use this extension. To see Stripe’s pricing, click here (they take a small percentage of each sale using Stripe). The extension itself costs around £249. To find out more, click here.

Best for Security – Fraud Prevention

As an eCommerce business owner, you may be at risk of malicious customers – for example, customers who won’t pay, or customers who fraudulently claim that their orders haven’t arrived to get a refund. It’s uncommon, but not unheard of – and it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your business.

Fraud Prevention has a ton of features for your Magento store, allowing you to mark orders that haven’t been paid as ‘suspicious’ to create a Fraud Suspicion Record. This helps the extension to automatically detect and block future orders that may be fraudulent.

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It also allows you to create custom blacklisting rules – this allows you to blacklist customers based on attributes like name, address, zip code, or IP address. This prevents fraudulent customers from being able to make future orders. You can prevent the extension from blacklisting customers after one fraud suspicion – so if it turns out they are a genuine customer you can whitelist them again.

Main Features:

  • Create custom blacklisting rules
  • Manage and track suspicious orders
  • Block fraudulent orders before payments can process
  • Prevent credit card chargebacks to save money and time


Fraud Prevention doesn’t have any additional monthly fees. It costs $115, making it one of the cheapest extensions on our list. To find out more, click here.

Best for Reporting – AheadWorks Advanced Reports

If you want detailed reporting about the performance of your store, this is the place to get it. Advanced Reports creates visual charts and data tables, so you can quickly see how each product is doing. You can get a general sales overview, track each product’s performance, split sales by categories, look at sales in more detail, and track sales by coupon code, payment type, manufacturer, and product attributes.

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You can also check abandoned cart rates, track sales by location, segment customers, and look at traffic and conversions. Having this information could help you to grow your business, so it’s really worth investing in an extension like this.


  • Presents data in a visually appealing way
  • Check each product’s performance
  • Check sales by coupon code, manufacturer, and more
  • Keep an eye on cart abandonment rates and traffic


This extension costs $499. To find out more, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about Magento extensions? We might have the answer you’re looking for.

What is the Magento Marketplace?

Magento Marketplace is where you go to buy extensions for your Magento store – you can find it here.

How do I install a Magento extension?

In the marketplace, click ‘add to cart’ on the extension you want, then go through the checkout process. It will then connect you to Magento to start the installation process.

Do I have to pay for Magento extensions?

Most of them, yes. Others are free and allow you to integrate with outside platforms (like email marketing platforms), but most of them require a one-off payment

Can you have too many Magento extensions?

Technically, no – you can run as many extensions as you like without any issues. However, it’s important to choose wisely, as a badly coded extension can cause you problems later down the line – it’s a good idea to check reviews before you buy.

Can I buy themes for my Magento store on the Marketplace?

Yes – you can buy premium themes on the Marketplace as well as extensions. Themes range from $29 all the way up to $499, so you should be able to find one to suit every budget.

Can I uninstall a Magento extension?

Yes – but it does require a bit of effort. You have to go into the root of your Magento installation and disable them manually – there are tutorials explaining this online.


We hope this has helped you to narrow down your choices when it comes to buying Magento extensions. Magento is a powerful platform, loved by many – but it can definitely be improved using the right extensions.

You can use extensions to optimize the shopping experience for the customer at every stage of the process – from finding you on social media or through advertising, to navigating the layout of your store, to safe payment, to shipment – creating a shopping experience that will, hopefully, keep them coming back for more.

Of course, there are many more Magento extensions out there – but these are some of the best. Hopefully, they can help to improve your online store, and make your life a little easier in the process.

Further read:

How to Build a Shopify Product Page – With or Without Apps!

Product pages make up the main content of your Shopify store. A product page has to work hard – after all, it needs to entice potential customers into buying. With crisp images, a clear layout, and a bit of personality, you can create a page that will make customers fall in love with your product.

The question is, how do you do this in Shopify? In our guide on how to build a Shopify product page, we’ll show you how much customization Shopify gives you and how to find the code for your product pages. We’ll also take a look at some Shopify page building apps, giving you an example of how apps can help you to build the product page of your dreams – and to (hopefully) grow your eCommerce business in the future.

First, let’s take a look at how you can build a product page without apps.

How to Build a Page Without Apps

You don’t necessarily need an app to customize your Shopify product pages. Shopify do have a selection of themes to choose from that look great, and they allow a certain amount of customization – let’s take a look at how much we can achieve using Shopify’s basic settings.

Step One: Upload a Product

Firstly, make sure you have a product uploaded.

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This sounds obvious, but it’s easier to see how the product pages will look when it has your own products on it, as opposed to example products.

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The information you input here will make up the content of your product page. So, if you want videos, images, or detailed descriptions of your product, this is the time to do it. Shopify gives you a bit of customization here, with a choice of fonts. Clear images and a well-written product description will make a huge difference here, so it’s worth putting time and effort into this stage.

Once you’ve added your first product, it’s time to look at themes.

Step Two: Pick a Theme

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Next, head over to Online Store > Themes > Theme Library. You can choose a free theme or pay to unlock a paid theme.

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Your theme will determine how your entire store looks, not just the product pages. Whether you want to pay for a theme is up to you. Here’s a quick idea of the types you can get:

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Free Themes

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Paid Themes

You should be able to get a good idea of which theme will best fit your brand, based on the demo stores that Shopify provide for you to look at.

Step Three: Basic Customization

Go to Online Store > Themes > Current Theme.

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Click ‘Customize’ to bring up basic theme customization. At the top you should see a button that says ‘Home Page’. Click on that to bring up a drop-down menu of pages for your store and choose ‘Product Pages’.

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Our product page looks like this:

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The bar on the left represents the amount of customization you can get at this stage. You can play around with a few things here.


This section allows you to customize the header which will appear on each page, including your product pages. You can upload a logo, customize the menu, add an announcement bar, and add social media links to your page.

Product Pages

This is where you can play around with your product pages. As you can see, the changes you make will apply to all your product pages, and there’s not a huge amount you can do here:

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You can change the image size and customize a few small things, like whether you want to enable zoom on your images or show variant labels. There’s not a lot more you can do here.

Product Recommendations

This allows you to turn ‘dynamic recommendations’ on and off (dynamic recommendations will automatically show your customer similar products that they might be interested in).


This will appear on the bottom of every page in your store. Here, you can add payment method icons, add quick links, add some text, insert a newsletter sign-up form, and add social media buttons.

It’s worth noting here that you cannot edit each product page individually – any changes you make apply to every product that you upload to your store (unless you get a page building app – but more on that later).

As you can see, there’s not a huge amount you can do here – unless you know how to code.

Step Four: Further Customization with Code

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Returning to the Theme page, clicking on ‘edit code’ will bring up this screen:

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Shopify uses Liquid, HTML, CSS and JavaScript – so you do need to be at least a little familiar with some of these coding languages before you begin.

Scroll down through the templates on the left to find product.liquid, which is the file you will need to work on:

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This will bring up the code for your product pages:

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You can click here to find out more information about how to customize your product pages using Liquid. You can play around with the ‘add to cart’ button, variants, and add product page features.

Always remember to make a back-up copy of your theme before you begin to edit. You can do that by going back to ‘Themes’, clicking ‘Actions’ and then ‘Duplicate Theme’:

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Of course, if you don’t know Liquid, you might be feeling stuck at this point (although there are some tutorials online if you want to learn, it’s a pretty time-consuming process).

The other option you have is to use Shopify apps to customize your product pages – this is a great way of unlocking further customization without having to have in-depth technical knowledge.

How to Build a Page Using a Shopify App

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Shopify has many great apps which will allow you greater control and customization of your ecommerce store. There are a few page building apps to choose from with a variety of pricing options, so you should be able to find one that suits your budget.

We’ll give you a few recommendations and give you a look at how one of the apps, Shogun, can help you to customize your product pages.

Step One: Pick an App

In the main menu on the left of Shopify, click ‘Apps’, then ‘Visit the Shopify Appstore’:

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In the Appstore, you click ‘Categories’, ‘Store Design’, and ‘Page Builder’:

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This will bring up all the page building apps.

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Here are a few we can recommend:

  • Shogun – from $39 – $199 per month
  • PageFly – from $0 – $29.95 per month
  • GemPages – from $15 – £59 per month
  • Page Studio – $14.95 per month
  • HyperVisual – from $9.95 – $49 per month

All of these are good options, offering you much more page customization than Shopify alone can give. (If you want more details about them, try our guide to the Best Shopify Page Builders, or our PageFly vs Shogun comparison.)

Take a look at the features each one can offer – you might want a basic page builder, or you might want to take advantage of extra features, like detailed analytics or SEO optimization. Many of them offer free trials, so you can play around with them before making a decision.

To install the app, click the ‘add app’ button. You’ll see this:

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Click ‘install app’, and you’re ready to start customizing!

We’ll be using Shogun as an example here. Each app functions differently, so the following steps will only be applicable to Shogun. However, it should give you a general idea of how apps can give you more possibilities when it comes to customization of product pages.

Step Two: Create Your Product Page

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generatedYou should be able to choose which type of page you want to create. Usually, these include standard pages (like ‘about’ pages), blog posts, product pages, or collection pages. Obviously, we’re looking to create a product page.

You can search for the product you want to build a page for:

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With Shogun, you can create a new layout for your product page or choose the existing layout to further customize it.

Creating a Page from Scratch

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Shogun will import your product – this will take a few moments.

You will then see this:

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It looks a little daunting, but thanks to the drag-and-drop system (PageFly and GemPages also have similar drag-and-drop editors) it’s easy to use. Just grab a page element and drop it onto the page where you want it. For example, ‘Product Box’ will bring up the following:

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Find the product you want, and then click ‘confirm’.

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You can then drag a Product Field Element onto the page (for example, a product image). You can add:

  • Product Title
  • Product Image
  • Product Price
  • Product Variant
  • Product Quantity
  • Product Add to Cart
  • Product Reviews

Each section is fully customizable – for example, you can change the font and size of the product title, adjust the size and alignment of the product image, etc. It allows for so much more customization than you can get with Shopify alone. You can also add more elements to your page:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Headings
  • Text
  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Countdowns
  • Separators
  • Forms
  • Maps
  • HTML

You can play around with the structure of the page using structural blocks. For example, if you wanted to add a carousel of images and text, you can pick ‘Slider’ and drag it onto the page, then edit each ‘slide’:

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This will create a rotating carousel to which you can add images and text.

However, if all this seems too daunting, you do have the option of just editing the product page you already created using Shopify.

Customizing Shopify Product Page

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Back on the Shogun homepage, click ‘import’ to find your product. You can pick from two options.

Use Existing Layout imports a product page that you already created on Shopify and keeps the content exactly the same. It does allow you to add new page elements above or below the content you already created.

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Use Custom Layout allows you to start again from scratch with your existing product page.

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Shogun shows you exactly how your page will look on different types of devices – you can switch between device type using the options in the middle of the purple bar at the top of the screen.

Step Three: Publish Your Page

Clicking the three dots next to ‘Publish’ on the right-hand side will bring up a small menu:

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On the higher price plan, Shogun allows you to schedule the publication of your pages, duplicate pages and run split tests. As we’re testing out the basic plan, we don’t have access to those. You can see, however, where you can find page settings, which brings up this menu:

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Here you can edit basic information about your page, including page name, page path, and meta description. These basic steps will improve your product page’s visibility on search engines, so it’s important to spend a little time here.

Once you’re done with this, you’re ready to go!

Click ‘Publish’, and your product page will go live.

Going to Shogun’s dashboard will give you an overview of your pages:

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Clicking the three dots next to your product page will bring up a few options:

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Clicking ‘preview’ will bring up your product page, so you can see how it looks to a potential customer. If you’re not completely happy with it, you can go back and edit it at any time.

Other page building apps work similarly – it’s worth checking them out if you want to be able to customize each product page individually.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Shopify make your products?

No, Shopify is a platform that allows you to create your online store and sell almost anything you want, from personal care products to services and even tickets. This means that you need to have a previous business plan or at least an idea of the kind of product/service you want to offer.

How do I customize my product on Shopify?

One of the many tools that Shopify offers is the possibility to customize the products that you are selling. Keep in mind that after the product is published, you can only customize it in the Shopify admin. There you can change the product title, description, product type, vendor, collections, tags, images, and variants. Check out our guide on the best page builders to customize your store!


As you can see, much of the work that goes into creating a product page begins at the ‘add product’ stage. The images and words you use to sell the product to your customer will make a big difference. Shopify have a great range of free themes to choose from, and the product pages included in these themes are great – crisp, clean, and well-designed, they’re simple to navigate and allow the product to speak for itself.

However, if you do want to be able to fully customize your pages, but you don’t know code, a third-party app is a great idea. Being able to drag and drop page elements wherever you like allows you total control over each product – which Shopify alone doesn’t give you. So, if you want to have more customization, paying a little extra each month for an app like Shogun could be a great choice for you.

Either way, it’s pretty simple to set up a product page using Shopify. Good luck!

Further read:

5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Ecommerce Business

Running an e-commerce business is a dream come true: You’re able to work from home doing what you love, and you’re selling products online that are making you decent money. It’s amazing having your workshop out of your home — but do you want to be there forever? If you’re content to stay put and keep doing what you’re doing, then keep at it. If, however, you have dreams of scaling up and making your e-commerce business even bigger, what are some of the best tips to follow?

1. Advertise And Spread The Word

A curious thing happens when you don’t advertise your business: Nothing! How can anybody know you exist if you’re not doing anything to get noticed? Start with a bang-up marketing strategy to help more people find you. Sure, your friends and family know that you do what you do, but does anyone else? Remember the golden rule when you’re starting out in e-comm: Just because you build it, that doesn’t mean that they will come.

If you have no idea how to advertise your business, think about hiring a marketing specialist to help you. These professionals are well-versed in the ways of the hottest online marketing tactics including:

  • Webpage and logo design, especially if they are also handy with graphic design languages like CSS and HTML.
  • Social media management, including methods for finding the most-searched-for keywords and trending topics/hashtags.
  • Expertise and skill in the best uses of SEO, especially in places like your website and on your blog.

The more places that you get the word out, the busier you will become. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-built website as well as social media and tagging!

2. Make Amazing Customer Service Part Of Your Culture

Everybody knows how frustrating it can be to work with a company that doesn’t appear to know their feet from their hands. Even if you’re a one-person operation, taking care of your customers should be one of your top priorities. Remember that going above and beyond goes a lot farther with most people than being harsh and difficult. Think about things like:

Returns and exchanges. What’s your policy, and how rigidly do you follow it? Do you have a zero-tolerance policy for clients who try to exchange a product after the allotted amount of time, or do you hear everyone out and go case-by-case? 

Complaints and negative online reviews. The truth is that no matter what, there are people who refuse to accept defeat. When you work in a public-facing job you tend to come into contact with those people more often than not, so have a good strategy in how you deal with it. Do you get aggressive and snap back when someone is being difficult, or do you take a breath and work through the problem together? 

Questions and custom orders. Make sure that you are prompt and efficient if someone emails you directly; try to make it a personal goal to respond to all company emails in 24 hours or less. If someone has a question about a custom order, decide how you will handle it. Are custom orders something you do or have you never considered it before?

3. Think About How You Accept Payment

Clunky check-out processes are a pain to get through when you’re trying to order something online. Make yours as streamlined as possible for your clients. Cloud security should be important to you since security breaches are bad for business, but also because you want to protect your clients and keep their information safe. However you accept payment, it is recommended that you use a third-party system like Paypal. This way, in case there does happen to be a data breach, the information is not stored on your cloud and your hands are clean. 

Remember though: What you think is most convenient might not be everyone’s favorite. Although Paypal is one of the most common third-party sites to pay for things, think about the other popular ones that might appeal to different audiences:

  • Other transfer sites like Venmo and Zelle
  • Apple Pay/Apple Wallet
  • Debit/credit cards

4. Remember Office Needs As Well

Staying organized in your business is a phenomenal thing. It helps you to easily see what’s happening, any paperwork that needs approval or a signature and other day-to-day office functionalities. Streamline your office so that it helps you to manage everything quickly and professionally.

Invoices and bills. Sending an invoice is vital: It ensures that you will get paid by the client. Do you already have a template that you use, or do you need to custom-create one from scratch?

PR and customer relations. Even tiny businesses consisting of one person need to care about their image. How can you ensure that you are Johnny on the spot when something happens with your company? Are you on call at all times in case of an emergency and ready to jump in and help? Prove to customers that you care and want to be the one that they come to in case there’s a question or concern.

Business taxes. You already give your money to Uncle Sam at the end of the year for your home and life, but a small business carries plenty of its own taxes too. Understand what will be expected of you come April 15th, and consider hiring an accountant in case you’re worried you will miss something. Sometimes a second pair of eyes can help you out.

5. Show And Tell

You already have a website that showcases your products, but how are the pictures? Customers are looking for good-quality, detailed pictures that help them get a visual of your items and see all specs. If you have junky, pixely cell phone pictures that you snapped in bad lighting, it shows on your website and consumers will notices. Similarly, are your product descriptions well-written and informative? Will customers know what they are getting when they look at your website? 

An e-comm business runs differently from a brick-and-mortar company, but business principles are much the same between the two. Understand the best ways to grow your e-commerce business to move up and move on.

Best Shopify Page Builders – Which is the Best Page Builder for You?

Shopify is an excellent platform, used and enjoyed by many people around the world. As an eCommerce platform, it works brilliantly, but if you really want to grow your online stores, there comes a time when you need more than just the page builders that Shopify offers, which is why I wanted to discuss the best Shopify page builders I’ve found with you here today.

However, you may want a more ‘complete’ website – something that shows your customers exactly what your brand is about, something that gives them extra content and that gives them a good first impression. For that, you may need to consider installing a page builder app. Shopify offers a range of different apps, and page builders are a great tool for those who want to make beautiful landing pages, blog posts, and more.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the best Shopify page builders, testing out how they work and exploring their pros and cons, to see which is the best one for you.

Why Do I Need a Page Builder for Shopify?

Although Shopify is a great platform for your eCommerce business, you might find their templates a bit limiting. You want a website that will capture the interest of your potential customers; you want something that looks professional, interesting and is easy for them to navigate. A page builder could be the thing you’re looking for: it will work with your Shopify products, enabling you to design a page that looks exactly the way you want it to.

You may also want to make different pages for your website. You might want a detailed About page that will explain the story of your business to your customers. You may want to run a blog, perhaps showing them a glimpse of what your business looks like behind the scenes, or to inform your customers of upcoming products. Or, you may want to create a page from scratch that doesn’t fit into any of those categories.

Some page builders also include extra features, like split testing, or analytics. This is great if you want to further understand how your business is doing, or if you want to improve the performance of your pages.

Finally, a good page builder will work with other platforms – for example, you may be able to create custom social media buttons to give your customers more ways to connect with you, or you may be able to insert a form for email marketing platform. These things may seem small, but they could make a big difference to your business overall.

Interested? Let’s take a look at five of the best page building apps there are for Shopify right now.


Shogun (full review here!) is a great platform for Shopify (and is also available on Magento and BigCommerce), with tons of attractive templates to choose from. You can build the following types of pages:

  • Standard pages
  • Blog posts
  • Product pages
  • Collections

Page Builder

There are a lot of beautiful templates to choose from with Shogun.

They look easy to navigate and professional, and you can choose to view how they will look on different types of platforms before you decide.

The page builder itself is a real highlight of Shogun – it’s really easy to use and nice to look at, too.

At any time, you can switch between types of devices and keep editing – so if you want to check it looks okay on a mobile device, you can do that, and then choose to keep working on the page in mobile view.

The menu on the right-hand side allows you to build your page. You can choose from basic structural blocks, like sections, columns, sliders, tables, tabs, and accordions – and simply drag your chosen block onto the page. Once you’ve arranged things the way you like, you add content, which includes:

  • Images (you can upload these or choose them from another platform, like Facebook or Google Drive)
  • Videos
  • Text, including headings, paragraphs and bullet-point lists
  • Icons
  • Countdowns
  • Separators
  • Maps
  • Forms
  • Custom HTML

You can also add products from your Shopify store – you can choose a product image, title, and description, for example, and drag them around where you want them on the page. You can also add product reviews, which is great, as well as an add to cart button.

Another great feature is the social media icons section – you can create icons for your main social media accounts in any size and color.

Structural blocks allow you to add pre-made blocks of content to your page. Again, this is great if you’re building a page from scratch and you’re not sure where to start.

Split Testing

Using the highest-priced plan, you can split test your pages. This is a really great tool to improve the performance of your pages over time, and Shogun has gone out of their way to make this a really simple process for you. You can choose from three objectives: clickthrough rates, sales, and add-to-cart. Shogun will then create a duplicate version of your page, allowing you to make slight adjustments (you can swap between them easily in the page builder). 

Shogun will then run the split test for as long as you want it to. You can choose to allow Shogun to pick the most likely winner, or you can view the results and choose which version you’d like to use.

This is a really great feature – and could make a big difference to your sales over time.


Shogun helps you to optimize your SEO in the following ways:

  • Set page title and meta description easily when you make a page
  • Add alt-tags to your images
  • Images will be compressed, making the load time faster
  • Uses semantic HTML, resulting in SEO-friendly pages


On the two highest price tiers, Shogun has an Analytics Suite.

You can see how well your pages are performing in the following areas:

  • Sales Conversion
  • Add to Cart
  • Total Sessions
  • Bounce Rate
  • Top Clickthrough Destinations
  • Top Outside Referrers

You can also see how each page performs on different types of devices. The great thing is you can compare your pages – this gives you a great visualisation of how each type of page is doing.

You can also view your split test results here. All in all, it’s a great analytics package, and it’s so helpful to have it ready for you without having to worry about signing up to another platform.

Extra Features

There are a few more things we need to say about Shogun, too:

  • Syncing

This allows you to copy content between your stores – whether that is a whole page, a blog post, or snippets of pages that you’ve created. As long as you have two or more stores on a paid plan with the same verified email address, you’ll be able to sync your content right away.

  • Advanced Settings

If you know Liquid, CSS, or JavaScript, you can create custom elements for your Shogun pages. You can also add extras, like a MailChimp form, custom fonts, an anchor for your pages, and even embed third-party forms.


Shogun has a pretty good knowledge base, with videos, tutorials, and FAQs. You can also leave a message for a Shogun representative to get back to you if you have any issues, or if you’re a higher price plan, you can access a live chat feature to speak to someone straight away.


Here’s the lowdown on Shogun’s pricing plans:


Build costs $39 per month and includes the following:

  • Drag and drop page builder
  • All page types
  • 30 + page templates
  • Design by screen size
  • SEO controls
  • Email support
  • 2 user seats


Measure costs $99 per month and includes the following:

  • Everything in the ‘Build’ plan
  • Analytics Suite
  • Multi Site CMS/page syncing
  • Content scheduling
  • Dev tools
  • Email and live chat support
  • 4 user seats


Optimize costs $149 per month and includes the following:

  • Everything in the ‘Measure’ plan
  • AB testing
  • 6 user seats

Click here to find out about Shogun’s 10-day free trial!

Pros and Cons of Shogun

Here are the pros and cons of the platform:


  • Platform is super easy to use and looks great
  • Templates are beautiful and professional
  • The editor is very easy to use
  • The extra features (like split testing and analytics) are great


  • It’s a shame that split testing is only available on the most expensive plan
  • Not many integrations yet (although there may be more on the way according to the developers)


PageFly is a great app that will allow you to make a variety of pages, including:

  • Regular page
  • Home page
  • Collection page
  • Product page
  • Password page
  • Blog post

Page Builder

The templates are attractive, and there are quite a few to choose from. You can also choose to switch between widescreen, desktop, tablet, and mobile view to see what they will look like on each type of device.

The page builder itself is pretty straightforward to use. You can create the structure of your page using the ‘layout’ section, which will allow you to drag and drop structural elements onto the page. You can then fill those blocks with content, which can include:

  • Text, including headings, paragraphs, and bullet point lists
  • Buttons, icons, and QR codes
  • Images
  • Media, including YouTube videos and SoundCloud clips
  • Social media, including Instagram, Facebook Like, Facebook Page, and Twitter
  • Extra ecommerce features, like MailChimp sign up forms, tables, tabs, accordions, slideshows, Google Maps, and a countdown timer
  • Custom HTML

You can also insert items from your Shopify store – including product details, images, and descriptions. You can easily add an ‘add to cart’ button, too.

If you’d prefer to start from scratch, you can:

You may want to use pre-made sections: only available on the Pro plan, these are design elements that you can drag onto your page (for example, an image with a text overlay and a button). You may find it easier to build your page using these pre-made sections.

At any time, you can view how your page will look on different types of devices using the button at the top of the page.

If you create a section of a page that you really like, you can choose to save it, and then quickly add it to other pages. This is great if you’re trying to keep your pages consistent.


PageFly will help you to improve your SEO in the following ways:

  • Page URL
  • Meta Description
  • Page Title

You can easily edit these as you go along, and PageFly will remind you to set these when you create a new page.


PageFly do not have their own analytics – you have to integrate with another platform, like Google Analytics, to see how your pages are performing.


In terms of support, PageFly has an in-depth knowledge base:

This includes videos, tutorials, and articles to help you make the most of the platform. You can also submit a query using a ticket system, and someone will get back to you. There’s also a Facebook group for PageFly users, which you may find useful.


PageFly is available at a reasonable price – there’s even a free plan, which is great if you only want to create a couple of pages. Here’s a quick rundown of the pricing:


The free plan will cost you nothing, but is missing some of the key features in the paid plans. Here’s what you get:

  • 15+ templates
  • Basic page elements
  • 1 saved section
  • 3 page limit
  • New regular page
  • Page outline


Pro is $9.95 per month (or $8.25 per month if you choose to pay for a year in one go). It offers:

  • Everything in the ‘Free’ plan
  • 40+ templates
  • Advanced page elements
  • 5 saved sections
  • No page limit
  • Product page add-on
  • New Home page
  • Autosave

Premium Plan

Premium plan is $29.95 per month (or $24.96 per month if you choose to pay for a year in one go). It offers:

  • Everything in the ‘Pro’ plan
  • 20 saved sections
  • Collection page add-on
  • New Coming Soon page
  • New blog post
  • Import/export page
  • Slideshow element
  • Version history

You can find out more about PageFly here.

The Pros and Cons of PageFly

Here’s what you need to know about the platform:


  • Reasonable price plans, with a free plan for those who just want to build a couple of pages
  • Pretty easy to use
  • Good support


  • No extra features
  • The platform doesn’t look as attractive as others that we’ve tried


GemPages Page Builder and Funnel is an app that allows you to create the following:

  • Home pages
  • Product pages
  • Collection pages
  • Blog posts

Shopify Page Builder

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There are quite a few templates to choose from – they look clean and easy to navigate.

One of the first things that GemPages will draw your attention to is the Library. 

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This will bring up a collection of pre-designed blocks to choose from – from FAQs to product lists to content. These blocks look sleek and well-designed, and they’re easy to simply insert into your page wherever you want them.

When it comes to content, you have a lot to choose from.

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The area on the left (where the arrow is pointing) is where you need to go to add content. You can add:

  • Text, including headings and text blocks
  • Images
  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Separators
  • Custom sections (using Liquid)
  • Icon lists
  • Modules (including Google Maps and Instagram)
  • Popups (custom popups or video popups)
  • Videos (including Vimeo and YouTube)
  • Form fields (this allows you to create a custom form)

You can also add ‘Banners’ and ‘Stacks’. This allows you to quickly arrange a group of products on your page.

It’s really straightforward to create beautiful pages for your products just by dragging and dropping these elements where you want them.

You can also add special elements for Collection and Article pages.

At any time, you can switch between device types to see what your website will look like on different types of devices (and you can edit them in those modes, too).

The whole platform feels very clean, simple, and user-friendly – it’s really easy to get your head around how it all works.

You can also choose to save your templates in the Library – this is great if you wish to create several similar-looking pages to keep things consistent.

The good thing about GemPages is what they call ‘mini apps’ that are built into the platform. These include video pop-ups, countdown timers, and other great features which could make a huge difference to the way your customers interact with your business.


When it comes to improving your SEO, GemPages has this to offer:

  • Add alt-tags to images
  • Set page title and meta description
  • Uses ‘lazy loading’ – this makes your pages load much faster


GemPages do not offer their own analytics – you’ll have to work with a third-party analytics platform instead.


GemPages has a great live-chat support feature, so if you need help, you’ll be able to get it quickly. They’ve also got an FAQ page, but it doesn’t have a huge amount on it yet, and we weren’t able to find all the information we were looking for.

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It also has a ‘tips for sellers’ page with video tutorials on how to use the platform. These are really useful.

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There are three price plans for GemPages:

Starter – $15 per month

  • Intuitive page builder
  • 30+ templates
  • Landing pages
  • Home pages
  • SEO optimized
  • Fastest CDN loading
  • Mobile editing
  • Email support

Professional – $29 per month

  • Everything in the Starter plan
  • Product pages
  • Collection pages
  • Blog posts
  • Premium templates
  • Speed Plus +
  • Boost sale add-ons
  • Priority live chat

Advanced – $59 per month

  • Everything in Pro
  • 03 Store Installations
  • Sales funnel builder (up and downsell)
  • Copy between GemPages accounts
  • Enterprise support

GemPages offers a free trial – click here to find out more.

The Pros and Cons of GemPages

Here are the pros and cons of the platform:


  • Platform is easy to use and looks good
  • Templates look clean and professional 


  • Knowledge Base isn’t that useful
  • Some of the features advertised were difficult to find on the platform itself

Page Studio

Page Studio is another great app. It allows you to build:

  • Landing pages
  • Home pages
  • About pages
  • Contact pages
  • FAQs
  • Story pages

Page Builder

There are a lot of great templates to choose from with Page Studio:

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

They look very professional and easy to use. 

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Once you click on a template, it immediately opens up the page builder. Unlike the other platforms we’ve reviewed, Page Studio doesn’t open in a separate window. This is slightly annoying as it means you have a bit less space to work with.

You can view how your page will look on mobile, desktop, or full size at any time.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Sections are pre-built design elements that you can insert into your page. By clicking on one, it pops into the page for you. These look great and are very easy to customize.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

In the area shown by the arrow, you can add content. This includes:

  • Text, including headlines and images next to text
  • Images, including collections of images
  • Separators
  • Buttons
  • Forms
  • Videos
  • Maps
  • Cards (these are short paragraphs of text with an image at the top – great for creating bios)
  • Social media buttons
  • Call to action sections
  • Testimonials
  • Pricing
  • Contact sections
  • Buy Now buttons
  • Countdown clocks
  • Custom HTML 

The whole platform isn’t as user-friendly as the others on this list – the elements in the pre-built templates aren’t able to be dragged around, although you can drag and drop new elements onto the page – and it’s a lot more basic. However, for the price, it’s still a decent page builder and should allow you to build some great landing pages.

You can also duplicate pages, which is really handy.


In terms of improving your SEO, Page Studio can offer the following:

  • Set SEO title
  • Set meta description
  • Set URL
  • Add alt-text to images


Unfortunately, Page Studio do not offer their own analytics – you’ll have to use a separate platform for that.


Page Builder has an FAQ section on its website:

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There’s also a Getting Started guide, which is really helpful if you want to make the most of the platform. There is support available Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm PT, and you can email them a question at any time.


In terms of pricing, ShopPad is pretty straightforward:

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There’s only one pricing plan, and this obviously includes everything the platform has to offer. It’s a pretty decent price point considering the types of pages you can make, and if you’re looking for something simple, it could be a great choice. They also offer a free trial – click here to find out more.

The Pros and Cons of Page Studio

Here are the best and worst parts of the platform:


  • Simple pricing plan
  • Great templates


  • FAQ section could be more detailed
  • Whole thing runs within the Shopify platform itself, giving you less room to manoeuvre
  • Page builder isn’t as easy to use as some of the others we’ve tried


Hypervisual is another page builder for Shopify. It will allow you to build any page that you can think of – it says that it can help ‘create the world’s most beautiful eCommerce pages’.

Page Builder

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As you can see, like Page Studio, Hypervisual runs within the Shopify platform itself.

To get started, you are presented with a blank page. (It gives you some inspiration in the form of templates if you find this overwhelming).

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You can choose to add the following:

  • Headers
  • Images
  • Text
  • Videos
  • Custom HTML
  • Products
  • Collections
  • Spacers
  • Two Columns
  • 2,3, or 4 Columns With Image and Text
  • 3 or 4 Columns of Products
  • Email Opt-Ins
  • Image Sliders
  • Vertical Images and Text

You can also add ‘Hero Banners’ – this is a large banner comprising of an image with text overlay.

Rather than clicking and dragging, you simply add sections using the ‘+’ button, installing them where you want them. 

It’s not the easiest page builder around – it feels quite fiddly and not as intuitive as some of the others we’ve tried – but you can create some good-looking pages using Hypervisual.

The platform is pretty easy to navigate though, with each of your pages easy to find and edit:

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It also has a few great features, including an in-built email sign-up form, and add to cart buttons – so you can create pages for your products that your customers will enjoy using.

Message Match

One great feature that Hypervisual has to offer is Message Match. This clever tool allows you to create slightly different versions of the same page, with different URLs, to show different customers. This is a great way to test out different types of pages and see what clicks with your customers. 

A screenshot of a social media post Description automatically generated

You can see from the area shown by the arrow that this is easy to set up – you simply click ‘New Version’ and it opens up the same page again, which you can edit slightly. You can also view the links for each version so you can share it to the right people. This is a really interesting idea.


With Hypervisual, all of your page content is indexed by Google and is made to be SEO-friendly – and is designed to have a super-fast loading time.

You can also click ‘Edit Website SEO’ to change the web address for your page, if you want to.


Hypervisual does not have its own analytics suite. It does, however, offer automatic integration with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, which is useful.


Hypervisual has a live chat feature, which is great if you want help instantly.

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It also has an FAQ section, although at the time of writing it didn’t have much on it – there were a few things we wanted to know that didn’t come up when we searched for it, which is a shame.


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Hypervisual has three pricing plans:

  • Merchant – $9.95 per month

Up to 12 active pages and unlimited blog posts

  • Pro – $24 per month

13 to 36 active pages plus unlimited blog posts

  • Ultimate – $49 per month

Unlimited pages and unlimited blog posts

  • Hypervisual offers a 14-day free trial: click here to find out more.

The Pros and Cons of Hypervisual

Here are the best and worst parts of the platform:


  • Pretty straightforward to use
  • Message Match is an interesting feature
  • Pricing plans are very simple


  • A bit fiddly and not as intuitive as the others
  • FAQ section isn’t that helpful

Frequently Asked Question

How often does Shopify payout?

Shopify transfers your payment to your bank account. A normal payout period ranges from 2-4 business days depending on where you live. You should be notified by Shopify if your business is under a longer payout period.

How much does Shopify cost?

Shopify’s basic plan starts out at $29.99 a month. Its main plan costs $79/month and its advanced plan costs $299 a month. This, however, does not include credit card and transaction fees.

Conclusion: Which is the Best Page Builder for Shopify?

As you can see, there are many best Shopify page builders. Any of these platforms could help you to create great-looking pages for your eCommerce site, and all of them are pretty easy to use.

However, there are variations in terms of user-friendliness and price. If you want to create a few basic pages for your website, PageFly’s free plan could be a great option (although keep in mind some of the page elements are missing from the free plan – make sure you check first). Page Studio is a simple platform and could be great if that’s what you’re looking for – it has a pretty low price point, too.

In terms of features and design, however, we’ll have to go with Shogun as our favorite. The templates are beautiful, the platform itself is great to look at and easy to navigate, and the extra ecommerce features, like the analytics suite and split testing, make it a really great choice.

We hope this has helped you to choose which app is right for your Shopify store!

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Yahoo! Stores vs. Shopify: Which is Best?

In today’s comparison, I will take a look at Yahoo! Stores vs. Shopify so you can finally decide which platform is better to grow your online business. They both have their pros, cons, features, so pay attention — this will help you decide!

Main Differences of Yahoo! Stores vs. Shopify

The main differences between Yahoo! Stores vs. Shopify are:

  • Yahoo! Stores is geared to the new ecommerce shop owner, whereas Shopify helps every business scale quickly (including much larger ecommerce stores)
  • Yahoo! Stores is one part of an integrated solution for small business owners, whereas Shopify is designed to be a ‘one-stop-fits-all’ solution
  • Yahoo! Stores does not focus on inventory management, whereas Shopify is known for their inventory management capabilities

Introduction: Background of Yahoo! and Shopify

Yahoo! is one of the oldest websites on the web. Indeed, Yahoo! was one of the pioneers of the Internet, delivering content, news, and listings to homes across the United States and later the world. Yahoo! helped popularize email, online games, and even e-commerce.

Yahoo! Small Business, or Yahoo! Stores, as it is also known, is one of the older e-commerce platforms available. However, much like Yahoo! as a whole, the service has grown less popular over the years. Regardless, Yahoo! Claims that its e-commerce solutions have sold over $70 billion worth of goods, a number that certainly can’t be overlooked.

So why has Yahoo! fallen behind? That’s a matter for debate. Either way, new entrants offering better services, often at a better price emerged, eating up Yahoo’s market share. Yahoo! has lost ground across a range of products and services, including e-commerce.

One such entrant was Shopify, which was founded in 2006. As with many great tech stories, the founders of Shopify, Tobias Lütke, Daniel Wein and Scott Lake didn’t initially set out to develop an e-commerce solution. They actually wanted to launch a snowboard gear retail website Snowdevil. However, they quickly found that there were few good e-commerce solutions. So while building their snowboarding site, they also developed a stand-alone e-commerce solution that other retailers could use. That e-commerce solution became Shopify.

Anyways, let’s look at Yahoo’s e-commerce solutions and Shopify.

Digging Into Yahoo’s E-commerce Solution

First, Yahoo’s e-commerce solutions can be difficult to understand as Yahoo! offers a few similarly branded services and solutions targeted at different audiences. Figuring out which one is right for you can be confusing. For the sake of this review, we’re going to look at both Yahoo! Small Business and Yahoo! Merchant Solutions.

Yahoo! Merchant Solutions is generally targeted at established e-commerce stores that are looking for a new platform and wanting to grow. Yahoo! Small Business (AKA Stores) is targeted more at startups. Both offer sales features and the ability to use Commerce Central apps. Commerce Central, in turn, is Yahoo’s primary cloud-based e-commerce solutions platform.

However, you don’t have to use a Yahoo! service if you wish to use Commerce Central apps. In fact, Commerce Central can even be integrated with Shopify.

Yahoo! Merchant Solutions Pricing & Comparative Features

Yahoo! Merchant Solutions plans start at $10.95 per month. This plan is designed for websites with less than 12K a month in revenues and features:

  • 1.5% transaction fees with credit card and Paypal processing capabilities
  • access to the Live Insights data platform
  • A domain name

The standard plan starts at $25.95 a month and is designed for companies with sales between $12k to $80K per month. Besides the above features, it offers:

  • A lower 1% transaction fee
  • Ability to integrate payment APIs for more payment options.
  • Real-time integration with external inventory management systems.
  • Gift certificate redemptions
  • Upsell and cross-sell features
  • UPS Worldship integrations

Yahoo! Small Business: Another great solution

Yahoo! has another e-commerce solution called Yahoo! Small Business. This platform offers a complete suite of commerce tools that you can use to quickly build an e-commerce website. Yahoo’s basic plan costs $20.75.

Yahoo! Small Business’s basic plan provides:

  • Access to site builders and professional templates, including mobile-optimized sites
  • As many product listings as you want
  • No storage space and bandwidth restrictions
  • 10 email accounts (30 for professional, and 1,000 for premier)
  • A free domain for basic
  • Paypal and other payment support
  • Ability to import and export bulk products
  • Phone, chat, and online support provided 24/7

As we go through Shopify below, you’ll notice that some features, such as advanced product fulfillment tools, are not provided. However, if you upgrade to the professional plan, you can use third-party integrations. You can then integrate advanced features, including inventory and order management, into your platform.

Yahoo! Small Business charges both monthly subscription fees and transaction fees. Those break down as follows:

Basic: $20.75 (billed annually) plus a 1.5% transaction fee

Professional: $48.25 (billed annually) plus a 1% transaction fee

Premier: $149.33 (billed annually) plus a .75% transaction fee

Shopify: An industry leader

Shopify has emerged as one of the most popular e-commerce websites, holding 9.5% percent of market share, good for third place. Their platform is far more common these days than Yahoo’s solutions. For people who want to launch a retail website without doing heavy coding, Shopify is one of the better options available.

Of course, everything comes at a price. Shopify does charge fees for its services. These fees will often add up to more than Yahoo! and some other platforms, although prices are still competitive.

Shopify Features

Shopify is among the more well-rounded e-commerce platforms, being packed with various features, benefits, plugins, apps, and add-on services. Yet although Shopify is feature rich, it’s also an intuitive and easy-to-use system. There are a few e-commerce platforms out there that offer more advanced features and customization options. There are also a few that are simpler.

However, it’s arguable that no other platform features such a rounded mix of both usability and features. Shopify’s well-rounded nature has helped it rapidly grow, and the platform is now found on over a half-million websites scattered across 175 countries. During Black Friday in 2017, over a million dollars worth of goods were being sold through Shopify per minute (at peak).

So yeah, Shopify is one of the preeminent e-commerce platforms. It’s generally regarded as being easy to work with, flexible, powerful, modern, and also offering a good value.

A preview of Shopify’s features

  • Shopify offers a powerful but also an easy-to-use website builder
  • Customers can also opt to purchase one of the hundreds of different professionally designed themes
  • It’s easy to integrate and maintain a blog
  • You’ll get a free SSL certificate
  • There are a variety of powerful shipping integrations and tools
  • There are a variety of tools for managing inventory, drop shipping, fulfillment, and various other tasks
  • Shopify supports over 70 different payment methods, including credit card and Paypal
  • Sales tax calculators
  • Gift card tools
  • A variety of marketing, social media, and SEO tools and integrations
  • You can opt for a Point-of-Sale (POS) system to integrate brick and mortar sales.
  • Shopify works great with landing page builders such as Shogun or BigCommerce. 

That’s a pretty extensive list, right? There are more features, of course, but you get the gist of it. Shopify is one of the most full-featured e-commerce platforms available. We didn’t list every single one of Yahoo’s features either, but most would agree that Shopify is more feature-packed

Of course, there are some drawbacks weighing against Shopify. Compared to Yahoo’s services, Shopify’s costs tend to be a bit higher.

Shopify is a pricer option

Shopify’s basic plan starts at $29.99, compared to Yahoo! Small Business’s $20.75 plan. Both of these low-cost plans are rather limited, but Yahoo’s more feature-rich standard plan costs just $48.25, compared to Shopify’s $79 monthly fee.

Yahoo’s introductory plan also charges a lower transaction fee, just 1.5% compared to Shopify’s 2%. Both Shopify and Yahoo! drop their transaction fee to 1% with their standard plans. Yahoo’s premier plan, which is designed for big businesses, charges a transaction fee of only .75% while Shopify sticks to .5%. While .25% might not seem like much, it can add up quite quickly if sales are pouring in. Shopify eliminates charges altogether when you use Shopify payments rather than an external processor.

However, Shopify also charges credit card fees (although some regions are exempt). These fees start at 2.9% plus 30 cents. Fees drop to 2.6% for the standard plan and 2.4% for the Advanced Shopify plan. Again, these fees can add up quickly. With Yahoo!, you’ll have to set up a third party payment processor, such as Braintree Direct by Paypal. This service likewise costs 2.9% but 30 cents. Other providers, however, may be more affordable.

However, if you integrate 3rd Party Solutions Into Yahoo!, costs may rise

Shopify comes with more features, such as inventory management, that are built right in. With Yahoo!, you’ll have to rely on third-party providers for many of these more advanced features. Often, you’ll have to pay for these features. When calculating costs, it’s important to consider what 3rd party solutions you’ll need and how much they’ll cost.


Yahoo’s e-commerce solutions are compelling but Shopify is dominant for a reason

Yahoo! has been working hard to modernize its e-commerce solutions. By-and-large, the company is making progress. However, Yahoo! is still trying to catch up with industry leaders, like Shopify.

If you’re on a budget and won’t require some of the advanced options offered by Shopify (i.e. inventory management), Yahoo! may make sense as you’ll save a bit of cash. Likewise, if the lower transaction fee will generate large savings, Yahoo! may make more sense.

However, for most small businesses, Shopify is the safer choice as it offers more features right out of the box. Yes, you’ll have to pay for those features, but there’s a reason so many e-commerce platforms run on Shopify. Quite simply, the costs are worth it.

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NopCommerce vs Shopify: Which One Reigns Supreme?

Finding the right e-commerce tool could be the difference between immense success or no sales! If you want to succeed in the growing, massive online e-commerce markets, then you need to do your research and find the tools that work for you. This is why I give you the full nopCommerce vs Shopify comparison!

Main Differences Between NopCommerce vs Shopify

The main differences between NopCommerce vs Shopify are:

  • Shopify is a dedicated platform for ecommerce sellers, whereas NopCommerce is an open-sourced platform
  • NopCommerce does not have as many features for online stores, whereas Shopify has many integrations, features for online sellers
  • NopCommerce can be used for free (with limitations), whereas Shopify is a paid, dedicated service from the beginning

Online retail is the future. Over the past few years, many brick-and-mortar retailers in the United States have struggled. Shopping malls are becoming ghost towns in some areas, historic brands like Sears have fallen by the wayside, and even once-massive shopping holidays, such as Black Friday, have lost their luster.

Why fight the crowds to save a few bucks?

Of course, consumers have continued consuming. More and more people, however, are shopping online. Since the Internet went mainstream, the Internet has been popular for shopping. In the early days, however, online shopping was limited to certain goods, such as books, gadgets, and the like. Now, however, you can order groceries online, and in some areas, you can have them delivered same day.

The world is changing. Many brick-and-mortar stores have been setting up e-commerce websites. Fortunately, anyone looking to set up a site can skip building one from scratch. When Amazon and other trailblazers launched their websites, they had to build many of the functions and capabilities from scratch.

These days, you can use out-of-the-box tools and platforms to set up e-commerce websites literally overnight. Of course, you’ll still have to market your goods, process payments, and fulfill orders. However, it’s never been easier to get into online retail. There are many different choices and platforms you can use. Today, we’re going to look at two of them, nopCommerce and Shopify.

Shopify vs nopCommerce: The Comparison 

When it comes to platforms, Shopify and nopCommerce are foundationally different even if they share many fundamental similarities. Shopify is a multi-billion dollar company with a paid staff that numbers in the thousands. Shopify works hard to stay at the cutting edge of e-commerce technology, using its many billions of dollars in revenues to support those goals.

NopCommerce, on the other hand, is an open source platform, meaning you can download and use the software for free. There are few strings attached. If you’d like to white label the software, you need to pay a fee, but outside of that, you don’t have to pay anything.

Of course, you “get what you pay for.” There are many important differences between Shopify and NopCommerce. Both platforms are worth a look. Which one’s best for you? That largely depends on you. We’ll jump into the differences between these two platforms so you can decide which one’s better for you.

NopCommerce: An Introduction

Russian developer Andrei Mazulnitsyn began developing NopCommerce back in 2008. In 2009, he founded Nop Solutions to oversee the development of the software. NopCommerce is built with ASP.NET MVC 4.0 and upon MS SQL Server 2008 (or higher) database.

Currently, nopCommerce is used by over 9,000 websites worldwide. This is good for a market share of just .32% but suggests that the platform is still relied upon by a number of websites. NopCommerce has also been downloaded over 1.8 million times, so quite a number of people have given the platform a try. We’ll shortly explain why the platform isn’t currently found on nearly so many websites. First, let’s highlight a key benefit.

There’s one huge benefit to NopCommerce that few competitors can offer: it’s 100% free to use. You can download NopCommerce today, build a website, and not have to worry about paying anyone anything. Such is the nature of open source software.

Of course, there is a catch. NopCommerce is significantly more difficult to set up and use than paid out-0f-the-box solutions like Shopify. Generally speaking, you need to have developer level skills if you want to build a NopCommerce website.

NopCommerce isn’t nearly as feature-rich as Shopify and other pay-to-play e-commerce solutions either. This is especially true when it comes to out-of-the-box features. While NopCommerce is highly customizable, you’re going to have to put a lot of sweat into developing those custom features.

NopCommerce Key Features

NopCommerce comes with many of the key features commonly found with paid platforms. Keep in mind, however, that to get many of the functions up and running you might have to write and plug in some code yourself. Features found on nopCommerce include:

  • Mobile commerce
  • Multi-store management
  • Multi-vendor integration
  • Product listing pages and features
  • Checkout capabilities
  • Marketing tools, including SEO
  • Payment integration (although more limited compared to Shopify)
  • Shipping tools (although more limited compared to Shopify)

Shopify: An Introduction

Shopify is one of the easiest e-commerce software suites available. Even newbies can build their own website. Of course, when it comes to technology, some people will find the learning curve to be quite steep.

Regardless, Shopify makes it very easy to set up an e-commerce website. In fact, Shopify was born when Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake were trying to set up their own e-commerce website but realized that there were few good e-commerce solutions.

The trio wanted to build Snowdevil, an online snowboarding website. They managed to do so, and along the way, they built their “Shopify” e-commerce solution. The platform has since snowballed (pun intended) into a massive global company, with roughly 2,000 staff members scattered around the globe and generating over $580 million in revenue (2017).

Shopify is a Software-as-a-Service solution. You pay a subscription fee and then the company provides software via the cloud. Updates, new features, and all the rest are handled by the company. You’ll have to build your own sales website. However, Shopify themes can be bought for roughly $150. With a theme, just about anyone who’s PC literate can set up a website in a matter of hours.

Shopify’s Common Features

Few e-commerce platforms are as well rounded as Shopify. The platform is one of the most cutting-edge in the industry. Should you find a feature that it lacks but a competitor has don’t be surprised if Shopify implements it in the near future.

NopCommerce might be an exception of sorts, however. Don’t hold your breath waiting for nopCommerce to become a free platform. It’s almost certainly not going to happen. Anyways, some of the many features found on Shopify:

  • An advanced and fully-featured shopping cart
  • An easy website builder + hundreds of professional themes
  • Simple blogging integration
  • Mobile commerce ready and optimized
  • Easy brand implementation and customization
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Automated shipping tools, such as rate calculator
  • Accept credit card payments and payments from over 70 sources
  • Powerful but easy to use Point-of-Sales (POS) solutions
  • Instant tax calculation
  • Multi-language support
  • Customer account management (including profiles)
  • Shipping tools and order fulfillment (including drop shipping)
  • Refund management
  • Gift card management
  • Powerful analytics tools
  • Marketing and SEO tools
  • Web hosting

Okay, that’s a long list and it’s far from complete (to be fair, nopCommerce has other features as well). It’d simply take too long to list everything out. Shopify is one of the most complete e-commerce solutions available.

Comparing Pricing Between Shopify and NopCommerce

NopCommerce if free but “free” is never free.

The code and software needed to install and run NopCommerce is free. There aren’t any strings attached in this regard. Of course, you’re going to have to pay for web hosting, website development costs, hardware, and all the rest.

Further, if you need advanced assistance, you’ll have to shell out some serious money for support. Three months of support will run you $299.000 while a full year will cost $799. Mind you, this is for support, not development. You’ll still be getting your hands dirty.

Shopify costs money but might be cheaper in the long run

How can a service that costs money be cheaper than a service that’s free? With Shopify, you pay monthly fees both for your subscription and also for transactions. However, in exchange, you get access to an excellent “Software-as-a-Service” platform that simply works.

Building an e-commerce presence with Shopify is quite simple, at least as far as branding goes. Yes, you’ll still need to invest in marketing, staff, inventory, and all that. However, the actual development costs will be minimal and if you’re willing to learn, you could likely set up a website on your own even if you’re not a professional developer.

Conclusion: NopCommerce is right for some but Shopify is right for most

If you’re not a developer, you probably want to skip NopCommerce. The amount of time you’ll spend learning how to develop a NopCommerce website, or conversely, how much you’d have to pay a professional developer, simply won’t be worth it. At a bare minimum, you’ll need to be familiar with .NET, MS SQL, HTML, and CSS.

If you do have some development skills and are familiar with the code and systems that NopCommerce is built upon, it could be a great choice. You’ll still have to sit down and figure out if the time commitment makes sense. Developing a NopCommerce website will take some time but in the long run, the costs might be worth it.

On the other hand, small business owners who aren’t developers or don’t want to spend a lot of time writing code will be better served by out-of-the-box solutions like Shopify. Yes, you’ll have to shell out some money but in exchange, you’ll be able to quickly set up and manage a website.

We also recommend you looking into a landing page builder app before you commit to either Shopify or NopCommerce (you’ll want to have one if you plan on expanding your stores), such as Shogun, which plays well with Shopify, BigCommerce, Magneto. 

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2 of the Best Shopify Alternatives for Your Online Store (We’ve Narrowed it Down for You!)

The challenging and evolving economic environment has spurred on what is known as the gig economy. Today, people are approaching work differently. The purchase of goods and services is also transforming and thriving with the great strides in technology circles.

There are well-known large businesses behind this trend. Shopify, in contrast, is not as famed but the once tiny Canadian company has done its share in uplifting the e-commerce environment.  Based in Ontario, Canada, the highly successful startup has seen its shares climb by 136% in 2019. 

Its overall market cap now stands at the $36.6 billion mark. The business started out as an online store for Snowdevil, its founder’s snowboarding equipment shop. Tobias Lütke, its founder and CEO, utilized his computer programming skills to cobble up what today is a force to reckon with in e-commerce.

The platform is now a darling of venture capitalist investments, netting over $122 million in such funding. By 2014, it had over 100,000 retailers selling on it from over 150 countries. In 2017, Shopify set up an Amazon Sales Channel. This avenue would assist its merchants to list their products on Amazon.com simultaneously. Today, Shopify has over 800,000 stores on it and over a million active users.

What is Shopify?


It is a cloud-based e-commerce platform, with various channels. On it, you can monitor your online shop, as well as mobile, social media and brick and mortar sales as well. You can also access your product inventory, process all your orders, and ship them out. Shopify also makes it very easy for its users to build relationships with their customers.

To guide its merchants and help them improve, innovate, and grow, the platform also has a robust data analytics feature. Through it, you can access data and reporting functions. Should you be in need of financing, Shopify features will also hold your hand. 

In June 2019, the platform added 11 new languages and a fulfillment network. Amongst its other updates, is enhanced customer-facing software features. There are also easier to use software developer kits that will help users to build and embed deployable apps.

On Shopify, you will find a wide range of templates that are easy to customize. The platform has a low learning curve.  Consequently, you do not need enhanced coding or design skills to build a stellar store. A little knowledge of CSS and HTML will, however, be very handy for ease of control.  

As mentioned, it is a cloud-based platform and therefore, a hosted solution. This means that you will not need to pay for web hosting or software installations elsewhere. All you need to start out happens ‘out of the box.’

A platform is a software as a service (‘Saas’) tool. It has a monthly subscription, which ranges from lows of $9 to highs of $2000 for Shopify Plus.

Shopify Pricing Plans


Cost per month

Staff accounts

Shopify Lite



Basic Shopify






Advanced Shopify



Shopify Plus



Shopify Lite, the cheapest of the Shopify plans do not come with a functional store. It allows you to market products through a Facebook page. Additionally, you can use it to manage inventory in a brick and mortar store. You can alternatively use Shopify’s ‘Buy Button’ to sell products on your blog.

Key Differentiators Between the Shopify Plans:

  • Reporting: only accessible from the $79 and above plans.

  • Advanced report builder: only available on the $299 and $2000 plans.

  • Gift cards: can be accessed on the $79 and above plans.

  • Real-time carrier shipping: only on $299 plan.

  • Point of sale functionality: available on $79 and higher plans.

Shopify Pros

1. Ease of use

Users love this platform because they do not have to worry about anything else but their sales. You do not have to spend your precious time fussing over technology or other time-wasting administrative tasks. The platform has a clean, easy to use interface and offers excellent assistance well in-store management.

Your customers, for instance, can access your store from various platforms with a simple click. A self-hosted online shop would require a lot of coding to give the same ease of access. On Shopify, your products are accessible from Facebook, WordPress, Pinterest, Tumblr, or Instagram.

2. Customer support

Most Shopify diehards love its quality customer care features. If you start your online store on WooCommerce or WordPress, you will have no one holding your hands, should you encounter a technical hitch. You can access developers, but they do not come cheap.

At times, your query in the forums could go unnoticed, leaving you high and dry. Shopify has a ton of FAQs, as well as phone, email and chats support. The safety net of knowing that you have help on your side at all times is worth the plan’s price alone.

3. Security

A fast and attractive website is excellent, but all that effort does not amount to much if there is little or no protection from malware and hacks. This is especially true if you have a credit card using the clientele. Shopify websites are not only fast but also very secure.  

The security of the platform deters hackers and enforces compliance. The platform also has enhanced caching, which is excellent for online stores. To ensure that their security features are constantly tested, Shopify pays experts to hack-proof their features.

4. Storefront Themes

The platform has built a name for itself due to its professional and modern themes. The websites they create have a dash of elegance, which not only attracts but retains customers as well. There are templates for all types of themes for businesses.These include; art and photography, jewelry and accessories, Food and beverage, furniture and technology. Each theme is designed with the end customer in mind. 

5. The Shopify app store

If you love access to tons of features, you are more for a Shopify person. You, nevertheless, need to know how to use them, because some do come at a cost. Various plugins can assist you in building a personalized store that caters to your business’s unique needs. Some of Shopify’s most popular features include:

  • OptinMaster that increases sales and generates leads.

  • Referral Candy, which is a marketing application with top-notch sales tools.

  • Plugin SEO, for search engine, optimized online stores.

  • Printfful for designing store merchandise on the go.

  • Chimpify for business marketing.

Shopify Cons

1. They have a unique PHP language

Shopify uses Liquid as a coding language for its themes. This could make it hard for you to customize the themes if you are not versed with the programming language.

2. High price for advanced features

The basic plans are very bare of features. There are no reports, gift cards, or fraud analysis features.  

3. Costly apps

Most useful apps on the Shopify app store come at a price. 

Nevertheless, there are other e-commerce platforms that have become Shopify rivals in terms of performance and use. The best Shopify alternative so far is BigCommerce. Here are two Shopify alternatives for you, starting with my first pick, BigCommerce

Below is an in-depth review of this fantastic platform.



BigCommerce is Shopify’s closest competitor.  The Texas-based startup claims that it has more than 95,000 businesses running on it. The platform is excellent for high volume businesses and has fantastic features. It has great retailers on it as well, such as Travelpro, Toyota and Gibson guitars. 

The Saas product has a monthly charge, and in matters pricing, it does lie in the same range as Shopify. It is also a hosted solution, meaning that you do not have to pay for further web hosting fees.

You can build an online store on BigCommerce using its various customizable templates or use it for your physical store. The platform also has marketing tools for your store. The software is easy to use, so you do not need to be tech-savvy to build a stellar store.

However, with some CSS and HTML, you can tweak your online store for some much-needed personality. If you are not up to the hassle of running your very own website, then BigCommerce is a good way to go. 

BigCommerce Plans: What Do They Cost?


Cost per month

Staff accounts

Sales limit

BigCommerce Standard




BigCommerce Plus




BigCommerce Pro




BigCommerce Enterprise

Varies on business requirements



Users that pay for the plus and pro packages annually receive a 10% discount. 

The Main Differences Between the BigCommerce Plans

Bigcommerce Standard

This is the cheapest of the platform’s plans, and it goes for $29.95. Its price equals that of Basic Shopify plan, the comprehensive starter kit in the Shopify platform. The plan is pretty much the bang for your buck offer with all key ingredients needed to get you started. 

It, however, does not have an abandoned cart saving feature, which notifies you when shoppers leave their purchases midway through the process. It is this feature that also sends them a reminder encouraging them to complete the purchase process.  The basic Shopify plan has this feature.

The plan’s other features include:

  • A functional e-commerce store.

  • Unlimited storage for files as well as bandwidth.

  • Gift cards.

  • Reporting.

  • Reviews and rating functionality.

  • Automated image optimization.

BigCommerce Plus

This plan has some significant perks that include:

  • Abandoned cart saver feature.

  • Credit cards storage.

  • Persistent cart feature that saves carts irrespective of devices used to shop.

  • Shopper segmentation and grouping, to assist in the design of reward or loyalty programs.

BigCommerce Pro

The significant difference between the Pro and Plus packages is their online sales limits. While it has a $400,000 threshold, you can increase it by $200,000 for an extra $150 per month. It also has a Google Customer Reviews feature that collects and displays user feedback on your e-commerce store.  

Other additional features include:

  • Advanced product filters.

  • Third-party custom SSL.

  • BigCommerce Enterprise.

There is no designated charge for this plan. The costs will reflect the needs and size of your business. This plan is designed for large companies with a high turnover of over $1,000,000. It has features unique to it, which includes:

  • Advanced product filters that work through custom field searches.

  • Varied price lists for different customer groups.

  • API support and priority management support.

  • Limitless API calls.

BigCommerce core features common to all its plans:

  • A minimum of 10 free design templates.

  • Paypal integration and other payment gateways.

  • SEO and full CMS functionality.

  • Akamai Image Manger’s automatic image optimization for improved rankings.

  • Integration with various email marketing solutions such as MailChimp, iContact, and Constant Contact.

  • Gift vouchers and discount coupons.

  • HTML and CSS tweaking.

  • Ability to do product reviews.

  • Professional data reporting.

Notable BigCommerce features

Availability of a payment gateway. Third-party payment gateways integrated on a website can add additional charges that will eat into your bottom-line. Some take a percentage of your payments or charge a monthly fee. Some apply both charges. Other payment gateways are not also easy to integrate. They can take some effort when it comes to configurations. 

BigCommerce, fortunately, has a working Paypal and Braintree powered payment gateway integrated. This feature also gives you a preferential rate for card transactions from Paypal. Nevertheless, the platform can work with 40 other payment gateways. Shopify, in contrast, integrates with over 100 different payment gateways.


The platform has ten free templates and 130 other paid themes, with variant features. The price range for paid themes ranges from $145 to $235. The major complaint there is about BigCommerce’s free themes is that they are quite alike in design. Their major differentiator is their colors. Shopify also has ten free that have the advantage of having two or three variants each. Some other platforms, like Squarespace, provide up to 100 free themes.

Abandoned cart feature

BigCommerce’s abandoned cart feature is awe-inspiring. With it, you can design three emails that automatically go to visitors who leave the purchase funnel midway.  The feature, unlike that of other e-commerce platforms, allows three autoresponders, while Shopify limits theirs to one. It, however, is not available on BigCommerce’s cheapest plan while it is available on Basic Shopify.

Product categories

Shopify allows you to present your shoppers with three product variants. You will need third-party apps or workarounds to have a wider product presentation choice. BigCommerce, on the other hand, allows up to 250 product options. This makes the platform perfect for merchants with products that have a wide range of formats. The platform, however, does not automatically categorize products as Shopify does. Nevertheless, it has a bulk edit feature that speeds the manual product categorization.


BigCommerce has a reasonably easy to use and intuitive interface. It is in many ways similar to Shopify’s. All the critical features required to build your online store are placed on a vertical menu on your left-hand side. These features will help you to edit the store once selected.  

BigCommerce SEO

Their SEO game is also solid, and the necessary tools are very easy to edit. The platform also allows you to easily edit product-specific URLs, unlike Shopify. You can build short URLs, which are great for SEO. The platform’s mobile website is very fast on Google, which gives it a Google indexing advantage. 

BigCommerce also leads in Accelerated Mobile Pages features, which increase your SEO advantage. With this feature, fewer users will leave your mobile site due to slow loading pages. The search engines algorithms could reward a low drop off rate. 

Automatic image optimization

Appropriately, sized images do load faster, which increases page speeds. Google will, therefore, accord these pages five-star treatments. BigCommerce uses the Akamai Image Manager. The feature will optimize all images, and as per BigCommerce data, the image optimization could increase load times by up to 70%. The useful tool is available in all of the platform’s plans, unlike other e-commerce builders that require a third-party app for this feature. 

App integrations

BigCommerce offers integrations with over 650 apps, which is less than what Shopify has. However, the combinations required for significant uses such as marketing shipping, accounting, or CRM are available. They’re also useful Saas apps you can pay for such as Zendesk, Salesforce, or MailChimp. If you have to use MailChimp, you will need to work with BigCommerce instead of Shopify. Shopify has had a fallout with MailChimp over data protection problems. 

Android and iOS apps

Many e-commerce platforms today have mobile apps that assist merchants with in-store management. BigCommerce seems to be missing this functionality; however, you can acquire third-party apps if you wish to. These, nonetheless, are not supported by the platform perchance there is a technical hitch. Shopify, on the other hand, does have this functionality.


The platform does have a lot of useful handholding for all its plans. It is, therefore, easy to set up an online store. There is a 24 hour, live agent customer support for plans, though they are not clear if that support involves phone calls.


You will have access to a wide range of standard reports such as marketing, customer, search data, abandoned carts, and finance reports. If you want further insights, you will need to pay an additional charge.

However, it is noteworthy that the reporting bulk comes free with all plans. What you might need to pay for is detailed data on products, customers, and abandoned carts. In contrast, Shopify avails these reports to its $79 plan and above users.  

BigCommerce Pros

  • Lack of transaction fees:
    BigCommerce has an integrated, Paypal powered payment gateway. The platform also does not charge any extra costs for transactions. You can, nevertheless, integrate third party payment gateways from 65 other providers. These gateways will, however, charge a premium for their services. 

  • Unlimited staff accounts:
    BigCommerce is very generous with its staff accounts. It allows for unlimited staff accounts on all its plans while Shopify for two on its cheaper package and a maximum of 15 on its most expensive plan. 

  • Reporting and gift cards:
    If you want to access professional reports and the gift card features affordably, you will need to use BigCommerce. With Shopify, you will need to pay for its higher tire plans to access these tools. BigCommerce has these feature integrated free in all its plans.

  • Easy checkout:
    A single page checkout feature is excellent at hindering cart abandonment. BigCommerce has this feature in all its packages. To enjoy this feature on Shopify, you will need to acquire an add-on. 

BigCommerce Cons

  • Abandoned cart saver:
    Unlike Shopify, the platform does not have this recovery tool in its more affordable plans. Shopify has inbuilt it in every package.

  • Sales limits:
    BigCommerce and 3dcart have set sales limits for their plans. Shopify does not have this limit, meaning that it is easy to scale your online shop on their platform without much worry.

  • Integration options:
    There is a wide range of apps available in their app store. Shopify, however, has a more extensive selection in comparison. 

Shopify vs. BigCommerce


The price range of the plans for the two platforms does not have much of a difference. The cheapest Shopify plan with a fully functional CMS costs $29, which equals the BigCommerce Standard plan.

 Shopify and BigCommerce plan price comparison:

BigCommerce  Plan

Cost per month

Shopify Plan

Cost per month

BigCommerce Standard


Shopify Lite


BigCommerce Plus


Basic Shopify


BigCommerce Pro




BigCommerce Enterprise

Varies on business requirements

Advanced Shopify




Shopify Plus


Ease of use

Shopify has been made very easy to use and is perfect for all beginner merchants. BigCommerce has features that have a steeper learning curve.


Bigcommerce has free reporting features in all its plans. These tools are however available in Shopify’s more expensive plans. Shopify nonetheless has the abandoned cart retriever tool in all its plans, unlike BigCommerce. Shopify also has a more extensive app store, which is a useful feature to advanced sellers.


Shopify has over a large selection of paid themes as well as ten free themes. Their design is professional and modern and allow for a great deal of customization. They are also responsive and look great in every device. BigCommerce has seven free layouts and a large selection of paid themes. They, nonetheless, look a bit dated unlike that of Shopify. 

3dcart: Another Shopify Alternative


Founded in 1997, the well-known online shop builder had more than 17,500 merchants globally by 2014. 3dcart has very competitive packages segmented according to an online shop’s traffic. The platform is not optimized for merchants with high traffic, but it is a fantastic solution for startups.  

It has enough functionality and features to get you moving, especially with your mobile shoppers. 3dcart’s features, however, are not as comprehensive as those of Shopify or BigCommerce. It is also an affordable hosted Saas platform, which does not charge transaction fees for its features and services. 

The platform offers access to newsletters, a blog, email, and its CRM and has social media selling tools. Its backend is not complicated, and its dashboard is responsive, making it easy to update your online shop on the go. Of greater value is the robust API that makes it very easy to integrate third-party tools and apps onto your online shop. You can also connect your store to Shopzilla, Amazon, or eBay quite easily.

3dcart Platform Plans at a Glance


Cost per month

Annual costs per month

Staff accounts

Sales limit

Startup Store





Basic Store





Plus Store





Pro Store





 The platform has a 15-day free trial if you would like to test drive it. All its plans enjoy features such as:

  • Zero transaction fees.

  • A shopping cart.

  • 24/7 technical support.

  • Access to a Facebook store.

  • Unlimited bandwidth.

  • Zero transaction fees.

  • Built-in blog.

  • Over 100 payment gateways.

  • Unlimited orders.

  • Product reviews.

  • API access.

  • POS support.

  • Over 50 responsive themes.

Key Differences Between the 3dcart Plans

The significant differences in the 3dcart plan’s features are most significant at the $79.99 and the $229.00 plans. The lower packages, for instance, do not have an abandoned cart saver feature or access to the reward loyalty tool or a gift registry. 

You also cannot send email-marketing newsletters on the package.  The Plus Store package also allows for customer groups and segmentation as well as leads generation. The Pro Store package at $229.00 has additional features such as 3dcart’s email marketing autoresponder feature. This tool sends personalized emails to shoppers that place orders.

These emails can also be customized to, for instance, thank the shopper or to ask them to review their shopping experience with you. The package also has a back in stock and waiting list notification feature. The sales rep commission tracker available on this package will keep you up to date with your reps earnings. 

With it, you can create a list of your sales reps that shows their commissions. You can also use the feature to assign orders to a specific salesperson in your shop. At the end of the sales period, you can also use the feature to create reports that highlight sales from an individual sales rep or a comprehensive report for all sales done.

3dcart Features Review


3dcart has over 100 free optimized templates available that look good on mobile devices. Unlike Shopify’s or BigCommerce’s, the 3dcart’s templates vary in design and color pallets. They also have specific models for different industries.   

Marketing and SEO

3dcart has all its tools placed in its marketing tab for ease of access. The SEO settings will, however, be a bit daunting for the uninitiated. Yet, the platform has most of the required checkboxes checked off. You therefore only need to change the settings you are most sure about. To learn more on what’s most needful for your online shop, research on shopping cart SEO software dos and don’ts.


The 3dcart payment systems accept split payments, money orders, credit cards, checks, or cash. You can also integrate the system into your brick and mortar store. You, still, have access to over 160 other payment gateways if you wish to pay for them. The platform is Paypal payments integrated.

3dcart Pros

  • Unlimited storage:
    No matter the size of your online shop’s catalog, 3dcart will not charge you extra storage fees. With unlimited storage space, you can scale as necessary, which is perfect for small startups with exponential growth patterns.

  • Access to multiple payment gateways:
    You can give your users flexibility during checkout by availing different payment options. 

  • Fantastic support:
    If you are frustrated with 3dcart’s somewhat steep learning curve, you can access their support features easily. All 3dcart plans have access to 24/7 online support, while all but the Start-Up Store have 24×7 phone support.

3dcart Cons

  • Steep learning curve for merchants:
    The 3dcart back-office interface is clunkier and not as intuitive as Shopify’s or BigCommerce’s. The front end, however, is easy to use for the shopper, which should increase your sales and conversions.

  • CSS/ HTML editing:
    With 3dcart, you might need to learn a few basic HTML or CSS moves to edit the themes. This could keep away merchants who are less tech-savvy or those with no extra money to pay to developers.

  • Theme designs:
    While they have a wide range of themes, they are not as modern or as professional as those on Shopify.

  • Advanced features and Add-ons:
    While 3dcart has one of the most robust feature sets, it also puts its abandoned cart, email newsletters, and loyalty programs from its more affordable package plans. It also does not have as many integration options as Shopify.  

Shopify vs. 3DCart


Both platforms have very similar pricing plans. However, the more affordable Start Up Store $19 plan is more affordable than the Basic Shopify equivalent as $29. The other more expensive packages are on the same price range.

Shopify plans 

Cost per month

3dcart plans

Cost per month

Shopify Lite


Start up Store


Basic Shopify


Basic Store




Plus Store


Advanced Shopify


Pro Store


Shopify Plus




Inventory management

3dcart will allow you to sell more products on its Start up Store plan while the Basic Shopify plan limits your inventory to 25 products. 

Coupons and discount codes

3dcart will allow you to create and calculate promo/discount codes, on all its packages. In contrast, Shopify does not have this option on its cheaper Lite package. 

Payment gateways

3dcart has over 200 payment gateways while Shopify is limited to 70.

Templates and themes

Shopify has fewer free themes but hundreds of paid themes. 3dcart has lots of free themes, but they are not as modern looking as Shopify’s.

SEO capabilities

Both 3dcart and Shopify have a robust arsenal of SEO tools. These will go a long way in directing traffic to your store. Shopify’s tools are, nonetheless, vouched as the best of all its alternatives.

Transaction fees

3dcart does not charge any transaction fees on any of its packages. If you go for other payment gateways, you will pay them their charges as required. Shopify also does not have a transaction charge, but it has a transparent fee structure for third party payment gateway charges. 

The Final Word: Which Shopify Alternative is for You?

Shopify is awesome and you can use it as it is. It has some fantastic pros. Not everyone is okay with the cons, though. And that’s why you’re reading this. You’re looking for reputable alternatives. 

3dcart and BigCommerce are amazing alternatives. Each platform has its strong points as well as drawbacks. And that’s the good thing with options, you can easily spot which one works for your unique situation. Use the in-depth research in this post to make an informed choice.

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Ucraft Review: Is This the Perfect Web Builder for Non-Coders?

Looking to build a website without a lot of effort, confusion and time? Then consider a web builder. While there are many website builders out there, I thought we’d talk about one that people have been asking me about, Ucraft. Does it live up to the hype? Will it work for coders and non-coders alike? If you want to build a website from scratch and you don’t know how then you are going to want to read my Ucraft review!

What’s a website builder anyway?

A web builder is an easy to use tool you can use to build your own extremely professional website, which requires zero learning to use. This means you don’t have to rely on so-called web experts to build a website for you.

Instead, you can save thousands of dollars and a lot of time building a website. And because you do the job yourself, you can be sure you’ll get a website you’re satisfied with.

Ucraft is what we’ll be talking about in this article. It’s an incredible website builder you can use to build your very own professional website in a matter of hours, or dare I say, in a matter of minutes.

That’s because when you use a web builder like Ucraft, you can simply click, drag and drop your way towards a complete website. We’ll discuss that in detail how you can do that.

But for now, all you need to know is that if you want to build a website without spending time, money and other limited resources – and want a website that works the exact way you intended it to be, Ucraft is the perfect tool for you.

Try Ucraft for free, start today!

Now, let’s get started with the review…

Ucraft: How It Works and What You Can Do Inside It

Let’s dive right in.

Ucraft is divided into six major components:

1. Website Builder

2. Free Landing Page Builder

3. Logo Maker

4. Ecommerce

5. Create a Blog

6. Designer Tools

With all these components, you get a powerful all-in-one tool with which you can build a website that not only has a landing page, but also one which has a whole blog section and an integrated ecommerce section.

Unless you want to build the next Facebook, Ucraft is the perfect website building solution for your business.

Now, let’s get started by discussing each component and see how you can use each of them in building your website:

1. Website Builder

To begin, the first thing you’ll have to do is choose a template. A template is a website design which you can use as the basis of your website. Ucraft has many templates you can choose from. There are templates from photography, business, travel, restaurant and many other kinds of website.

All you have to do is simply select a template, add your own text, images and photographs, put in your own content and voila, you have just create your very own website within minutes.

But, if you feel you want to create something different, a design totally out of this world, you can start from scratch.

Starting from scratch will give you the ability to build each and every nook and cranny of your website by yourself. You decide what color, font, text, element and shape you want on your website.

And yes, it’s hard work. But Ucraft will give you all the tools you need to build your website in the drag-and-drop builder:

1. Customization Tools: The drag and drop builder gives you tools which will let you customize your website the way you want. You can change the color, typography, and effects of your website. You can add as many pages as you want, change the menu, add buttons, create links, add media elements and exciting widgets to enhance the functionality of your website.

2. Optimization Tools: Thanks to technologies like Cloudflare, responsive web design and SEO optimized design and code, you can make your website built on UCraft extremely fast and user-friendly for your visitors. All these optimizations will ensure your website loads at the fastest possible speed and works on everything from phones and tablets to PCs and laptops.

3. Analytics Tools: Analytics and marketing tools are included in Ucraft. These will allow you to monitor the performance of your website. You’ll be able to see the traffic coming into your website, your sales and other web related statistics.

2. Free Landing Page Builder

The landing page builder works exactly – and is exactly – the same as the website builder you get when building your website.

Here’s how it works:

Start by choosing a template. As we mentioned above, there are a lot of template designs you can select from. The next step is to connect your landing page to your domain. You can either connect your landing page with an existing domain or with a completely new one (purchased separately) on Ucraft.

Next, simply edit the landing page until you’ve customized the design to suit your own branding. Then, add your own text, image, video, and other media elements to make the landing page look more alive and attractive. Finally, write down professional copy that’s optimized both for search engines and your target audience which will help you sell your product.

And that’s it. Hit publish and your landing page will be live.

3. Logo Maker

Every website needs a logo. The logo maker tool provided by Ucraft is probably the easiest way you can make a custom, professional logo for your website. What would have cost you hundreds of dollars can now be done for free.

All you have to do is choose different high-quality icons and vector art to design your logo – . Next, you have to add a font which you can also customize to your own liking. Finally, with the combination of two, the final thing you have to select is your background, which can either be dark or light. And that’s it.

With a few simple steps, you’ll have your own professional logo ready to go.

4. Ecommerce

Ucraft offers users an ecommerce platform included within the tool. So this means, in addition to the website and landing page builder, the logo maker, you also get a fully functional ecommerce platform within Ucraft all within one subscription.

To get started, Ucraft will let you upload as many as 50 products to your website. In addition, it won’t charge any transaction fee so you can keep more of your profits (or offer attractive discounts). In addition, you can also do business in multiple currencies. Plus, you can get paid through 70+ payment channels and provide multiple shipping methods to your customers.

And these features are just in the basic plan.

Features of the Ultimate Plan

If you decide to subscribe to the ultimate plan, here’s what else you’ll get:

  • Ability to offer discount coupons.
  • Edit your invoices
  • Put up your Ecommerce store on social sites like Facebook, Yandex and Ebay
  • Tax exemption and the ability to reverse charge VAT.
  • A store management app
  • The favorites / wishlist option for your visitors so they can save items for later purchase.

In addition, if you subscribe to the advanced plans, you can manage your store online through your mobile phone. You can add new items, modify existing ones and process new orders on the go.

5. Create a Blog

Till now, we’ve covered it all. We’ve shown you how you can build a landing page, run your own ecommerce store and design your own logo. The last, but arguably the most important feature Ucraft provides is the ability to build your own blog on your website.

For that, you’ll get a dedicated articles app.

In this app, you can write down your own articles, customize it with your own images and video files, tag it and add a comment section to it.

There’s no fuss. It’s a simple app with a text editor that lets you create highly polished articles and blog posts for your website.

6. Designer Tools

Designer tools are nothing more but a set of three tools you case use to completely customize every single aspect of your website.

There are three designer tools provided by Ucraft:

1. Typography: This tool lets you modify your website fonts. You can change the typography, the color and even the opacity of the text on your website.

2. UI Kit: The UI Kit will assist you in customizing the buttons and forms on your website. You can change the color, shape, border and other factors of your buttons and customize them to suit the design of your website.


3. Layout: It’s important that every single element on your website is properly spaced and in alignment with each other. The layout tool, with the help of the grid, helps you make sure every single part of your website is on the exact location you want.

With these three design tools, combined with the website builder, logo maker, ecommerce platform and the articles app, you can easily create the best website for your business or personal use.

And the best part is you need only one subscription, one tool, and zero coding skills to get all this done!

Pricing: Which Plan Should You Get?

Their best (and most popular) plan starts at just $14 a month in which you get all the tools we’ve mentioned above. The reason why we recommend this plan is because it includes ecommerce functionality, allowing you to sell up to 50 products on your website.

And once you get a hang of things, you can subscribe to the unlimited plan, which costs $60 and removes every single limitation, allowing you to truly create a powerful professional website. In this plan, you can add unlimited products to your ecommerce store and sell items on social platforms such as Facebook, Yandex and Ebay.

But if you don’t want these fancy features, you can subscribe to the ridiculously cheap $6 plan in which you get enough features to build your personal website, but don’t get live tracking features or the ability to sell products on your online store.

So, whenever you are ready to build a professional website, be sure to give Ucraft a try!

Looking For A Ucraft Alternative? Try Wix

If Ucraft seems too simple for you – and if you’re looking for a more complex alternative that gives you more features – like a code editor or thousands of plugins, give Wix a try.

This tool is similar to Ucraft but offers far more. You’ll get more templates, more integrations, more effects, an app marketplace and even a logo maker. And that’s just the start.

In addition, you can also add your own code and upload your own CSS files. Plus, like Ucraft, Wix also gives you the ability to create your own ecommerce store. Also, Wix gives you integrations for a music player, gallery, blog and events which you can use on your website.

Which Tool Should You Choose?

Wix is one of the world’s most powerful website builders. If you’re looking to build a feature-rich website with lots of functionality, give it a try. But if you’re looking for a simple tool to quickly build your personal website or ecommerce store, Ucraft is more than qualified for the job.

Ucraft Vs. Wix: Feature Comparison

Price Templates Ecommerce Blog App Store Music Player Gallery Booking Functionality Hosting Free Domain

Price / Month Templates E-commerce Blog Appstore Ability to Code Image Gallery Booking


Hosting Included Free Domain
Ucraft Basic Plan @ $0

Most Popular Plan @ $6

Unlimited Plan @ $60

Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes (Except Basic plan)
Wix Basic @ $4.5

Most Popular @ $12.5

Unlimited Plan @ $ 24.5

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Except Basic Plan)

How to Make Money in Ecommerce: 7 Tips from the Pros That Really Work

Online markets are still booming with opportunities. There are still billions of dollars to be made in ecommerce, so there’s no surprise that new companies are popping up every day.

If you are struggling to make a go of your ecommerce biz, or really want to see some massive growth this year, here are 7 proven strategies to make more money online.

1. Create a blog that drives traffic.

“One of the hardest parts of growing an ecommerce business is getting enough traffic to your website. Most ecommerce businesses rely on paid ads to generate sales, but this is expensive and cuts into your profit margins. I recommend focusing on an inbound marketing strategy so you can improve your store’s rankings in organic search results. It takes more time than buying ads but the payoff is greater.

An effective inbound marketing campaign starts with an active blog. Every content marketing plan should include an overview of the customer research journey. Defining the customer’s research journey involves thinking about what your prospective customers are looking for, the questions and problems they have, and tailoring your blog content to address their pain points.” Earl Choate, Concrete Camouflage, www.concretecamouflage.com

2. Invest in a good PIM software solution.

Being able to get your products online quickly and efficiently is a vital component to the long-term success of your ecommerce company, especially if you want to play with the big boys. Google loves ecommerce companies that continually share products, as well as offer an easily accessible user interface. PIM (Product Information Management) systems can help with all of that.

“With a PIM system, we can bulk update content, images, meta-data and attributes from our suppliers. Now customers see exactly the right information, and we can use the enhanced data to improve meta titles and descriptions, which are an on-page ranking signal.

Aside from the SEO factors, PIM systems allow internal teams to collaborate easier, translate content if required, change image formats and sizes, and provide an easily accessible user interface.” — Aman Brar | Product Owner -eCommerce, www.printkick.com

3. Use shopping ads from the start.

Getting sales from the get-go is vital to your long-term growth as an ecommerce company. One of the best ways to get sales right away is to set up ads that target your customers from the start.

“I’ve worked with dozens of ecommerce companies, and the #1 thing that has helped them explode in terms of growth is using product-specific paid ads. By this, I mean using Google shopping ads specifically, as well as product-specific remarketing ads.” — Stacy Caprio, www.acceleratedgrowthmarketing.com

4. Get your products on as many channels as possible.

Being in more than one location online is a must if you want to propel your growth.

“Growing an eCommerce company starts with a diversification strategy, backed with clear channels of distribution and legal enforcement.

It may not sound sexy, but it’s absolutely one of the biggest challenges most companies face they begin to grow and expand. Companies first need to focus on optimizing and listing their products on multiple channels (Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Rakuten, etc.)

In addition, they need to have registered trademarks and a good warranty when products are sold through an authorized reseller.

Lastly, they need to have clear distribution agreements with any distributors or retailers specifying where they can and cannot sell their products including anti-diversion language and quality control. This is the best strategy for growing an eCommerce brand!” — Shannon Roddy, Amazon Specialist

5. The more you automate your processes, the faster you’ll grow.

The more you can automate your ecommerce processes, the faster and easier you’ll grow. Setting up systems takes time, but it’s time well spent.

“My best tip to grow an ecommerce business: Automation. Automation. Automation. I can’t say it enough. From accounting to order fulfillment to marketing it’s best to automate everything you can.

For example, automate the sales data from your eCommerce cart to your accounting software. Automate email follow-ups based on customer behavior and profiles. The more you can automate the more you can do with less and free up yourself for high-value business growth activities.” Kelly, Block Island Organics | https://www.blockislandorganics.com

One great way to automate your process is to use a landing page builder tool, such as Shogun or Pagefly — which allows you to quickly create new storefronts, expand your markets quickly and automate the page creation process. 

6. Invest in the right software from the start.

Choosing the right platform for your ecommerce business is a serious decision. Take the time to do your homework first before you commit. Don’t just think about the company you have now, the sales you’ll have during your first few years, but the growth and sales you will have as you grow. Here is a great lesson on choosing the right platform from Brandon Chopp, Digital Manager for iHeartRaves:

Our Shopify stores are grossing $20M annually and we’ve been featured in the Inc. 5000 four years in a row, but growth wasn’t that easy.

Before we launched our e-commerce stores, I wish someone would have told us how important our shopping platform would end up being.

We were originally using Magento and that proved to be a near fatal error. A few years ago, our founder and CEO, Brian Lim, appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank, where he received offers from all five sharks and ended up accepting deals from Mark Cuban and Daymond John. As you can imagine, being featured on a highly viewed television show can attract quite a bit of website traffic.

In the year leading up to the episode’s air date, we purchased thirty servers, simulated load tests, and invested over $200,000 to make sure the site could handle the massive influx of traffic that would be coming our way.

But when the episode aired, the site went down. In the world of e-commerce, uptime means everything! A lot of money was lost that day, and it made what should have been one of the happiest days, one of the worst.

Since we’ve switched over to Shopify, our lives have been made immeasurably easier. We likely would never have had this issue if we had been with Shopify from the beginning.

The moral of the story is to take your time and research every possible option before choosing your shopping platform. It can make or break your company.”

7. Invest in search marketing.

Our final tip to accelerating your ecommerce store growth is to invest in search marketing. We started off this blog talking about creating a blog that drives organic traffic and yes, that is one way to invest in organic, but there are others. Learn all you can about SEO and keyword-specific industry topics that you are in before you launch your shop.

If you are going to be using a platform such as Amazon, you’re going to have to learn how Amazon ranks their products as well, which means you’ll have to do some digging into keywords specific to your industry on Amazon. If you don’t know the first thing about search marketing, don’t panic. There are many industry experts who can provide a comprehensive search marketing strategy specific to your store and industry keywords.

If you are looking to hire an SEO or search marketing expert, here are a few quick tips:

  • Ask about the software tools they use and why (great SEO experts have a variety of tools that can cost thousands of dollars per month)
  • Ask for some case studies and reports
  • Don’t believe the hype! Nobody can guarantee a #1 ranking on Amazon or Google. If someone tells you that, run.
  • Don’t hire anyone that uses black hat strategies — gone are the days of keywords stuffing, and fake backlinking!
  • Get them to discuss metrics and data. What do they track? What will they track for you?

Hiring an SEO expert can be a big win for your ecommerce store if you find the right person or agency. Don’t be fooled into a high retainer monthly with little data, no metrics and fake promises! There are a lot of SEO experts out there that do the hard work of getting your store ranked, and know that although organic traffic might take some time (even a year or more) to generate, the ROI is far higher than continually paying for AdWords.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions: Ecommerce

How much do ecommerce websites make?

It really depends on your product, marketing and niche but on average a new ecommerce company can make around $39,000 in their first month of business and can grow that income from there.

How can I get rich from ecommerce?

1. Create a blog that drives traffic. …
2. Invest in a good PIM software solution. …
3. Use shopping ads from the start. …
4. Get your products on as many channels as possible. …
5. The more you automate your processes, the faster you’ll grow. …
6. Invest in the right software from the start. …
7. Invest in search marketing.
8. Invest in a good landing page builder with analytics to track what’s working, what’s not.

Is ecommerce still profitable today?

Yes, ecommerce is still very profitable if you know what to do right from the start and implement that plan. There is still a lot of growth in these markets as buyers are still shifting from offline purchasers to digital buyers.

How do I start an ecommerce business with little to no money?

1. Find a product you want to sell. Often niche products work best.
2. Build a business plan and model.
3. Build an ecommerce store and website to ‘sell’ your product (minimal cost).
4. Upload your products and start selling.
5. Invest any profits you get right back into the business to start marketing, investing in ads, optimizing your landing pages.

Some Final Thoughts on Ecommerce

There are many ways you can grow your online store, it just takes time, energy and money. There are no shortcuts, but the payouts can be worth it. The market opportunities are still huge, so don’t despair. If you have a killer product and are willing to put some serious effort into your store, the possibilities are endless.

If you want more insights on how to grow a massive ecommerce company, listen to Change Creator’s exclusive interview with Nathan Hirsch who grew his ecommerce business without any outside investment:

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Vend POS vs Shopify: Which One Will You Like More?

These days, Shopify is one of the biggest names in retail. The commerce giant is well-known for its e-commerce systems and is increasingly making itself known in the brick-and-mortar space with its Point-of-Sale (POS) systems. However, Shopify faces some steep competition from POS providers that specialize in the trade, such as Vend. That’s why we’re going to compare Vend vs Shopify.

The Main Differences Between Vend POS vs Shopify

The main differences between Vend POS vs Shopify are:

  • Vend POS is a point-of-sale tool, whereas Shopify is an entire ecommerce platform
  • Vend POS is a relatively new tool, whereas Shopify is more established 
  • Vend POS monthly subscription rates are more expensive than Shopify, whereas Shopify can include a lot of upgrades as you grow your business
  • Vend POS is seen more as an ‘add-on’ service, whereas Shopify is dedicated to building ecommerce stores for its customers

Trends in Online Shopping — There is still a lot of opportunities

Retail technology has advanced a lot over the past several years in line with technological advancements elsewhere. Smartphones, smart cars, smart TVs, and yes now retailers can use smart Point-of-Sale systems. These POS will handle all of the duties of a traditional cash register, such as unlocking the cash drawer and providing receipts. At the same time, however, smart POS will track all of your sales, compile data, and even monitor your inventory.

Those dumb cash registers acted as “Point-of-Sale” systems. The cash register facilitating the sale right at the point where the transaction is taking place. These days, POS usually refers to physical locations, while e-commerce refers to web shopping.

Shopify has emerged as one of the most popular smart retail solutions. Shopify is used not “just” for Point-of-Sales systems, but also for e-commerce. With Shopify, you can set up an entire online retail store akin to Amazon. You can also use Shopify’s Point-of-Sale system, tying that online retail store into your brick-and-mortar efforts. Shopify’s primary focus has been e-commerce, with the POS being more of an add-on.

Vend is a sort of the opposite. The company is more well-known for its Point-of-Sales systems while e-commerce is a secondary focus. However, over time, both Shopify and Vend have developed good across-the-board capabilities and most businesses will be satisfied with both. Vend now has e-commerce capabilities while Shopify has developed a solid POS presence.

Whatever you choose, you must know — there is still plenty of room for business online. Knowing the right tools that work for your business is key to being able to succeed in any market, which is why I give you this full Vend POS vs Shopify comparison!

Vend: An Overview

Vend is based out of New Zealand but has a global presence. Despite being a relatively young company, having started in 2010, Vend has emerged as one of the biggest players in the POS space. Vend first rose to prominence by teaming up with Paypal but has since engaged with other corporate partners.

Vend delivers its Point-of-Sales services exclusively through the cloud and can operative on a variety of operating systems. Vend does not offer on-premise deployment, which could be a concern for some larger businesses.

Vend has emerged as one of the biggest Point-of-Sale providers in the world. 20,000 stores across 140 different countries are using Vend POS systems. Disney, Etsy, the World Wildlife Fund, and NASA are among the retailers using Vend.

While some POS and e-commerce providers like to build walled gardens, Vend is a relatively open system. For example, if you have a Shopify e-commerce website, you can actually integrate it directly into Vend. Want to build your own custom website using Vend? No problem, Vend will provide the basics while your development team gets to work.

While Vend is not as well-known in the e-commerce space, it has begun to offer solutions. So far, the company’s e-commerce website templates and other features have been well-received. However, Vend still lags behind Shopify and e-commerce leaders (more on that later).

Shopify: An Overview

Shopify has emerged as a retail and commerce giant. Over 600,000 businesses rely on Shopify and over $55 billion dollars worth of goods have been sold through the platform. In 2016 alone their Gross Merchandise Volume topped $15 billion. Tesla Motors, Budweiser, Penguin Books, and various other big names use Shopify for their e-commerce stores. Thousands of mom & pop businesses rely on their services as well.

Traditionally, Shopify has been more well-known for their online retail platform. Indeed, Shopify got its start when its Candian founders Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake tried to launch an online snowboarding equipment store. They quickly discovered that the out-of-the-box solutions for building online retail stores were limited. So they built their own platform and spun it off as a separate service.

Up until 2013, Shopify remained relegated to the web. That year, the company expanded into the brick-and-mortar space with its Point-of-Sale system, allowing small businesses to integrate their brick-and-mortar stores and online presence under one system.

Vend offers a 30-day free trial while Shopify offers a 14-day free trial.

Vend vs. Shopify Pricing

We all want the best value for our money. So how about Vend versus Shopify? Which one is the better deal? To be honest, the pricing for both products can be a bit difficult to sort through. It’s wise to first consider your needs and then individual plans. We’ll help you get started.

Shopify’s “Lite” plan is the cheapest option per month

Shopify offers a Lite plan that starts at just $9 per month. However, this plan is very basic. With the Lite plan, you can make “buy now” buttons for your existing website and social media. You can also use their Android and iOS app to accept credit cards. However, you will have to pay transaction fees with every Shopify plan.

Shopify’s full-featured but still basic plan starts at $29.99 per month.

Vend Stars with a higher price but costs quickly converge

Vend’s basic plan starts at $69, while Shopify’s basic plan starts at $29.99. With Vend, just $10 more gets you access to the more advanced features, such as gift cards and expanded payment options, for just $10 extra per month. Shopify’s comparable plan likewise costs $79.

Vend does not charge separate transaction fees

With Vend, you simply pay a monthly subscription fee. Payments are month to month and you can cancel at any time. You are not tied to the company’s hardware, and your hardware won’t be tied to the company. Unlike other POS and e-commerce solutions, Vend does not charge transaction fees.

Shopify charges transaction fees

Shopify features low monthly subscription fees and most of its add-on services and products are affordable as well. Yet there is a major downside: Shopify charges a 2% transaction fee for its basic plan, 1% for its normal plan and .5% for its advanced plan. This will be paid on top of any other payment fees the payment processor might charge you. By using Shopify payments, however, you can eliminate these fees.

Shopify also charges fees for credit card transactions. Each transaction will cost 30 cents plus 2.9% for the basic plan, 2.6% for the mid-range plan, and 2.4% for the premium plan.

Comparing Vend vs. Shopify Attributes

Vend is operating system agnostic

Vend can operate on a variety of operating systems. So long as you have access to a web browser, you’ll be able to run Vend. Windows, Apple, and Android are all supported, so when it comes to hardware, you’ll have plenty of choices.

Shopify works best with Apple iPads

Shopify does offer an Android app. However, the company packages its POS with Apple iPads and has put most of its POS resources into Apple products. iPads aren’t exactly cheap, so keep tablet costs in mind when comparing costs.

Vend is not as e-commerce friendly

Vend has been building up its e-commerce features but lags behind industry leaders (such as Shopify). Vend doesn’t currently support drop shipping, integrated with distribution centers, and other features found in advanced commerce solutions. However, Vend’s website is advising people looking for such features to keep an eye on future releases.

*Remember: you can integrate your Shopify e-commerce store and Vend.

Conclusion: Choosing Between Vend and Shopify?

So who wins in the Vend versus Shopify matchup? Both platforms are quite good, but they each excel in different ways. Vend started as a POS system and while it has been expanding its e-commerce capabilities, it’s still not as feature-rich as dedicated e-commerce platforms.

Vice-versa for Shopify. While Shopify has been expanding its POS offerings, the company is still most well-known and best suited for online retail. With Vend currently lacking drop shipping and other advanced but increasingly common e-commerce features, web retailers will likely be better off with Shopify. Vend could and likely will level the playing field by integrated such features in the future.

The other big difference between Vend and Shopify is pricing. Vend’s monthly subscription rates are significantly more expensive than Shopify’s. However, Vend doesn’t charge the 2% transaction fee that Shopify does.

If you already have a Shopify store and are looking for a great add-on, Vend can be a nice integration. You might also want to integrate a decent landing-page builder app, such as Shogun, or Pagefly. 

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Shopify vs. Neto: Which E-commerce Platform is Best?

Shopify is one of the giants of e-commerce platforms. If you’re involved in the space, you’ve surely heard the name. Neto, on the other hand, is a spunky up and comer from the land down under. Australia-based Neto has been building momentum and has established a loyal user base. We’re going to dig into the comparison between Shopify vs Neto, but first, let’s talk about e-commerce. 

The Main Differences Between Shopify vs Neto

The main differences between Shopify vs Neto are:

  • Shopify has over 500,000 users and growing, whereas Neto has a few thousand users
  • Shopify is a dedicated ecommerce platform giant, whereas Neto is the new guy in town
  • Shopify has hundreds of themes to choose from, whereas Neto does not have as many choices (some look dated)

There are a lot of giant e-commerce websites out there, including Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. However, many smaller retailers have realized that they can earn more money by having their own online shopping website. In the past, setting up an e-commerce website could get very expensive. These days, e-commerce platforms make it easy to build an integrated, fully-functional e-commerce website.

An e-commerce platform will handle most of the difficult aspects associated with setting up a retail website. For example, with an e-commerce platform, website managers can use templates to quickly set up new product listings. By and large, it’s plug and play. You insert the necessary text, prices, and other vital details, and the e-commerce platform takes care of the rest. If you had to set up each listing individually, updating products and expanding offerings would suddenly be very time-consuming.

E-commerce platforms also make it easy to accept payments, acquire the necessary personal data, such as shipping addresses, and can even organize the shipping process itself. Twenty-some years ago such capabilities were revolutionary. Now, e-commerce platforms allow you to set up the whole system within a matter of hours.

Common Ecommerce Features

  • Ability to quickly and easily set up an online retail website.
  • Capable of accepting a wide range of payment options, such as credit cards, and digital payment systems (i.e. Paypal).
  • Tools for completing, shipping, and tracking orders.
  • The setup process is generally easy and straightforward.

Most e-commerce platforms charge both a small monthly fee, usually less than $50 per month, and a percentage of payments processed. The percentage cut is usually an affordable 2 or so percent. However, some platforms, including Neto, don’t charge payment fees. Either way, setting up an commerce has never been easier or more affordable.

As already mentioned, two of the more well-known e-commerce platforms are Neto and Shopify. We’re going to dig into the pros and cons of each platform shortly. However, both choices are good choices. The question is, which choice is better for you and your company? You need to approach the decision-making process rationally and need to focus on your needs. Keep yourself in mind while reading through our comparison.

Both platforms offer great e-commerce solutions. Shopify has been around for years and can be found on countless e-commerce websites. Ultimately, Shopify is one of the most tried-and-true e-commerce solutions. Neto isn’t as established but it has been gaining popularity. That’s not by accident. At the end of the day, both e-commerce platforms are a great choice, but there are some important differences.

What is Shopify? An Introduction

Shopify is a complete e-commerce solution that is used by over 600,000 businesses. Roughly $55 billion worth of goods has been sold via Shopify. The platform offers a variety of prebuilt themes, allowing businesses to quickly set up clean, easy-to-use websites. Most themes require a one-off payment of roughly $150.

Shopify not only makes it easy for online retailers to set up an e-commerce web but also allows them to integrate their social media and offline selling. Shopify makes it easy to accept online credit card payments, Paypal, and other payment methods. In total, Shopify can accept payments from over 100 different sources.

Shopify also features a variety of automated fulfillment processes and makes it easy to integrate 3rd party shipping apps. In fact, Shopify has actually set up an App Store with well over a thousand apps on it. This plethora of 3rd party solutions is one of Shopify’s strongest selling points.

What is Neto? An Introduction

Markets are driven by competition. Neto has emerged as one of the most serious challengers to Shopify’s market dominance. Roughly 3,000 websites are using Neto. While this pales in comparison to Shopify, it’s still a strong base.

Neto likewise offers a variety of themes at about the same price as Shopify. However, Neto does not offer as wide of a choice, and many of their themes look a bit dated. Neto does offer a good mobile experience for most of the themes, but in general, Shopify is regarded as having a better selection and more visually-appealing themes.

Unsurprisingly, Neto is not as a feature rich as Shopify. Neto does feature a number of add-ons, such as Salesforce, Zoho, and Shipwire. It is also possible to run 3rd party scripts, but few are available for sale and Neto does not cover them. Regardless, Neto offers many of the most useful and common add-ons.

Shopify Versus Neto: Costs

Both Neto and Shopify Offer 14 Day Free Trials

Try both for free. No credit card required. No commitment.

Neto Subscription Costs Are Higher

Neto plans start at $79 Australian dollars per month (~$60 USD). Neto’s basic plan includes listings for only 1,000 products. While this might be enough for many small businesses, do not underestimate how quickly your shop might fill up. A medium plan costs $199 AU per month and allows you to list 5,000 item, while a large plan costs $349 per month and allows for unlimited items.

Shopify Subscriptions are Cheaper but you Pay Transaction Fees

A Shopify plan starts at just $29 USD per month and immediately allows for unlimited product listings. However, Shopify charges a 2% transaction fee on purchases through the basic plan. The normal plan charges 1%, while the advanced plan will set you back .5%. Either way, as you can imagine, these transaction costs could add up quickly.

Shopify also charges credit card fees as follows:

Basic Shopify: 2.9% + 30 cents for credit card charges

Shopify: 2.6% + 30 cents for credit card charges

Advanced Shopify: 2.6% + 30 cents for credit card charges

Neto’s Basic Includes Only One Sales Channel

When pricing Neto, it’s important to understand that the plans start with only one sales channel. If you decide to add another sales channel, such as Point-of-Sales devices to accept physical payments, you will need to pay an extra $49 AUD per channel. You can also add Amazon and eBay.

Note: Equipment for both Neto and Shopify must be bought separately. When considering a POS, it’s best to determine the specific costs for your business.

Shopify Does Not Charge Per Sales Channel

Shopify also makes it easy to integrate sales channels. Shopify supports:

  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Messenger
  • Amazon

Other 3rd party sales channels can also be integrated. Please be aware that some sales channels, such as Amazon, will charge fees on their end.

Both Shopify and Neto Feature Numerous Shipping Tools

Shipping is often one of the biggest headaches for any e-commerce website. Fortunately, both Neto and Shopify feature a variety of tools to reduce the burdens associated with shipping. However, there are some important differences.

Shopify is feature-rich out-of-the-box

Even with the basic plan, Shopify gives e-commerce platforms access to most of their shipping features, including:

  • Shopify Shipping discounts rates
  • Print shipping labels
  • Display calculated rates at checkout
  • Shipment tracking
  • Automatic customer email notification
  • Ship date (U.S. only)
  • Signature confirmation

However, some features will cost you extra money, such as returns. Shopify has a return plugin that will reduce many of the headaches associated with returns, but you’ll need to shell out $10 extra per month.

Neto includes free return management

Neto also includes the ability to print shipping labels and real-time shipping quotes. Returns processing is also free with Neto.

Comparing Other Value Added Features

Both Neto and Shopify offer a range of value-added features. However, in many cases, these features will cost extra money. In some cases, such as setting up a Point-of-Sale system, you may have to buy external equipment.

Higher Cost Plans For Both Support Gift Cards But At a Cost

Gift cards are a popular gift and a great way to drum up sales. E-commerce platforms can be set up to accept gift cards. However, for both Shopify and Neto, you’ll have to opt for their second tier plans. Their basic plans do not include gift cards.

Both platforms feature a variety of product management tools

Managing product stocks and other inventory issues can be immensely difficult. Both platforms, for example, feature low stock alert features. Other features include inventory tracking and barcode management.

Both platforms allow you to set up affiliate marketing programs

Affiliate marketing has emerged as one of the most powerful and valuable marketing methods online. With affiliate marketing, you’ll essentially reward people for selling your goods. Both Neto and Shopify allow you to set up affiliate programs with ease.

Both platforms contain countless other features

There are, quite simply, far too many features for us to list out. Both platforms are feature-rich. Shopify has more features and add-ons, especially when you count third-party solutions. However, Neto manages to cover the most vital features. For many businesses, the extra features and add-ons on Shopify will never actually be used.

Still, you should sit down and consider your business and the challenges it will face. Then, you should write these potential sticking points down. Finally, check to see if Neto and Shopify offer tools that will help you address these issues.

Conclusion: The Neto vs Shopify Choice is Yours

Both Neto and Shopify are excellent choices. Shopify is more feature-rich and more widely-used. Further, e-commerce websites on Shopify tend to look more slick and modern. Still, Neto does feature a variety of useful tools and it’s quite possible that you’ll never notice that a feature or add-on is “missing.”

Don’t count out Neto. Since the platform doesn’t charge fees per sale, long-run costs could be substantially lower. Companies producing high sales volumes could potentially save a lot of money with Neto. On the other hand, e-commerce websites that want the sleekest website and most advanced features will be better served by Shopify.

If I were forced to make a decision right now and had to choose one ecommerce platform that would be best for most growing businesses, I would definitely say Shopify. With so much flexibility and support, it’s the one that is meant to last. So many online companies swear by Shopify and from my experience, it’s a tool that you’ll really enjoy for the long haul. Try Shopify for free for 14-days — click here! 

If you already own Shopify and are looking to make some serious improvements to your store, you might want to invest in a solid page builder, such as Shogun or Pagefly — which can make your life so much easier.

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